ACW Adrenaline 12: Abram Vance v. Eric Snow

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Mar 18, 2012
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Sixth Bout: International Vengeance
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: N/A
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (2 RP Cap)
Abram Vance v. Eric Snow

If you are not in this match, don't post in this thread. If you are in this match, don't spam it up with OOC talk.
TWO RP cap with all RPs due by June 23, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. (Eastern). Good luck!​


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Dec 3, 2010
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Adrenaline has just gone off air, and Eric Snow has yet to leave the ring. He's on his feet but is barley standing after getting smashed over the head with a bottle by Abram Vance. Some of the fans have left but the majority of the fans are still in attendance waiting to see what if anything Snow is going to do. He calls for a mic as the ring announcer Ashley Sparxxx throws one his way as he catches it and begins to speak.

Snow: Is this thing on?

Snow taps on the mic with his hand over and over again, as the loud pounding can be heard over the PA system.

Snow: Testing...Testing...1..2...3

The crowd begins to boo Snow and some of them begin to leave, and a few of the remaining fans begin to throw trash in the ring. A loud chants breaks out from one section of the arena


Snow: You would figure that after 50 years of wrestling being around you people would come up with some better chants....the YOU SUCK chant is so 99 and honestly doesn't bother me one bit so try a bit harder.

People continue to exit as now the arena is half full, and the chants get louder, and the remaing fans have obviously heard Snow as they begin to mix up there


Snow: Keep it coming you slobs, I eat this kind of stuff up, the only reason you all hate me, is cause you wish you where me. If you want to continue your little chants be my guest, but I've got a lot of shit to get off my chest, and there's still a camera crew rolling so whether this arena is full or empty I'm about to go off.

The chants from the fan start to quiet down a bit, as more fans continue to exit, while other move closer to fill in the empty seats and get a better view of Snow. Snow is now leaning against the top rope on the camera side of the arena mic in hand, blood on his face, and a smirk on his face.

Snow: So you know what, real men don't jump people from behind, and I think Abram Vance proved that he's a coward when he jumped up from behind and smashed me over the head with his bottle of imitation jack daniels. Actually surprised you can still walk Vance, to many drinks and to many cigs have left you a shell of your former self. Your forty something and your nothing in this company, and the only time people notice you is when they mistake you for Joan Rivers.

A few laughs break out in the crowd, mixed in with some boos, as Snow backs off the rope and is now standing in the center of the ring.

Snow: So, what I'm going to do Vance is deal with you really quick, beating your old ass wasn't on my agenda but you got involved in my shit and cost me my match, so now I've got to show you what happens when you cross me. I might end your carer, I might just injure you....but one thing I'm going to do for sure is pin you 1...2...3 right in the center of this ring.

Snow makes his way to the other side of the ring now and leans against the top ring rope facing the entrance ramp looking up it as he appears to be trying to address someone in the back.

Snow: Trix I don't know if your still in the arena or if your mom already picked you up for soccer practice, but I take my hat off to you....

The crowd goes silent, as there a general sense of amazement to see Eric Snow give someone besides himself of compliment.

Snow:....I've heard of people being lucky, but the fact that you got 2 wins off of me in a row is better than winning the lottery. First match I was injured and you got lucky, and tonight a cheap shot from one of the golden girls took me out and you got a lucky win again. So basically I'm done with you and I'm done with the IC title. After Vance I'm moving on up with the big boys, and I'm putting the world title around my waist very soon. I help give the IC title the prestige it needed and now it's time for someone of my talent and pedigree to move on up the card.

Snow now makes his way to the other side of the ring, leaning on the top rope once again, facing Ashley Sparxxx and the empty announce table.

Snow: Ashley I'll get to you in just a second, just have one more thing to get to....

Snow gives Ashley a wink and walks back to center of the ring.

Snow:....Stevie seem like a all right guy, hell I'd probably even hang out with you if you weren't in ACW....but the problem is you are in ACW and your kind of trying to be just like me, which really doesn't work out to well. Everything you say you do I do better....I have more money...I get more ass....I get better looking ass....I'M JUST BETTER. You should give yourself a pat on the back though your slightly on my radar not just much, so stay out of my way and we won't have a problem. Not take notes on what I'm about to do if you ever want to be like me.

