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  1. edge4ever

    What Happened To Damien Sandow?

    Cesaro is amazing in the ring. His mic work sucks and he needs to improve. Cesaro is not buried and shouldn't be, you're right. The issue here is that Sandow could have great matches with the likes of Cesaro. Sandow should be given matches like this and not be buried as Miz's bitch. Sheamus...
  2. edge4ever

    What Happened To Damien Sandow?

    in terms of what? Wrestling? I agree that both Cesaro and Sheamus are better wrestlers....but Damien could have great matches with them. As far as character, they're all abou the same if you ask me.
  3. edge4ever

    What Happened To Damien Sandow?

    I fine with him being IC or US champ....but he's literally going on where near that now.
  4. edge4ever

    What Happened To Damien Sandow?

    How dare you....
  5. edge4ever

    What Happened To Damien Sandow?

    Lockard, I was responding to Seabs argument saying, "who else is generic like Sandow and is being pushed more." I figured he meant "generic" in the sense of character. Like who's character is pretty dull yet they get pushed? Well, everyone that you listed above is pretty dull as far as...
  6. edge4ever

    What Happened To Damien Sandow?

    you have some proof of that?
  7. edge4ever

    What Happened To Damien Sandow?

    yes duh lol
  8. edge4ever

    What Happened To Damien Sandow?

    are you serious?
  9. edge4ever

    What Happened To Damien Sandow?

    Miz is still stale and he's the miz...he sucks. lol Generic and bad. Sheamus, former champ or not, we were comparing "generic:....sheamus, although good in the ring, is very generic. RVD, same old RVD. Generic. Kofi would or has been in a better position than Sandow. Sandow is literally...
  10. edge4ever

    What Happened To Damien Sandow?

    Miz. Sheamus. Cesaro. Kofi Kingston. RVD. Del Rio (I know he's gone now). I'm not discrediting any of the stars listed above, but their characters are pretty generic and they're in much better positions than Sandow.
  11. edge4ever

    What Happened To Damien Sandow?

    he's 32....still got a good 5-7 years in him.
  12. edge4ever

    What Happened To Damien Sandow?

    well, yes, he may not "light up a show" but several stars don't do that and yet they're put in IC Title matches, etc. He is literally at the bottom of the barrel now.
  13. edge4ever

    What Happened To Damien Sandow?

    I was speaking in a generalized sense....but, idk how old he is
  14. edge4ever

    What Happened To Damien Sandow?

    Another brilliant move by WWE talent....bury your upcoming stars to talent that has been on the top for far too long and only getting older. :hmmm:
  15. edge4ever

    What Happened To Damien Sandow?

    I know John Cena was the beginning of the end for Sandow....but I was more or less asking why he's jobbed ever since....or why he was booked to just get destroyed by did he play bad politics....piss someone off? what's the deal?
  16. edge4ever

    What Happened To Damien Sandow?

    yeah, I know his image was somewhat stale...but, I enjoyed him more than a lot of the roster. I didn't know they switched plans like that...I would've much rather seen Cody win the MITB
  17. edge4ever

    What Happened To Damien Sandow?

    Yea, I wanted to get some reasons as to why this guy just fell off the map.
  18. edge4ever

    What Happened To Damien Sandow?

    Hey All, I know I could do some of my own research on this topic, but I figured what the hell, why not make a thread? So, what happened to Damien Sandow. I get that they made Cena bury him and lose is opportunity so they could combine the titles and do the whole Orton feud. But, since then...