WCW: History Rewritten

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Tommy Bedlam

E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
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Alright, time for me to dip my toe into the waters of BTB. I suppose my first post will explain what I’m doing and how I’m doing it. I was a WCW fanboy from the time I was too young to understand everything happening until Vince killed it, so I’m going back, waaaay back, to 1990. Let’s call it history revisited rewritten.

I want to incorporate a bit of randomness and hurdles that have to be overcome along the way, so there will periodically be dice rolls that determine injuries, departures, etc. Not sure how normal that is, but one of the things that drew me to this concept was the fact that there aren’t any hard and fast rules.

Also, if I’m going to be the booker, I want to feature some behind-the-scenes things featuring a young, upstart booker being handed the keys to Ted Turner’s wrasslin’ company. Looking forward to seeing how all this plays out.

For base roster information, I’ll be using data from https://www.thesmackdownhotel.com/roster/.


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Excited to see you dipping your toe in the water here. As a fellow WCW fanboy, I look forward to seeing how this goes.

Tommy Bedlam

E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
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Christmas Day: 1989

December 25, 1989. Roughly two years earlier, Ted Turner, the owner of the Atlanta Hawks (NBA) and Atlanta Braves (MLB) purchased Jim Crockett Promotions. Near the end of 1989, Turner, a notoriously impatient person, has grown frustrated by the numbers on his new pet project. Turner wants to own a Wrasslin’ Company, but as is the case with everything he does, he wants it to be the best. The company still can’t catch Vince McMahon’s WWF in the TV ratings or in total value. A change has to be made.

Ric Flair has been the head booker for WCW since Turner made the purchase. As the face of the NWA, it seemed a natural fit. In the early morning hours of Christmas Day 1989, Turner called Flair to let him know that he was relieving him of his duties as the booker. Flair, never one to take rejection well, threatened to walk out of the company completely. Turner reminded him that his contract runs through 1991 and if he tries to leave earlier, he’ll be tied up in litigation.

Ted Turner has to make a choice. Does he name another wrestler on the roster as the Head Booker? There are rumors that Ole Anderson has been lobbying for the position, but Turner is concerned about Ole’s relationship with Flair and Arn Anderson, Ric’s closest friend. Giving Ole the Head Booker title would likely result in more of the same.

No, Ted Turner needs to look outside the company to find his new Head Booker. With that, he makes a phone call to a young writer for The Wrestling Observer: Tommy Bennett.

Tommy: Hello?

Ted Turner: This Tommy Bennett? This is Ted Turner down here in Atlanta.

Tommy doesn’t believe it. He assumes it’s one of his friends playing some sort of joke.

Tommy: Yea, I’m sure it is. So, Mr. Turner, why aren’t the Hawks doing any better this season?

Ted Turner: Well, if I knew that, we’d be a whole lot better. But I’m not calling you to talk basketball. I wanna talk wrasslin’.

It starts to set in that this may not be a prank.

Tommy: Mr. Turner. I’m sorry. I thought this was a joke. Uh…Merry Christmas.

Ted Turner: Merry Christmas. Listen, I’m making some changes down here in WCW. I’ve read some of your comments in the Observer, and it’s pretty obvious that you’re not our biggest fan. That’s why I think you’re the right man for the job.

Tommy: What job is that?

Ted Turner: I want you to be my head booker. Flair is out. I don’t want the wrestlers booking the shows anymore. We need a new voice. A younger voice.

Tommy was certainly a younger voice. At only 23, he had been writing for the Observer for a year.

Ted Turner: Listen, I know it’s Christmas Day. You’re probably busy. But I want to come down here tomorrow to meet. If you want the job, I’d need you to start on January 1. I know Meltzer’s probably gonna shit a brick about me taking you away with so littel notice, but I’m tired of being behind that bastard up North. I’ll send my jet to Lexington to pick you up, and we’ll take you back home after the meeting. How does 9 AM sound?

Tommy: I’ll be at the airport. Thanks for the opportunity. I’ll see you tomorrow.

December 26, 1989

The long black sedan drops Tommy off at the front door of The Turner Building at 133 Luckie Street. He steps through the front doors and is immediately greeted by Mr. Turner himself. He takes Tommy through a labyrinth of hallways and up a flight of steps. The two step into a sprawling office.

Ted Turner: Grab a seat, Tommy. I want to hear your thoughts on the product. Well, the ones I haven’t read, at least.

Tommy: Mr. Turner-

Ted Turner: Call me Ted. No more of this Mr. Turner stuff.

Tommy:Alright then. Ted, your not competing with Vince because your company is too…regional. You own three TV networks, but you only give your wrestling company its own show for one hour a week. WorldWide is a glorified NWA show. Your guys get 60 minutes on Saturday Night, and then on WorldWide, you’re showing matches from all over the world. Who does that benefit?

Ted Turner: Well, it’s part of our deal with the NWA. I have to keep WorldWide on air through 1990. They already signed a contract.

Tommy: That deal isn’t doing you any good, but alright. If it’s locked in for the next 12 months, I guess we’re stuck with WorldWide in its current model. Look at the current NWA Champions. Flair, he’s on your roster. US Title? Luger has that, and he’s yours. TV Champion is Muta, and you’re sharing him with New Japan. Tag Champs? The Steiners, and you have them. The NWA needs you a helluva lot more than you need them.

And if we’re being honest, the NWA model is dying. Vince is poaching the territories and taking their top stars if he doesn’t just buy them and shut them down. Have you looked at the AWA roster lately? They have 14 wrestlers on the roster. Rumor is Slaughter and Kokina are going to the WWF next. The NWA is dying, Ted. It’s time to start looking out for yourself.

Ted Turner: And what in the hell do you think I should do, Tommy? We’ve got all their titles. If I try to pull out, they’re gonna job all my guys out. We’re going to look weak.