Snow drops the mic in the center of the ring, giving the fans the middle finger as he makes his way over to Ashley Sparxxx who is still sitting at ringside. Before making his way over to her, he reaches under the ring, grabbing a vase of roses that where put there by Snow or some unknown person.

Snow: I know you've been calling me since the last time we met at work a few weeks back, and I just wanted to apologize for not answering I've been really busy here.

Sparxxx takes the flowers with a huge smile across her face, he gives them a smell and then puts them down on the desk jumping towards Snow and giving him a hug.

Sparxxx: I was wondering why you weren't returning my calls....I was really confused cause you where the one that came up to me and then you just ignored me....but now it seems I got your attention.

While embraced in the hug Snow squeezes Ashley closer to him whispering something in her ear, she giggles kisses him on the check and then runs up the ramp to the back. Snow admires her body as she bounces up the ramp as some inappropriate thoughts race through his head, before he get's refocused and looks at the camera.

Snow: Hook, Line and Nail Her, sometimes it's just comes so easy for me it's not even fair.

Snow leaves the arena on that note following Ashley up the ramp before disappearing with her behind the curtain.


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Mar 18, 2012
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Abram Vance: Roleplay #1 of 2
Mind Games (Part 6) [Televised & Untelevised]

Vance bursts through the curtain to the backstage area. Sweat pours down his forehead, and small shards of brown glass cover his trademark jean jacket. A smug, satisfied smile rests upon his face as he observes his surroundings. As usual, the ACW crew scurries about, attempting to close out the broadcast correctly. He looks around more frantically, clearly searching for someone. Vance notices his former friend Christopher Martello standing nearby with a camera crew but shakes his head. As he continues to search through the crowd and the commotion, his nemesis, Beki Rayce, separates from the crowd and walks towards him. His eyes widen, suggesting he found the person he was looking for, as Rayce draws nearer wearing her typical ACW headset and clutching her clipboard to her chest. As he observes, he furrows his brow in confusion, noticing that Rayce is ‘done up’- a change from her usual disheveled appearance that comes with the job of ACW Backstage Director. Vance ignores this but continues to smile that smug, satisfied smile that just screams “you got playedâ€. Rayce turns her attention away from Vance and begins directing some nearby stage hands. She yells over her shoulder.

Beki Rayce: “What’s so funny, Vance?â€

Vance leans against the wall and crosses his hands on his chest. He stares at her, waiting for her to give him the attention he craves, but she continues to bark orders at stage hands, choosing to ignore him. The smile slowly melts from Vance’s face as Rayce signals for the camera crew, and Martello makes his way towards them. Vance furrows his brow, clearly confused, as the crew prepares the equipment, and Rayce slips behind him. He shouts out over the commotion.

Abram Vance: “What’s goin’ on?â€

Rustling sounds echo from behind Vance, but he keeps his attention focused on the camera crew. Rayce responds, somewhat out of breath.

Beki Rayce: “Quick interview for the website on the stunt you just pulled.â€

The smug, satisfied smile returns to Vance’s face as Rayce finally acknowledges his latest attempt at angering her and the rest of management. He shoots back in a playful tone, attempting to get a rise of her.

Abram Vance: “You like that?â€

The red recording light on the front of the camera turns on, and the countdown to the beginning of the interview begins. Vance turns to Rayce, hoping for a quick response, but is caught off guard to see her approaching his side instead of disappearing off camera. She shoves a black ‘ACW’ polo and a pair of beige khaki’s into his chest, allowing them to drop into his hand. He looks down at them in disbelief for a second before turning his attention to Rayce. His nemesis has changed into what appears to be a snake-skin top that he leaves much of her chest and waist visible and a baggy pair of brown tights. She wears her trademark pair of black, decaying wrestling gloves on both of her hands, and thick black war paint just under her eyes. Before Vance can even ask what’s going on, Rayce is answering his previous question as an evil, mocking grin crosses her face.

Beki Rayce: “Not as much as you’re going to like this.â€

An expression of panic washes across Vance’s face as Martello steps into the frame, microphone in hand, and the camera focuses in on him, with Rayce still in the frame in her old wrestling attire. Before Vance can even react, Martello breaks into the typical introduction, donning his usual professional, over enthusiastic tone.


