Promos A Date In The Garden

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Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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New Brunswick, Canada
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A Date In The Garden

The skies are clear as evening falls and the nightlife begins to take shape. A rather high-end restaurant, named “The Garden,” is packed with dates, businessmen having important talks, and even friends looking for an enjoyable time with a quality meal. Outside of the restaurant which is placed on the street corner, we see Nova Taylor, done up a bit for the night. Her rainbow hair is well-groomed, with her letting her bangs down to cover up the bandage on her forehead left after the assault from Slate Bass and Eden. Her face as a little more makeup than normal, with lipstick and mascara, and she has a peach coloured dress which goes to her knees, high heels, and a black jacket over her shoulders. Purse slung over her shoulder, she looks somewhat impatiently around, until finally, a woman approaches her. With short brown hair going just under her chin and a black dress, she smiles at Nova.

“Let me guess, you’re Nova?” She says in a very friendly tone as Nova, for one of the first times in a while, grins in response.

“Yep, and you’re Penny?” Nova asks her. Penny nods and the two give a quick hug.

“Nice to finally meet you,” Penny pauses before adding. “Although when I got matched with a wrestler this wasn’t what I expected.”

Raising an eyebrow, Nova looks at her. “Oh really, now?”

“When I hear the word ‘Wrestler, I think big… scary… frightening…” then Penny smirks at Nova, “Not someone this cute.”

Nova blushes at the flirting from her date. “I mean, I did use to model.” She says sheepishly.

“That explains so much then,” Penny smiles.

“Well, how about I can tell you more inside.” The Rainbow Princess tilts her head towards the door and Penny nods before Nova hooks onto Penny’s arm and they head inside.

With green lamp shades over each table and several fake vine-covered dividers, the earthy aesthetic is clear in the restaurant. The lights above are dimmed, but some light does shine off the clean white floors. In the front, there are several couches and a podium where a waitress stands with a smile to greet the two girls.

“Hello, welcome to The Garden, do you have a reservation?” She says and Penny and Nova both nod.

“Yes, it should be for “Penny and Nova’ for tonight.”

The waitress looks through her book and gets to the page where the booking is found. “Of course, right this way, ladies.”

Leading the ladies to a table, it is on the other side of the divider away from the waiting area, and Penny sits closer to the window as Nova takes a seat across from her. The two are given menus and water as the waitress returns to the waiting area as another woman comes in.

Being rather tall and slim, she has long blonde hair and sunglasses on along with a purple dress. She has a devilish smirk on her face as she approaches the waitress, a grin that is recognizable.

“Good evening. I believe I have a reservation. It should be under “Emma Lazarus”, I believe.”

“Yes, Ms Lazarus, right this way.”

Her voice makes it clear who she is, it is the LDW co-owner, Eden.

Sitting on the other side of the divider, Eden remains hidden from Nova Taylor and is within earshot of the conversation with her roster member and her date. She pulls the waitress in and whispers something into her ear and she nods before walking off.

“-It’s great that you’re training to become a vet. I’m such an animal lover.” Nova says, continuing her conversation. “Like I have a cat named Hayley, and she gives a little attitude sometimes, but it’s always great to come home to her after a match.”

Penny chuckles, her arms folded under her chin. “I’d imagine. I know it’s stressful enough studying all day. Thankfully I have my dog, Pepper for that, but you… You get body-slammed for a living, that must be rough on y-”

“Excuse me, ladies.” The waitress comes with a tray. “Someone was kind enough to buy both of your drinks. So, enjoy your free Champagne.” and the server puts two glasses on the table. Penny smiles and takes a sip as Nova, tensing up at the sight of the beverage, doesn’t drink right away.

“Thanks, who bought us these?” Penny asks, raising her glass.

“They wished to remain anonymous.” The waitress responds. “I guess they don’t want any extra attention.”

Nova, not wishing to be rude, looks up to the server and gives a fake smile. “Thank you…”

“You’re welcome.”

Walking away, the server heads back to check on other customers as Nova, scratching her arm, feels a little uncomfortable.

“Are you okay, Nova?” Penny asks, seeing her date on edge.

“Sorry, I guess I need to excuse myself to the washroom for a second.” Nova looks away and gets up. Keeping it casual, Penny nods before taking another sip of her drink and Nova rushes to the bathroom.

Observing this, Eden smirks as she looks at her menu. “Right on schedule…”

Rushing into the restroom, Nova looks at herself in the mirror, her anxiety rising. With nobody else in the bathroom, she talks to herself. “Okay… Okay, easy Nova. You’ve been comfortable having an occasional drink with friends… Your life isn’t as shit as it was when you ended piss drunk every night on the street…” Shaking her head, she changes her tune. “But, you’re on a date… I don’t want to mess up… Gah!”

Running her hands through her hair, she sees the bandage on her forehead again. Thinking to herself for a second, she sighs. “Maybe you’ve earned this one, Nova. I know it shouldn’t be a good reason to drink, but with Eden’s crap over the past while, Connor… No, don’t think about him… With everything that’s happened, you earned a chance to cut back a little and unwind. I’m nervous as fuck and it’d be nice to relax. Besides, Penny seems kinda nice. And what’s the worst that can happen?”

