Promos A Gift Recieved

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Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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New Brunswick, Canada
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A Gift Received


After the brutal night that was in Madison Square Garden, we see the girl known now as Princess Nova, walking the halls of the arena. Likely just coming out of the doctor’s office, her forehead is covered in several bandages with her tiara resting on her head, and her right hand is taped. Any scars on her arms are covered as she wears a long-sleeved, green dress. There is a small limp from her, still feeling the effects of the ungodly match, however, she is in good spirits, happily humming along. Outside a door labelled “The Residence,” this is the office of her close allies and mentors. She knocks with her good hand before stepping in…

To see Eden and Slate Bass already standing on the outside of the door. Eden taps her foot while wearing her dress, and Slate Bass is holding something behind his back.

“Hehe, hello, Miss Eden, Slate. You were right! I did win my match tonight. And I couldn’t have done it without your love and suppor-”

“That’s great, Nova…” There is a small hint of tension in Eden’s voice. “But we would like to talk to you about something, first.”

Nodding, Princess Nova gleefully responds, “Anything for you, hehe.” And she walks in and sits on a couch, crossing her legs. Slate Bass sits next to her, placing what was behind his back on the side of the couch. Eden, pacing a little, talks to Princess Nova.

“We were very pleased with your performance in the match,” Eden says while looking at Nova.

“No, amazed.” Adds Slate Bass.

Nova grins and folds her fingers together. “Great! I know I was a little roughed up... But I felt at home when I was there. Like you were watching over me each moment.”

“I was…” Eden smirks. “However, both Slate and I were left a little... perplexed of what happened afterwards.”

“Oh,” Nova blinks before going back to her cheerful self. “You mean the embrace?”

“It wasn’t just the embrace.” Eden walks over and puts her hand on Nova’s shoulder. “You were in anguish over it.” Then she adds, “For someone wanting to change you.”

“And,” Slate continues on. “Before we left, we saw this in your room…” The Torn warrior reaches over the side of the couch and picks up what appears to be a gift bag. He takes the tag and reads. “To my friend, Reagan. Love always, Princess Nova.”

“Nova…” Eden turns Nova’s chin towards her. “You were making so much progress. We don’t want you falling back into what made you weak…”

“I will never do that-” Princess Nova for once speaks up a little bit. “Let me explain, please. I trust you, so I ask for you to put some faith in me.”

Slate Bass and Eden look at each other before nodding, letting their Torn Angel speak.

“I understand that Reagan Cole is a part of my old life. A friend of the past, but a friend none-the-less. You told me he would not understand and I knew if he pushed too hard, I would have to fight on your behalf. Fight so that I may remain with you. Tonight, I did that. I did that and shed my blood in your creation for you.” She looks at Eden. “I’ve accepted that role. But, as your angel, I know that I am meant to stand for love, faith, devotion, hope… trust. I do not wish to consume myself with hate… vengeance. It was not easy to exact it in the match, hence my pain. I don’t want to make the mistake you warned me about.”

Eden, knowing what she is about to say, completes it for her. “Consumed by a vendetta.”

“Seems rather fair,” Slate Bass says before looking at the bag. “But the gift?”

“Well, as much as he pushes, I know that the harder you push back, the harder he will.” Princess Nova blinks. “And he would be willing to go until his own destruction. This company does not need someone like him gone. I’d rather extend an olive branch. Perhaps that will lead him into acceptance. Acceptance, or tolerance.”

“Perhaps, you have a point, Nova.” Eden smiles. “I’m sorry we doubted you.” But, Eden does look over to Slate. “But I still remember him doing the unthinkable and making a mockery of my Torn Warrior…”

Nova nods. “And if you feel he must get punished for it, so be it. I will not get involved unless you ask.” She smiles at Slate and Eden. “I always trust you to do what is right, and I am forever grateful to be part of your family.”

Giving a comforting smile, Eden, and even Slate Bass, give Princess Nova a hug which she returns. Any tension, iced over like that.