Christopher Martello: “I’m backstage with number one contender to the ACW International Championship, Abram Vance. After that controversial ending to the main event between Nicky Trix and Eric Snow that just unfolded, lemme’ ask the question on everyone’s mind, (pause) why?â€

Vance stares blank faced for a moment, clearly trying to figure out a coherent answer in his head. Sweat begins to drop from his brow as Martello extends the microphone towards his. His mouth slowly opens as he prepares to answer when Rayce snatches the microphone and rips it from Martello’s hand.

Beki Rayce: “Wanna’ know why, Christopher?â€

Vance stares in amazement as Rayce breaks into her heel character so flawlessly despite the years of rust. He smiles as the condescending tone compliments her over-the-top gestures. She spits out the word ‘Christopher’ like a mother scolding a child, clearly establishing herself as a person of power. Her condescending tone transforms into an over-the-top, evil one- a tone fit for a Disney villain- as Vance stares at her in shock despite the obvious damage being done before his eyes.

Beki Rayce: “Cuz I told him to!â€

Rayce screams the word ‘I’ with conviction, trying to get herself over as a heel manager. Martello plays his part perfectly, responding with a confused expression and following it with a hesitant question.

Christopher Martello: “You?â€

Rayce lunges towards him and spits out spitefully.

Beki Rayce: “Yes, ME. I was behind it all!â€

Rayce pauses for a moment allowing the viewers to process the information before continuing.

Beki Rayce: “I’ve sat backstage and watched for weeks as this old fuck barely squeezes out wins, and I’ve grown SICK of it.â€

Martello nods as Rayce shoves Vance backwards, blocking him from the microphone and continuing her rant.

Beki Rayce: “I’ve had his back since the WWF days, and he doesn’t have many days left. At the very least, Vance deserves one more run with that belt before the coffin.â€

Vance steps forward, attempting to interrupt her, but she drives her boot into his foot, putting him in his place. Martello continues to play his part by squinting his eyes in a questioning gesture.

Beki Rayce: “Don’t gimme’ that look, (condescendingly) Christopher. He DESERVES that belt.â€

Martello nods submissively, trying to put her over as a heel. Rayce nods, satisfied, before continuing.

Beki Rayce: “ANYWAYS, I took matters into my own hands. I had him pull that pretty boy Snow aside and offer him a deal if he took out Trix’s leg. Of course, Snow, being a greedy prick, took the bait and took out Trix’s leg, preventing Trix from using his usual moves and leaving Abe an opening for his title match.â€

Rayce pauses and smiles to the camera as Martello nods along with her rant, pretending to finally understand the logic behind the deal.

Beki Rayce: “From there, just had to convince rocks for brains here (points to Vance) to let Snow weaken Trix’s legs and then take him out when the referee’s distracted.â€

Martello cuts off Rayce rudely, ‘pestering’ her with another question.

Christopher Martello: “But why all this work for a match that doesn’t involve Vance?â€

Rayce plays up her heel role by biting her lip, attempting to appear frustrated. She creepily brushes her hair from her face and stares coldly at Martello before whispering threateningly.

Beki Rayce: “If you EVER interrupt me again, I will have your head.â€

Martello shrinks back in fear as Rayce allows her threat to echo through the backstage area. She continues with a forceful question.

Beki Rayce: “GOT IT?â€

Martello nods his head but refuses to make eye contact with her. A satisfied smile creeps onto her face as she yells.

Beki Rayce: “GOOD.â€

She flicks her head to the side, attempting to give Martello ‘attitude’, before delving into her answer.

Beki Rayce: “Cuz’ wrestling is a number’s game. If Snow wins, old Abe here is facing a triple threat against two guys that are faster and stronger than him. If Trix retains, he’s only gotta’ beat one, and thanks to the pretty boy, he’s only gotta’ beat a high flyer who has one leg. Even Grandpa Vance can do that.â€

She shoots a look back to Vance that the camera can’t catch, appearing to come across as the deluded heel who believes they’re being supportive. She turns back to the camera as Martello asks a final question.

