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  1. Aids Johnson

    Fans are the reason why WWE sucks?

    Love the DB call. Again, not taking management's side, asking where your credibility lies on the product. Ahh well, time to hit ignore and let the real smarks handle this.
  2. Aids Johnson

    Fans are the reason why WWE sucks?

    how is that asskissing upper management? Are you incapable of comprehending a whole paragraph? or do i need to keep it down to one sentence per post.
  3. Aids Johnson

    Fans are the reason why WWE sucks?

    That quote was about 5 of my replies back. IDGAF about YOUR opinion, because you have shown 0 credibility. I'll ask this one last time, name a superstar who had an unreasonable push recently, not a decade ago, and i'll let it go. Until then, you are just another douchebag who thinks he has...
  4. Aids Johnson

    Fans are the reason why WWE sucks?

    Which is why i'm thankful you and D'Z are around to handle it. All i can do is wait for Crayo to show up and post "lol i cant believe you fell for this troll" before dude gets banned. The only reason im posting is because i'm stuck wondering how someone can be so ignorant as to think they...
  5. Aids Johnson

    Fans are the reason why WWE sucks?

    When was the last time Lesnar held the title? Are we talking about 2003 and comparing it to the current product? And he is asking who else, besides Brock, do you see as someone (recently) who has been given an undeserved push? Don't cheap shot someone when the question has been asked and...
  6. Aids Johnson

    Fans are the reason why WWE sucks?

    IDGAF about your opinion dude. You are not stating facts, you are speculating on what the issue is. One could also argue the age group's play the biggest issue, with a grip of the fans being kids. You expect a 13 year old kid to give a shit about his favorite wrestler's work towards the...
  7. Aids Johnson

    Fans are the reason why WWE sucks?

    Being a hypocrite is one of the best things about watching wrestling. I can say personally i couldnt stand him because I wasn't watching during his heel run that everyone enjoyed, and the matches he was in were nothing i found to be special. I hated on Cena hard too, but since he has came back...
  8. Aids Johnson

    Fans are the reason why WWE sucks?

    shitting on dude would just make him feel more entitled to his "facts," since he is above mere speculation. Must be a top tier executive in the company trying to make the IWC peons see the light.
  9. Aids Johnson

    Fans are the reason why WWE sucks?

    inb4 sheamus.
  10. Aids Johnson

    Fans are the reason why WWE sucks?

    i still think the one DK/Frie? posted with the kid sliding back up the driveway is the best, but that one does make me laugh every time.
  11. Aids Johnson

    Fans are the reason why WWE sucks?

    inbf4 DB hate
  12. Aids Johnson

    Fans are the reason why WWE sucks?

    Yep, you're a troll. Thanks for playing.
  13. Aids Johnson

    Fans are the reason why WWE sucks?

    lol that is one thing i will never mess with. Ipad only $399! you can buy a laptop for the same price with 10x the hardware/space/capability, but why bother!? ahh well, best of luck on that fun. I just am mostly pissed i caught she had some utorrent files in her DL folder.
  14. Aids Johnson

    Fans are the reason why WWE sucks?

    skype me brah, or i can hit you up with a few programs to fix them. I'm getting all 2186 (7 FUCKING GIGS) of pictures to my pc, and then i have 1800 documents and downloads moving over now. I dont mind helping, but my mom's car has the computer key she doesnt have to plug in, and i got a nice...
  15. Aids Johnson

    Fans are the reason why WWE sucks?

    i'm not sure if he is a troll or if blffl brought in someone of her caliber to the forums. I'm spending my wonderful morning fixing my sisters old laptop. "It runs so slow!" she told me, before i spent an hour watching it open 55 programs at startup. This nerd shit is a curse some days.
  16. Aids Johnson

    Fans are the reason why WWE sucks?

    Thanks for the essay. HHH Better change the product entirely, it's not like the WWE is a billion dollar powerhouse of a company. :pity2: And a Sheamus mark too? Looks like Crayo found someone to have a love/hate relationship with. God i wish this was in the legends section. BLFFL is a...