AMA 8-Ball Challenge Elimination Qualifying Match

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Ricky Smarks

Jun 28, 2010
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Gold Rush Tournament
8-Ball Challenge Elimination Qualifying Match
Final 2 Survivors Advance to Face Each Other in the Final Opening Round Match

Jake Wakefield v. Tetsuo Ishii v. Tora Fushimi v. Damien Axel v. Don Marshall v. Buffalo Jones v. Sicario v. Sean Cutter, Jr.

Gold Rush Tournament
Opening Round Match

The 2 Winners of the 8-Ball Challenge Will Compete in the First of the Opening Round Matches

Remember that role-plays are to be received no later than 11:59 PM EST on Tuesday, June 29th, 2021.
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Ricky Smarks

Jun 28, 2010
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Reminder that you only have to RP for this match and not the second match for these characters. Overall winner here will win both.

With the runner-up for this match being the opponent for the winner in the second match of the night for these two.
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Ricky Smarks

Jun 28, 2010
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In fact, I added the second match to the OP so that it's clear you're rping for both in this thread.
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Big D Energy
Jun 10, 2019
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I got 2 people in this match

Ricky Smarks

Jun 28, 2010
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I got 2 people in this match
Everyone does. This is the secondary characters match. If you don't want to rp for one of them, that's perfectly fine.

Ricky Smarks

Jun 28, 2010
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Big D Energy
Jun 10, 2019
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Honestly thats fine
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Ricky Smarks

Jun 28, 2010
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Honestly thats fine
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Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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Don of a New Day

Middle of fucking nowhere, some forest in western Canada

Don Marshall is crouching, his left knee touching the slightly damp soil beneath him. It’s early morning, the dew is still glistening off wild blades off grass, a gentle breeze occasionally making them dance. Don Marshall is taking quiet, shallow breathes, his gazed focus in between two large oaks north west of him. A little more than a hundred yards away, stood a majestic Wapiti (or Elk) buck, his massive antlers awkwardly rubbing against a branch as he picks at some grass in front of him.

Don makes his way closer and closer, with meticulous stealth and grace, lining up his view to the broad side of the beast. He finally stops, and then, slowly lifts his left arm to reveal a behemoth-like compound bow. He takes one last breath and hooks and arrow with his right hand and begins to draw the bow back. Inch by inch, seconds feel like minutes, as a bead of sweat drips down his face. The pressure at which the bow is being torqued would likely break the arm of a normal man, but Don’s sheer bear like size isn’t particularly standard. The bow reaches its apex and Don looks forward one more time, the Wapiti still clueless to it’s impending fate. In a flash, Don release the arrow, and a shot yelp is heard. After a short hop, the elk crumbles and passes, and arrow stuck clean through its side.

Don quickly walks over and ensures the animal does not suffer, cutting its throat. Marshall picks up the animal with the strength of a giant and chucks it over his shoulder, like a common case of beer. He gingerly begins to walk back from which he came, towards a large wooden shed beside a small cabin. As he approaches the cabin, he can hear the noise of an engine I the distance. Don smiles and makes his way to the shed, to gut and hang up his prize. He lays the elk on a table and guts it, finally placing it on an ominous meat hook, breastplate wife open. Don stands and observes his work, proudly, covered in blood and entrails.

Before he can wash up, a swanky Mercedes Benz pulls into the rocky driveway, classical music blasting away. The roaring engine comes to a stop as it parks, and a well-dressed man with rose tinted sunglasses walks out, already dusting off his jacket. It’s Bobby Tremblay, esquire, and manager extraordinaire to The Northern Touch.

“Don you could have told me this was in the middle of god damn nowhere! Christ I think I got a few scratches on the Benz here, I would have taken the SUV.” Bobby bends over and wipes the side of his car with his jacket, but there is zero signs of actual damage. He stops and walks towards the shed where Don is.

“You in there Don? I hope you didn’t call me here to murder me and bury me where no one will find me!” Bobby chuckles nervously. He walks into the shed and lets out a yelp like a scared poodle. He shakes his head in disbelief as Don is standing in front of him, knife in hand, covered head to toe in blood.

