A Grievous Perception ~ Godzilla (2014)

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Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
Reaction score
Townsville, Queensland, Australia
And...Here we go...

(The first part of this review was written while I had only seen the film once
and was written on the 22nd of May 2014)

"Godzilla's back and someone has to pay!"
~ Tom Servo; MST3K Episode 2.12 Godzilla vs. Megalon

After a radioactive field trip with Hiesenberg...Kick-Ass teams up with Go-Jira
to take on Battra Gyaos and the Cloverfield Mantis!

No...not really...but kind of...

So...here I am again...doing this for the 28th time...I doubt anyone really gives a
sh!t anymore...but hey...I've done all the other Godzilla films...apart from that one
I'm trying to forget...so why not this one.

Ladies & Gentlemen...this is the Grievous Perception for...


Godzilla 2014

I first off want to state that I really like this film. Its not like my new favorite or
anything...but I really enjoyed it. I'm very grateful that it was made...and I'm
extremely pleased I got to see it on an IMAX screen with near deafening sound.

I find myself in a strange position really...I think just the fact this film meant so
much to me on a personal level...well...it makes it hard for me to even review it.

No other film really matters to me now...I mean I am very curious about Guardians
of the Galaxy...but...this was the biggest film event of my life so far...and the only
thing that will possibly ever come close is a sequel (More on that later)

It is honestly hard for me to write about this film...I mean...I could go on about why
I liked it so much...but "everyone" has already done that.

I also understand there are those out there who don't like the film...and I have a pretty
good idea why they have issues with it.

I'm not blind (Yet) and I'd like to think I'm not stupid. This film has its flaws...but I don't
care. I'm going to throw my hands up in the air and shout it...


You know why I don't care? Because it has Godzilla in it...And this time he looks like
Godzilla, sounds like Godzilla and fights like Godzilla.

He is on a mission and the human race best get out of his way. It really is just that
simple. He's the Terminator and the Mutos are Sarah And John Conner.

Plus its not like the human race has many options anyway...

"We tried nukes a few years ago"

"What happened?"

"Well...he's swimming along side to our boat right now...so nothing"

"So nukes don't work?"

"No...and according to our research he actually feeds on radiation"

"Oh...so what do we do now?"

"I have no clue...Ummm...follow him I guess"

"Where is he going?"

"Well...from what we can gather...there are these large EMP
generating bugs on their way to San Francisco. From what
happened in Hawaii...and the intel from that Japanese guy
over there...Gojira...I think that's Godzilla in English..."


"Yeah...it means Gorilla whale or something...anyway...it
seems Godzilla it swimming towards the giant radioactive bugs..."

"Wait...the giant bugs are radioactive as well?"

"Yeah...they eat nuclear sub reactors like hot dogs...ANYWAY...

Godzilla will meet them in San Francisco...and I guess he'll
try to kill them"

"What are we going to do?"

"I have no clue...set off an even bigger nuke?"

"That's all we have isn't it?"

"Yep...we've got nothing else really"

"Sir...this report just arrived. The giant flying bug stole the nuke
and has given it to the even larger female bug. It appears they
are using it as some kind of sex aid"

"I'm putting my money on the giant lizard"

"Yeah...me to"

Why did I just type all that?

So...basically what I'm saying is that because this film has Godzilla in it...I was
always going to like it.

Last year we got Pacific Rim...which wasn't Oscar quality or anything...but it did
have giant robots/mechs fighting kaiju. It was fun...really, really fun. I think Pacific
Rim set a "standard" that this new Godzilla film was never going to live up to.

Not a standard in terms of cinema...but a standard in what a modern day "kaiju" film
should be.

Heaps of kaiju running around getting punched and cut up by giant mechs. Godzilla
was never going to have that level of action...or as I call it "Uber Mega Happy Ultra
Kaiju Fun Time"

Godzilla is a different type of film...and perhaps some kaiju fans can't handle that.
I personally think Pacific Rim spoiled us in terms of its designs and action scenes...
and this may mean that the new Godzilla was already fighting an up hill battle before
it was even released.

Basically...if Pacific Rim had never happened...may-be more people would like this
new Godzilla film.

The other film I have to mention is the 1998 Tristar abomination GINO.

It is possible that film was so soul-rapingly bad that just about anything would look like
a million dollars when compared to it.

I remember a conversation I had with one of my friends about a month ago.

"Hey dude...what are you going to do if this new Godzilla film sucks?"

"It can't"

"Sure it can"

"No...it can't. This new Godzilla looks and sounds like Godzilla...
as long as he breaths fire and shrugs off military attacks...the
film will be awesome"

You see...I'm just so happy they got Godzilla right...that I just don't care about boring
human characters or editing that cuts away from the kaiju fights.

