▪ The Federation Years ▪ Royal Rumble 1997 ▪

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Oh hey, I’m just going to go ahead and picture 97 Sunny dancing on the desk again.

Bulldog promo before this match did exactly what it needed to. Hyped the Rumble and the no comment on his issues with Owen keeps the intrigue around that angle here. Again, Bulldog winning but being unhappy with Owen’s help in the aftermath here keeps things ticking along. Good stuff. Hoping we might get another match between these two teams as well.

I guess the interruption of The Nation was an okay way to add some actual heat to this match. The right team went over, and Faarooq wanting more damage done due to the disrespect before the match made sense, and cleverly allowed for Ahmed Johnson to make the big save. Logical booking.

Eh, Honkey Tonk Man still isn’t doing anything that interests me yet, and attempting to recruit AAA stars doesn’t feel like the right direction either.

Sunny promo was good, with the promoting herself over Marlena, but also teasing some more risqué stuff which works for Shotgun. Enjoyed the golden gimp line here to, thought that was good stuff.

I honestly thought I would have preferred The Executioner as the strong, silent type. Not sure if I’m reading to much into it, but if the whole “who is it under the mask” becomes a thing, that’s probably a fun angle.

Marlena/Sunny stuff just sounds like a big ball of fun. The usual heel stalling tactic from Sunny was fine, and Marlena dressing in a skimpy outfit again suits Shotgun. Fun stuff here with the chaos afterwards.

I think there’s been a mistake here as the Austin/Windham match isn’t here. Aftermath worked well simply because Austin starting fights with basically EVERYBODY to hype the Rumble has been awesome.

Not much to comment on the AAA, a generic showcase for sure here.

Kind of felt like Mankind was always going over The Executioner here. Terry Funk appearance is cool, given their history, plus pretty sure Funk had a pretty memorable appearance on the early days of Shotgun in real life if I remember right. Anyway, a Foley/Funk promo is most likely to be enjoyable.

Solid episode of Shotgun…

The Latin Lover is one of the few or potentially only AAA characters that has come in and been interesting. Enjoying his stuff here with Sincere so glad he got the win over another AAA talent who’s just been treated as generic to this point.

I’m a little torn on the Shawn interview. He admits to having a fear of failure so instead of train hard, he decided to spend the last week partying? Doesn’t sound like the smartest idea in the world. With all that said, this gives hype to the title match at the Rumble, and I’m intrigued on the result, because if Shawn wins, I’m pretty sure I know what the Mania mian event will be.

Solid enough win for Billy over Horowitz. As much as he’s not amazing as a singled guy, at this point in time, happy for Billy to keep getting his push.

Bret interview was fine, hyping the Rumble and his situations with Austin and Bulldog/Owen. All the Bulldog/Owen talk makes me think The Hart Foundation is still coming into play in this BTB, and if so, I hope it has a different spin on it as compared to real life. Also maybe a little surprised there weren’t any comments related to Shawn/Sid in here when discussing the Rumble.

I’m happy you’ve tried to put Bradshaw in an actual storyline, but honestly not sure I’m really all that into what’s been happening at the moment. I guess a nice win for Bradshaw at least, and we’re unsure how he and Uncle Zeb will turn out.

Sid’s interview was good. Really liked the part where he played on Shawn’s earlier admittance of fear of failure, laughing at it and claiming he didn’t feel anything like that. Would love for Sid to permanently take out the Lotharios at the Rumble later on tonight as well.

Austin promo was good, basically cutting a promo on everybody which suits his character to a tee at the moment. Think the mentioning of Sid and Shawn here is probably exactly the element I thought was missing from Bret’s promo earlier.

Terry Funk officially in the Rumble? Cool.

Glad you’re not doing much with Fake Diesel because that’s an awful gimmick. Jake Roberts getting a win is fine enough way to end the show.

Solid stuff, can’t wait for the Rumble. Should be awesome.


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I love the way you wrote your Royal Rumble. It's similar to way I wrote mine with the pictures. Very well written and done. As writing a Rumble always take a lot of time to complete. So this was very very well done.

You do an amazing job on your presentation. This is one my favorite BTB's. Keep up the great work.

Edit: I forgot to add that I absolutely loved Mike Awesome with The Jackyl. I think that pairing is Awesome no pun intended. Mike Awesome is one those guys who I believe could have been a bigger player than he was. Putting him with Jackyl should hopefully help solve his charisma issue.
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