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  • So many "holy shit it's good to see you again" moments but this is the only wrestling forum I post on and I recognise 0 of these names
    I got to have one of these moments so far, only because I use to post with one of them on a forum yeaaaaaaers ago. That being @Postman Dave but yeah idk like any of the others. Definitely look forward to getting to know them.
    Death Walker
    Death Walker
    Hell tbh, I barely recognize my people from WWEF anymore since we were brought over and most changed up their names/personas... including me, myself at times. *stares at my name having to change* :side: HMPH! Just kiddin lol but yeah it's an adjustment and I'm just glad we still have a solid yet peaceful place to hang out at these days. Thanks, Wrestling Smarks family.
    I hereby announce that hey everyone, how are you? What wrestling have you been watching recently?
    Join the "IDK about these factions I just want to have fun" club. Membership is me. We can watch old TNA together, it's okay if you don't like it
    Finally caved and bought WON membership just for the extensive archives. Thinking of doing a summary series like that one in Reddit where I just talk about it from a position of hindsight. Would anyone read that?
    Oh and def skip the results section of them, and you can probably do worh skimming the main stories if they aren't really interesting to you (bc Meltzer is not that great of a writer compared to a researcher) but the real juicy content is at the end when he gives all the news tidbits from around the world in various companies
    Ricky Smarks
    Ricky Smarks
    I have WON and the Torch. The archives are goat. Torch is currently up to 2001 in the reupload schedule.
    Should we call you "Sky Meltzer" now?
    Everyone's making vague references to drama I had no idea about so I'll just post a Cal because that's what everyone seems to be doing

    Vampire Quinn
    Vampire Quinn
    From Scotland? I would LOVE to visit the Scotland/Ireland Regions. Ireland is where most of my family originated from. That and England.
    I don't imagine most people go on forums to use "social media-like" features like this, so I'm not surprised this is my first
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