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  1. Samoa Looch

    Brooke Hogan Alleges Mental, Physical, and Verbal Abuse from Parents

    I mean yea... everyone who saw at least one Episode of Knows Best shouldn't be surprised about it going way deeper. You could already see Linda and Terry (Fuck calling him by his stage name) being shitty, abusive parents in that. Well... abusive almost exclusively towards Brooke.
  2. Samoa Looch

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

    Whatchu talkin' about? Rampage Brown is still working.
  3. Samoa Looch

    Name Change Request Thread

    I agree with everything Smark said about Switchblaze and O-Blaze. Blaze hates it.
  4. Samoa Looch

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

    Have fun, Butters. Hunt em good.
  5. Samoa Looch

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

  6. Samoa Looch

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

    The original Name Changer
  7. Samoa Looch

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

    I ruined chat. Good, I knew I still got it.
  8. Samoa Looch

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

  9. Samoa Looch

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

    I think Butters AI has glitched out
  10. Samoa Looch

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

    I don't know what's going on
  11. Samoa Looch

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

    I don't make the rules. Smark does.
  12. Samoa Looch

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

    Julius Pepperwood would be too long, I'm afraid
  13. Samoa Looch

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

    I always forget people usually talk about the TV show, when they name drop Chicago Fire :lol
  14. Samoa Looch

    The Political Thread

    "ThAt'S clEArLy faKe!" "I WoULDn'T trUSt aN US or EuRopEAn EMaIL sERvicE eitHeR!" "ThEre IS noTHinG wROnG wITh THat! RuSSiA is Not thE NaZis liKe UkrAine!" "YeA, But WHaT ABouT HILlarY?" etc
  15. Samoa Looch

    Name Change Request Thread

    I see the problem with my suggestion now. I blame me calling you Troop all the time. I apologize.
  16. Samoa Looch

    Name Change Request Thread

    BlazeStorm it is
  17. Samoa Looch

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

    Gorgeous George III (aka The Maestro) vs. Super Mario ... sounds like a Match for @Sky, but it's sadly too short :lol
  18. Samoa Looch

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

  19. Samoa Looch

    Name Change Request Thread

    So we're not getting the OsBros.? :(