ACW Adrenaline 11: Avalanche v. Stevie Starr

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Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Second Bout: The Open Challenge
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: N/A
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (2 RP Cap)
Avalanche v. Stevie Starr

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TWO RP cap with all RPs due by June 16, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. (Eastern). Good luck!​

John McHenry

John McHenry
Jun 12, 2011
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Ashley Sparxxx and Avalanche sit at the top of the entrance ramp of the empty Mayfield Community Center. A low rumble begins and the lights flash on then cut out, the rumble begins again this time with a little music the lights come on again and stop. Suddenly the music hit's at full volume blaring out over the fans in attendance as the lights come back on. "South Texas Death Ride" by Union Underground blares. Avalanche flashes on the screen. Avalanche shifts in his chair uncomfortably looking around the empty arena.

Ashley Sparxxx: Hello everyone I’m sitting here with one of ACW’s newest acquisitions Bruce “Avalanche†McGraw. Bruce happens to be the brother of ACW original and General Manager John McHenry. So Bruce where do I begin?

Avalanche: Well Ashley I think over the past month or so people have noticed me in some promos with John so they probably know most of our history but I’ll do a brief rundown for those that may not already know.

Avalanche leans forward putting his elbows on his knees.

Avalanche: John and I are brothers…From other mothers. Our father Bonesaw McGraw had John when he was just starting out on the circuit his mother…Well I’ll try not to talk about to much out of turn. But John’s mother died giving birth, our dad couldn’t deal with it John was put into the system. I’ll let you ask him about that. Five years later our father met my mother I was born. Our father was better off more situated to…deal with life.

Ashley Sparxxx: Now I assumed you trained with your father Bonesaw?

Avalanche: Yeah when you grow up and spend half the week at the gym with your dad half the week traveling in a RV going to shows and the rest of the time you learn a thing or two about headlocks, heartache and meatloaf. I make a mean meatloaf. Do you like meatloaf?

Ashley squirms blushing as Avalanche awaits an answer.

Ashley Sparxxx: Well um uh… So you grew up completely unaware that John was your brother. In fact it wasn’t until you and he both wound up in the now defunct Championship Wrestling Alliance that you found out you were brothers.

Avalanche leans back in his chair folding his arms behind his head.

Avalanche: Yup that’s pretty much it.

Ashley Sparxxx: You’ve been in and out of several promotions. From large to small but the one thing you’ve always excelled at is the hardcore match. When people list the greatest hardcore wrestlers of all time you rank somewhere between Tommy Dreamer and Steve Blackman.

Avalanche begins breaking up laughing.

Ashley Sparxxx: Is something funny?

Avalanche: Steve Blackman? He knows his stuff but I’m not sure comparing me to cheese head is a compliment.

Ashley Sparxxx: Well “Cheese Head†makes one helluva meatloaf at thanksgiving.

The smile drops from Avalanches face.

Ashley Sparxxx: Now if we can move on in this interview. I was about to ask you why you would join a company with no hardcore division?
Avalanche: That’s pretty simple Ashley. I’ve been a king of hardcore since I was green as grass. It takes a toll on your body. It can cost you years off your life. I’m moving on from that. It’s time to be safe time to be smart.

Ashley Sparxxx: So your setting your site higher?

Avalanche leans forward again.

Avalanche: Lower actually.

Ashley Sparxxx: Lower?

Avalanche: I plan on cutting my way through the entire roster.

Ashley Sparxxx: So who were you going to challenge at Riot Act before John stopped you?

Avalanche: Well I was going to…

John walks out and Avalanche turns looking up at him from his seat.

John McHenry: What the hell Bruce? And Ashley what do you think your some special investigative journalist.

Ashley Sparxxx: Well…I…

John McHenry: If I wouldn’t let you make the challenge on the pay per view I’m not going to let you throw out a challenge now.
The two brothers walk off stage still arguing as Ashley is left with a stunned look on her face.

Walking through the back hallways Avalanche and John continue to argue.

John McHenry: You know I’m trying to do things the right way now. You asked me to do this all I’ve said is let me know what your going to say before you go out there. I can’t just give you the mic and the stage and let you start world war three with the roster.

Avalanche: Trust John it’s a wonderful thing. Not only am I a veteran of this business and the type of guy that just simply wouldn’t do that I’m your brother. Now I get that you’ve turned over a new leaf your doing the right thing and you’re the general manager. But why can’t you trust me.

