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+ 0- In Verses 1.0: A Land of Blood & Honey + (Zippo)
Location: The Outskirts of Augusta, Maine
Date: September 15th 2019
Time: 1:26pm
The journey had been easier this time around...despite the extra numbers.
No one was stuck lying in a large crate in the cargo hold of a plane...and
despite having to bribe a few customs officials...everything appeared to be
going according to plan. They had landed at the Bangor International airport
two days ago & after a couple of days spent doing nothing but sleeping & eating
at a local hotel, they had purchased an old dodge van (with cash) & continued
their journey towards their new home.
The drive had been slow & cautious for the most part, stopping occasionally
for fuel & food as well as allowing all of them to stretch their legs...and for
Chloe to play on the swings & jungle gyms in any of public parks they saw
along the way.
Tiberius was currently driving with Lilith in the front passenger seat. He
had suggested for her to get into the back with Chloe, Zoe & the child to
take a nap but the woman had stubbornly declared she wasn't tired...only
to fall sleep a few minutes later.
It turned out car travel was an powerful sleeping aid for Lilith...which
Tiberius found incredibly funny as he wondered how many times the lady in
white had fallen asleep in the back of a limousine in her native Germany.
The Red Priest glanced over his shoulder & saw that Chloe & Zoe were both
sleeping soundly on the mattress they had laid in the back with his "son" being
cradled safely between the two tiny women.
He couldn't help but smile to himself as he quickly focused back on the road
only to then hear a loud yawn from the woman beside him.
"Are we there yet?" Lilith asked as she stretched as best she could in the
confines of her seat.
"No...but it shouldn't be much longer now, now." Tiberius answered as Lilith
turned in her seat & observed those sleeping in the back.
"Nice to see some of us are resting well."
The Priest laughed at her remark as he turned off the highway onto a somewhat
desolate & sinister looking back road.
"I think its kind of sweet actually, actually. They make a cute couple, couple."
Lilith scoffed at his vague suggestion (assumption?) before she began eyeing
Tiberius in a curious way.
"So explain this speech tic of yours to me. How did you get it?"
"Well...you could say I was born with it...but then I wasn't really born like you or
the sleeping beauties in the back, back."
"Go on."
"Did Adam ever tell you about the traffic accident he was in, in?"
"Well...when he was around twenty or so he was involved in an extremely horrific car
crash...and well...everyone else involved but him died, died."
Lilith simply stares at Tiberius for a few seconds before he continues.
"Adam lost some people that were VERY close to him at that time & while his physical
injuries healed...mentally...he was completely shattered, shattered. To deal with the pain
& suffering he was going through...his mind developed multiple personality disorder...&
that is how I was born, born. I was basically a character that Adam created to live his life
for him...& I inherited my speech tic from him, him."
"But Adam never had that speech tic when I knew him."
"That is because I took it from him completely...as a way of helping him recover from
the accident, accident."
"Okay...so how come I've never met you before? I was having an affair with Adam for a
couple of years & you never came up in conversation...or joined in any conversations."
"Well...Adam was in the "drivers seat" for the most part, part. I was only ever really
given full control when he needed me to take it, it. And while its true we never met...
I did see you every time he did, did. I knew how lucky WE were to have both you...and
his wife, wife."
"So explain the Red King to me. Where does he fit in?"
"The Beast is simply another personality that was born from Adam suffering through
another horrendous tragedy, tragedy."
Lilith remains silent for a few moments before she asks her next question.
"What happened? Where is Katrin?"
At first Tiberius doesn't answer for a minute or so before he finally breaks his silence,
his voice filled with sadness & regret.
"She was killed...mauled to death by a pack of hyenas during their research trip to Africa,
Africa. The Beast was "born" & took full control while Adam was trying to fight them off,
off. There was nothing I could do, do."
"We all knew something had happened when you never returned from Africa. You have to believe
me when I tell you I tried everything I could to find you both."
The Priest then slowly reaches over & takes Lilith's hand in his as he replies, an almost tragic
smile on his face.
"Well...you've technically found me now...and I give you my word that I will never leave your
side ever again, again."
Lilith looks away as tears prickle at her eyes before their somewhat touching moment is rudely
interrupted by the most bubbly of people.
"Are we there yet?!" Chloe suddenly chirps as she suddenly appears between them causing both
Tiberius & Lilith to jump in their seats as they quickly disentangle their hands.
"Okay first of all...DO NOT startle me like that when I'm driving please, please. And secondly
we should be there in another twenty minutes or so." Tiberius states.
Chloe giggles to herself as Lilith glares at the tiny hippie with her iciest stare.
"Your Mother clearly did far too much acid when she was pregnant with you Chloe" Lilith snarks
as Tiberius can't help himself but laugh.
"HEY! That's not a very nice thing to say!" the tiny woman pouts.
"But its most likely very true, true." Tiberius adds as Lilith now begins to laugh herself.
"HEY! You're suppose to be on my side Mr. Tiberius!" Chloe shouts.
"Be quiet Chloe! You don't want to wake Zoe or the baby do you?" Lilith states in a hushed tone.
"No...but I think you should both apologize to me."
