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  • Welcome to "The New" Wrestling Smarks Forum!

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  1. If You Could Sign Any Indy Guy ...

    Bryan Danielson. I don't particularly like him, but a lot of people do, and he's good for business. The Age of the Fall. Some of the most notorious heels on the indy circuit. Adam Pearce, need I say more? Mike Quackenbush, NWA World Junior Heavyweight Champion, his Quackensmash is BEAUTIFUL!
  2. WHo am I?

    This is the correct answer. For those of you confused about #7, think about this: "Joe's gonna kill you!"
  3. WHo am I?

  4. WHo am I?

    1. I had two consecutive back to back five-star matches as awarded by Dave Meltzer. 2. I am an American. 3. I am not Caucasian. 4. I am an Atheist. 5. My favorite fast food is the extra spicy Burrito from some Mexican place that I can't remember the name of. 6. The warm up...