John McHenry: I have trust issues this isn’t news. I’ve got wheels in motion right now and I can’t risk you or anyone else jepordizing plans until they come to fruition.

Avalanche: So what I basically get no mic time until then?

The conversation takes a pause as both men pass one of the locker rooms.

John McHenry: I’m just saying I’d like to have a heads up that’s it I’d just like to have an inkling of what you were going to say.

Avalanche: So do you want to know who I was going to challenge?

John McHenry: Does it still matter?

Avalanche: Apparently it does to you.

John McHenry: Does the challenge still apply?

Avalanche: Not at the moment. This week I’ve got Stevie Starr. Apparently he’s pretty good for a rookie got Rookie of the year.

John McHenry: He’s also got a couple Heavyweight titles under his belt.

The duo walk up to Johns office stopping outside. Avalanche looks at the door a little confused.

Avalanche: That’s true but I’ve never really pursued the heavyweight area.

John McHenry: That’s true too. I’ve got an appointment in a few minutes I’ll talk to you later.

John stands not opening the door. Avalanche again gives John a quizzical look as he slowly walks off. John enters his office keep the door as closed as possible inching into the room shutting it immediately behind him.


Mar 18, 2012
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A few hours before Adrenaline is set to be live on air, Stevie Starr is sitting in a bar with a beer in hand. Trying to blend in with the public by wearing sunglasses, jeans and a white skin tight shirt. When all of a sudden one of the bartenders realises that it is in fact Stevie. To the displeasure of Stevie, it isn't a female bartender. He walks over to Stevie with a smile on his face, leans over the bar and then whispers to Stevie.

Bartender: I know who you are, you're Stevie Starr.

Stevie pulls down his sunglasses for a second and looks at the bartender. He then sighs before speaking.

Stevie: Have I slept with your girlfriend?

The bartender then steps back with a slight look on confusion on his face.

Bartender: No, you have never met her.

Stevie: Just wait, it's just a matter of time.

The bartender shrugs off Stevie's comments and begins to speak to him again.

Bartender: Haven't you got a match later tonight in ACW? I'm a fan of the company.

Stevie: Listen, I don't know your name so I'm calling you Chuck. I have wrestled in conditions alot worse than being a little tipsy. I have filmed movies while being higher than a space shuttle. A few beers isn't going to harm me, look at me, how can you ruin perfection like this. I look like I was chiseled by god himself, wait that's not right, I am god!

Bartender: One day someone is going to deflate your ego.

Stevie: Chuck, you're stuck in a dead end job and you're talking to the greatest movie star ever. Not only that but the greatest wrestler in the world and I have slept with more women than you have ever seen. Therefore you have no right to be even talking to me, I could be in about three of these women but no I'm talking to you so respect me. If I wanted I could get the numbers of all of the bang able chicks in this bar right now just to prove it.

The bartender points to a mixed raced women who has just sat down a few seats down from Stevie.

Bartender: She is the hottest women in this bar right now, get her number.

Stevie: Challenge accepted.

Stevie then wanders over to the women as the bartender listens in.

Stevie: Hey there, can I buy you a drink.

The women ignores Stevie but doesn't know who he is causing the bartender to laugh but Stevie then reveals his ace in the hole by removing his sunglasses.

Stevie: Sorry, I didn't introduce myself. I'm Stevie Starr, movie star, wrestler and the main cause of vaginal tearing.

The women then looks up in shock and is speechless.

Stevie: Write your number down on this card and I will ring you after I have finished beating some other wrestler. Oh and the drinks are on me.

As the women writes down her number, Stevie walks back over to the bartender who is in a state of shock. Stevie hands him a hundred dollar bill.

Stevie: That should cover her drinks while she is here and you watch ACW, who the hell is my opponent tonight?

Bartender: Avalanche, he is the brother of General Manager John McHenry.

Stevie: Avalanche, if I wanted to see an avalanche, I would go to Canada. Despite the fact it's a poor excuse for a country. Plus the only white stuff falling I want to see will be landing on that sweet things face later tonight.

Stevie then hands the bartender another hundred dollar bill.

Stevie: Keep the change and tell your girlfriend to be at the Mayfield Community Center in a couple of hours.