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Jacob Fox
Jacob Fox
Speaking of bathrooms:

In principle - without actually knowing any example or cases, I do think bans or violations on one forum, shouldn't carry over to another. More so because it sets a precedent for the future, especially considering a considerable number of people on Smarks had been banned from other sites previously.
@Juice trust us, this one person in particular has no deserved place in any community. I'd be open to literally anyone else but this person.
My comment is just about principles and precedents, and obviously I can't nor should I comment on anything that took place on a site I wasn't on. Also didn't realise how many comments were in this chain.
Want this to be the longest chain possible for no reason now
Jacob Fox
Jacob Fox
@Juice But see, it doesn't really set a precedent. This wasn't something that was automatic. We discussed his status and behavior with the whole staff immediately after WWEF was purchased. The vile behavior of this person, it was unanimous that he shouldn't be unbanned. THat is how reprehensible it was. If a precedent was set, then that precedent is that we discuss the bans and decide based on merit whether or not they should be lifted.
I understand what you are saying, but my comment is simply about principles and precedents of Wrestling Smarks, rather than focusing on individual examples. Not looking to start a disagreement or anything, as I have no idea what happened on a previous site.
Jacob Fox
Jacob Fox
@Juice I wasn't trying to start a disagreement either. I was just explaining the difference here.
In very simplistic terms though, there is no difference - if we don't focus on individual examples. If that makes sense? I'm literally just talking principles and precedents. I won't comment again on this though, because my original first sentence still holds true - if we don't refer to individual examples.
Ricky Smarks
Ricky Smarks
@Kid Vicious He went by the name of this fella from Star Wars
Vampire Quinn
Vampire Quinn
Why Keep him on a Ban?? Especially when it comes to a new Forum anyways? I mean, I still talk with him now and then. :(
Ohhh... Since queen commented. I know who it is.
Jacob Fox
Jacob Fox
@Vampire Quinn it is because of some things he said directly to some people which were totally inappropriate and threatening. Trrust me when I say it is very deserved
One of which includes telling me to hang myself.
Vampire Quinn
Vampire Quinn
This must've been around the time when I was "Forced" away from the forum for awhile... (Had home drama, Its in the past now)
Jacob Fox
Jacob Fox
The only three people who really know the whole extent of what happened are he, me and Jeff because I allowed him to read the emails I received from him. I don't think it's necessary to go into detail about them, just trust me from what you know about me that I made the best decision.
Also constantly making disability jokes
Samoa Looch
Samoa Looch
Oh yea, fuck that dude then.