Kayfabe A Warm Welcome Back

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The man with the rear that makes the girls cheer!
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score

Patrick Young: Wait, I know that music.
Anthony Pederson: I think we all know that music Pat! It's him! It's Buster Gates! He's back!

*Buster's music plays for a while until Reginald steps out from behind the curtain alone, holding a microphone.*

Reginald: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome back...

*Reginald turns to look at the curtain and points, before spinning back around to face the audience.*

Reginald: ME!

*Buster's music continues to play as Reginald makes his way down to the ring with a smile on his face.*

Patrick Young: Well, it looks like we're just getting Reginald out here instead.
Anthony Pederson: He is our new GM, Pat. This is his first public appearance since he's been given that title.
Patrick Young: That is very true. What reason does he have being out here?
Anthony Pederson: I have no idea... I guess we're about to find out...

*Buster's music stops as Reginald has made his way into the ring.*

Reginald: Well well! It has been a long couple of months. I've got to admit, I've kind of missed you guys! Seriously! It's been strange being away for so long, so now i'm back! And not only that, but i'm now the General Manager too?! What a job upgrade! Who would have ever thought in a million years that Ryan Blake would select me of all people to take over his job. After everything that Buster put him through... After everything he put Buster and myself through, he still decides that out of everyone, I'm the most suitable for the job... It's strange how things turn out in life. Nearly all my life my job has been to serve, and now, I'm the one who makes the decisions and other people need to follow them. I guess the saying is true, what goes around comes around! And boy am I going to enjoy the high life for a change. So far since becoming GM I've assigned people to create match cards and make sure the show is running well, all I'm doing is sitting back and watching everything happen and it has been wonderful.

*A "Where is Buster?" chant begins.*

Reginald: Tonight I have some BIG news regarding the future of the company, and in particular the new Universal Championship that rumours have started spreading about...

*The chants get louder.*

Reginald: There will be...

*The chants continue.*

Reginald: ... Ok... You want to know where Buster is... Well, I have some news. You see, I haven't seen Buster in months. Actually, the last time I saw him was the night of the award show...

*The audience grows quiet, intrigued by this announcement.*

Patrick Young: What does he mean he hasn't seen him?! He's his butler, isn't it his duty? Isn't that his job?
Anthony Pederson: Shush! Let the man speak!

Reginald: That night, obviously we came out onto the stage and accepted the awards for Superstar of the year and Promo of the year... Once we left the stage we went straight to Busters car, I drove him home as I always do and once we got home he went straight to his bedroom without saying a word. Honestly, this isn't too suspicious from Buster so I let him be. The next morning I made him breakfast and went into his room to wake him up and he was gone... He left a note saying he needed some time away and for me to not worry. He said I could live at his house and that he would see me again soon enough. So far, I haven't even received a text message to know his whereabouts...

Anthony Pederson: Wait, so... Buster is missing?
Patrick Young: Never mind that Anthony! Reginald has been set free! Except instead of being given an old sock he's been given Buster's mansion. Must be good being a butler...
Anthony Pederson: Our former champion is nowhere to be seen and yet you're more focused on Reginald living in Busters home?
Patrick Young: What can I say? Have you seen that thing?! His house is huge!

Reginald: So for your question of "Where is Buster Gates?". I... I don't know...

*Reginald looks down and closes his eyes. The audience begin to murmur between themselves over this news.*

Reginald: Anyway... As I was saying, I have some news about the new Universal Championship. After the upcoming Pay Per View Backlash, a new Championship will be joining the Precision brand! This Championship, the Universal Championship will be contested in a tournament featuring new and old names from our Precision Roster. These names will battle it out until only two remain, and these two will fight it out at Valentine's Massacre for the title in a ladder match! This is an exciting time for this company and I for one...