Tommy: Your guys don’t look weak if they drop their titles. If they give them up. They go to Sol Hirsch and hand him his belts back. Well, except for the big one.

Ted Turner: HA! You think Sol is going to let Flair keep The Big Gold belt?

Tommy: Did you bring me in here because I work for a dirt sheet and know everything? That Big Gold Belt doesn’t belong to Sol Hirsch anymore. Hirsch owed him money that he didn’t have, because again, the NWA is dying, and Flair agreed to take the belt in exchange for what he was owed.I’m surprised Ric never told you that.

Ted Turner: I don’t talk much to the talent. Ric and I have a couple meetings a year about his booking and that’s it. So you think we should just pull out of the NWA, give Hirsch the titles he doesn’t own, and then what? We mae up new champions?

Tommy: Absolutely. We have tournaments. More than one tournament going at a time, and we crown our own champions, Ted. Ric is the heavyweight champion. That one’s not up for grabs. He’d shit a brick anyway. We make a midcard title, maybe two depending on how many guys are on the roster, and tag titles. Then, we evaluate the roster and go from there. Speaking of your roster…

Ted Turner: What about my roster?

Tommy: It’s too damn big for your airtime. Everybody knows you’re hoarding up talent. You’ve got 40-plus wrestlers, a shit ton of managers, and a huge commentary team. You have one show a week that features only your talent, and it runs for 60 minutes; that’s 48 minutes with commercials.

Ted, you own the Braves. 25 man roster. What you’re doing with WCW would be the equivalent of paying 52 Major Leaguers for 25 spots. So you have two options. One, you trim this roster. You downsize and stay at 6:05 eastern on Saturdays. Two, you turn WorldWide into a WCW show that shows WCW matches. You immediately double your airtime which puts more of your guys on camera. Those guys build a fanbase, those fans buy merch and boost your ratings.

Ted Turner: We’re not doing good enough ratings to warrant doubling or tripling our air time. Advertisers aren’t gonna go for that. Who would you cut? I think I’ve built a damn good roster.

Tommy: Well you’ve built a damn big roster if nothing else. Look at a guy like Abdullah the Butcher. He’s 48 and he’s an act. He does the weird stuff that freaks fans out, blades himself half to hell, and usually loses. He can’t move, can’t talk, can’t do much of anything. Bill Irwin who most fans wouldn’t know if they saw him at the gas station, Johnny Ace who from what we’ve heard at the Observer is hated by at least 75% of your locker room, and Norman the Lunatic who has been talking to Vince behind your back for the last six months. Your roster is big, but good? I’m not sure I’d say good.

Ted Turner: So if I bring you in, you’re gonna fire four guys right off the bat?

Tommy: I’m gonna fire a helluva lot more than four of them, Ted. We’re going to have one hour to basically launch this place from the ground up and crown new champions, get people over, and tell stories. I can’t do that with most of the guys on your roster. Not to mention, there are going to be guys from the AWA and other territories looking for jobs when this thing bellies up. If you sit back and let Vince pick through them, you’ll get the scraps, if he wants you to get them. If not, he’ll sign them all and let them rot on the bottom roster doing house shows.The heels will put over Hogan; the faces will put over what heel Vince builds up to eventually job to Hogan, and we’ll get nothing.

Ted Turner: We? You said we…

Tommy: I did. I want the job. I’ll call Dave right now and tell him I’m not coming back to the Observer.

Ted stands up from his desk and extends a hand toward Tommy.

Ted Turner: You start on January 1. If you do well enough, we’ll look at putting some more hours on TV. I’ll let Sol know that we’re turning the titles he owns back into him and we’re pulling out of the NWA. I’ll also notify the roster that you’ll be running things going forward, but you have to handle your own firings and letting Luger and the Steiners know about their titles.

Tommy stands up from his seat, shakes hands with his new boss, and overlooks the city of Atlanta. It’s a new day for World Championship Wrestling.

Tommy Bedlam

E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
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December 30, 1989

Tommy: Paul! Come on in and have a seat. I appreciate you making time to meet with me.

Paul E. Dangerously walks into Tommy’s new office at The Turner Building.

Paul E. Dangerously: Not a problem. I figure if the new boss wants to meet, I better show up. Can’t help but wonder if I’m next to get fired. I hear you’ve been cleaning house.

Tommy: I did let some people go. They didn’t fit with what we’re going to start doing here. But you? You’re not getting fired, Paul. In fact, I think you’re a big part of the future.

I’m sure you’ve heard that we gave Sol Hirsch his titles back. We’re no longer an NWA territory. We’re a standalone company, and as a standalone company, we need our own titles. We’ll need champions, and I’m going to book tournaments to crown those champions. But I’m not going to be the one explaining all of this to the fans. They need a face they can recognize.

Paul E. Dangerously: I’m not sure I’m following you, here.

Tommy: I’m talking about an on-air authority figure, Paul. Not like Jack Tunney up there in Stamford. I don’t want a president who only shows up on the show three or four times a year. I want the fans to think that someone on the show is running the show. Let’s call the role that of a commissioner. The NFL has one, so does Major League Baseball and the NBA. And I want that commissioner to be you. You're only a year older than me. We have a relatively young roster, and I think if you and I work together, we can bring a younger perspective than what they're doing in Connecticut.

Paul E. Dangerously: So you want me to go on air and put all the changes that you’re making into effect? You want me to be your mouthpiece? I’m not sure that I-

Tommy: Paul, everybody knows you have a great mind for this business. It’s obvious. To be quite honest, I fully expect you to leave here one day to go launch your own promotion. But in the meantime, I think we’re wasting you as a manager. You walk out to the ring with a guy, do a little talking for him, and that’s it. I want you to be an on-air authority figure, but I’d also like you to work with me to book this thing. You have credibility with the boys that I don’t have, at least not yet.

So yes, the first live episode of Saturday Night is on January 6. I’d like you to open the show, announce that we’ve withdrawn from the NWA, and then announce the tournaments. Behind the scenes, I’d like your input on what those tournaments look like. Are you interested?