In my honest opinion...I really like this version of Gojira...and because of that...its really
easy for me to like this film.

Anyway...so instead of going all fanboy fangasm in this review...I thought I'd try
something a little subtle and go over the film in its parts. Break it down and sift
through the pieces...see what opinions I can filter out.

So...with my introduction finally finished...lets look at the players
that made this latest Godzilla film.

Direction: by Gareth Edwards
So up to this point Mr. Edwards had directed Monsters...a road trip love story film
featuring some giant alien Octopi walking around throwing cars and murdering people.

I actually picked up Monsters on DVD when it was first released...and while I did find
it...slow...in places...the fact it was made on such a low budget in such a random fashion
(watch the DVD extras to see exactly what I'm talking about) makes the film much more
impressive to watch.

When Mr. Edwards was assigned to direct this new Gojira film...I was actually both
thankful and excited.

I was thankful because there are a few Hollywood directors out there who would have
made this film into a standard, mass appeal, explosion filled blockbuster with annoying
comedic sidekicks and toilet humor.

Gareth Edwards was never going to make one of those films.

First off...he's British...and secondly...he's a true artist who cut his teeth on CGI and
special effects. He clearly knows you can have all the computer effects in the world...
you need a good story and strong characters to make an audience care in the first

I personally think Gareth Edwards showed his restraint and artistic talent with his
direction of Godzilla 2014 and I will gladly follow his career and watch/buy all of
his films from this point forward. (Even the Star Wars stuff...as much as I don't
care anymore)

Thank you Mr. Edwards for making this new Godzilla film something different,
something beautiful and something really special.

Cinematography: by Seamus McGarvey
This film is by far the best looking kaiju movie I have ever seen. I mean for 160 Million
dollars...it should look amazing...but clearly Mr. Edwards found the right man to control
the camera with Seamus McGarvey.

There really are some beautiful and breath-taking shots in this film...Moments of cinema
I will never ever forget...and I have to say...I wasn't expecting that. I mean I knew I'd see
Godzilla...I just didn't think one of his films would ever look this damn good.

Thank you Mr. McGarvey and good luck with the 50 Shades of Grey film. (I'm not kidding...
check wikipedia if you don't believe me)

Editing: by Bob Ducsay
Now personally I thought this film was cut and edited really well. I'm not going to harp
on about the "Cutting away for the kaiju action" because that had a purpose...and I'm
sure they never made full kaiju fight scenes only to cut around them. This film has a
good flow with nice pacing allowing important moments to sit and brood and action
scenes that feel real and dangerous.

Thank you Mr. Ducsay

Story: by David Callaham
I actually really like this story. You know what this film is to me? Its a throw back to all
those atomic bug films from the 50's and 60's. THEM!, The Deadly Mantis, Tarantula!,
The Beginning of the End, Earth vs. The Spider...all those classic B-Movies that I love
so much.

This film honestly felt like a hybrid of those American films and the Japanese kaiju films
of the same era. I mean Godzilla spent an entire film in 1967 fighting giant bugs and
arachnids...so for me...this is like an Ultimate VS. film.

Gojira Tai Ultimo Insectoids

What if America had another giant bug problem...but this time Gojira comes to hunt and
kill the bugs. I mean come on...that's awesome!

The Mutos themselves seem like a super hybrid bug from those 50's/60's B-Movies...
they feed on radiation, they have Mantis like striking claws, the female looks and moves
like spider sometimes...Hell...the very thought of them nesting and breeding could spell
doom for the human race...just like the Ants in THEM!

So...personally because I love kaiju films...and giant bug movies...this film, at its core,
to me is like one big homage to two genres that I really enjoy. That is the main reason
why I like this new Godzilla film.

Thank you Mr. Callaham

Also...just on a brief sidebar...this film seems like it "borrowed" two action scenes/moments
from the unmade 1994 Godzilla written by Ted Elliott & Terry Rossio.

The Golden Gate Bridge scene and the internal atomic breath attack decapitation finisher
are both featured in the 1994 screenplay...as well as Godzilla being the "Hero" of the film.
If you have a chance...I suggest you take the time to read the 1994 screenplay...its actually
pretty awesome...but it does seem very dated...and it reeks of the 90's...but that's okay...
James Cameron's Avatar stunk of 90's action cliches and people ate that up with a knife
& spork.

Sidebar over.

