ACW Adrenaline 12: Aaron Asterisk v. Dave Summers v. Stevie Starr

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Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Fourth Bout: Asterisk v. The Everyday Man vs Mr. Hollywood
Match Type: Triple Threat
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (2 RP Cap)
Aaron Asterisk v. Dave Summers v. Stevie Starr

If you are not in this match, don't post in this thread. If you are in this match, don't spam it up with OOC talk.
TWO RP cap with all RPs due by June 23, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. (Eastern). Good luck!​


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
:.Second and Sebring.:

I believe it's time for me, to be famous, and out of place

The cold wind blows the locks of Aaron's hair as his one hand is on the wheel of a BMW 3-series convertible. As white as the jacket he wears to the ring, the wheels stand out with spinners on them, and the radio is blaring out one of the tracks of the Of Mice and Men debut album, of the same name.

I believe it's time for me to move forward, when I break through

Asterisk is looking at himself as he mouths the words in the mirror. The words of the song, he is reflecting to his career. When he finally breaks through, yeah, when it happens. It seems that nowadays wrestlers have to turn up to move up the ladder of success, what a liberty. He's lucky Brandon was otherwise occupied also, otherwise another loss would have been smacked on his quicker than he can get up into sixth gear on the freeway. As it stands, his last match was a hard fought victory against Kid Krazy. Just as he was turning another page, he didn't turn up. Was he really in that traffic jam, or was he playing Burnout when he rung the boss on his surround sound again. What is certain that he's gonna have to turn up next week, two weeks in a row just won't cut it.

Your shelter, your peacefulness

No shelter, no peacefulness it should be. There's no shelter being a professional wrestler, no peacefulness being a superstar on the rise.

So this time I'll make you proud.

Who is he making proud at the moment. Himself? Not his old man that's for sure. He won't acknowledge any sort of success from his young boy unless it ended with a diploma in his hand. Aaron nearly misses his turning off the freeway thinking about who would actually be proud of him while the breakdown is playing out. He presses the button for the roof to go back on the car automatically. Bit dangerous to be doing that while doing thirty, especially in the wind he's driving in but his mind is otherwise occupied. More words start to come through the four little speakers in the car but he's not even listening anymore. Would she be proud from above, is she looking down on him with a smile spread across her face. A smile spreads across his face believing that she would, she'd be so proud. And that's all he's ever wanted is to make her proud. But, when she's not even here, it's not like he's ever going to know for sure is he? He's never going to be told "your mama's real proud of ya kid".

I've passed the test, I've earned an A,
Not just in school, but in life,
You'll always be right by my side.

Yeah, don't you believe it buddy. That's a bit vain coming from someone who is in a company that doesn't pay him enough to even own a BMW M3. Rental companies? They're laughing at you man. They're laughing, and spitting behind your back at ya. Nah.... Nah, I'm kidding Aaron. They're not, they're just happy for your business. Anything that makes you feel like the man you should be, they're making money off it so they really don't mind. It's only temporary right? Your mothers still proud man, she's proud.

I hope, I hope you smile,
When you look down on me.
I hope you smile.

Oh. Oh shit Aaron. What have you done? Didn't you see it on- Of course you did, that's why you swerved, I'm sorry. What the hell? Why didn't you just stop, what were you thinking Aaron. What were you thinking?!


This is not what it is, only baby scars,
I need your love like a boy needs his mothers side.



Mar 18, 2012
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That was a cry of outrage by the Hollywood hotshot Stevie Starr, who has a bandage covering his ribs and back after getting hit with a baseball bat countless times by Avalanche. The anger on his face is clear to see and despite the fact the show is off air, Stevie still wants to vent his frustration. He is banging on the door of General Manager John McHenry but there is no answer. A backstage worker walks past with a cup of coffee in his hand and makes a snide comment.

Worker: He has left, shame you're sitting down crying about it like a little girl.

The worker laughs at his own words but Stevie doesn't take it as kindly, as the worker walks away Stevie walks up behind him and pushes him to the ground with the coffee going all over his face. Stevie has a slightly evil grin on his face before he kneels down as the worker attempts to wipe the coffee on his face.

Stevie: Listen to me, guy who will never earn as much as me, ever. First thing is that I would like to make a complaint, when it comes to coffee, you ask me before you even consider asking anyone else. Secondly call me a little girl again and your face will be on the cover of I Got My Ass Kicked by Stevie Starr Weekly magazine. One last thing, I hope that burns your face.

