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  1. CFCrusader

    Wrestling Confessions

    I thought that the Punk-Bryan match at MITB was decent enough, or am I confusing that with something else. I dunno, but yes he is one of the best champions in recent memory. Although the credibility he got it is being lost by Rock and Cena who continue to shit on the title again. Woo!
  2. CFCrusader

    Wrestling Confessions

    I thought the title reign was better than every title reign this year and that Punk did get a few good matches/promos in. Jericho at WM, Extreme Rules, Bryan at Over the Limit and MITB, the Rock attack and the Shield promo.
  3. CFCrusader

    Wrestling Confessions

    - I think that The Rock sucks major ass. - I want for CM Punk to feud with Bryan and Cena at WM 30 in the main event, and to win - I enjoyed most of the wrestling last year - I loved CM Punk's 360-day title reign...