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  1. Grievous 3D

    La Luchadora

    Well done solved the mystery...great work... I'm pretty sure getting f*cked over for like the third time in a title rematch is a good enough excuse to be granted another title shot...which I hope Becky the Elimination Chamber the first ever Women's Elimination...
  2. Grievous 3D

    La Luchadora

    I guess reading news and rumor sites...or just thinking what is the most likely outcome... I mean Mickie is due to start on the blue brand in January...and well...the pieces seem to fit having Mickie James feud with Becky Lynch straight up is a great option because it will give...
  3. Grievous 3D

    La Luchadora you think Alexa Bliss is forming a stable of "Mean Girls"? Alexa, Eva Marie & Mickie James would be an interesting team... Anything to get Eva back and Mickie on TV... Can Naomi come back to? Has she been cleared? Do we know?
  4. Grievous 3D

    La Luchadora

    The first thing I noticed was the difference in shoes between them... but...I'm kind of strange that way.
  5. Grievous 3D

    La Luchadora

    I thought I read that Mickie was cleared by the WWE Medical Staff already? Either way...all that matters is Mickie is coming back to kick some ass!!!
  6. Grievous 3D

    La Luchadora

    Damn...that's two cookies I've missed out on...and that cookie looks really good to...
  7. Grievous 3D

    La Luchadora

    I have a feeling the WWE will eventually use that in a Rusev face turn...
  8. Grievous 3D

    La Luchadora

    I have nothing else to add on the I'll keep my mouth shut...
  9. Grievous 3D

    La Luchadora

    And Luna was great...and well...I've only seen clips of Ariel...and I liked what I saw... ;)
  10. Grievous 3D

    La Luchadora

    Exactly...this is wrestling...and the WWE has created some great "characters" over the years... Undertaker, Kane, the original Mankind...but now...everyone seems so...normal...apart from Bray Wyatt...who is my current favorite male performer... Bring back some Freaks!!!
  11. Grievous 3D

    La Luchadora

    Fair call...I just don't think shoving tiny glass discs into my eyes would be "fun" is a way of adding to a performers look...I mean just imagine Becky Lynch wearing these...
  12. Grievous 3D

    La Luchadora

    Like Foxy needs them...its amazing to think of how the WWE comes to that decision... Do they sit around a table and go; "Look people...we need to enhance this performers look...any ideas?" "Contact lenses?" "Genius...we're done! Break out the cocaine!" Although...for the right wrestler with...
  13. Grievous 3D

    La Luchadora

    I've noticed that...I mean I understood Kane wearing his back in the day... and someone like Rosemary wearing them now... But...why did Roman Reigns ever need to wear them?
  14. Grievous 3D

    La Luchadora

    Fair call...and I'd be happy for the ladies to have as much screen time as the men... But... How far is the WWE truly be willing to go with their Women's Division? Its one of the reasons I'm happy for Stephanie to be involved in the company... at least with her there...the ladies have someone...
  15. Grievous 3D

    La Luchadora

    Well...while I agree with you...the WWE can't have too many women on the main roster because well...there is only so much TV time the ladies can get in 5 hours... Unless of course the WWE decides to give the women's division its own show like 205 Live and the Cruiserweights. Now I would watch...
  16. Grievous 3D

    La Luchadora

    I've never seen her wrestle...but she looks great... and I love the name...its just so simple but so cool... Sexy Star...Has a great ring to it... What's she like in the ring and on promo?
  17. Grievous 3D

    La Luchadora

    Ehh...we agree to disagree... I know I said...just thinking out loud and connecting dots... Who knows...may-be we will never find out who it was/ wouldn't be the first time a plot point in a wrestling story line was ditched completely. I still want to know what was in...
  18. Grievous 3D

    La Luchadora

    But...the eye color is way off to be Daria...but there is some history there... And its funny you bring up Daria...because I remembered these articles from earlier in the year. Lesbian Gimmick For Becky Lynch?, Big Roster Trades, Resentment Towards Younger Talent, Too Late For TNA WWE...
  19. Grievous 3D

    La Luchadora

    Okay...So my money is on Mickie James because... She has returned to the WWE because she is now obsessed with Alexa Bliss because Alexa reminds her so much of Trish...:P Whatever involves her wearing tiny pants...I'm all
  20. Grievous 3D

    La Luchadora

    The SmackDown writers and creative...and the wrestler/s involved... Should we be placing bets on this?