The worker then stumbles back onto his feet looking rather embarrassed, Stevie then turns around to see interviewer Lisa Courier in a rather revealing outfit. He takes a rather long and hard look at her cleavage without trying to cover up what he is doing. Lisa looks less than impressed.

Lisa: My eyes are up here.

Stevie: Yeah I know but your boobs are here and I like them alot more.

Stevie then looks about is about grab her boobs but is stopped by Lisa slapping his hand, he then looks up at her and she is pissed off. The expression on the face of Stevie isn't one of happiness either.

Stevie: Right, if you're not going to let me motorboat or touch them, what the hell are you doing here?! I would be the most famous person to ever touch those, plus you're ageing. You must be on the wrong side of thirty.

Stevie cringes at the thought of her being over thirty as she goes to slap him, Lisa is stopped in her tracks.

Stevie: Seriously, you're going to slap me? I could you sue you for every cent you have and I bet I could even win the silicone out of your best assets and they are because your face isn't doing anything for me. So yeah, go ahead and slap me. All you will do after that is get on your knees and beg for me not to sue you. When I say beg, I don't mean the begging were you use your mouth for talking. So get your panties out of a bunch and do whatever your job is.

Instead of interviewing Stevie, Lisa storms off and just as she does fellow interviewer Christopher Martello walks over to Stevie with a microphone in hand.

Stevie: Who invited Ed Helms? Just joking, guy whose name I don't know and don't give a toss about. And why are you holding a microphone when the show has been off the air for almost a hour?

Christopher: This is a interview for, can I ask you why you are standing outside John McHenry's office?

A slight inch of rage can be seen reappearing on the face of the self obsessed movie star.

Stevie: Why? WHY?! Did you not see what transpired early? I was brutally attack with a baseball bat and all I did was offer the guy a few words of encouragement. He took that the wrong way like the crazy son of a bitch he is! I have movies to film when I'm not giving this company the attention it so desperately needs and if filming gets delayed because of some whack job injuring me then this company is doomed. So you'd expect John McHenry to fire the his brother but no he didn't and I bet you that if it was someone else other than me that was attacked, Avalanche would be out looking for work. It's not because he is the GM's brother, it's because the GM wants to see me brought back down to earth with a bang.

Christopher: What do you mean by that?

Stevie: I mean, I was born on cloud nine and he wants me to be on level terms with the rest of the roster. That is never going to happen, sooner rather than later I will be the face of this company and unlike the ACW Champion, I will not hide my face behind face paint.

Christopher goes to ask another question when Stevie swipes the microphone out of his hand.

Stevie: No more questions! I dated Jennifer Lopez and now I'm talking to you, this is the low standards that this company has. A interview with no balls, another interviewer whose face is ageing and not even plastic will save that face. This company should employ people like Cobie Smulders and Zach Braff, it would be alot more entertaining. So until this company ups it's standards, I will doing it myself by walking through the so called talent and I will be top of the ladder sooner than you think.

Stevie then turns his back to Christopher while ripping the bandages off his ribs before he can be heard shouting in the distance.

Stevie: Someone bring me a suit and Olivia Wilde!


New Member
Apr 28, 2012
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(OOC Note: Non Televised Origin RP)

(Dave Summers is drinking a scotch on the rocks with a friend in a dimly lit bar. The two men sit at a small wooden table against the wall and have their eyes glued to the TV which is playing the Angels baseball game. The man Dave is with takes a small sip of his drink and makes a strange face. He begins to cough and shake his head as Dave busts up laughing.)

Dave: “Haha Shawn you always were a girl when it came to drinking hard alcohol. You should’ve just stuck with an appletini or whatever it is that you drink.â€￾

Shawn: “You shut your mouth appletinis are delicious! Haha so how have you been?â€￾

Dave: “Uh huh sure. I’ve been pretty good, not too much to complain about. The only strange thing lately has been my mom.â€￾

Shawn: “What do you mean?â€￾

Dave: “Dude it’s nuts my mom has been going crazy over me getting a real job lately. I blew off an interview she set up for me a few days ago and ever since she hasn’t called or stopped by. She’s overreacting as usual.â€￾

Shawn: “That sounds pretty stupid to me. I mean does she not remember that job you held at McDonalds for like 2 weeks a few months ago? Hahaâ€￾

(The two friends share a good laugh at the expense of Dave before he tries to make an excuse.)