Screenplay: by Max Borenstein
I guess I really have no complaints...I mean its a kaiju/monster film...so its not going to
win any Academy Awards. Dialogue will be campy and silly in spots...but...seriously...its
a kaiju film...we expect that...and we can deal with it. Well...I know I can deal with it.

So Thank you Mr. Borenstein

Music: by Alexandre Desplat
Wow...this film has a powerful, bombastic score with a few quiet moments to build tension
and drama. I love it. I will admit it would have been nice to hear an updated version of the
classic Gojira theme...but perhaps we'll get to hear that in the sequel (more on that later)

Thank you Mr. Desplat (Even if I have no idea how to pronounce your name)

On another sidebar...this is only the third film score I have ever purchased...the other 2
being Prometheus & Pacific Rim.

The (Main) Cast:
I thought I'd look at a few of cast members...throw out a few thoughts.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson as Lieutenant Ford Brody
I've read a few reviews that stated he was flat and boring...but I found him okay. Nothing
special but no real complaints either.

Ken Watanabe as Dr. Ichiro Serizawa
Okay...so yeah...this is awesome. Ken Watanabe is a great actor...he's playing a new
version of a great character and his first name is clearly a tribute to a great director. He
doesn't really do much...but just the fact he's there is enough. Plus he says "Gojira" which
sounds so very cool.

Bryan Cranston as Joe Brody
You know I've never seen this guy act before...but now I have...I can see why he is rated
so highly. A powerful and emotional performance...and I was truly upset when he died.
Mainly because he made the film better simply by being on screen. I now want to watch
Breaking Bad.

Elizabeth Olsen as Elle Brody
So yeah...she didn't really do much except be a nurse, a mother and possible kaiju attack
victim. I really have nothing else to say...next!

Sally Hawkins as Dr. Vivienne Graham
Okay...so I really hope they get this lady back for the sequels. Dr. Graham didn't really get
to do much except provide support for Serizawa...but she had some cool lines and it was
nice to have female scientist just to add some balance.

Juliette Binoche as Sandra Brody
Not much screen time...but her death scene was very emotional and it helped us understand
her husband's obsession...allowing Bryan Cranston to portray the "I must know the truth"
mentality without seeming like a crazy person.

David Strathairn as Rear Admiral William Stenz
I liked this guy...his character was a lot more balanced than other military men you see in
these action/disaster films. A Solid & smart performance.

Jake Cunanan as Akio
This film has a Kenny in it. Akio is the young Japanese boy on the train that Kick-Ass saves
from a certain Muto created splat death. Thankfully this Kenny doesn't wear short-shorts or
have a really annoying high pitched voice.

All in All...I thought the acting was solid across the board with a truly great
performance from Bryan Cranston.

Thank you Cast Members.

Well...I'm not sure where I'll go next with this review. I might just take some
time to reflect on what I've written so far.

X Writing Break X

So not only did I take some time to reflect...but I stopped writing my review altogether
and decided to wait till I'd seen the film again before continuing.

So its the 23rd of August 2014 and I've seen the film for only the second time.

Yeah...its still awesome.

A few random things I noticed during my second viewing...
~ The score is really great.
~ The female Muto is kinda awkward...no...she is really awkward.
~ The male Muto is a real cheap bastard during the final battle.
~ The male Muto is clearly a romantic at heart...I mean forget diamonds
or gold..."Here Honey...I got you an A-Bomb...I hope you like it"

And I will point out a few flaws I've noticed...
~ While I like the score...it seems overly loud in places and it just
keeps going. I would have liked a few more quiet moments.
~ All the good action scenes take place at night...apart from
breaking bridges and Muto Kisses. I demand more daylight action
scenes in the sequel.

X Writing Break X

So its now September 3rd 2014 and I've watched the film a total of ten times.

Yep...still awesome.

Has anyone kind of noticed how similar this film is to Terror of MechaGodzilla?
~ A late but powerful entrance by Godzilla
~ Two enemy kaiju for him two fight...one he "fights" earlier in the movie
~ An epic 2 on 1 battle at the end of the film
~ Human intervention during that final battle that breaks the double team attack
~ The film ends with Godzilla returning to the sea while the human cast celebrates his

Perhaps Terror of MechaGodzilla is Gareth Edwards favorite Showa Era film? Or perhaps
I'm just going on for the sake of it?

Anyway...I think I'll take a little bit of time to talk about the kaiju...I mean...this is a kaiju film
after all...even though they don't say kaiju.


So yeah...I really like this Godzilla design...but there are a few things that I'm not 100%

So his eyes are like really, really small. If he's an aquatic animal...shouldn't he have large...
or larger eyes? I'm just asking...Isn't that why fish and other sea creatures have big eyes?
So they can...you know...see in the dark.