Christopher Martello: “Should we expect to see more of you, Beki?â€

Rayce pauses for a moment allowing the name to sink in for the fans who may have forgotten her over the years. The same satisfied smile creeps onto her face as she basks in the glory of being on television once again.

Beki Rayce: “More?â€

Rayce pauses for a moment as a creepy, almost sinister smile crosses onto her face.

Beki Rayce: “You say that like it’s a bad thing.â€

Rayce flashes the camera a final cheeky smile, seemingly mocking the smarks who have cited her as the force that brought down Vance in his last two big league stints. She turns her back to the cameras and looks up at Vance mockingly as the interview cuts.

~*~*~*~*~*END OF SCENE*~*~*~*~*~


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2010
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The scene is Downtown Manhattan at one of the busiest clubs in the city. There's a long line of people waiting to get in, easily 300 people plus, with the line wrapping all around the club down to the next block. There's spotlights out front, rotating from left to right, that can be seen in the skyline from miles away. Limos come and go letting out some of the higher profile guests, for them there's no waiting in line, just straight to the curbside and up the red carpet into the club. A huge stretch hummer pulls up, all white, spinner rims and loud music blasting from the sound system. The vehicle comes to a stop and the driver exits, walking to the back of the limo and opening the doors to let out the passengers. Out first is a women, blonde haired and wearing a short dress that doesn't leave much to the imagination. Second out of the car is another blonde women, who somehow is wearing a even shorter dress than the previous girl. They both wait by the door, as a 3rd passenger exits the limo. It's Deandre Jordan a local sports agent who's biggest client is ACW's Eric Snow. He wedges himself between the girls and locks arms with both of them, before looking back into the limo.

Deandre: You good bro? I'm fine with taking both of these girls off your hands if you haven't changed your mind.

A faceless voice calls back from the limo

I'm good, not looking for a hook up tonight, tonight's about charity

Deandre: All right man, see you on the other side.

Jordan leaves the side of the limo making his way into the club with the girls down the red carpet. He's a well known agent so there's a fair amount of flash bulbs as the paparazzi takes some shots. The girls seem to like the attention more than him as they stop for poses as Jordan rushes them into the building.


The voice from the limo shouts as he makes his way out of the vehicle. The man appears from the limo dressed to impress, Italian Leather shoes, black pants, a blue button down with the top 3 buttons undone and a sports coat. The crowd get's a good look at who it is now as he comes more into the light, and it's none other than ACW wrestling superstar Eric Snow. Flash bulbs go off at a rapid pace as everyone wants to get a shot of Snow. He makes his way up the red carpet, stopping to sign a few autographs, and talk to the occasional reporter. Surprisingly Snow doesn't have a beautiful woman around his arm, which is normally his usual accessory for events like this. Snow seems a bit distracted though as he keeps on looking back at the limo, door still open and the driver still waiting outside. He get's half way up the carpet, before turning around and making his way back to the limo sticking his head inside.

Snow: Remember when I told you to follow me out? Yea you were suppose to do that about 5 minutes ago.

There's a slight pause before a voice all the way in the back of the limo answers back.

Do I have to get out? It's really nice in here, there's free soda, free snacks, fancy lights and music.

Snow: All that stuff is inside the club, just bigger and better, plus remember I told you I would help you with your problem, and I can't do that if your sitting in the limo.

Snow taps the limo driver on the back, letting him now, he can park the limo once he get's the last of his group out. The Driver moves away from the back door and to the front of the limo and into the drivers seat. Snow waits by the back door, tapping his fingers on the glass as he grows impatient waiting for the person to exit. Finally a figure appears falling out of the door head first. Snow helps the man up, and gives him a look over. Hes wearing blue cowboy boots and a all white suite. Snow shakes his head in disgust as he told the man to dress up and obviously isn't impressed with what he decided to wear.

Snow: Seriously man I told you to dress up and this is what you wear? If you want me to get you laid it's going to be hard with you walking around looking like the long lost Blue brother of Barry Gibb.

The unknown man looks upset as Snow has insulted him, Snow notices this and even though he's a asshole 99% of the time he's feels sorry for yelling at the guy as he seems to have a soft spot for him, and puts his hand on his shoulder and walks him up the carpet and into the club.

