ACW Adrenaline 11: Dave Summers v. Toyota Chelios

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Mar 18, 2012
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First Bout: The Debuts
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: N/A
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (2 RP Cap)
Dave Summers v. Toyota Chelios

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Two RP cap with all RPs due by June 16, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. (Eastern). Good luck!


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The scene opens up to a McDonald’s parking lot. A pinto has just pulled up into a parking spot. Exiting the parking spot is ACW’s newest star. He sticks a screwdriver in the window to make sure it stays up and closes the door. He has a plain white shirt and some jorts with wrestling boots on as he walks across the parking lot. He walks in and steps up to the counter.

Cahsier: Hello welcome to McDonald’s. Can I take your order?

Chelios: Hey…can I get a double cheeseburger meal? Oh and an apple pie too. I really like those things.

Cashier: Well yes you can. Will that be for here or to go?

Chelios: Ummm… I think I’ll have that here. I think it’ll be best here. Yeah here.

Cashier: Is that your final answer?

Chelios: Oh no I wasn’t prepared for a quiz… ummm… what would you pick?

Cashier: Here.

Chelios: Here it is. I pick here.

Cashier: Okay.

The cashier tells him the total and he pays is forward and he takes a moment for his food to get done. He gets his tray and takes his seat at the table. The cameraman takes a seat across from him.

Chelios: So ummm I guess this is the part where I talk about this thing I’m involved in or something. Well I face off against Dave Summers and… hold on.

He takes a big bite out of his burger and tries talking with his mouthful.

Chelios: Yousee Iwillbe sd…

Cameraman: Dude we can’t understand a word you are saying. Swallow.

As he swallows his bite he takes a handful of fries and stuffs them in his mouth and tries again.

Chelios: I…

Cameraman: Swallow. And don’t eat anything.

He finishes the fries and then speaks.

Chelios: Okay. I want to say that to my opponent… ummm I forget his name Dave Andrews or something crazy. I will eat you like I eat my double cheeseburger… slowly and cheesy. I will make sure this is good for me and I will ummm… I will do … I will make sure that you are… good. How was that?

Cameraman: Just umm… just eat. Do I have to have you eating on this?

Chelios: Yeah. I want him to see how I devour this cheeseburger and that is how vicious I’m going to be against him.

Halfway through the burger he stops as he is full and wraps the burger in the wrapper and throws it away.

Chelios: Don’t show that part.

Cameraman: We’re live dude.

Chelios: Ah crap.

Chelios walks out with his cup of Dr. Pepper as the scene fades to black.


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Apr 28, 2012
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(Dave Summers is wandering backstage at the Mayfield Community Center trying to get a feel for what has become his new workplace. As he explores different rooms and hallways he finds himself attracting the attention of most people. He exchanges glances with a few younger women when a man’s voice breaks his concentration.)

Man: “Dave, Dave Summers is that you?â€￾

(Dave slowly turns around notices a man smaller than himself hurrying towards him. After making his way down the hallway the man seems to be slightly out of breath and Dave blatantly laughs at him.)

Summers: “Can I help you?â€￾

Man: “You’re Dave Summers right?â€￾

Summers: “You would be correct.â€￾

Christopher Martello: “Dave it is a pleasure to meet you. I’m Christopher Martello, backstage interviewer for ACW. I was hoping that I could ask you a few questions regarding your hiring and impressions of ACW so far.â€￾

(Summers thinks over Martello’s proposition and reluctantly agrees to answer a few questions.)

Summers: “Sure why not, it’s not like I have anything important to do.â€￾

Martello: “Thanks I appreciate it. You are the ACW’s newest superstar, but most of our fans have never heard of you, why are you here in the ACW?â€￾

Summers: “I’m here because I needed a job. I’m not like a lot of these losers here, I didn’t toil my life away on the independent circuit. Instead I went to college for a year, then I went to wrestling school with a buddy of mine, and now a few years later I was in need of work so I decided to try my hand at it.â€￾

Martello: That’s a very interesting story Dave. If you have very little wrestling experience how did you get in at a place like ACW?â€￾

Summers: “Is that a joke question Carl?â€￾

(Martello interrupts Dave to correct his name, but Dave does not take kindly to it.)

Martello: “It’s actually Chris.â€￾

Summers: “I don’t care what it is; just don’t interrupt me ever again. I heard that ACW was looking for superstars of the future, athletes to carry the company into a golden age. As soon as I stepped foot in front of management I was hired. I mean look at me, who could reject this guy?â€￾

(Martello rolls his eyes at Summer’s arrogance while Summers flexes a little.)