I like the design of the back spines...I just wish they were bone white.

The feet don't bother me...but I know some people have a big issue with them. I don't know
why...its not like Godzilla has ever had really awesome feet...most of the time its been a suit
actor wearing a "foot" shoe.

And last thing I have to touch on is the weight issue.

Okay so my favourite Gojira ever is the GMK Undead White-eyed Zombie version...and
he's been called fat. I guess because I'm fat...I don't mind Godzilla being fat.

On a brief sidebar I've actually lost 42kg in the last 18 months...so I'm still fat...but not as
fat as I was...Sidebar over.

Its not like Gojira has ever been a poster child for the slim and healthy. Has anyone
actually looked at the suits used in the Heisei era? He's kind of fat there to.

Fat = Size = Power...at least that's the way it works in my brain as far as kaiju go.

If you want a slim Athletic Godzilla...I guess you can always watch Destroy All Monsters!,
Raids Again or Final Wars. I personally think this Godzilla is awesome...and while I have
a few minor complaints...I think the designers did a great job.

For the record...I call this Godzilla "Bearzilla" only because he really does look and move
like a bear in several shots. I find this really cool because in interviews I have seen the
original Gojira suit actor Haruo Nakajima drew most of his ideas and inspiration from Bears
for his original performance in the suit.


The Mutos:
Now...these things man...its like the more I see them...the more I love them. Giant bug-bat-
spider-mantis things...they are so awesome. If I had to sum them up in two words...it would
be Beautifully Awkward...but I have more to say than just two words...in fact I never really
stop talking do I?

The Male (Winged) Muto:
So...he's kind of small...at least compared to Godzilla and his female lover... but the male
Muto has a lot of charm. We see him from the moment of his hatching to his classic bug
swatted splat death...and he really is the star of the movie.

That's right...I said that...Sorry Godzilla...Sorry Hiesenberg...Sorry Kick-Ass.

A violent hatching and short rampage, stealing a nuclear sub, eating the reactors, cutting
the electricity wherever he goes, raiding an airport, fighting Godzilla (off camera), stealing
a nuclear warhead, giving it to his special lady friend (Muto Kisses), fighting Godzilla again
(this time on camera) and finally getting tail slammed into a high rise building.

Man...he didn't live for long...but by God he really did dominate this film. Part Gyaos,
Part Mantis, Part Bat, Part Cockroach...all awesome.

The Female (Hook) Muto:
So yeah...its like the male Muto...only no wings, 3 times the size and a sack of right orange
eggs between her legs. The female reminds me of the Cloverfield monster and the Deadly
Mantis...but like 20 times more awesome then those American kaiju.

I guess the main reason I like the Mutos is the way they interact with each other when they
first meet. I mean how many kaiju have you ever seen exchanged a kiss and nuzzle? Its
kind of romantic when you think about it...but in saying that...I was still cheering for Godzilla
to kill them in loud and violent ways.

To be perfectly honest...Mr. & Mrs. Muto were the real stars of this film...and I hope some
more Mutos return in the future sequels.

That's right...sequelS...as you all know by now we are getting two sequels which will hopefully
be eventually known as that "Amazing trilogy of Godzilla films that totally crushes everything"

X Writing Break X

Okay...so its now October 19th...the computer I was using blew up/burnt out...but I have a new
one now...so I can continue.

What do I usually do now? Oh yeah...

~The Grievous Top 13 Moments (With Helpful Time Codes) From Godzilla 2014~

1). The Opening Credits: 00:00 till 0:2:43:
I really like the opening credits...the score...the blanked out text...the recap of Operation
Lucky Dragon...its all really epic stuff. Now I have heard some people are complaining that
these credits actually makes an excuse for the American Nuclear testing in the Pacific and
therefore basically spits in the face of the original 1954 film...but personally I don't care.

2). Them Bones: 04:33 till 06:40:
Personally...the idea of a long dead Gojira being found and studied by humans is pretty cool...
plus the parastic and radioactive nature of the Mutos is revealed.

3). Janjira Falls: 10:43 till 15:03:
A very subtle but still impactful disaster gets the story rolling...and it features some great acting
by Bryan Cranston.

4). Introducing Mr. Muto: 32:34 till 38:34:
Birth can be a disgusting and violent act...and the Muto hatching scene is all that and more.
Special mention goes to the poor Monarch field members who were personally stomped on
when Mr. Muto climbed out of the pit and went for a short walk. That would be a horrible way
to die.