Paul E. Dangerously: Tommy, you have yourself a commissioner. What does the roster look like anyway?



Arn Anderson
Age: 31


Bam Bam Bigelow
Age: 28


Bobby Eaton
Age: 31


Brad Armstrong
Age: 27


Butch Reed
Age: 35

Buzz Sawyer
Age: 30


Cactus Jack
Age: 24

Ron Simmons
Age: 31


Dr. Death Steve Williams
Age: 29


Eddie Gilbert
Age: 28


Age: 24


Brian Pillman
Age: 24

The Great Muta
Age: 27


The Iron Sheik
Age: 46


Ivan Koloff
Age: 47


Jimmy Garvin
Age: 37


Junkyard Dog
Age: 37


Kevin Sullivan
Age: 40

Lex Luger
Age: 31


Michael Hayes
Age: 30


Mike Rotunda
Age: 31

Ole Anderson
Age: 47


Ric Flair
Age: 40


Rick Steiner
Age: 28

Road Warrior Animal
Age: 29


Road Warrior Hawk
Age: 32


The Samoan Savage
Age: 24

Age: 26


Scott Steiner
Age: 27


Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker
Age: 27

Shane Douglas
Age: 25


Sid Vicious
Age: 29


Age: 30

Terry Funk
Age: 45


Tom Zenk
Age: 31


Jim Ross
Age: 37


Jim Cornette
Age: 38

Backstage Interviewer:


Missy Hyatt
Age: 26


Age: 25
Manages: Shane Douglas

Theodore Long
Age: 42
Manages: Ron Simmons


Paul Ellering
Age: 36
Manages: The Road Warriors



Paul E. Dangerously
Age: 24​

Tommy Bedlam

E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
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WCW Saturday Night
January 6, 1990
Omni Arena: Atlanta, Georgia

The show opens with Paul E. Dangerously standing in the ring.

Paul E. Dangerously: Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul E. Dangerously, and I am now the Commissioner of World Championship Wrestling. As the commissioner, I want to welcome you to the first ever LIVE WCW Saturday Night. 1990 is the dawn of a new day for our company. As of Midnight on January 1, we are no longer part of the National Wrestling Alliance. When the ball dropped in Times Square, WCW dropped out of the NWA.

What does that mean? It means that we are starting from scratch. Not only are we now going live at 6:05 Eastern right here on TBS, we are also crowning new champions. Gone are the days of men in offices all over the country deciding who gets a shot. Gone are the days of Sol Hirsch and his band of politicians deciding who is worthy to grab the brass ring. That will be decided in this ring in front of each and every one of you.

With that in mind, we need to crown champions, and the only way to do that is a tournament; three tournaments in fact. We will have a tournament to crown a new WCW US Champion, one to crown new WCW Tag Team Champions, and one to crown a new WCW TV Champion. Those start…tonight.

Tonight, in first-round action for the US Title, you will see Ron Simmons take on The Iron Sheik, and Cactus Jack will face off against Buzz Sawyer. First-round tag-team tournament action will see The Road Warriors take on Fatu and Samu, the Wild Samoans. You’ll also see a TV title tournament match between Brian Pillman and Eddie Gilbert. So without further adieu, I welcome you to the new age of World Championship Wrestling.

Match 1
Brian Pillman vs. Eddie Gilbert
TV Title Tournament Match​

The crowd shows their support of Pillman from the start of this one. Of course, it may help that he’s facing off with Eddie Gilbert who the crowd hates. The match starts off at a fevered pace until Gilbert slows things down by focusing on Pillman’s lower body. Pillman finally gains the upper hand with a textbook dropkick that drives Gilbert into the corner. Pillman, fueled by the crowd in the Omni Center connects with the Air Pillman (springboard lariat) and picks up the win.

Brian Pillman def. Eddie Gilbert via Pinfall at 6:12


Match #2
Cactus Jack vs. Buzz Sawyer
US Title Tournament Match​

Buzz Sawyer controls much of the early part of the match, much to the delight of the crowd who has really thrown their support behind Sawyer. Cactus Jack rolls out of the ring to create some distance between the two. Sawyer pursues from behind, but Cactus Jack catches him with an elbow to the midsection before driving his head into the steel steps. As Sawyer collapses to the floor, Cactus Jack charges in and crushes Sawyer’s head between his thigh and the steps.

Cactus Jack gets a sadistic grin on his face as he rolls Sawyer into the ring. He picks up his opponent and delivers a Stump Puller Piledriver, driving Sawyer head-first into the mat. Sawyer is out as Cactus Jack picks up the pinfall victory.

Cactus Jack def. Buzz Sawyer via Pinfall at 8:41


Ad Break

Jim Ross:Folks, don’t forget after tonight’s show goes off the air, be sure to call the WCW Hotline at 1-900-909-9900. The new commissioner of WCW, Paul E. Dangerously, will be there to give you a preview of what you can expect next week as three tournaments continue to unfold! Now, let’s go backstage to Missy Hyatt who is with Ron Simmons.

Missy Hyatt: “Thanks, Jim. I’m here with Ron Simmons who will face off with The Iron Sheik. Ron, do you have any thoughts ahead of your match?

Ron Simmons: You know, Missy. I’ve been busting my tail around here for the last four years. Time after time, I’ve watched other men raise titles over their heads while I’ve waited. I’m done waiting. I’m done looking at other people get what I deserve. Tonight, it’s the Iron Sheik. When I get through him, I’ll take out whoever’s next until I am the first-ever WCW United States Champion.

Missy Hyatt:Strong words from Ron Simmons. Jim and Jim, I’m sending it back to you!

Jim Ross: Strong words indeed. Tonight’s main event is sure to be a good one.

Jim Cornette: I’m not so sure about that, Ross. Sheik would love nothing more than to be the US Champion so he can rename it to something he’d be proud to hold.

