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  1. Confirmed GAB Matches

    Edge/Cena/Nitro are my picks for the PPV. Kane won't win a World Title again. Cena will enter a programme with Orton. Nitro would look really weak if he lost in his first title defence, so I expect Punk's quest to the ECW Title to continue an extra month or two.
  2. Raw going to 3 hours?

    ECW wouldn't have to be dropped at all. Raw already have a large roster and the show would likely feature more promo's, with an extra tag/midcard match or two. ECW only has like ten guys anyway, so it wouldn't make too much difference.
  3. Would The Undertaker Get Over Nowadays?

    MonkeyStyle said it perfectly.
  4. Summerslam spoiler

    I hate no interest in seeing celebrities wrestle, especially one's like Steve-O, who no sell moves and make the real stars look weak. The match may be a success, and hopefully the Jackass guys get their asses handed to them, but I won't hold my breathe.
  5. ECW Commish?? Hardyz Jobbing??

    Erm, no they wouldn't. DX won't even be a unit when they return. HHH will return months before HBK, so it would be pointless (they may team up now and again, but DX is likely dead).
  6. Domino Injured

    * bangs head against brick wall * Fuck me there are so many idiots at this forum!
  7. Raw going to 3 hours?

    It does't really bother me, becuase I tape it (it airs 2-4am in the UK). But I usually get bored during three hour Raw's. I don't see what's wrong with keeping Raw at two hours. Granted, a third hour would increase ratings, but it would also dilute the Raw product.
  8. KOTR Tag Team Tournament - Second Round

    What a comeback!! Our dominance over IWF continues ...
  9. your favorite Triple H match

    No particular Order: vs Cactus Jack - Hell In A Cell - No Way Out 2000 vs Cactus Jack - Street Fight - Royal Rumble 2000 vs Shawn Michaels - Non Sanctioned match - Summerslam 2002 vs Undertaker - Wrestlemania X-7 vs Stone Cold - Three Stages Of Hell - No Way Out 2001
  10. Confirmed GAB Matches

    Why must TNA be included in this thread? The company has nothing to do with it ... As for the GAB card, it looks pretty good so far. I am actually looking forward to the Cena/Lashley match. It seems as though Lashley will be playing the heel role for this match/feud and it should be...
  11. Santino is going to be dropped soon

    It was clear as soon as WWE put Umaga back into the IC picture that he would win the belt. Did you notice how JR was building Umaga up as a prestigious and worthy IC Champion? I certainly did and when he was holding the title (in his mouth), it immediately brought some respect back to the title...
  12. Huge news

    Mysterio may have been backstage, as he is scheduled to return soon, but I highly doubt Lesnar was. A return to WWE for Lesnar is not something I expect to happen any time soon. I would love to see it happen, but I doubt it. As for the 'rep' debate. Why should anyone get repped for copy and...
  13. Triple H has second thoughts about his return fued

    This makes sence. It is clear that Orton is the top heel on Raw (although Booker is a close second) and a title run should be in his future. I would love to see Orton step into a title feud with Cena after the GAB, leaving Lashley to feud with Booker. I'm surprised nobody has said that this...
  14. Will Matt and/or Jeff Hardy ever be Main Event material?

    2005 V-TUUUU-AHHH!! Edge feuds with Kane ... - then- Edge feuds with Matt Hardy. SAME OLD SHIT! ... yet I love it.
  15. KOTR Tag Team Tournament - Tiebreaker: This Guy/3Lions vs Truth/MJ807

    I vote for myself and This Guy! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!! 'The Power Trip' continue to 'roll over' the rest of IWF! This Guy, pack your bags, we're going to next round!! :D
  16. Vince 'Death' Storyline The Original Final Outcome

    I have no interest in seeing Linda on my TV, but for this storyline, I'm sure it would have been successful. I have no doubts that this storyline would have played out perfectly (then been a let down when he reveals he faked his own death).
  17. Chris Jericho needs to return

    Jericho will wrestle for WWE in late 2007 / early 2008. I guarentee it. Various sources have been saying for a while that he has 'itchy feet' to return to the ring and he hasn't exactly had The Rock's level of success since leaving has he? Granted, he's done pretty well for himself. But nothing...
  18. Will Matt and/or Jeff Hardy ever be Main Event material?

    Jeff Hardy could sell out arenas? Perrrrleeeasseee! Like it or not, the guys who sell out arena's are guys that have charisma. Jeff has the charisma of a wet fish... Prime example? Benoit's title run. Granted, he fully deserved his World Title reign and is one of the best wrestler's of all...
  19. Kane being pushed?

    How can a forty year old man have potential? Reverting him back to an old gimmick will create a new Kane? Weird logic.
  20. Domino Injured

    How is it a pointless thread??? If he has a severly broken nose then their potential feud could be in jeopardy, as could D&D's title reign in general! This thread is actually discussing something which is relevant to current WWE TV. A pointless thread would be the numerous 'Benoit' threads or...