5). Monarch Meeting: 43:07 till 47:14:
This is an exposition scene and its pretty awesome. Ken Watanabe and Sally Hawkins both
have some great lines...and hearing Watanabe say Gojira sends chills up my spine.

6). Making Waves & Airport Encounters: 49:44 till 59:27:
Okay...so like this has to be the greatest entrance Gojira has ever made. Mr. Muto's submarine
snacking, the Jaws-like water approach, the tidal wave and teasing reveals, Mr. Muto's spotlight
scare, airport chaos, Domino explosions a plenty, the fish tank shot from inside the airport, Mr.
Muto shreeking in defiance...and of course...the foot to head full reveal shot and that iconic roar
we first heard 60 years ago.

10 years after Final Wars...The King has returned...All HAIL THE KING!!!

7). Introducing Mrs. Muto: 1:04:19 till 1:06:00:
So yeah...the reveal of the second Muto is amazing in its own right...
smashing out of a mountain and leaving a trail of destruction through
Vegas. This is one bitch who is on mission...and Ripley isn't around
to fight her for us.

8). Breaking Bridges & Muto Kisses: 1:23:17 till 1:29:57:
Much like Boxers and Wrestlers get a grand entrance to their fights...so do the
kaiju in this film. Gojira arrives first breaching near the Golden Gate bridge for
a brief encounter with the military before smashing his way through into the bay.
Next to arrive is Death from Above Mr. Muto who takes out the power and divebombs
a boat to steal a wedding gift and third on the scene is Mrs. Muto and we then get
possibly the most romantic scene between any kaiju ever...a moment I call "Muto


So take note guys...if you really want to impress your lady friend...steal her an atomic bomb...
and then rub noses...and then have her dig a hole to lay her eggs in...wait...scratch all that.

9). The Halo Jump: 1:33:25 till 1:36:04:
I love this scene...and using the music from 2001 shows Gareth Edwards has some real guts.
The POV shot from Kick-Ass falling past the Gojira/Muto battle is classic and the hide and seek
shots of the kaiju that follow are really creepy...on a grand scale.

Also props for having the balls to use the 2001 Monolith music. It fits perfectly.

10). The Roar That Shook my Soul (And the Theater): 1:37:44 till 1:38:14:
So we have plenty of slow build up and the final fight is about to begin. The Halo Jump team
is near the Muto nest and is waiting for an opening...and then as the score drops out...Gojira
walks out of the haze and darkness...and lets loose the most powerful roar in the history of the

Its a challenge...its Gojira screaming at his enemy "Bring it On!" It is just such a glorious moment
and I'll never forget sitting in the IMAX theater on opening day and feeling my body and the entire
Theater shake with the sonic power unleashed by that roar. So Epic!

11). Blue Fire Burns: 1:44:07 till 1:44:40:
So...the make or break of this film for me was the atomic breath. As I'm sitting in the
theater watching it for the first time...in the back of my mind is the question:

"Will they or won't they? Please Gareth...you have to...you just have to!" but thankfully they did...
and like everything involving Gojira in this film...its epic.

Kick-Ass has thankfully broken the cheap double teaming Muto attack by blowing up the nest
and just when it looks like Mrs. Muto is about to chomp him down like a Mars bar...that blue glow
appears on his face...and right then I knew...and what follows is a truly powerful charge up and
release of a liquid like atomic breath attack that had me cheering out loud in the theater (much to
the shock of the other audience members)

12). The Kill Strikes: The First @ 1:46:20 The Second @ 1:49:47:
Both "Kill Strikes" in this film are pretty bad ass. Gojira clearly knows he can't hit Mr. Muto with Atomic fire...
so he picks his moment and delivers the most crushing tail swipe ever splatting the flying bat bug...
well...like a bug.

The second Kill Strike (which I believe is called the Kiss of Death) is just brutal...in an "Open
your mouth and say AHHH!!!" kind of way. An internal neck fire burn decapitation fatality. Awesome!

13). Just like in 1975: 1:52:15 till 1:56:10:
The sweeping score builds as the Brody family (not from Jaws) reunite as Gojira rises to his
feet and makes his way back to the ocean. Serizawa & Dr. Graham watch in awe as the newly
crowned King of the Monsters lets out a final roar of victory before sinking beneath the waves...
and all I can think of is three words...

Balance is Restored.

Grievous Score: 8 out of 10

And that about covers everything...I think. Thanks for taking the time to read this review...
and comments, questions and abusive replies are always welcome.


So...this is an old piece I wrote about 4 years ago...& I've re-posted it here...because why not?
Thanks for taking the time to read it...& I guess I will be sticking around these traps after all.

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