Building up some confidence in herself, Nova fixes her hair again before she heads back out and sits down across the table from Penny, in a much better mood, and takes the first sip of her drink. “Sorry about that.”

Penny chuckles. “No problem.” before taking another drink and continuing the conversation. “Like I was saying, it must be rough doing something so physical for a living. I’d have to wonder why you chose to go into wrestling and leave modelling? Just looking at you, any magazine would be lucky to have a pretty girl like you on the cover.”

Her cheeks turning red again at the compliment, Nova looks to her side and takes another sip. “If you’re trying to win me over with flirting, it’s not going to work…”

“Are you sure about that?” Penny teases a little, seeing Nova turn red.

“Uhh, okay, maybe it’s working a little bit.” Nova goes back to the question at hand. “But it’s a little rough, I can admit. Since not every company has a women’s roster, a large part of the time I’m mixing it up with the guys and I’m kinda the underdog every match I have. Like the company I just started with, the first match I was against a guy who was a good foot taller than me and over one hundred pounds larger than me. I lost, but I went over twenty-minutes against him and I kinda impressed some people…”

On the other side of the divider, Eden mutters to herself, “Myself among them…”

“And I left it over modelling for countless reasons. Like modelling was filled with creeps, I was forced to just wear what everyone else wanted me to wear, and it got boring just posing for pictures.” Nova rolls her eyes. “I lost a lot of joy for it. But with wrestling, I get to be myself. I get to dye my hair whatever colours I want, I can walk out to the ring with Paramore blaring…”

Penny raises her eyebrows. “What song by them do you use?”

“I go out to ‘Now” by them.”

“Great choice,” Penny puts her thumb up and smiles, letting Nova continue.

“And it’s physical, but I don’t mind it. I was a wrestling fan when I was younger and got back into it because my cousin was wrestling and even though he’s kind of semi-retired now since he’s got a wife and son… And he got very burnt out, he helped train me with someone else back in BC. And since I started wrestling I find I learn a lot about myself. Like I used to walk out with a more punk-inspired look and while I liked it after I got hurt for a year, I realize people just find me more… bubbly than a ‘punk’ kind of person. Since I dyed my hair a fair bit before, although it was mainly the tips of my hair, I ended up going the extra mile with it, loved the look, and people called me “The Rainbow Princess,” and it's kinda stuck.”

Showing some interest in the story, Penny grins. “And hey, aren’t we always learning more about ourselves?”

As the waitress goes to get their food order, we return to Eden, who has been listening to the conversation.

“Maybe it’s time for another round? A special in my residence.”

As the waitress walks by, Eden gestures for her again, and whispers in her ear a second time. Nodding, she heads to the bar area to get another round. Returning to the conversation with the girls, they finished their first set of drinks and the waitress comes, with another tray.

“Well, looks like to get you a second set of drinks.” And she puts down two glasses of Cosmopolitan Martinis.

“They must be really nice, huh?” Penny says.

“They sure are, and we got your food orders to the kitchen, so they should be ready soon.” And the waitress heads off a second time. Nova, considering the past number of weeks, is becoming a bit wary of what is happening. Taking a good look around the restaurant, and her eyes only look at where Eden is for just a moment, but with the blonde wig and her face covered with the menu, Nova doesn’t suspect a thing. The Rainbow Princess shrugs and, feeling a little looser and comfortable, lightly clangs glasses with her date before taking a swig and continuing.

“I’m just glad you’re comfortable with who you are.” Penny looks down a little. “I grew up in Florida and safe to say being a lesbian there wasn’t exactly easy. So many times I got dirty looks from people when I was on a date, to people threatening me, saying "I'm damned to hell!" and even once someone threw hot coffee on me.” Opening up a bit herself, she says “It kinda took a long time for my family to really be okay with me being who I am.”

Nodding, Nova takes a drink and chimes in. “Maybe it is because I grew up in Vancouver and the attitude around that is different from where you were, but I was a little luckier on that front. Sure, I faced some people who were dicks, but most people were fine with me being bi. I kinda knew once I started to be attracted to people that I’d be happy with either a guy or girl as long as they were a nice person. But I also don’t really go out of my way to advertise it.”

Drinking some more of her martini, Nova starts to flail her arms more, talking in a rambling fashion. “And like, I’m going to get all philosophical here, but I feel as though that is just… like a small part of me. I’m the girl who wrestles, the crazy hockey fan, the girl who dyes her hair random colours, the cat lady, the fangirl of rock music, whatever, and yeah, I can be happy with anyone! But people should judge me based on all of me, and not just that. I’m just happy I have people who support me. I mentioned it on Twitter or something a few weeks, that I dated a girl or two before ago and fans were freaking out about it. But they still supported me, so that’s good. Just judge me for me.”

A bit better at handling her liquor compared to Nova, Penny laughs. “Yeah, very deep, Nova.”

Eden motions for the waitress one more time. This time she points at a very popular drink in the streets of New York, some straight-up Hennessy Cognac.