“Then I suppose we could allow you to gift him it, as long as we are allowed to approve.” Slate nods, keeping his calmness.

“And speaking of,” Eden walks over to their desk. “We have something for you.” Then, she pulls out a purple gift box with a light pink ribbon over it. “Consider it a late gift for Christmas.”
Princess Nova grins ear to ear and if her hand wasn’t hurt, she’d be clapping for joy. Eden places the box on Nova’s lap and sits next to her.

“You really shouldn’t have…” Nova looks at the box, still happy as can be.

“We feel as though you earned it.” Eden lightly touches her chin. “Dear, mind helping her open it?”

Slate Bass nods before helping Nova, with the bad hand, untie the knot on the box. The soft bows fall down and Nova lifts the cover off and moves some of the paper. We can see a hand mirror, a soft purple colour to it as Princess Nova holds it up to herself and smiles. Then, a necklace, a shining necklace with a pendant featuring a rose and a crown. Eden helps Nova put it around her neck and she giggles a little bit.

“I’m loving it… Really.” And holds the gift mirror up to her to see the reflection of the necklace.

“That necklace is just a small reminder for you that I’m always there for you.” Eden gives a wicked grin. “But there is more.”

Looking more in the box, the next thing that Princess Nova pulls out is a box with a purple felt covering on it. She opens it and inside is a collection of lipstick, in an array of colours. A soft pink, a deep, burning red, a stunning violet, a cool light blue, a glossy black, and, oddly enough, a pure white one. Nova’s eyes are almost glistening while looking at it, in awe.

“That is from Eden’s personal collection.” Slate explains.

Eden nods and grins. “I believe you’ve earned it, Nova.”

Hugging Eden, Princess Nova says, “This is an honour, it really is.”

Eden returns her hug and says. “And I have more to tell you about it later, but safe to say you'll find great use from it." She winks. "Oh, I think there is one more thing in there.”

“Really?” The Torn Angel looks up.

“Well, take a look for yourself, my dear.”

Eden gestures and Slate Bass removes the last of the paper and upon seeing what is inside, Nova practically squeals with joy.

“Oh, it’s so adorable!” And Princess Nova reaches in and pulls out a teddy bear.

Showing an odd look, the bear is half white and half a black, with a blue eye on one side, and a red one on the other. It is stitched along the middle and it is wearing a tutu, with its half on the white side being pink, and the black side has a violet colour to it. Princess Nova clutches it to her chest with joy.

“We knew sometimes it may be a bit lonely for you. So, we thought you’d love a new friend.” Eden lightly pats the bear on its head.

“I love it! I love it! I love it sooo much!” Princess Nova is overjoyed. “It’ll never leave my side!”

In a small moment, both Slate Bass and Eden look at each other and they both give a smile, a warm smile. They both give Nova one final hug before they get up.

“I think we’ll leave you to rest here for a few moments.” Eden lightly kisses Nova’s forehead. “You did have a long match, and I think you two would enjoy a moment to get acquainted.”

“Bye, I love you both dearly.” Princess Nova smiles at Slate and Eden who both leave the room and just Nova and her bear are left. She lies down on the couch, holding her bear on her chest.

“They’re just the best, aren’t they. And…” she grabs the case of lipstick and holds it up. “These are just… magical looking at..." before finally holding her bear up, and she talks to it.

“Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Nova. Princess Nova in fact.” She brings it closer to her nose. “I have a feeling we’re going to be best friends!” Then, she tilts her head. “But if you’re going to be my best friend, you’re going to need a name, right?” After a few moments, she grins and says,

“I know! As Princess Nova, I hereby decree for you to be, Lady Lulu! Or Lulu for short!”

She hugs her bear closely and lies down on the bed, grinning with her eyes closed.

"I thought you'd love that name. We're going to be together forever, Lulu..."

And the scene... fades away.



@Jonny Nostradamus for lending me Slate + Eden.