“You almost gave me a damn heart attack! You couldn’t clean up before asking me to come over for a meeting? You’re insane man…” a frustrated Bobby stomps his feet in frustration. Don just cracks a smile and chuckles under his beard. He then gets very serious an his eyes widen.

“Bobby you better tell me you have some good news for me. Tell me that you got me a match in that bullshit tournament, since once again, they don’t have a TAG match for us.”

“Don I get you that match but you are not going to be happy about what I’m going to tell you next. You see, AMA management, through their obvious superior intellect, decided that you Don Marshall had to be part of the wildcard bracket. While the man you beat, that pathetic little mommy’s boy Saus X, gets a one on one match. Does that make sense to you Don? Because to me, that sounds a lot like the SYSTEMATIC DISCRIMANATION against my client at play, once again. My client right here is undefeated and…”

“Bob, shut the hell up for a bit will ya…” Don’s voice booms and echoes through the shed and freezes the veteran manager in place. Don takes his knife and smashes it into the table, making it pierce through. He turns around and faces Don and the camera.

“Anybody in my match, at the Road for Gold, better pray to whatever god they believe in. The fact that this company is giving participation awards to grown men makes me sick to my stomach! Where I grew up, we didn’t get or believe in participation trophies, no sir. Where I grew up, if you came home a loser, you got your ass kicked some more. And if you lost again, you got your ass kicked more and more and more. There wasn’t NOBODY to pick my ass up when my sorry ass got beat. Nobody pat me on the back for a good effort. The only way to stay alive where I come from, is to make sure nobody else can stand up around you.”

“And that’s exactly what I’m going to do in North Carolina. I don’t give a damn who you put in front of me, or how many. Don Marshall is a wild fucking animal, and beast are at their most dangerous when cornered!”
Don Marshall ends his last line with power and authority in his voice. He stands there, breathing heavily like a deranged monster, draped in blood. Bobby Tremblay shivers with excitement and smiles from ear to ear.

“You heard it from the man himself, ladies and gentlemen. July 6th in charlotte is the dawn of a new era in professional wrestling, and you are all about to see it firsthand. At Road for Gold, my client Don Marshall, along with myself and Lou Lou are once again going to shock the world and make history. So don’t blink, set your DVRs, and get your pre-orders in for the new shirts kids, because The Northern Touch not only walks on gold, we’re the GOLD STANDARD!” Both men laugh as the scene comes to a close.
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Comrade Khan

The Ace of WS
Dec 2, 2019
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The Dragon never Slumbers

Tetsuo Ishii and Yuki Blossom are sitting together on the side of a training ring after a long arduous practice session. Tetsuo can barely catch his breath and is sweating profusely, while the younger more athletic Yuki is still looking as energetic as ever.

“Thanks for the session, gramps! You gotta work on your cardio, though! Especially at your age!” Yuki belts out, with a devious smirk.

“HA! As insolent as ever, even when I’m trying to regain my composure. You really are a ruthless one Yuki!” Tetsuo grabs his belly as he laughs with joy.

The both have a quick laugh, and Yuki then addreses her father with a more serious tone:

“So, how do you feel after your last big win? Pretty impressive! I checked all your socials, and you’re trending more than ever! Shrug Nation is going wild!”

Tetsuo shakes his shoulders in excitement.

“I Had a great match, and it was the utmost honor to be able to finish it with that move. Shrug Nation marches on, to the sound of our own drum forever, there is no doubt! But the road to glory is never one filled with joy…At Road to Gold, the real work begins, and Tetsuo Ishii will need every single member of Shrug Nation to stand up and cheer for me! YATA!” Ishii sticks out a piece sign as Yuki does a very cute pose along with him and puts emphasis on SHRUG NATION with him.

“That right! It’s going to be the toughest journey yet! But ever true hero rises from the ashes and conquers the impossible! SHRUG! NATION! IGNIIIIIIIIIITE!” Yuki is shrieking at the top of her lings. Suddenly, her cell phone rings and interrupts her. She takes a look, nods, and grabs her gear.

“I gotta go pops. Meeting with that nice Asian talent relation agent, he’s got some costume ideas and potential matches he wants to discuss with me. See you at home?”