Match 3
The Road Warriors (w/ Paul Ellering) vs. The Wild Samoans (Samu and Fatu) (w/ The Samoan Savage)
Tag Team Title Tournament Match​

Outside interference from the Samoan Savage put the Wild Samoans in control as they isolated Road Warrior Hawk in their corner of the ring. Thanks to a series of quick tags, they stayed fresh as they pummeled away at Hawk who could not find his way to Animal. After a double clothesline that left Hawk and Fatu laid out in the middle of the ring, Hawk finally made the hot tag to Road Warrior Animal, who came in like a bat out of hell. He knocked Samu off the apron and turned his attention to Fatu. After a running power slam, he tagged in Hawk who immediately climbed to the top turnbuckle. Animal put Fatu on his shoulders as Hawk lept into the air. Doomsday Device! Hawk gets the pin as Animal cuts off Samu before he can break up the pin.

The Road Warriors (w/ Paul Ellering) def. The Wild Samoans (w/ The Samoan Savage) via Pinfall at 12.29


Ad Break

Jim Ross: Folks, welcome back. It’s time for tonight’s main event which is a first-round match between Ron Simmons and The Iron Sheik. I’ve received word that Paul E. Dangerously is already by the phones backstage and ready to talk about next week, so be sure to call the WCW Hotline at 1-900-909-9900 at the conclusion of what promises to be a slobber knocker.

Match 4: Main Event
Ron Simmons vs. The Iron Sheik
US Championship Tournament Match​

The match gets underway as both men slowly stalk around the center of the ring. It’s Sheik who strikes first as he sweeps Simmons’ legs out from under him. Simmons falls to the mat and Sheik immediately starts pounding away with a series of stomps. He then begins punching Simmons but stops before the official disqualifies him for the use of a closed fist. Sheik pulls Simmons to his feet and delivers a forearm to the kidneys, quickly followed by another. Simmons falls to his knees as Sheik bounces off the dopes and drives his knee directly into Simmons’ upper back. Simmons manages to battle back and takes control for a moment before a poke to the eye followed by a chop block.

He looks to put this one away as he applies a Cobra Clutch! Simmons is fading as the crowd tries to rally him. The official checks his arm which falls to his side. He raises his arm again, but it falls helplessly to the side. The Sheik smiles as he knows he’s only a moment from sealing this one. The official picks up Ron’s arm once again but it doesn’t fall this time. His fist pumping in the air, Simmons begins to rally. He slowly gets to his feet with Sheik still attached to his back. Simmons charges backward and crushes Sheik between himself and the turnbuckle, but he doesn’t let go! Simmons then turns and runs all the way across the ring backward and slams Sheik into the corner again.

Simmons whips Sheik into the ropes and catches him with a Standing Thrust Spinebuster! Simmons covers Sheik for the win!

Ron Simmons def. The Iron Sheik via Pinfall at 14:49



Social Progressive
Mar 7, 2019
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Always good shit, I highly expect Foley to get booked like a god while still building up his profile, same with Bam Bam.

My prediction is gonna be Lex/Simmons finals with Simmons winning

Steiners/Road Warriors finals with Warriors winning

Arn Anderson/Terry Funk finals with Arn winning
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Tommy Bedlam

E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
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Always good shit, I highly expect Foley to get booked like a god while still building up his profile, same with Bam Bam.

My prediction is gonna be Lex/Simmons finals with Simmons winning

Steiners/Road Warriors finals with Warriors winning

Arn Anderson/Terry Funk finals with Arn winning
Appreciate the predictions, Grim!
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Reactions: Stojy and Grim

Tommy Bedlam

E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
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WCW Saturday Night
January 13, 1990
Omni Arena: Atlanta, Georgia

Jim Ross: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to WCW Saturday Night, LIVE from the Omni Arena in Atlanta, Georgia. Let’s get right to the action with a first-round match in the WCW US Championship tournament!

Match 1
Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Junkyard Dog
US Championship Tournament Match​

The match begins with Junkyard Dog charging across the ring and connecting with a clothesline that sends Bigelow into the corner. JYD then charges across the ring and goes for a shoulder to the midsection, but Bam Bam moves, driving JYD into the ring post shoulder first. That puts Bam Bam in control of this one, and he never lets up. After a scoop slam leaves Junkyard Dog on his back, Bam Bam climbs to the top rope and connects with the Wham Bam Thank You Mam (diving headbutt) for the win.

Bam Bam Bigelow def. Junkyard Dog via Pinfall at 6:13


Ad Break

Ric Flair: WOOOOO! It’s good to be back in Atlanta G-A. But The Nature Boy isn’t here to fight. Hell, from the sound of things, nobody wants me to fight. So this morning, I hopped in my jet, and I left Charlotte, North Carolina. I got off my jet right here in Atlanta, rode in my limousine to the Omni Arena because I want to talk to Paul E. Dangerously. Paul, get your butt out here.

Paul E. Dangerously makes his way to the ring, steps through the ropes, and reaches for a microphone.

Ric Flair: Before you start talking, you’re gonna listen to me. You came out here last week and you announced tournaments for a bunch of titles that don’t even exist, but you left The Nature Boy out of the dance. Now, I’m all for keeping this title until they put me in the ground. I’ll gladly, GLADLY, beat my last reign that lasted four hundreds and fifty WOOO two days. But The Nature Boy is here to make money, and I make a helluva lot more money if I’m fighting. So who’s next on The Nature Boy’s dance card?

Paul E. Dangerously: Well, Ric. I’m glad you asked. Granted, I wish you had just come and asked me privately since we don’t have time for this on tonight’s card, but I did make a mistake last week when I announced the tournaments. See, I missed one.

I said that the new WCW was going to be about deciding our champions in the ring, not in an office. So there’s a fourth tournament, and the winner of that tournament gets a shot at your belt. That tournament includes names like Ole Anderson, Butch Reed…

Flair gets a smug look on his face, seemingly sure that he can handle either of those two names.