Martello: “Well tonight is your ACW debut against another rookie, Toyota Chelios. What are your impressions concerning your opponent?â€￾

Summers: “Well when I saw the card the first thing that went through my mind was ‘what the hell is wrong with that kid’s parents’? Seriously who on Earth names their son, I’m assuming that it is a boy, Toyota Cherrios? When I go out to the ring tonight for my match I’m expecting to see a piece of crap 1985 Toyota Camry and a midget dressed up as a honey bee out there. When his mother was pregnant did she wonder ‘hmmm I wonder what crappy car manufacturer and horrible breakfast food I can name this one after’? I bet he has a brother named Honda Poptarts and a sister named Buick Cornpops.â€￾

Martello: “Actually Dave his name is Toyota Chelios, not Toyota Cherrios. Moving on, what are some of your goals here in ACW?â€￾

Summers: “What are my goals here? I’m guessing this is your first interview Chris because you ask questions a five year old could come up with. I have one goal here, to succeed. That might be a little difficult to achieve though considering we’re stuck in this dump called Yonkers, New York. Seriously management must be cheap if they couldn’t even get in Brooklyn.â€￾

Martello: “Well Yonkers isn’t actually that bad Dave. There’s parts of the city that-“

Summers: “Just shut up Chris. I know that you’re scared of all the lowlifes that live here, but there’s no need to kiss up to them.â€￾

(As Dave’s voice trails off, “Wanted Manâ€￾ by Rev Theory begins to play over the PA. A smirk comes over Dave’s face and he almost walks off without saying anything else.)

Summers: “I guess this interview is over because I have to go make an example out of an old clunker.â€￾

(Dave gives the camera a half smile and a wink before walking towards the stage.)


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Apr 28, 2012
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(The abrupt sound of banging on a wooden door jolts Dave Summers awake. Summers groggily looks at his surroundings and slowly realizes that he is laying on the leather sofa in his living room. Dave rubs his eyes as the annoying knocking continues on his apartment door. Each knock leaves a pulsating effect on Dave’s head due to a killer headache he has. Rather than answering the door, Dave lies back down on the couch and puts a pillow over his ear to drown out the sound. After a few moments the knocking stops and a relieved smile appears on Dave’s face. Suddenly his white apartment door swings open, crashing into the wall behind it. A visibly upset woman in her fifties storms into the living room and throws a manila folder onto the “sleepingâ€￾ Dave. Dave sits up and soon comes under attack from this woman’s scorn.)

Woman: “David Summers what the hell are you doing?!â€￾

Dave: “I’m trying to get some sleep mom. Why are you yelling?â€￾

Dave’s Mom: “Some sleep, really? Do you have any idea what time it is?â€￾

(Dave fumbles around in his pockets trying to find his cell phone but has no luck. He leans to his right and manages to catch a glimpse of the microwave in the kitchen reading 2:45.)

Dave: “It’s about 2:45.â€￾

Mom: “You’re absolutely right it is 2:45, and do you know where you were supposed to be at 2 this afternoon?â€￾

Dave: “Uh….at that one place…â€￾

(Dave’s forgetfulness almost sets his mom over the edge, but she manages to keep some composure as she continues to raise her voice at him.)

Mom: “You were supposed to be in downtown at the job interview that I had set up for you. You know that interview that I personally stuck my neck out to get you?â€￾

Dave: “Ahh mom I totally forgot to set my alarm last night and I slept right through it.â€￾

Mom: “Hah you slept through it? How on Earth do you sleep through an important interview that you have scheduled at 2 in the afternoon!?â€￾

Dave: “Well I had a rough-“

(Dave’s excuse is interrupted by his mom, who is now sniffing around his apartment. She notices multiple empty beer bottles scattered throughout the kitchen and a small stench of alcohol. She follows the nauseating smell and it leads her right to Dave. Dave tries to come up with an excuse for the bottles and smell, but his mom shakes her head in disapproval right as he starts to talk.)

