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  1. Deezy

    Could The Dudley Boyz with Paul Heyman & CM Punk work?

    Where did you get this shit from? Sounds like you are making things up to justify something here. Your boner for all things young seems to be clouding judgement here. Dudleys are an established team, they are still in working shape, they have the most over tag team move since LOD and one...
  2. Deezy

    Could The Dudley Boyz with Paul Heyman & CM Punk work?

    Guessing you don't remember the Dudleys singles run in WWE, Bubba was getting far on the card. He was hanging with Trish, the biggest diva star they had. He was challenging for belts. And Devon was stuck with a shit gimmick where he was a pastor with Deacon Bautista.
  3. Deezy

    Could The Dudley Boyz with Paul Heyman & CM Punk work?

    So fucking what? If a performer needs to go to extremes to elicit a reaction, then they are not good performers imo. And I don't think the Dudleys lack that talent. Again I'd like to reiterate my point, ratings doesn't fail the performer, it's the performer failing the rating. Think Shane...
  4. Deezy

    Could The Dudley Boyz with Paul Heyman & CM Punk work?

    PG or not, the WWE would know what to do with them, it isn't a rating that makes a performer fail. What did TV-14 do for the Dudleys? Beating up women?
  5. Deezy

    Could The Dudley Boyz with Paul Heyman & CM Punk work?

    Wish the Dudleys would comeback, mostly because I want the 3D back on WWE games.