Snow: Sorry I yelled at you there buddy just a little on edge lately.

As Snow is apologizing he notices that his guest has wandered away from him and is making his way up to the front door alone, stopping to flex and roar at the crowd. Snow makes his way over to him to try to stop him from embarrassing himself. He grabs the man as they finally make it into the club stopping in the front room to chat.

Snow: Your not going to get any ass walking around acting like a drunk gorilla. Once we go through these doors, there's going to be beautiful women as far as the eyes can see, and if you listen to me, and let me be your personal Sherpa on your voyage to getting some ass your going to get laid.

BOOBS....BOOBS....BOOBS....I want to see some boobs.

Snow puts his palm on his face as he continues to grow frustrated with the man. If there going to accomplish there goal it's going to take everything Eric has to turn this guy into a ladies man.

Snow: Ok let's go over some ice breakers here, remember the stuff I told you in the limo? Stuff to say to girls when you come up them.

Hi I'm Toyota Chelios, and I would love to see your BOOBS.

Snow: NO. When the hell did I tell you to say that, if you come at them like a horny 14 year old boy there going to want nothing to do with you. You've got to seem interested but not to interested if you know what I mean?

Toyota: I have no idea what you mean. All I know is that I want to see some BOOBS

Snow lets out a huge sigh followed by shaking his head, as it appears that what he's saying is not sinking in with Toyota.

Snow: Ok I'll make it simple here. Walk into the club and find a girl you like, based on your responses it will most likely be the girl with the biggest rack. Go to the bar buy 2 drinks, go up to the girl, give her the drink and just try saying something to her. Anything besides BOOBS will work. Remember if at first you don't succeed keep on trying, even a guy like you can get a yes from some of the girls in here.

Snow hands Toyota a $100 bill and sends Toyota on his way. Snow makes his way into the club with Toyota following behind. The music is blaring with a full fledged light show as the atmosphere engulfs you as soon as you walk in. Snow looks to his left and Toyota is gone, he sees him running onto the dance floor, flexing and roaring as he makes his way to the bar. Snow takes off also making his way to the VIP room to join some of his friends, drinks are flowing and Snow is having a great time. A hour passes when Snow realizes he should probably check in on his young protege. Toyota should be easy to spot as he's the only one in all white in the Tri State area. Snow looks out from the VIP area and doesn't see him, so he decides to go down to the dance floor and see if he could bump into him. After about 10 or so minutes of looking, Snow makes his way out to the lobby, seeing if maybe Toyota had made his way out there. Snow finally finds Toyota sitting in front of a Ms. Pacman machine with his tongue hanging out deep in thought playing the games.


Toyota: Can't talk right now, I'm about to get a high score.

Snow makes his way over to the back of the machine and unplugs it, powering off the machine and ending Toyota's chance at a high score.

Toyota: Where did Ms. Pacman go? Did I just go blind? I can't see anything but a blank screen.

Snow pops Toyota on the back of his head and pulls him out of his chair placing him directly in front of him.

Snow: What went wrong here? I gave you a $100 and clear instructions on what to do.

Toyota: I did what you said, I went up the bar, bought 2 drinks and went up to the girls and said something.

Snow: Well what did you say to them, something obviously went wrong as your not with a girl but sitting in the lobby trying to fuck Ms. Pacman.

Toyota: I went up to the first girl gave her 2 drinks and said " Here's 2 Drinks, Bye" I did that a couple of more times but then I ran out of money.

Snow: Your fucking kidding me.....what know what nevermind.

Snow is fed up, it seems even a ladies man like himself could not help a simpleton like Toyota Chelios. He shrugs him off and walks away leaving Toyota sitting alone in the lobby in front of the machine. It doesn't seem to fade Toyota as he looks back at the unplugged Ms. Pacman machine and notices the black screen again and start panicking.

Toyota: Oh no I'm blind again.....quick someone call me a doctor.