“ You got it, kid. Catch you later.” Yuki skips away humming a loud tune.

Tetsuo slowly grabs the rest of his gear into his gym bag, hops onto the floor, and makes his way out of the complex. He yawns as he turns a corner, scratching the top of his head…when a throbbing sting hits his left knee. Tetsuo, though his best efforts, can’t stay standing and falls to one knee. Before he can protect himself, a black wooden cane strikes him across the face, and he falls to the ground, groaning.

“ Mr. Ishii, you didn’t really think you could run to another continent to escape your creditors, did you?” The voice is unknown to Ishii, but he already knows where this is going. A slender man wearing a ski mask is standing on top of him, glaring down and holding a large black cane in his right hand.

“The Black Dragon Clan does not forget or forgive debts, regardless how liked or famous you may be. And last we checked, we told you when you were allowed to win, and when, Mr. Ishii”

“ Shi ki sho! Kiss my ass, I don’t work for you assholes anymore” Ishii wipes blood from a cut on his forehead

“That’s not your call to make!!” the stranger screams and kicks Ishii in side of the ribs, and we hear a cracking noise. Tetsuo rolls over to his back, clutching his side in agony.

“Consider this a warning, Mr. Ishii. You will lose your next match, or the consequences will be a lot worse. I’m sure you are…familiar…with our ways. Good bye for now.” The man speaks softly, but it doesn’t make his words any less terrifying.

“You leave her out of this you piece of sh…” Tetsuo cannot finish his sentence as the cane strikes him between the eyes, rendering him unconscious. He lays helpless to the sound of black dress shoes walking away from him in the distance.
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Aug 3, 2011
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The past is your lesson. The present is your gift. The future is your motivation.

We fade in on an aerial view of a fairly crowded street in a desert city. The sun is shining bright, as cars creep along the streets and pedestrians intermingle on the sidewalks. As we come in closer we can make out palm trees, ferns and cacti scattered about. Even closer now, and viewers can make out some of the words on the buildings which mostly look old and worn by the sand. The signs on these buildings include "Farmacia", "Centro de Servicio" and "Lavandería y Planchaduria". Then at the bottom right corner of the screen, text appears reading:

Nearby Arena Veracruz
Heroica Veracruz, Veracruz, Mexico
July 2, 2011

The camera dials in on an old, beat up 1997 Saturn SL1 which is parked along the street. The scene fades in to find a young(er) Buffalo Jones sitting in the driver seat in complete silence as travelers in the city move about around him. He wears a generic grey shirt which he has sweat through, and a pair of windbreaker pants. He glances over to the passenger seat where we now see a gold championship belt sitting. After a moment of just staring at the prize, he lifts it and holds it in front of his own face, admiring it.

The belt is nothing special, just a slab of gold with some designs on it attached to a leather strap. Engraved on the centerpiece is “Principal Federación de Mexicana Lucha Libre” with a green and red oval encapsulating it.

After a lengthy stint of Jones admiring the title belt, he sets it back down in the passenger seat. He reaches into the pocket of his windbreakers and retrieves his cellphone: an HTC Thunderbolt. With a few taps of the screen, he makes a call. He has the phone up to his ear for roughly 2 minutes, before taking the phone away. At that time, the camera picks up the image on the screen and it’s clear that he was placing a call to “Mom”, but had got her voicemail.

Buffalo Jones: Of all the times to not pick up...

Jones scoffs and ends the call, opting not to leave a voicemail. He simply tosses the phone on the dashboard of the vehicle and returns to sitting in silence for an extended period. He then chuckles lightly to himself, as he grabs the title belt once more and a look of joy overtakes his face. He kisses the centerpiece of the belt several times.

Buffalo Jones: You’re all mine! After all this time, I finally got one…

He continues to stare at the belt enamored with the possession as the scene fades to black…

As that scene deteriorates, a new scene opens up. It’s a closed set with a red curtain hanging in the background and two director’s chairs seated facing each other. At the side of each chair is an end table with coffee cups placed on them. The lights and cameras being used for this shoot are visible at first, until the camera through which we are looking, zooms in a bit further. At the bottom right hand of the screen we see:

AMA Online Headquarters
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
June 29, 2021

Buffalo Jones enters the scene from the right side, while AMA’s own Mona Darling enters from the left. They shake hands, and exchange a smile before taking their seats. Mona opens up the dialogue quickly and enthusiastically.