Tiberius & Lilith both exchange a glance & an eye roll before Lilith goes first.
"Okay. I'm sorry I accused your Mother of dropping acid while you were in the womb."
Chloe nods in acceptance before fixing her gaze on the Red Priest.
"And I'm sorry I agreed with her statement, statement."
"Apologies accepted." Chloe declares happily before shockingly jumping into the front passenger
seat to sit on Lilith's lap. The woman in white scowls at this turn of events but all Tiberius can do
is start laughing again, another wide & toothy smile on his face. The Red Priest suddenly brings
the van to a stop as he reaches for the local map currently resting on the dashboard. After a few
moments of consulting the colorful, folded papers Lilith chimes in.
"You do know where we are & where we're going right? I'd hate for us to end up in the middle of
nowhere AGAIN."
"We can handle the middle of nowhere Lilith." Chloe again happily chirps before Tiberius can
"I know we can handle the middle of nowhere Chloe...I just DON'T want to handle it anymore.
I very much like the idea of using a shower with hot water & sitting on a toilet rather than
swimming in rivers & squatting in a bushes."
"Speaking of squatting...do remember the time when that family of stouts scared you so bad
that you fell backwards into your own..."
"YES! Chloe...I remember that. I'm trying to forget it...but it seems you won't let me." Lilith
states coldly.
Tiberius once again begins laughing as Chloe also breaks in to a fit of giggles.
"Well...I have to say I'm really sorry I missed that, that." Tiberius states between laughs as
he finally finishes with the map & returns it to the dashboard. The van once again begins to
move along the nearly dirt road before it suddenly turns hard right & begins driving through
an open field.
"Where the hell are we going now?!" Lilith barks as Chloe claps in excitement.
"Yay! The middle of nowhere! I'll get the tents ready!" Chloe yelps as a look of anger quickly
appears on Lilith's face.
"Both of you calm down please, please. You will see our destination very shortly, shortly."
Tiberius responds as the old van makes it way across the open field, hitting a few "bumps"
along the way.
Soon an old, dilapidated, two storey house seemingly appears from out of nowhere as the van
continues to speed towards it.
"Oh Wow...look at how big it is!" Chloe excitedly states.
"Oh Great...I wonder how many people have been murdered here." Lilith snarks.
"None to my knowledge...& hopefully it will stay that way, way." Tiberius responds, his voice
suddenly dripping with authority & a slight hint of malice.
Lilith turns her head away from the Priest before suddenly the voice of her assistant Zoe is
"Oh Good...we've made it."
"That we have Goggles, Goggles. Thank you for giving me those easy to read directions, directions."
"No problem Mr. Hauser."
"Is the shipping container on its way, way?" Tiberius asks.
"Yes. It left yesterday Mr. Hauser. It should be here by the end of the week."
"And the medical supplies I requested, requested?"
"Ready in a warehouse a couple of hours away. I simply need to make a phone call to have them delivered."
"Excellent...you are definitely worth your weight in gold Zoe, Zoe."
"But she doesn't weigh very much though." Chloe states as the van finally comes to stop in front
of the old house.
"That's actually a fair point Pretty Bird, Bird. Okay...lets say she's worth her weight in diamonds,
"Yeah...that sounds way better." Chloe states as she opens the passenger door & excitedly jumps
out of the van. Lilith, still sulking somewhat follows the tiny hippie as Tiberius turns to face Zoe who
is now standing in the back of the van.
"Is the child still asleep, asleep?"
"Yes Mr. Hauser."
Tiberius nods to himself before replying.
"Stay with the van & keep an eye on him Zoe, Zoe."
The woman simply nods in understanding as Tiberius finally exits the van & spends a few moments
stretching & flexing as he looks over at Lilith, who still seems a little troubled. The Priest looks around
for a moment & notices Chloe is nowhere to be seen.
"Where did the Pretty Bird fly off to, to?" He asks as he finally comes to stand beside Lilith as
she continues to stare at the house in front of her.
"She went to have a look around the back. I think she's hoping there will be a swing set."
Tiberius laughs as he puts his arm around Lilith's waist & pulls her closer.
"I will make sure she gets the best swing set & jungle gym on the market, market. But as far
as gifts go...well...this is my gift to you, you."
Tiberius then takes a set of old keys out his pocket & hands them to Lilith who simply glares
at him in shock.
"You heard me, me. Its yours, yours."
"And just how did you "buy" me this gift Tye?"
"Well...when you live in a basement for a year eating rats & scraps you don't tend to spend a
lot of money, money. Surprisingly the RWK did pay us...and most of it ended up being stored
in a metal biscuit tin, tin."
Lilith looks at the keys & then at the house before finally smiling once again.
"So if the house is mine...and Chloe is getting her swing set...what do you get?"
The Priest simply smiles wickedly as he answers.
"Well...I intend to have a little bit of everything, everything."
Lilith chuckles to herself as she turns around & slowly walks up the steps to the front door
which she quickly opens before turning back around to face Tiberius.
"Aren't you going to join me?"
"Give me a couple of minutes...you go right in & pick out which room you want, want.
I'll be with you shortly, shortly." The Priest replies.
