GREEN BAY, Wis. — Combat USA’s Wisconsin State Finals takes place this evening at Oneida Casino in Green Bay, Wis. Herbert “Whisper†Goodman and Sherron “Rob Roy†Leggett are two of the notable names on the card. Renowned striking coach Shawn Tompkins is serving as color commentator.
Check out the Combat USA website for more information about this growing Mid-West promotion and their tournament style format used to produce ranked fighters and champions in each state:
NOTES: Dicke came in over weight at 192 pounds and the bout was changed to a catch weight.
Round 1 – Dicke lands a short hook and Browder fires back. Browder lands a nice right. Browder counters and drops Dicke. Browder attacks from top position inside full guard. Dicke kicks Browder back a bit but Browder gets back inside guard and lands a couple nice punches right on the chin. Dicke trying to maintain wrist control. Big left from Browder on the chin again. Browder stands, kicks the thighs of Dicke then dives back in with a nice punch to the chin. Dicke gets to his knees and stands, grabbing a double and dumps Browder on his back, tries to advance and moves to half guard but Browder recovers full guard. , moves to half guard. A bit of a scramble and Browder gets full guard, looking for a kimura and sweeps with it. Browder on top now eats a right from Dicke off his back. Browder postures up and lands a couple nice punches on the chin. scores the round 10-9 for Browder.
Round 2 – Browder lands a nice right, Dicke ties him up, eats a knee to the body. Dicke with a hip toss and gets on top in half guard. Dicke advances to side control but Browder gets to his feet. Dicke drops levels for a single but Browder stuffs it. Foot stomps from Dicke and Browder backs out. Right hand from Dicke, another one. Nice shot from Browder snaps Dicke’s head back. Dicke picks him up high with a big slam. Browder throws up a triangle but Dicke is right out of it. Big elbow from Dicke. Browder looking for an omoplata, grabs a kimura now as Dicke moves to side control. Forearm from Dicke, looks for a keylock but Browder pulls out of it. Dicke maintains control on top as Browder tries to sweep. About 30 seconds to go. Browder continues to try to make something happen but Dicke holds position. scores the round 10-9 for Dicke.
Round 3 – Front head lock from Dicke, drops levels and eats several elbows, but gets the takedown. Browder looking for an armbar but Dicke gets full mount. Browder escapes it and regains full guard. Browder shrimping looking for anything. Dicke moves to side control briefly but Browder scrambles to his feet. Clinched — they are both very tired at this point. Dicke with the takedown, almost sweeped but Browder gets up. Dicke takes him right back down. Browder looking for a kimura, puts it behind Dicke’s back but he escapes. Dicke stands and dives in with a punch. Full guard from Dicke with 1:30 left in the fight. Browder looks for a kimura, tries to sweep with it. Dicke takes his back, slides off and now Browder is on top. Dicke gets him off and regains top control inside guard. Nice back and forth grappling here. Browder gets up, misses with a big knee. Dicke drops levels, grabs a single, lets it go and they clinch before the bell. scores the round 10-9 for Dicke and the fight 29-28 for Dicke.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Will Dicke def. Zach Browder by unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) Rd 3 (5:00)
155 lbs. Jordan Griffin vs. Tyler Hellenbrand
Round 1 -
Filed Under: Event Results
Tags: Combat USA, featured, Gerald Meerscheart, Herbert Goodman, James Warfield, Mixed Martial-Arts, Sherron LEggett, State Finals, Wisconsin MMA, Wisconsin State Finals
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Check out the Combat USA website for more information about this growing Mid-West promotion and their tournament style format used to produce ranked fighters and champions in each state:
- Tim Hallock vs. Lenny Nelson
- Gerald “The Machine†Meerscheart vs. Herbert “Whisper†Goodman
- Josh Sterry vs. Josh “Manic Maker†Kasee
- Sherron “Rob Roy†Leggett vs. James “The Unbreakable Heavy Hitter†Warfield
- Klayton “Ranger†Konrad vs. Jimmy Zidek
- Jeff Behnke vs. Matt Gauthier
- Eric O’Sullivan vs. Jason Jungers
- Jordan Griffin vs. Tyler Hellenbrand
- Will Dicke def. Zach Browder by unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) Rd 3 (5:00)
NOTES: Dicke came in over weight at 192 pounds and the bout was changed to a catch weight.
Round 1 – Dicke lands a short hook and Browder fires back. Browder lands a nice right. Browder counters and drops Dicke. Browder attacks from top position inside full guard. Dicke kicks Browder back a bit but Browder gets back inside guard and lands a couple nice punches right on the chin. Dicke trying to maintain wrist control. Big left from Browder on the chin again. Browder stands, kicks the thighs of Dicke then dives back in with a nice punch to the chin. Dicke gets to his knees and stands, grabbing a double and dumps Browder on his back, tries to advance and moves to half guard but Browder recovers full guard. , moves to half guard. A bit of a scramble and Browder gets full guard, looking for a kimura and sweeps with it. Browder on top now eats a right from Dicke off his back. Browder postures up and lands a couple nice punches on the chin. scores the round 10-9 for Browder.
Round 2 – Browder lands a nice right, Dicke ties him up, eats a knee to the body. Dicke with a hip toss and gets on top in half guard. Dicke advances to side control but Browder gets to his feet. Dicke drops levels for a single but Browder stuffs it. Foot stomps from Dicke and Browder backs out. Right hand from Dicke, another one. Nice shot from Browder snaps Dicke’s head back. Dicke picks him up high with a big slam. Browder throws up a triangle but Dicke is right out of it. Big elbow from Dicke. Browder looking for an omoplata, grabs a kimura now as Dicke moves to side control. Forearm from Dicke, looks for a keylock but Browder pulls out of it. Dicke maintains control on top as Browder tries to sweep. About 30 seconds to go. Browder continues to try to make something happen but Dicke holds position. scores the round 10-9 for Dicke.
Round 3 – Front head lock from Dicke, drops levels and eats several elbows, but gets the takedown. Browder looking for an armbar but Dicke gets full mount. Browder escapes it and regains full guard. Browder shrimping looking for anything. Dicke moves to side control briefly but Browder scrambles to his feet. Clinched — they are both very tired at this point. Dicke with the takedown, almost sweeped but Browder gets up. Dicke takes him right back down. Browder looking for a kimura, puts it behind Dicke’s back but he escapes. Dicke stands and dives in with a punch. Full guard from Dicke with 1:30 left in the fight. Browder looks for a kimura, tries to sweep with it. Dicke takes his back, slides off and now Browder is on top. Dicke gets him off and regains top control inside guard. Nice back and forth grappling here. Browder gets up, misses with a big knee. Dicke drops levels, grabs a single, lets it go and they clinch before the bell. scores the round 10-9 for Dicke and the fight 29-28 for Dicke.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Will Dicke def. Zach Browder by unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) Rd 3 (5:00)
155 lbs. Jordan Griffin vs. Tyler Hellenbrand
Round 1 -
Filed Under: Event Results
Tags: Combat USA, featured, Gerald Meerscheart, Herbert Goodman, James Warfield, Mixed Martial-Arts, Sherron LEggett, State Finals, Wisconsin MMA, Wisconsin State Finals
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