Mona Darling:
So nice you meet you, Mr. Jones! I’m Mona Darling, and we’re here today just to talk about the upcoming Road to The Gold show and get some insight from your perspective about the 8-Ball Challenge and what it means for you to be in this position to try and become the inaugural AMA Grand Champion… So let’s first talk about your opponents perhaps?

Buffalo Jones: Sure thing. First and foremost, I want to say that I’m happy to be here. Still getting acquainted with all the interviews and such, but I’m picking it up. Anyways, I’m happy to talk about my opponents in this match-up because I truly think your merit as a competitor is measured by the men you share a ring with. We have a very talented crop of guys in this match, and regardless of where I stand with any of them on a personal level, I respect all of their skill levels inside the squared circle.

Mona Darling: Well speaking of “personal”, you absolutely have a sorted history with a number of these individuals. In particular, I would think you have a close eye on Don Marshall in this match-up. Not to throw salt in the wound, but it was Marshall who eliminated you from the Gauntlet for the Gold Rush. Do you see this match as possibly a chance at redemption?

Jones kind of tilts his head and shrugs.

Buffalo Jones: In some ways, yes. I’m not in the business of making excuses for myself, so I have no problem giving Marshall credit for taking me out. He got the better of me, plain and simple. I don’t take it personally, of course I would've done the same to him. But all that being said… I’d love to even the score with Marshall and give that squirrelly bastard Bobby Tremblay a conniption fit.

Darling cracks a smile, and Jones chuckles to himself.

Mona Darling: Okay and then another man in this match that you must be keeping your eye on is Damien Axel, I assume?

Buffalo Jones: Right.

Mona Darling:
Malice have been causing total pandemonium in AMA, and seem to be unprejudiced in their attacks. You’ve stepped up as somewhat of an enforcer of law and order in the AMA realm, so naturally there’s a clash there. Adding to that is the fact that Malice intervened in your cage match last week, completely sending that match into tailspin.

Buffalo Jones: Well, there is a clear lack of command within AMA that I’ve noticed. I didn’t come here with any grand designs of becoming the “sheriff” around these parts, but when it comes down to it, someone’s gotta toe the line. Malice are one of a number of outfits here that feel they have free reign to walk all over everybody. That might fly with some people here, but when you start interfering in my business, there’s gonna be hell to pay. I’ve worked myself to the bone just to get the chance to come here and ply my craft. I want to have straight up matches with the best competition in the world, and not have the outcomes be called into question because a bunch of jokers want to stir some shit up.

Mona Darling: I think all of AMA would agree that the sooner Malice gets checked by someone, the better.

Buffalo Jones: If it has to be me, then so be it. I’ve gone back and re-watched Last Man Standing, and I thought Damien Axel came across really well in his six-man tag. He’s a very strategic wrestler and I only hope that come July 6, he leaves all that extra BS at the door and faces me like a man.

Mona Darling: We can only hope. But hey! You will at least be joined in the match by Tora Fushimi, who you formed a rather formidable duo with at Last Man Standing. Of course, it may come down to you two having to fight each other, but if Malice rear their head, you may at least have someone to fight alongside you.

Buffalo Jones:
Tora is a great kid. I thought we had a great shot at winning the cage match but the chips just didn’t fall our way. It hurt a little, to feel like I let him down… I know he’s going to rule the world of pro wrestling one day, because his natural ability is through the roof. I tried to coach him along a little with the fundamentals and show him what I picked up over the years as far as scouting your opponent and catering your training to their specific strengths and weaknesses. I just hope he retains some of that information and continues to evolve his game. Despite his… ostentatious nature… I do see him as an ally and someone I would love to fight side by side with any day of the week.

Mona Darling: Buuuuuut….

