Can we talk about Mongo McMichael for a sec? I don't know whether I love him or hate him. I mean, I know he was a huge football player 10 years ago, but I'm wondering how much WCW threw at him to put him in the booth! Wasn't he in WWF just a few months ago for that dumb buildup to Lawrence Taylor and Bam Bam?
I really like the Mall of America setting to be honest! It's a unique atmosphere. I would love if shows took place in more exotic atmospheres! Shoot, just imagine, a wrestling show right in the middle of Central Station in New York! Wouldn't thay be a sight!?
If anyone could find me some tapes of Jushin Thunder Liger, that'd be brilliant. I need to see more of him but unfortunately I can't watch Japanese wrestling (for obvious reasons). I really like Pillman too, he's a young guy I'm very interested in seeing how he develops going into 1996!
Pastamania... now there's an idea that's sure to stick around. Hogan is doing his old shtick as usual and it's no wonder I'm finding him boring! He's not saying anything of substance! I know Big Bubba Rogers is actually Big Bossman from the WWF, but how is he a threat exactly?
Oh my god! Lex Luger is in the WCW now!? How did Vince let that happen? No wonder the WWF is in the state it's in when they've got stars leaving left and right! His confrontation of Hogan was great, and honestly an appearance like that makes me wonder if WCW intends to do what WWF didn't and make him a world champion!
You know there's an interesting phenomenon regarding Ric Flair and Sting, I don't think I've ever seen them put on a bad match!
Who the heck is this Scott Norton guy and why is he suddenly so awesome? He's picking fights with Randy Savage of all people! Really interested to see how this story develops!
Main event, it felt like a match from six years ago. Hogan wins, of course, but then all these older guys come in and attack him before he fends them all off? Yeah this won't get old soon.
This was a fun show! I'm curious to see how they proceed from here because they did a lot of setup and I need to know if they deliver on some of these promises they're making!