*The lights in the arena go out. The titantron turns on to show the arena car park. A very expensive looking car drives around a corner and screeches to a halt. The passenger door opens and a pair of woman's heels appear in the shot. The woman steps out of the car and walks around to the other door, she opens it and out steps a man wearing shiny leather shoes. The camera continues to focus on the legs of these two people as the car door closes and they begin walking through the arena side by side. The camera continues to follow the pair from behind. You see staff members and backstage crew part ways as this pair walk on by.*

Anthony Pederson: Who are these guys?!
Patrick Young: Look at the legs on her! Wow! Let me see her face! Please!
Anthony Pederson: Don't be so rude, that could be anyone.
Patrick Young: Whoever it is, they have nice taste in cars... And even nicer taste in women!

*The pair reach the entrance curtain before stopping. The woman speaks.*

???: We're here... Are you ready?

*The camera pans up from behind to show the woman in question wearing a black dress that matches her long black hair. She is facing the man who looks straight forward and we are unable to see his face. From behind you can see that he is wearing a fitted white suit. The man is tall, stocky and has shoulder length blonde hair. He pulls designer sunglasses out of his pocket and puts them on. He nods. The titantron cuts to a black screen...*

Anthony Pederson: That's... That's Buster Gates' music! But why is it so... Different?
Patrick Young: I don't know... But I've got a bad feeling about this...

*Pyro lights up the arena and the man and woman can be seen standing at the top of the ramp. The man, with long hair and a beard takes off his sunglasses.*

Anthony Pederson: It is him! It's Buster Gates! He's back!
Patrick Young: The hair... The beard... He's changed! Can't all be bad if he's with that smoking hot woman. Have we got any details on who that is yet?
Anthony Pederson: I'm sure we'll find out soon enough...

*Buster walks down the ramp hand in hand with this mysterious new woman. Reginald looks on in awe after not seeing his friend in over three months. Buster sits on the middle rope to allow the woman to enter the ring, he then enters after her. Buster walks over to the corner of the ring and signals for a microphone. He is handed one and returns standing next to the woman. He looks at Reginald as his music stops.*

Buster Gates: Well holy shit Reg, bud! You're looking good. How's it been?!

Reginald: How's it been? How's it been?! For the last three months I have had no idea where you are! I've not known if you're safe or if you're even alive! What, you couldn't have phoned me? Sent me an email, a text, anything?! Any message at all to just let me know you're safe?!

Buster Gates: Wow, well I for one have missed you. It's a shame it seems like that's a one way thing...

Reginald: Missed you?! I've been worried sick! Where have you been?

Buster Gates: Oh, you know... Here, there... Everywhere... I've travelled the world.

Reginald: In three months?

Buster Gates: You got me there! Ok, fine. I've travelled to some places in the world... Better?

Reginald: And you couldn't come home at any point?

Buster Gates: About that... Since I haven't been living there, I decided to sell the place. That's one of the reasons i'm here. You need to move out... Like, pronto.

*The woman behind Buster giggles.*

Reginald: You're kicking me out?! Also, who the hell is this?

Buster Gates: Don't be so rude, Reg! This beauty standing next to me is Hayley.

Reginald: Oh, so you got yourself a new girlfriend then, huh?

Buster Gates: Girlfriend?!

*Buster looks over to Hayley and smiles.*

Buster Gates: No, she's not my girlfriend... She's my fiance!

*Reginald as well as the audience is shocked by this revelation.*

Buster Gates: I don't want to have to explain everything right now, but Reg... I'm done with you. You're no longer needed as my butler. You're a general manager now! Look at you! You're moving up in the world. Ryan put you in charge which is great and everything, well played. Very well played... But, I still own half this company. I'm inserting myself into this Universal Championship tournament. Hell, Robert is dead now, so who's going to stop me?!

*Buster laughs as the audience reign down boos at the disrespect of the deceased Robert Blake.*

Buster Gates: Enjoy your gig as GM, Reg, for however long that'll last. Myself and Hayley have places to be. I'm sure I'll see you around old friend.

*With that, Buster's music hits and he exits the ring leaving Reg and the audience stunned.*

Anthony Pederson: Buster's engaged?!
Patrick Young: What is going on?
Anthony Pederson: So, Reginald has been fired as Buster's butler, and replaced by this new woman, Hayley.
Patrick Young: What an upgrade!
Anthony Pederson: I'm still trying to process everything that's just happened...
Patrick Young: All that's for certain is... Buster Gates is back!

*The screen fades to black.*