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  • Welcome to "The New" Wrestling Smarks Forum!

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  1. Good UK based holiday booking sites?

    Hi I'm looking to book a holiday to the canary islands.. I'm just researching atm as don't want to use a travel agent really.. Just wondered if you guys knew any good holiday booking websites (not comparison sites), actual booking sites. Preferably UK based
  2. Steroid use & CM Punk

    Now I know that Steroid Use and the WWE program on this is all completely controversial and I appreciate that each person may have completely different views on this. However, I saw somewhere on a youtube video that the only person in WWE who hasn't actually used steroids is CM Punk. I was...
  3. Most Annoying Smackdown Superstar?

    Needless to say, my opinion is Vicki Guerrero. I would rather shoot myself in the foot than sit in a room with her for 5 mins with her 'excuuuuuse meeee, excuuuuuseeeee meeeeeeeee' accompanied by those facial expressions and hair. Its like a package and its worse than the crazy frog. I'm...
  4. White Guy's who act Black

    Kind of a random title there, I know. But I just thought I'd share my hatred for these kind of people with you guys :) I just wondered how it is where other members live including those outside the UK (where I live). To be honest I thought (and was hoping) that the 'chav' cult would eventually...
  5. Greetings from the UK :)

    Hey everyone, Its a pleasure to arrive here on, I'm sure your all a great bunch of people and its great to mix with a crowd who loves wrestling as much as me. My real name is Kenan. I'm 19 from the UK. I would say I have been an religious wrestling fan for years, however its...
  6. Where is WWE going with 'The Shield'

    I think initially it's a great idea. The Shield seemed to take the fans and viewers by surprise everytime they came out half way through a match etc to beat up the superstars. I'm just wondering where this whole idea is going? I mean, I switched on the show this past week and yeah, Shield ended...