Buffalo Jones: But… should it come down to it, I’m still in it to win it. Whether I gotta go through Wakefield, Axel, Sicario, Marshall or EVEN Fushimi, I’m going to handle my business. Because, at the end of the day, that title is the ultimate goal and the reason we’re all here in this company.

Mona nods her head.

Mona Darling:
I think that’s how you have to approach things. Whoever wins the Grand Championship first will make an indelible mark in the history books, and I think the competition will no doubt be as fierce as we’ve ever seen in AMA.

Buffalo Jones: I expect nothing less from my fellow wrestlers. It’s been said before, and it bears repeating: if you ain’t in this business to be the world champ, then you need to get out! Personally, I plan to leave it all out there in the ring, each and every round of this thing, until I physically have not a single ounce left to give!

Mona Darling: And I absolutely believe that you will! Everyone in AMA speaks highly of your passion and work ethic, you should be very proud of the impression you’ve made.

Jones bashfully waves Mona off.

Buffalo Jones: Aww, well people have often complimented my drive, and I take great pride in coming to work every night and putting my best foot forward. But, I also feel that now is the point in my career where just being a hard worker isn’t going to cut it for me anymore. At this age, in my physical shape, I have to start looking at my career bucket list and checking off the boxes. And at the very top of that list is becoming world champion for a major organization. I’m ready to make that happen, and I’ll go through whoever I need to, to do so.

Mona Darling: Well, I took a look at your resume prior to this interview and it looks like you have captured one world title in your career, is that right?

Jones sighs.

Buffalo Jones: Uh, that is correct. Nearly ten years ago to the day, I won the PFMLL World Heavyweight Championship. It was a huge honor for me, although that company isn’t exactly what I would consider “a powerhouse”. In fact, I think the company was sold and merged with another organization a couple years ago. But yes, I was able to reach the top there after years of grinding it out and I felt like a million bucks. But, that title win also coincided with one of the worst days of my life.

Mona Darling: Oh?

Another deep sigh.

Buffalo Jones: Yes… I found out hours after that win that my mother had passed the night before. It was rather sudden. Cast a pretty big shadow over the whole situation unfortunately.

Mona Darling: Oh, I’m incredibly sorry to hear that!

Buffalo Jones: It’s fine. My life has taken me on so many twists and turns in the 10 years since that the memory is extremely foggy. In fact, all the highs and lows kinda start to run together at a certain point. That is why now I focus on the present, and I’m committed to achieving my goals and enjoying the moment while I’m in it.

Mona Darling: Well they say you can’t go back, the only way is forward!

Buffalo Jones: And I’ve found that, after many attempts to go back and undo my past mistakes, the saying is very true. The past is indeed dead. All we can do is learn from it. I plan to learn from my past and all the trip-ups along the way that kept me from accomplishing my dreams, and carry that invaluable experience into this tournament. I’m not as big as Pariah, I’m not as violent as Steve Sanders, I’m not as spry as Tora Fushimi and I’m not as calculating as Brian Zewbowski… that’s fine! Because everything that makes me who I am, is the result of 40 years of always pushing, learning and thirsting for greatness. Regardless of the many times I’ve fallen and had to pick myself back up, I know deep within my heart that this is my time!

Mona Darling: Wowww. Well, you don’t have to convince me. I know you’ll do great in this tournament, and I look forward to watching you do your thing out there! Thank you for your time today..

Both Mona and Buffalo stand up, smiling to each other, and shake hands once again.

Buffalo Jones: I appreciate your time, Mona, and I promise you and all the fans at home that they’re about to see a Buffalo Jones that they’ve never seen before!

Mona Darling: It’s been a pleasure, and I can’t wait to see it!

Mona then turns to the camera, as Jones leaves the set.

Mona Darling: That was Buffalo Jones, who next Tuesday will battle Jake Wakefield, Damien Axel, Don Marshall, Tetsuo Ishii, Sicario, Sean Cutter Jr. and Tora Fushimi in the much anticipated 8-Ball Challenge at AMA’s Road to The Gold! You’re not going to want to miss it, so be sure to order the show and tune in to see who will take the next step towards the AMA Grand Championship!

The scene fades as Mona stands, holding a smile.