Returning for another time with the drinks on a tray, the presence of the waitress makes Penny laugh. “Don’t tell me, they’re getting us another one?”

“Yes, they are.”
The server puts down two glasses of Hennessy Cognac, and Nova, with more alcohol than she probably has had in her for a long time in such a short time-frame, says.

“Well, then that means we’re saving some money, haha.”

“Well, glad you two are enjoying. And don’t worry, your meals should be ready soon, there is just a backlog in the kitchen from a party in our VIP room.”

“Who would order that much food?” Penny asks.

“I believe it was booked by a Mr Brian T. Goodman.” The waitress replies which causes Nova to roll her eyes and laugh.

“Go figure it's him...”

Heading away, the waitress leaves the girls to their date. Nova, practically out of fucks to give, undoes her ponytail and takes a long sip of her drink. She wipes her forehead and smiles at Penny who grins back as she takes a far more conservative sip of her glass, and then she notices the bandage on her forehead.

“...Jeez Nova, are you alright?”

“I’m fine!” Nova laughs, the drinks getting to her. “Why do you ask.”

Pointing to her own forehead, Penny responds with “Your forehead…”

Remembering the bandages, Nova shrugs it off. “Oh yeah, that, just a little accident in the ring, no biggie.”

“No biggie, huh?” Penny asks. “What happened?”

Continuing to drink her Hennessy, Nova twirls her finger in her hair. “Just some guy cut up some glass and decided to slice it into my forehead, nothing much…”

“Nothing much!?” Nova’s date looks horrified. “That’s terrible! Who would do such a thing!?”

Leaning on the table, her wrist rolling as she thinks and her speech becoming a bit slurred, Nova, explains. “You know the f-freaky thing… It was my own boss.”

“...Your b-boss?”

“Yep, drove my cousin out of wrastlin’. He, his psycho wife and some of his friends drove him insane. Now he just trains people and they tt-ricked my agent into getting me to sign for ‘em.”

Penny, getting more uncomfortable with Nova’s change in demeanour, asks very timidly, “Are you okay?”

Ignoring the question, Nova continues to ramble on. “And it’s not like I could jus’ quit, I’m under contract. Making some greeaat money, but what’s the use if they are gonna make me go through hell while under it?”

“Couldn’t you, like, sue?” Penny asks.

“I mean, I could,” Nova says as Eden, on the other side of the divider, is trying to contain her laughter. “But they are like, loaded compared to me. It’d take forever, so I might as well give up, right?”

“Hmhmhm, oh sweetie…” Eden smirks.

“They drove my cousin insane and they are gonna try to do the same wit’ me. It’s not like by me being forced to work for them I had to break up with the love of my life because he goes to like, Japan and stuff all the time.” Then she randomly side-tracks. “And speaking of, the wrestlers in Japan are so fucking hardcore. Like real-life anime characters.”

Eden asks for one more round of Hennessy.

“But nope! I can never go there again.” Nova goes back to her drunken self-pity party. “And I can’t go back to modelling because there are dudes there who will probably try to grope me like the last b-boss I had there.”

“H-He did what?” Penny backs her seat against the wall, her date going south.

“And if I quit, I probably will be in some legal shit, can’t wrestle, and will be back on the streets which fuck that, it is shit!”

The waitress comes with only one drink and gives it to Nova. Having had enough of a drunk Nova, Penny gets up.

“Uhh, Nova, I think you’ve had enough. No, I have had enough of this! You need to stop! Please!”

Others in the restaurant look up at what is going on as Nova, stumbling as she gets up, leans on the table. “Why?” She gives a cold chuckle. “Either way, I’m fuuucked.” And she chugs the entire drink down.

She blinks, giving a crooked smile, before holding her hand up to her mouth, gagging.

“Excuse me, I-”

Nova heaves her head down under the table, puking on the shoes of her date as everyone in the restaurant, disgusted, covers their eyes as Eden, smirks, knowing her job was done right. Penny, horrified, picks up her purse and storms out, not looking back at Nova. Realizing what she’s done, Nova shouts. “P-Penny! I’m sorry!” as her date walks out the door, leaving her all alone.

Looking down, tears begin to build for Nova as, completely embarrassed, she turns around and runs off to the bathroom to hide.

“Check please.” Eden raises her hand to the waitress and, after all the commotion, we see a man dressed in a suit and a fedora come out with a short blonde woman in a lavish red dress come out, it is Brian Toogood and his girlfriend, Stacey Keys.


“Yeah, what bitch can’t hold her liquor?!” Stacey shouts, just as furious as her boyfriend.

In the bathroom, Nova barges into a stall and shuts the door, crying and smearing her makeup.

“W-What is wrong with me?!” She cries out. “I r-ruined my date… I *hic* am drunk as fuck. I need help!”

After paying for the drinks, we see Eden looking over her shoulder as she hears Nova sobbing in the bathroom. There is a devilish grin on her face as she walks away, with the scene fading away.

OOC: Credit as always for making Eden's lines, @Jonny Nostradamus