Paul E. Dangerously: Sid Vicious is going to be in that tournament. And so is…STING. Ric, that tournament will get underway next week. Stay tuned, Champ!

Paul turns and walks out of the ring as Ric looks incensed at the disrespect.

Jim Ross: Well there you have it folks. Next week, we’re going to see the start of another tournament, and the winner of that one will face off against Ric Flair for the WCW World Championship!

Jim Cornette: Who does Dangerously think he is, anyway? You can’t just surprise the Champ with news like that!

Match 2
Arn Anderson vs. Dr. Death Steve Williams
TV Title Tournament Match​

This one gets underway with Anderson quickly taking control as he works Williams to the ground and begins to focus on his legs in an effort to keep the more powerful Williams down. It works for a while, but eventually, Williams ducks a clothesline attempt and drives Anderson to the mat with a shoulder tackle, much to the delight of the crowd. For a while, it looks like Williams is going to pick up the W, but Anderson catches the official out of position and connects with a low blow. As Williams is doubled over in pain, Anderson plants him head-first into the mat with a DDT. Anderson goes for the pin, and this one is over.

Arn Anderson def. Dr. Death Steve Williams via Pinfall at 9:08


Jim Ross: We know that Arn Anderson is going to be facing the young Flyin’ Brian Pillman next week in the semi-finals for the WCW TV Championship, but now we shift to the other side of the bracket.

Match 3
Bobby Eaton vs. The Savage Samoan
TV Title Tournament Match​

The Savage Samoan lives up to his name, attacking Eaton before the bell rings. When the match officially kicks off, Eaton is on the mat, desperately trying to get his bearings, but the Samoan is relentless. The crowd rains down a chorus of boos that have no effect on the Savage. For most of the match, The Savage Samoan is in control, rag-dolling Eaton around the ring. He tosses Eaton over the top rope, but Bobby lands on the apron. As the Savage Samoan moves in, Eaton, out of desperation, snaps his head over the top rope. Eaton climbs to the top rope and connects with the Alabama Log Jam (diving leg drop)! Eaton goes for the pin; 1…2…3! Eaton wins.

Bobby Eaton def. The Savage Samoan via Pinfall at 7:17


Ad Break

Jim Ross: Folks, we’re back for the main event as Lex Luger faces off with The Great Muta, and the winner of this one will meet Cactus Jack in the semi-finals of the US Championship Tournament. Don’t forget, as soon as the show ends, call the WCW Hotline at 1-900-909-9900 to hear from Brian Pillman as he prepares to face off against the veteran Arn Anderson next week in the semi-finals of the TV Title Tournament.

Match 4: Main Event
Lex Luger vs. The Great Muta
US Championship Tournament Match​

It’s a clash of two styles as The Great Muta with his quick kicks and martial arts background collies with The Total Package who relies on his raw power. Lex gets the upper hand in this one early after a back elbow drives Muta to the mat, but the advantage doesn’t last long as Muta connects with a kick to Luger’s jaw from the mat.

Muta quickly goes on the offensive as he begins to deliver a series of kicks to Luger’s legs and thighs, chopping the larger man down. Luger falls to a knee and Muta connects with a sidekick to the temple. Luger is down. 1…2…NO! He kicks out. Frustrated, Muta bounces to the top rope. He’s going for the Moonsault to put this one away. Muta is airborne, BUT LUGER MOVES!

Lex is first to his feet as The Great Muta gets up, but is wobbly. Luger grabs him from behind and locks in The Torture Lock as the crowd goes wild. Muta taps! Muta taps and Luger moves on in the tournament!

Lex Luger def. The Great Muta via Submission at 12:24[/u]


Tommy Bedlam

E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
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WCW Saturday Night
January 20, 1990
Omni Arena: Atlanta, Georgia

Jim Ross: WELCOME TO WCW SATURDAY NIGHT! We’re less than three weeks away from Clash of the Champions where THREE inaugural champions will be crowned, and someone will have a shot at The Nature Boy, Ric Flair’s WCW World Championship. We have one hour of action for you tonight from the Omni Arena, and for the FIRST TIME in WCW Saturday Night history, we are commercial free! Let’s get right into the action with the last of the first-round matchups for the WCW Television Championship.

Match 1
Shane Douglas (w/ Woman) vs. Terry Funk
TV Tournament Championship Match​

In a battle of young vs. old, up-and-comer vs. veteran, the crowd is firmly behind Terry Funk who gets this one underway by bringing the right right to Douglas. Funk charges in with a Lou Thez Press just as the bell rings and begins to pummel his opponent on the ground. Douglas finally manages to push Funk off and rolls out of the ring where Woman tries to console him. The official tries to keep Funk from going out of the ring in pursuit, but to no avail. Funk charges after Douglas and drives him into the ring post from behind. Woman positions herself between Douglas and Funk before Terry can do anymore damage, which gives Douglas the chance to grab Funk’s tights and pull him head-first into the steps.

Douglas maintains control as he continues to punish Funk who continues to throw wild punches, but it’s becoming obvious that Douglas is in the driver’s seat. He pummels Funk into the corner before connecting with The Pittsburgh Plunge (bridging fisherman buster). Douglas goes for the pin, 1…2…3!

Shane Douglas def. Terry Funk by Pinfall at 8:43


Missy Hyatt: Folks, I’m here with The Steiner Brothers, Rick and Scott, who will take on The Fabulous Freebirds to see which team will face off with The Road Warriors to become the first WCW Tag Team Champions. Fellas, how are you feeling ahead of your match?

Scott Steiner: Missy, the way we see it, there’s two of us and there’s two of them. On paper, it looks like we’ve got a 50-50 shot of winning. But that’s not the case. You see, the Steiner Brothers, we never lost the NWA Tag Titles. We turned them in. We already proved we’re the best in the business, so the way I see it, that gives us a 75 percent chance. I like our odds tonight and I like them even more at Clash of the Champions against The Road Warriors.

