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  1. Dolph'sZiggler

    ::Starts watching Smackdown::

    I can't single out ER for being any more predictable than most everything WWE does
  2. Dolph'sZiggler

    ::Starts watching Smackdown::

    ER last year was awesome. Christian/ADR ladder match was my favorite match of the year, Rhodes/Rey & Orton/Punk had much better matches than their WM matches, but Cena/Miz sucked and as Draine said, fuck Orton.
  3. Dolph'sZiggler

    ::Starts watching Smackdown::

    shut the hell up
  4. Dolph'sZiggler

    ::Starts watching Smackdown::

    Yea that's why I have more hope for WWE after WM. The RTWM has obviously been a victim of Vince's wrinkley ass hands being all over the product and the result has been a 3 month shit fest
  5. Dolph'sZiggler

    ::Starts watching Smackdown::

    DB is too selfish to be a great lover. He probably just lays on AJ like he's having a convulsion and cums in less than 15 seconds, rolls over and goes to sleep.
  6. Dolph'sZiggler

    ::Starts watching Smackdown::

    The second you see that tag match advertised you already know the ending will be Sheamus going over Miz. It's the only reason Miz is in the match to begin with
  7. Dolph'sZiggler

    ::Starts watching Smackdown::

    I skipped to the end of the ME and noticed Miz still can't take a brogue kick to save his life. What a shame
  8. Dolph'sZiggler

    ::Starts watching Smackdown::

    Christian was money, but what a stupid ending. Should have had Ziggler choke his goofy ass out __________ Oh wow, fuck you Teddy. Ziggler looks like shit against Khali I'm done with this ep, fuck you smackdown and the horse you rode in on __________ Basically.
  9. Dolph'sZiggler

    ::Starts watching Smackdown::

    Our Main Event playas is going to be a TAG TEAM MATCH! CM Punk and Sheamus vs Dick Butt and Miz ugh. I'll be posting my random thoughts ITT Throughout my viewing, I expect this to be painful, so stay tuned for some classic Dolph'sZiggler bitching __________ This AJ/Daniel promo is boring, but...