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Damn straight.
Comrade Khan
Comrade Khan
ill have a 3rd match written today. maybe a fourth but depends how the creative juices flow and work business. fortunately however, i believe the two longest matches are written on my end
Thank the deities for y'all being able to pick up from my shortcomings.
Josh Drake
Josh Drake
'We don't need petty pretender jessters (sic) that don't contribute.'

First of all I did contribute, problem is, you sat on your thumbs all week waiting to accept my wrestling icons, and now you act surprised when I don't do this as much anymore. Secondly, considering what happened to Kyle Busch the other day, I wouldn't be saying ignorant shit like calling an Autistic person a 'petty pretender jester'.

I was going to finish my BTB before leaving, but since you've proven to be insensitive towards issues bigger than yourself, I'm leaving immediately, I don't contribute for ignorant assholes like you.
Uh, this post has literally nothing to do with you, JD.
Comrade Khan
taking offense to the word Petty? hmmmmm
Is there an ETA for the show as of this moment, and how many more matches/segments are there left?
Comrade Khan
Comrade Khan
i got 2 more to write and a few more segments myself, so i should be done within a day or two myself. going as fast a humanly possible
Ricky Smarks
Ricky Smarks
Who the fuck are you @Josh Drake?

And why would you assume this has anything to do with you?

As for the icons. Look, there was literally 30 icons total that needed to go in both before and after yours so sorry it took a minute before I had time to add them.
Ricky Smarks
Ricky Smarks
In fact, you asked me to add them as soon as I got back to Minnesota so I asked you to give me time to rest first and remind me later and as soon as you did, I added everyone’s backed up icons that same day.

So I’m just gonna say this for anyone else in the future looking to add an icon, just be patient if you do so. I can’t always add them right away. Especially if you post more than a couple. If you post two at a time, I’ll be more likely to get them up faster because it’s less work. And then you can post two more and rinse and repeat.
This is the problem with subtweeting
Ricky Smarks
Ricky Smarks
"a post that refers to a particular user without directly mentioning them, typically as a form of furtive mockery or criticism."