Missy Hyatt: Jim and Jim, there you have it. Scott Steiner is ready to take on The Road Warriors in less than three weeks as The Steiner Brothers look to become the first WCW Tag Team Champions.

Jim Ross: Strong words from Steiner, indeed. But before we get to the Tag Team Tournament, we’re going to see a slobber knocker between Bam Bam Bigelow and Ron Simmons.

Jim Cornette: What in the hell kind of math was that?!

Match 2
Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Ron Simmons
US Title Tournament Semifinal Match​

In a clash between two of the strongest competitors in WCW, Simmons and Bigelow start this match by bouncing off the ropes and smashing into one another. Neither man gives an inch. They do it again, and once more, neither man budges. On the third try, Simmons gains the upper hand when he launches into the air and connects with a shoulder tackle that drives Bigelow to the mat, and the crowd is ecstatic.

The crowd’s enthusiasm is shortlived, though, as Bigelow takes control after he moved out of the way as Simmons went for a lariat in the corner. With Simmons draped over the top turnbuckle, Bigelow splashes into Simmons back, driving the wind out of him. Bigelow connects with a senton and goes for the pin. 1…2…NO! Simmons kicks out at 2 ¾.

Bigelow goes to the top rope, looking to put this one away with a Wham Bam Thank You Mam (diving headbutt), but Simmons moves and Bigelow crashes head-first into the mat. Both men are down, but Simmons gets to his feet first. Bigelow is up too. Simmons Irish whips him into the ropes and catches him in a display of pure power, driving Bam Bam into the mat with a Snap Scoop Powerslam Pin. 1…2…3! Simmons wins!

Ron Simmons def. Bam Bam Bigelow by Pinfall at 12:09


Match 3
Sid Vicious vs. Butch Reed
#1 Contender Tournament for the WCW Championship​

It’s another battle of brute strength as Sid Vicious and Butch Reed stand toe-to-toe in the center of the ring, both of them seemingly waiting on the other to strike first. Sid has the height advantage, but Butch Reed has plenty of raw power. He uses it to his advantage as he delivers a forearm strike to the jaw that staggers Vicious. Reed seizes the opportunity and continues to hammer away at Sid, who’s trying to cover himself. Finally, he creates some distance as he shoves Reed hard enough to knock him to the mat. But Reed bounces up and goes right back onto the offensive.

Reed goes for an Irish whip, but Sid reverses it and connects with a huge boot to the side of Reed’s face that drops him to the mat. Now Sid’s on the offensive as he begins to stomp away at his fallen foe.

Reed tries to mount a comeback and the crowd is fully behind him, but Sid is just too much for him. In a show of power that leaves everyone in the arena awestruck, Sid hoists Reed over his head and drops him to the mat with a Release Powerbomb. Sid goes for the pin and this one is over.

Sid Vicious def. Butch Reed by Pinfall at 11:22


Jim Ross: Now we know that either Sting or Ole Anderson will face off with that behemoth for a chance at Ric Flair’s WCW Championship at Clash of the Champions.

Jim Cornette: Does it matter, Ross? Neither one of those guys has a chance against a monster like Sid Vicious!

Jim Ross: I wouldn’t go that far. I think both of those men will be ready to take on Vicious just because of what’s at stake. It’s time for some tag-team wrestling right now, though, as The Steiner Brother and the Fabulous Freebirds face off to see who’s going to face The Road Warriors at Clash of the Champions.

Match 4
The Steiner Brothers vs. The Fabulous Freebirds
Tag Team Championship Tournament​

The match gets underway with Jimmy Garvin and Rick Steiner in the ring. Steiner takes control of this one early, culminating in a belly-to-belly suplex that prompts Garvin to roll to the outside of the ring where he and Hayes try to figure out how to approach things. Garvin hops up onto the apron, but Steiner charges at him, prompting him to drop back to the floor.

With both men back in the ring, Steiner whips Garvin into the corner where the official finally peels Steiner away, giving Garvin the chance to get a cheap eye poke. He drives Steiner to the mat with a bulldog, and makes the tag to Hayes.

After a few moments of Hayes in control, Rick finally makes the tag to the fresh man, and Scott Steiner hits the ring. He drives Hayes over the top rope with a clothesline and catches Garvin, who tries to blindside him with a snap-scoop slap. The crowd is electric as Scott Steiner stands tall!

Hayes is in trouble in the waning moments of this one, but Garvin slides something to him while the official isn’t looking. It’s brass knuckles! Hayes slides them onto his hand. Garvin acts like he’s going to climb in the ring to distract the ref and Hayes connects with a vicious right hand, loaded with brass. Garvin steps back and Hayes goes for the pin. 1..2…3.

The Fabulous Freebirds def. The Steiner Brothers by Pinfall at 10:22


Jim Ross: And with that, the men who came into this tournament as the most-recent Tag Team Champions have been eliminated. The Steiners are out, and the Road Warriors will meet The Fabulous Freebirds at Clash of the Champions. But now, it’s time for our main event as Sting will face off with Ole Anderson in the number-one contender tournament for the WCW World Championship.

Match 5: Main Event
Sting vs. Ole Anderson
#1 Contender Tournament for the WCW Championship​

The match begins with a collar-and-elbow tieup that results in Anderson getting the advantage with Sting in the corner. Anderson delivers a series of knife-edge chops that turn Sting’s chest bright red to start this one. He draws back for another, but Sting grabs him and drives him into the corner, and now Sting is the one delivering the chops, one after another. Anderson falls to a knee as the official pushes Sting away.

Anderson connects with a kick to Sting’s kneecap that puts the fan-favorite in retreat. Anderson comes up from behind and puts Sting in an abdominal stretch. Sting refuses to submit and musters the strength to pull Anderson toward the ropes where he forces a break of his own. Anderson pushes it until the four count before releasing the hold.

