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  1. Action Jackson

    Tamina Kicks Nikki

    Old school Roman approach but goddamn he does love it Greek style.
  2. Action Jackson

    Tamina Kicks Nikki

    Ain't no rimjob like a Pat Patterson rimjob 'cause a Pat Patterson rimjob don't stop.
  3. Action Jackson

    Tamina Kicks Nikki

    I can't find it since RFVideo made all their shit pay-to-play on YouTube, but there's this great Nash / Hall shoot vid where they're talking about Vince. Hall does this epic Vince impersonation. He's quoting what Vince said to them during a random meeting in his office. He blurts out "Scott...
  4. Action Jackson

    Tamina Kicks Nikki

    One time I saw John Cena's penis. I dream of it still. It was a main event penis.
  5. Action Jackson

    Tamina Kicks Nikki

    Haha "Welp I'm not getting my salad tossed tonight. Hustle. Loyalty. Respect. These are the words I live by."
  6. Action Jackson

    Tamina Kicks Nikki

  7. Action Jackson

    Tamina Kicks Nikki

    Nope. He was incredibly thankful and humble for his fans. I think he was amazed people still remembered/cared. I'm like DUDE of course we care!! You're fucking brilliant!!! I didn't swear in my tweets to him, but yeah lol. Paul Bearer is one of the fucking greatest gimmicks ever. His...
  8. Action Jackson

    Tamina Kicks Nikki

    I tweeted Percy back and forth a good bit. He was an incredibly nice guy. I was really bummed when he died.
  9. Action Jackson

    Tamina Kicks Nikki

    lol fucking 10 points for a Lloyd Christmas reference.... less than a week from Christmas.
  10. Action Jackson

    Tamina Kicks Nikki

    lol no way. I bet she had a zillion fucking marks all up her ass about it. You know who else is up her ass?
  11. Action Jackson

    Tamina Kicks Nikki

    On topic, I tweeted Nikki asking if she's alright hahaha. So corny, but goddamn that kick looked nasty. I had marked out for her hot tag too. I NEVER FUCKING MARK OUT FOR BELLAS. But damn Nikki was on a roll with that hot tag. I was like FUCK YES... HOT TAG TO A BELLA TWIN, BITCHES.
  12. Action Jackson

    Tamina Kicks Nikki

    Actually we're basically equal WWE marks. We watch all the same shit lol. I've been pretty busy recently, but I'm playing catch-up on Hulu Plus with NXT. And FUCK YES MARVEL. I keep putting on Captain America on Netflix just to watch the ass-kicking montage up until he blows up the tank and...
  13. Action Jackson

    Tamina Kicks Nikki

    Sorry, triple-postin'... but it's about Trip so it's ok right? I am the biggest WWE mark on the board. Challenge accepted.
  14. Action Jackson

    Tamina Kicks Nikki

    This should somehow be added as a permanent reaction/emoticon gif for posts. #SmugAsFuck
  15. Action Jackson

    Tamina Kicks Nikki

    Small tits = Gruyere Big tits = Nikki