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  1. Canadian Dragon

    Tony Khan on Kevin Owens/MJF recent contract headlines

    the ignore button is wonderful lel
  2. Canadian Dragon

    Tony Khan on Kevin Owens/MJF recent contract headlines

    Is this clown trying to compare cuts in other business owned by the Khan family and equating them to the same as cuts made in WWE? he mus thang out on wrestling twitter a lot to actually repeat this. i have second hand embarrassment
  3. Canadian Dragon

    Tony Khan on Kevin Owens/MJF recent contract headlines

    if anything, we can all agree it was fucking lazy yes?
  4. Canadian Dragon

    Tony Khan on Kevin Owens/MJF recent contract headlines

    i cant explain hate watchers lol but i also post good stuff about wwe, I don't think I'm generally unfair in my criticism and usually stick to facts. Just kind of sounds gatekeeperish that somone who doesn't love the product or watch it religiously shouldn't negatively comment on the product. I...
  5. Canadian Dragon

    Tony Khan on Kevin Owens/MJF recent contract headlines

    On topic: Happy for Kev and kind of a no shit that TK was interested. Gives some credence that he got paid good. Good shit.
  6. Canadian Dragon

    Tony Khan on Kevin Owens/MJF recent contract headlines

    I understand that part for sure, there's obviously no point repeating the same thing from both sides over and over if you've already agreed to disagree
  7. Canadian Dragon

    Tony Khan on Kevin Owens/MJF recent contract headlines

    I don't think discussing it or passing comment on it is really the same as commenting on dirt sheets though. One thing actually happened, for one, and you can objectively dislike something without complete investment in the product. Most people are capable of saying things are good or bad...
  8. Canadian Dragon

    Tony Khan on Kevin Owens/MJF recent contract headlines

    i think i may have called you a simp like once in the last 6 months at most, you know I always respect your opinion on this matter. I get its banter tho lel, just felt you were perhaps derailing/actually annoyed. carry on
  9. Canadian Dragon

    Tony Khan on Kevin Owens/MJF recent contract headlines

    you're better than this :francis (unless someone actually insulted you and I can't see it, and if that's the case sorry!)
  10. Canadian Dragon

    Tony Khan on Kevin Owens/MJF recent contract headlines

    I thought it was classless and tone deaf and I feel that's a fair opinion to have considering context regardless of "hur dur he's playing a character. No shit , we know lol. And people can find things distasteful without watching the product