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  1. Jacob Fox

    Do you plan on having kids?

    Please don't think I am in any way criticizing single parents. I'm not. They work hard and produce amazing children. I'm just saying it would be easier on the parents and the child if there were two parents. That's all.
  2. Jacob Fox

    Do you plan on having kids?

    I'm actually going to concede the parent debate to Solidus here. Although I have found plenty of case studies and anecdotal evidence that a single parent can raise a perfectly psychology healthy and happy child, it is a much harder job for the single parent. They can do it, and often succeed...
  3. Jacob Fox

    Do you plan on having kids?

    Sorry you didn't have a chance to be thoughtful in the class. My first astronomy teacher (he looked like Tom Petty) hated memorization. All the tests were open book. He taught us math, the equations and how to figure out the composition of exoplanets using the limited tools we had. My...
  4. Jacob Fox

    Do you plan on having kids?

    That was a great episode, I loved it
  5. Jacob Fox

    Do you plan on having kids?

    LOL I think it's funny that it's a moderator and the owner/admin who took the thread seriously off topic :)
  6. Jacob Fox

    Do you plan on having kids?

    Jerry saw the animated gif you posted and laughed his butt off... we loved it if that's what you're talking about :) Carnival of Souls, if I am not mistaken
  7. Jacob Fox

    Do you plan on having kids?

    We have a draw :) lol this is fun
  8. Jacob Fox

    Do you plan on having kids?

    THAT is the most awesome thing in the world... but keep in mind my friend, I've based my entire life on the teachings of Ric Flair.. I even hit Jerry in the balls every day and he's my fiancé... imagine what I'd do to someone else :)
  9. Jacob Fox

    Do you plan on having kids?

    Yet you just won a death battle :)
  10. Jacob Fox

    Do you plan on having kids?

    I know we're getting slightly off topic but yeah, I actually hate violence. It's probably why I like wrestling so much because it's not real violence. Every time I've ever hit a human being, I've HATED myself afterwards.... it was weird because they were obviously bashers/bullies and wanted to...
  11. Jacob Fox

    Do you plan on having kids?

    We can compare our powers. :) I work out six days a week, I am a second degree black belt in Shotokan :) However, I'm also 42 years old... I have had arthritis in my hands since I was 15. Solidus has the age advantage with being younger and that should help. The biggest weakness I have...
  12. Jacob Fox

    Do you plan on having kids?

    Agreed. We're definitely not doing a Death Battle. But I can still debate the other side for educational purposes even if I am agreeing with you a bit more :)
  13. Jacob Fox

    Do you plan on having kids?

    It's going to be something we both have to really put a little work in. Let's take the time to do it right and I think we'll be able to have a cool debate and show people that friends can disagree a little and still be cool to each other :) I'm still doing research. I'll let you know this...
  14. Jacob Fox

    Do you plan on having kids?

    That's fine :) I didn't expect him to be up or even get back to me right away. This is one of those things that will take a bit of work :)
  15. Jacob Fox

    Do you plan on having kids?

    Honestly I'd be a lot happier if Dru was running the world. Ichigo, not so much... but definitely Dru
  16. Jacob Fox

    Do you plan on having kids?

    I should add that I didn't think anyone was trying to refute my point. I worded that very poorly. So my apologies for that. And any frustration is directed at the psychological community NOT anyone here. So many apologies if that came across that way. Honestly I'd find it very difficult to...
  17. Jacob Fox

    Do you plan on having kids?

    Everything you said makes perfect sense but doesn't refute the only point I was trying to make and that is that a single parent CAN raise a child as emotionally and psychology healthy as a two parent household. Of course there will be inconsistencies and exceptions on BOTH sides. That's the...
  18. Jacob Fox

    Do you plan on having kids?

    Do you have copies of the studies so I could look at the research methodologies? Being that the Witherspoon Institute has in the past faced criticism for skewing research in a way that supports their predetermined viewpoint, I'd want the actual studies and methodology before I could really take...
  19. Jacob Fox

    Do you plan on having kids?

    And I took Psych 101 in community college, so probably :)
  20. Jacob Fox

    Do you plan on having kids?

    Oh yeah, they tell you that in Psychology 101 too... you think I would have listened... 10 years of schooI... could have been a stripper...