As Sting recovers, Anderson goes back on the offense and begins clubbing away at Sting’s back and ribs, but suddenly, it stops working! Sting stands tall and the crowd goes wild. Anderson delivers a right hand to the jaw, but it does nothing. Then a left, but still, nothing. That’s when Sting whips Anderson back into the corner and connects with a Stinger Splash! He tosses him into the opposite corner and hits another! As Anderson wobbles out of the corner, Sting throws his head under his arm and hits a Scorpion Death Driver! Sting picks up the win.

Sting def. Ole Anderson by Pinfall at 10:25


As the show ends, Sid Vicious stands at the top of the entrance ramp and points a finger toward the ring at Sting who is standing tall.
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7 x Piston Cup Winner
Jan 22, 2023
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Firstly, I like the idea mentioned in the opening post of using dice rolls to add a level of chance and unpredictability to the project. I think stuff like that works well and keeps things fun for not just the audience but also for the writer as well. Not knowing how something might turn out, throwing a spanner in the works to what you had planned, and finding a way to craft a story out of it. Hope that does end up playing a role somewhere down the road.

I like the shows thus far and think you've done a good job with building the tournaments and having a fairly good reason as to why we need 3 tournaments to start - followed by a fourth. I'm a big mark for Sid so it's nice seeing him get a run here in this thread but I think his chances of going over the Stinger are fairly slim.

Excited to see how the Clash goes and what the landscape looks like when you've got your champions set in stone. I think that's when we're going to get a lot more things happening in the world outside of the basic setup that we've got the first few shows, which are needed of course. Keen to stick around and see how things play out moving forward.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2022
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I was pulling a Road Warriors vs Steiners tag team finals. Though maybe somewhere down the road. I loved the backstory and using Heyman as the Commissioner and hinting at his possible future. Perhaps, this renegade will find himself clashing with management sooner or later to take wrestling to the extreme... or maybe not brother (ikyk). Sting vs Sid Vicious will be a hell of the brawl. Could we be setting up WCW as a baby face territory for the time being or will Sid Rule The World... until it's softball season.A part of me wishes we had a few more segments, but with tournaments and only an hour of television title it's go, go, go and I understand that. I'm sure once the champions are established we will see how things shake out.
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Tommy Bedlam

E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
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WCW Saturday Night
January 27, 1990
Omni Arena: Atlanta, Georgia

Jim Ross: It’s Saturday Night, and you know what that means! Folks, we have a huge evening ahead of us as we’ll see two matches that are part of the TV Title Tournament, while Cactus Jack will face off against Lex Luger to determine who will face Ron Simmons in a match for the WCW United States Championship. But in our main event, Sting will stand toe-to-toe with Sid Vicious to determine which one of those men will face The Nature Boy Ric Flair for the WCW World Championship. Speaking of the Champ, we’ll hear from him live tonight! Let’s send it to the ring for our first match of the evening.

Match 1
Bobby Eaton vs. Shane Douglas w/ Woman
TV Championship Semi-Finals Match​

The bell rings and this one is underway with a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Douglas strength gives him the advantage as he tosses Eaton to the mat. The veteran quickly bounces back to his feet only to be dismissed again by Douglas. Eaton finally manages to get some offense in when Douglas gets a little too aggressive. A quick kick to the midsection doubles Douglas over at the waist and Eaton connects with a DDT. Douglas kicks out at 2 when Eaton goes for the pin.

Eaton climbs to the second rope and comes down with a knee that lands on Douglas’ upper body, driving the wind out of him, but it’s still not enough to keep Douglas down. As Eaton bends down to pull Douglas to the mat, Douglas rolls him up! 1…2…NO! Eaton kicks out.

Both men bounce back to their feet and Eaton goes for a clothesline. Douglas ducks and follows it with a kick to the gut. Franchiser! Douglas hits the Franchiser! 1…2…3!

Shane Douglas def. Bobby Eaton by Pinfall at 10:10


Jim Ross: Shane Douglas will face the winner of Brian Pillman and Arn Anderson for the WCW US Championship at Clash of Champions.

Jim Cornette: So what you’re saying is that Shane Douglas will face Arn Anderson at Clash of Champions, Ross.

Ad Break

Match 2
Cactus Jack vs. Lex Luger
US Championship Semi-Finals Match​

Lex Luger comes into this one as the favorite, both for the fans and for those making predictions. His raw strength gives him an advantage over Cactus Jack who is more of a brawler. That power is on display in the early stages as Luger overpowers Cactus Jack with a series of clotheslines and slams. Still, Cactus Jack seems impervious to the pain. Luger can’t keep him down.

Luger charges toward Cactus Jack who is in the corner, but he moves and Luger crashes hard into the ring post. This puts Cactus Jack on the offensive for the first time. He unleashes a series of punches into Luger’s midsection. Referee Nick Patrick tries to separate them, but it’s of no use. Cactus Jack lunges over Patrick and begins biting the forehead of Lex Luger! Finally, Patrick manages to pull the two men apart. Luger comes out of the corner with a head of steam, but Cactus Jack pulls Nick Patrick between the two! The official is down!

Luger stops to check on Patrick which gives Cactus the chance to rake his eyes. Luger is blinded, and Cactus Jack does it again. He quickly slides out of the ring and pushes the time-keeper out of the way. Cactus Jack is back in the ring with a chair in his hand and he bashes Luger in the head! The Total Package is down. Cactus Jack slides the chair out of the ring and goes for the pin. Nick Patrick regains consciousness just enough to make a very slow count. 1…2…3!

Cactus Jack def. Lex Luger by Pinfall at 9:33[/u]

Jim Ross: Lex Luger needs medical attention. We’re going to have to take a break. What a cheap shot by Cactus Jack.

Jim Cornette: He knocked Luger’s head down into his oversized neck! That was great!