(OCC: Permission From Slim to use Toyota Chelios)
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Mar 18, 2012
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Abram Vance: Roleplay #2 of 2
Mind Games (Part 7) [Untelevised]

Beki Rayce saunters through the dim hallways of what appears to be a modest motel somewhere in New York City. From the window behind her that looks out on the skyline, it appears to be nearing midnight, suggesting that a few hours have passed since the Adrenaline Eleven broadcast. Rayce reaches a door and slides a card key out of her pocket. She quickly inserts it and slips into what appears to be her hotel room. Rayce tosses a heavy backpack to the ground before turning on the overhead lights. She looks up and is greeted by the sight of Abram Vance sitting comfortably in the La-Z-Boy across the room, a familiar golden retriever at his side. Beki frantically scans the room, looking for signs of damage. Vance smiles, clearly relishing her panicked state. After examining the room from afar, the panicked expression slowly melts from her face, and she asks jokingly.

Beki Rayce: “Come to kill me?â€￾

To her surprise, Vance doesn’t smile but simply remains in his comfortable position on the chair, staring deadpanned at her. He responds in a deadly serious tone.

Abram Vance: “Worse.â€￾

Vance flashes her a sinister smile, trying to keep her on edge, but Rayce refuses to give him the reaction he desires. Instead, she comfortably lies down on the bed closest to the door, making sure to leave the other bed between them. She props her head against her hand and settles into a relaxing position. Rayce asks calmly, attempting to appear uninterested.

Beki Rayce: “So, how’d you get in?â€￾

Vance fires back sarcastically.

Abram Vance: “The door.â€￾

Rayce breaks into a pity laugh immediately, still refusing to appear threatened. She pauses for a moment, continuing to stare at Vance in the chair, before breaking into a rant backed by an informed, logical tone.

Beki Rayce: “Lemme’ guess. The old bat at the desk is an old fan of yours, and you convinced her we’re still fuck buddies?â€￾

Rayce sits up, knowing she just hit the nail on the head, and returns Vance’s dead panned stare with one of her own, almost challenging him. Vance responds in a surprised tone.

Abram Vance: “How’d ya’ know?â€￾

Rayce smiles knowingly and fires back.

Beki Rayce: “She recognized me when I checked in last week. Told me how much she loved you. Scoring the grannies, huh, Abe?â€￾

Vance cracks at the joke and drops the serious demeanor and responds jokingly.

Abram Vance: “I bagged you, member’.â€￾

Rayce bites her tongue, mad over the insult, and nods her head as if she was remembering an old memory. As Vance sits up in his chair, she fires off another question.

Beki Rayce: “How’d you find me?â€￾

Vance responds instantaneously in his usual dry, sarcastic tone.

Abram Vance: “Just checked which hotels offered free breakfast buffets. Knew you wouldn’t be too far behind…â€￾

Rayce laughs playfully at the barb while simultaneously clenching her fists behind her back. She fires off yet another question.

Beki Rayce: “And that thing?â€￾

Rayce hesitantly points at the creature next to Vance, obviously disgusted by the dog. Vance looks down at the dog and smiles at her. He pets it playfully on the head as he responds jokingly.

Abram Vance: “You’d be surprised just how loyal my fans are.â€￾

Rayce nods her head at the statement, but when Vance looks down at the dog briefly, she rolls her eyes, suggesting that she disagrees with the comment. An irritated Rayce snaps and breaks into a business tone.

Beki Rayce: “So, what do ya’ want?â€￾

She crosses her arms on her chest defensively as Vance responds calmly.

Abram Vance: “Two things.â€￾

A frustrated Rayce gestures for Vance to continue.

Abram Vance: “Why no backlash about costing Snow the win?â€￾

Rayce stands from the bed and saunters over to the mini-bar in the corner. She opens it up and ducks down to see what’s inside as she answers calmly.

Beki Rayce: “Management wanted Trix to walk out the undefeated champion so that they could bump Snow up. They also wanted just a singles feud between Trix and you. So…â€￾

Vance stares at the wall, clearly confused, as Rayce pops a beer cap off with her teeth. She spits on the top of the fridge and closes the door behind her as she takes a quick swig from a Miller Lite before continuing.

Beki Rayce: “So, I told you to cost Trix the match, knowing you’d do the opposite.â€￾

Rayce mockingly points to her head, the same exact ‘brainiac’ gesture that Vance did as Adrenaline went off air. She spits out a final cold sentence as a cheeky smile creeps onto her face.