Lilith simply nods & enters the house.
"I've heard it look a lot nicer on the inside, inside!" Tiberius shouts before he then turns around
& goes back to the van, this time to the rear doors which Zoe has now opened. The Priest quickly
finds what he is looking for before walking several meters away from the van, back into the open
He picks a seemingly random spot & looks around for a few moments before kneeling down &
slowly digging a small hole in the soil with his free hand before bringing the "ritual" dagger to his
still clean palm. Tiberius slices into his own flesh without pain or reaction before he clenches his
hand into a fist, allowing his blood to freely drip into the small hole in the ground. The Priest then
enters into a trance-like state as he speaks to himself...& ANY God who will listen.
"Upon this rock...I will build my Church...and prove that blood bonds us all...for better or worse."
The Priest continues to fill the hole with crimson liquid as Zoe suddenly appears next to him, the
now awake "Red Son" held in her arms. Tiberius finally finishes his "ritual" as he refills the hole with
dirt before finally sitting down cross legged on the Earth beneath him, licking the remaining blood
from his hand. He smiles to himself as he asks Zoe a question.
"Have the arrangements been made with the LDW, LDW?"
"Yes. The contracts have been signed & all the paperwork has been processed. I even sent them the
vignettes I made. They are now simply waiting for us to...show up I guess."
Tiberius laughs to himself before replying.
"Let them wait, wait. We will show up when it is convenient for us to so, so."
Zoe nods in agreement before she continues.
"Darius Wright won the LDW World Championship."
"Yes...I knew he would, would. It was written in the Tome of the Red, Red."
"He wasn't entirely...respectful during his first address as Champion."
"Really? Well that isn't exactly surprising, surprising. One must always remember power does not
corrupt...power simply reveals, reveals. When anyone gains true power it allows them to do whatever
they wish...it allows them to be who they really want to be, be."
"So...what are you going to do about it?"
"I'm not going to do anything...not unless I'm asked to, to. What the Void Walker does is his own
business, business."
Tiberius slowly stands up & looks over the child held in Zoe's arms before walking back towards the
house as the tiny woman follows behind him.
"Make sure the roofers get out here as soon as possible, possible. I want to at least keep us dry should
the Heavens open up, up. Also get a couple of quotes for the fencing work we discussed last week, week.
This land is to be divided into four sections with double gates on each fence line just like I showed you, you."
"Yes Mr. Hauser. I will get right on that as soon as I'm not carrying a baby around."
"Good, Good."
The two walk up the front steps of their new "home" as Zoe asks her final question.
"So...as far as the LDW goes...when we do show up...what do YOU actually intend to do?"
Tiberius eyes the shorter woman for a second before another wicked smile appears on his face.
"I will do...whatever needs to be done, done."
And with that Tiberius opens the front door & ushers Zoe & his "son" inside before he to enters
the house, his voice loudly sounding out as he does.
"Honey...I'm home, HOME."
Darius Wright @King Of Armageddon
Production Notes:
~ Yes...everyone of my promos will have a set of "Production Notes" after it. Its just what I like to do.
~ This piece isn't much...but its a start so to speak.
~ I'm going to try & limit myself to one promo/piece a month...although I may do more
if an idea appears in my brain & won't go away.
~ I intend to post every one of my promos around the 14th/15th of every month.
~ The title is a reference...& if you get it...then give yourself a cookie.
~ Basically this is a road trip/moving in promo covering the end of the journey from Scotland
to Maine & the group arriving at their new home.
~ The idea of having a proper "Base of Operations" for the Church of the Red was very
important to me...especially considering where the Red King & Chloe have "lived" in the past
~ I want to try & develop this group as a "Family" unit & with the Red King now being able
to talk as the Red Priest...well...its kind of weird for me as a writer.
~ Tiberius & Lilith are meant to be the lead characters while Chloe & Zoe are supporting
characters...but these "rules" aren't set in stone. I will write whatever I want..as I always do.
~ Also...if one wants to "analyze" the basic "Family" dynamic here...Tiberius & Lilith could
be seen as the "Father & Mother" while Chloe & Zoe are the "children" but then Chloe is
actually a Mother while Zoe is actually the real parent as she basically organizes EVERYTHING.
~ I tried to "flesh out" the backstory of the "3 Avatars of the Red" which in turn was
heavily inspired by the character of Kevin Wendell Crumb from the Split/Glass films.
~ I honestly have no idea where the Church of the Red will fit into the LDW...if they even do at all...
so I'm keeping it pretty vague at this point.
~ Darius Wright gets a mention. I mean he is the current LDW Champion...so I thought I should
mention him in passing.
~ The Church arriving at Bangor International airport is a reference to the Stephen King
story "The Langoliers" found in the book "Four Past Midnight"
~ Yes...everyone one of my LDW promos will have some kind of reference to Stephen King.
Its one of the main reasons I decided to set my crew up in Maine. Why am I doing this?
No real reason...I just thought it would be fun & interesting to do.
~ I will be using photos where I can in my promos. A picture is worth a thousands words after all.
~ Each promo will be "connected" to a song...a song which I think sums up the overall vibe
& atmosphere of the piece.
~ Done!