Dave: “Hey in my defense, working in a fast food restaurant is a lot harder than you think haha.â€￾

Shawn: “Hah seriously though what are you going to try to work in?â€￾

Dave: “I’m not entirely sure yet. My mom set up an interview with one of my dad’s television friends, but that’s not really my passion like it was his. I was thinking about maybe just getting a desk job and settling down for a little bit.â€￾

Shawn: “You a desk job? That would never happen. You’ve always been going against the norm, why would you start to settle for average now?â€￾

Dave: “I don’t know man maybe just to appease my mom. I feel like she’s had a really tough life ever since I was about six or so. First there was that tragedy with my dad, then I let her down by dropping out of college, and now she’s really disappointed in me for being a bum. She’s done so much for me in my life that I feel like I owe it to her. You know what I mean?â€￾

Shawn: “Yeah I get what you’re saying, but that’s still not you. You don’t need to compromise who you are in order to make your mom happy. She’s your mom dude; she’s going to be happy when you’re happy.â€￾

Dave: “You’re probably right man I just need to get that through my head. You have any ideas what I should try to get into?â€￾

Shawn: “Honestly you should try to get into acting or wrestling. We both know you’re pretty good at acting like a dick and you’re not afraid to take a punch or two haha.â€￾

Dave: “Hah maybe I’d try an acting gig or two, but wrestling? No way dude, I’m not nearly technically sound enough to try that out.â€￾

Shawn: “Sure you are! Don’t you remember that summer after high school when you and I enrolled in wrestling school? You definitely learned enough in that school to get signed by an independent promotion.â€￾

(Dave initially scoffs at his friend’s suggestion and stands up next to the small table.)

Dave: “Ha no way I’m way too green for that. I’m going to grab another drink, want anything?â€￾

(Shawn shakes his head in disagreement and Dave walks off towards the bar. Dave stands at the bar and orders another scotch before noticing a cute brunette standing to his right. He briefly checks her out and then clears his throat before engaging in conversation with her.)

Dave: “Um excuse me miss, do I know you from somewhere?â€￾

(The woman takes a good long look at Dave before answering with a puzzled look on her face.)

Woman: “I…I don’t believe so. Do you come here often?â€￾

Dave: “Well I live in an apartment a few blocks away so I’ve stopped by a few times.â€￾

Woman: “Well I live a few blocks away too, so maybe we’ve seen each other once or twice.â€￾

Dave: “Yeah that’s probably it. How would you like to live at my place tonight?â€￾

(Dave cracks a sly smile at her when he finishes his straightforward pickup. The woman laughs quietly and smiles back at him.)

Woman: “Well aren’t you very straightforward, I like that in-“

(The woman is cut off by a tattooed man who steps in between the two. He stares directly at Dave and lightly pushes the woman back a few inches.)

Man: “Listen pretty boy why don’t leave me girl the hell alone and get out of this bar before things get ugly.â€￾

Dave: “I’d love to stop before things get ugly, but now that I’ve seen you I’m afraid it’s a little too late. I mean ehhh have you looked in the mirror lately?â€￾

(The man’s girlfriend chuckles but the man himself does not take the joke lightly.)

Man: “Oh you’re a funny guy, well let’s see how funny you find this.â€￾

(Dave tries to move out of the way, but the man connects with a right hand to Dave’s stomach that temporarily knocks the wind out of Dave. He quickly recovers and nails the man in the side of the face with a right hand of his own. The man stumbles backwards, but shakes it off to Dave’s dismay. He nails Dave with a vicious uppercut and inches closer to Dave, like a predator to its injured prey. Shawn notices the fight breaking out and quickly rushes to his best friend’s aid.)

Dave: “Shawn the scotch now!â€￾

(Shawn grabs the glass of scotch that Dave had ordered minutes before and gently tosses it to his friend. Dave manages to catch the glass and throws the alcohol into the man’s eyes before he can get another hit off. As the alcohol burns the man’s eyes, Dave runs full speed towards him and spears him into the bar. Before he can do any more damage to the man the bartender yells and gets everyone’s attention.

Bartender: “Out now! The police are going to be here any minute and you will be charged if you don’t leave right now!â€￾

(Dave and Shawn quickly rush out of the bar and head back towards Dave’s apartment. As they walk the reminisce over the night’s events and their close past.)

Dave: “Dude that was a crazy fight. I definitely didn’t expect that guy to have such a strong jaw, definitely caught me off guard. Good looking on that assist with the scotch though.â€￾

Shawn: “Anytime man. Well now that you’ve gotten in a bar fight you might want to reconsider what I said earlier.â€￾

Dave: “Regarding what?â€￾

Shawn: “Wrestling. You threw some punches, took some punches, and finished him off with a spear. You could definitely do wrestling.â€￾

Dave: “You know what I might actually consider it.â€￾