Beki Rayce: “You played right into my hand, Abe.â€￾

Vance surprisingly remains calm despite Rayce’s clear manipulation. He even attempts to demean her accomplishment by giving her a short, mocking golfer’s clap before continuing with the string of questions.

Abram Vance: “And the interview?â€￾

Rayce takes another swig of the beer before answering calmly.

Beki Rayce: “Yeah, McHenry wants me at ringside, so that you don’t pull anything. Just a precaution, ya know’?â€￾

Vance nods politely, hiding his true feelings on the manner, as Rayce flashes him a mocking smile that just screams ‘I’ve got the power, Abe’. Before Vance can continue, Rayce interrupts and responds in a childish, bubbly manner, almost like a dumb blonde, to further drive the knife into Vance’s figurative wound.

Beki Rayce: “Oh yeah! They need you to go heel for your feud with ‘Undefeated Baby Face Nicky Trix’. So, I’m your new mouth piece.â€￾

She asks hesitantly, clearly mocking Vance.

Beki Rayce: “Ya’ think that might interfere with your plans to win over the smarks, Abe?â€￾

Vance’s eyes bug out in shock at her knowing what he believed to be his secret plan to win over the smarks to make it more difficult for management to demote him to the lower card. She just smiles at his panicked expression, causing him to quickly regain composure. She looks down at her nails and begins to clean them with the edge of the beer cap, appearing uninterested as she fires off another question.

Beki Rayce: “And the second thing?â€￾

Vance doesn’t respond immediately, instead staring down at the ground trying to process his recent screw ups that got him in this position. Rayce snaps her fingers, getting his attention, and Vance responds calmly.

Abram Vance: “Yeah, the locker room benches ain’t cuttin’ it anymore, so me and the dog are gonna’ camp out here tanite’.â€￾

Rayce chuckles at the comment and forcefully fires back.

Beki Rayce: “Not goin’ to happen.â€￾

Vance responds immediately in a threatening tone.

Abram Vance: “Well, if ya’ call the hotel, you’ll probably get the old bat at the front desk fired, but (switching to a hesitant tone) I mean, that’s up to ya’.â€￾

Vance smiles mockingly, knowing that he’s forced Rayce into the corner, and that fact is only more evident by the sight of her biting her tongue in frustration. She responds bitterly.

Beki Rayce: “Fine. You can stay.â€￾

A satisfied smile crosses Vance’s face as he leaps onto the bed. He snaps at the dog as Rayce tosses her coat and pants to the side, sleeping only in a shirt and panties. Vance quickly slips off the boots and his coat before lying down on the opposite bed. Rayce turns off the lights and turns her back to her nemesis, only to be greeted by the dog jumping onto the bed and lying down next to her. She quickly sits up and stares angrily at Vance. She angrily yells at him, pointing to the mut next to her.

Beki Rayce: “This is not gonna’ fly.â€￾

Vance looks up from his pillow at the dog and responds disinterestedly.

Abram Vance: “She won’t sleep with me cuz’ she knows I kick.â€￾

Rayce shrugs her shoulders, clearly not caring about the dog. Vance continues with the excuses.

Abram Vance: “And if ya’ kick her outta’ bed, she’ll cry all night, so (hesitantly) uh, do whateva’ ya’ want.â€￾

Rayce sighs loudly before collapsing back onto her pillow in frustration, submitting to Vance and his dog. She begins getting comfortable before Vance interrupts her.

Abram Vance: “I forgot to tell ya’. I finally named her.â€￾

Rayce sits up and stares at Vance, firing back in a sarcastic yet enthusiastic tone.

Beki Rayce: “I’m DYING to know what it is.â€￾

Vance flashes her his trademark cheeky grin and responds sarcastically.

Abram Vance: “It’s Beki!â€￾

A furious Rayce just collapses into the pillow, attempting to block him out, as Vance turns the tide of their little hate-mance. He squeaks out one final sarcastic comment.

Abram Vance: “You can thank me later...â€￾

~*~*~*~*~*END OF SCENE*~*~*~*~*~​