Mom: “Your fath-your father would be so disappointed in you David. You missed an important job interview in the industry that he loved because you were too hung-over to get up for it.â€￾

Dave: “Listen mom that isn’t all from last night, in fact I was just feeling under the weather so I was sleeping it off. Those bottles have been there for like two weeks, I’ve been behind on trash.â€￾

Mom: “Do you really think I’m dumb enough to believe that? Because you and I both know that what you just told me is a lie. I was here the other day and there were no empty bottles sitting around on the kitchen counter.â€￾

Dave: “Okay those bottles are from last night, but they’re not all from me. I had a lot of friends over and we just watched tv and hung out. I’m not that hung-over at all, I’m perfectly fine.â€￾

(Dave’s mom grabs the television remote and turns on the tv hanging across from the couch. She turns the volume up to fifty and Dave grasps his head in pain. He pleads with her to turn the volume down and she complies with his wishes.)

Dave: “I might have a small headache and be a little hung-over, but I’m fine.â€￾

Mom: “No you’re not David, you’re anything but fine. You’re a grown man without a job that constantly lets himself and his family down. And on top of that, it looks like you have developed a drinking problem. I can’t keep using my connections to get you chances that you just shrug off. You need to get your life together and fast, because there still are a few of us here that care about you.â€￾

Dave: "Mom wait I can-"

(His mom angrily storms out of his apartment and leaves Dave alone on the couch to think. He takes a few moments to process the harsh words just said to him, and then talks out loud to himself.)

Dave: “She was in rare form today. I haven’t heard her yell at me like that since I was a teenager. She’s crazy I don’t have a drinking problem, I just like to knock a few back.â€￾

(Dave looks over at a half-empty bottle of Sam Adams on the table next to him. After a few seconds of deliberating what to do, he snatches up the beer and chugs the remnants. He lies back down on the sofa and tries to go back to sleep.)

Dave: “Psh drinking problem, yeah right.â€￾

OOC Note: This is a non televised origin-like rp


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The scene opens up to Toyota Chelios sitting on a park bench in a shirt with his face on it and jorts. The cameraman is there filming the whole thing as Toyota presents a box of Cheez-Its. He holds it up to the camera.

Cameraman: Ummm is there any reason why you are showing everyone your box of Cheez-Its?

Chelios: Well yeah. Cheez-Its are my number one enemy. The worst thing ever invented and I want them destroyed.

Cameraman: What? Are you crazy? Those things are good. You want them destroyed? Are you on drugs? Some kind of medication? What is wrong with you?

Chelios: Let me tell you a story of how Cheez-Its ruined my life and I will invision… envision… yeah that’s it. Envision.

Cameraman: You said the same thing three times.

Chelios: But they are spelled differently.

Cameraman: What?

Chelios: I dunno. But uh yeah anyways. My story. See it all starts … started… starts… begins when began… well it started when I had a girlfriend and I had a box of Cheez-Its.

Cameraman: Wait a minute… you had a girlfriend?

Chelios: Yeah. Well anyways what had happened was I was eating my Cheez-its and then she asked me something. I wound up trying to talk and some of the cheez-its got in her eyes and she was such pain that she slapped me. I fell over and the cheez-its fell all over the floor. Because of that the dog came around and started eating it and eventually became constipated because of it. She became even more mad and then she decided to dump me. She took the dog. Since then I started eating more and I lost my car, I lost my good awesome looks, I lost my job cause I showed up one day and I had cheez-its stain on my teeth and they were deemed unprofessional.

So Cheez-Its cost me my girl, my dog, my car, my job, I had to move into an apartment, then eventually back to my parent’s basement because of that dang … those dang crackers. And it just makes me so mad. It makes me so angry. How can something that good, something this good do all of that to someone. It wasn’t like I told it I hated it before and it did but now it wants to ruin me and continue to ruin me with its forever taunting of awesome flavor. Its cheesy flavor. And it is just … it’s a… it is umm… it’s a travesty. It is a tragedy. It is awful and people must know the truth about Cheez-Its. They must know to protect and shield themselves from the awesomeness that is Cheez-Its before it ruins there… their lives too.

Cameraman: What is wrong with you? I… I… I don’t know. What?

Chelios: Cheez-Its are eveil … evil. Yeah evil and when I see that guy I’m supposed to face…Dave Summers I’m going to see him as a big giant cracker. A cheesy cracker. A Cheez-It… and I am going to eat him.

Cameraman: Dude you are crazy but if that is what gets you motivated… more power to ya.

Chelios: Actually it makes me hungry. Can we go back to McDonalds?

Cameraman: Just don’t order a double cheeseburger again. Order smaller.

Chelios: Fine.

The two of them leave the park bench as the scene fades to black.