Ad Break

As we get back from the break, Ric Flair is standing in the ring in a tailored grey suit with the WCW Championship draped over his shoulder, mic in hand.

Ric Flair: The Nature Boy, Ric Flair. The seven-time NWA World Heavyweight Champion. The first-ever WCW World Champion. The man who is about a week away from standing in this ring against either Sid Vicious or Sting. You see, boys, neither one of you knows what it means to carry the weight of the wrestling world on your shoulders. Neither one of you knows how it feels to be the face that people picture when they think about professional wrestling. But me? I’m getting used to it. That weight has been on my shoulders since the first time they put this 10 pounds of gold on my waist.

All week long, all I’ve heard is people asking me, “Naitch, would you rather face Sid or Sting?” “Hey Flair, would you rather see Sting or Sid at Clash of Champions.” “Nature Boy, do you think you can beat either one of them?” And every time they ask me, they get the same answer: To be the man, you have to beat the man, and in this ring, I am The Man.

So fellas, you two enjoy your main event tonight. Enjoy being the two names that everybody bought tickets to see because this is going to be the closest one of you gets to the main event. And at Clash of Champions, live from Greensboro, North Carolina, it’ll be the last time the other one of you headlines a card. To be the man, you gotta beat the man.

Match 3
Brian Pillman vs.Arn Anderson
TV Championship Semi-Finals Match​

Anderson tries to go on the offensive early in this one, but Pillman is quick. Anderson goes for a double-leg takedown, but Pillman scampers out of harm’s way. This cat-and-mouse game goes on for a bit before Pillman eventually connects with a textbook dropkick that sends AA to the mat. But the veteran will not be kept down. He quickly gains control with a Russian leg sweep. He grabs Pillman’s leg and begins kicking away at his hamstrings in an effort to keep the agile Pillman on the mat.

Anderson pulls Pillman off the bat and drives him back down with a short-armed clothesline, and he’s quickly bag to the legs. He applies a hold focused on Pillman’s ankle as the official checks Flyin’ Brian, who will not tap out.

Anderson picks Pillman up once again and whips him off the ropes looking for the Spinebuster, but Pillman leapfrogs him! He’s limping, but he’s still running. As Anderson turns around, he catches a flying forearm that drives him to the mat. Pillman uses his good leg to climb to the top rope, and he’s airborne! Diving Crossbody, and Pillman goes for the pin! 1…2…3!

Jim Ross: What an upset! The kid pulls off the upset!

Jim Cornette: That was a fast count. Restart this match!

Jim Ross: It will be a battle of two of WCW’s best and brightest young stars at Clash of Champions when Brian Pillman takes on Shane Douglas for the WCW TV Championship.

Brian Pillman def. Arn Anderson by Pinfall at 9:12


Match 4: Main Event
Sid Vicious vs. Sting
Winner Will Face Ric Flair for the WCW Championship​

Sting and Sid Vicious start this match with a standoff in the middle of the ring, neither man willing to show any signs of weakness. Sid holds one hand in the air, inviting Sting into a test of strength. The Stinger responds as the two lock hands. For a moment, it’s even, but eventually, Sid’s size pays off as he pushes Sting toward the mat and onto a knee. The big man seals the deal with a knee to the chest that puts Sting down. Sid pulls sting up from the mat and tosses him with a gutwrench suplex.

Sid pushes Sting into a corner and drapes his arm over the top ropes and delivers a vicious chop that’s quickly followed up with another. The Stinger is in trouble in this one. Sid draws back for a third chop, but Sting catches him with a kick to the knee that pushes him back. Sid comes back, and Sting gets a foot up that catches him flush in the jaw. Sting hops up to the second rope and dives off with a clothesline that puts Sid on the mat, and the crowd in the Omni Arena goes wild.

Both men are down as the official begins to count. Sting is stirring first, but Sid is moving. Sting is up first, and a dropkick staggers the big man, but he won’t go down. Sting connects with another dropkick that puts Vicious in the corner. STINGER SPLASH! Somehow, Sid is still standing, but he’s wobbling. Sting moves behind him, somehow pushes Vicious’ head under his arm and hits the Scorpion Death Drop! 1…2…3! The crowd comes unhinged.

Sting def. Sid Vicious by Pinfall at 11:02

Jim Ross: Next weekend, next Saturday night, it will be Sting and Ric Flair for the WCW World Championship! You don’t want to miss that one, but we’re out of time for tonight. We’ll see you at Clash of Champions!

The show goes off the air with Sting celebrating on the middle rope, his arms over his head as his music plays.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
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This has been a fun start. Tournaments have progressed well. Sting/Flair is probably the biggest match you can book at this time, so makes sense that it would be the WCW Title match.

Also a big fan of the TV Title being the youngsters tournament with the final coming down to Pillman and Douglas. Pillman beating Anderson is huge at this point in his career as well.

Cactus/Simmons is probably the match I'm least excited for, but it's less of it being a bad thing or not enjoyable, and just more a sign of how much I've enjoyed the other tournaments.

Building the fundamentals nicely here with some solid, logical booking. Looking forward to having a full list of champs and things getting really crazy in here. Good luck.


7 x Piston Cup Winner
Jan 22, 2023
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Really enjoyed the show this week.

I'm glad we're out of the tournament phase for the most part and can now start building off that. I do think one of the best parts during these first few weeks was how each tournament felt different because of the people within them and how they were used to position people on the card.

Give me Cactus Jack with a belt in 1990. I like the contrast of styles you've got coming out of that tournament so it'll be fun to see which way you go.

Flair's promo was straight to the point and I like the idea of these older shows where you can have a quick promo without the need for a twenty-minute setup. Got the potential match-ups over, hyped the title defence, and hyped the event itself all in a handful of sentences. Love it.

I think we've got some strong building blocks and once again, keen to see how it plays out now that things are falling into place.

I would love a little more from Ross and Corny as I think the bits we are getting are rather funny and do have some value. I get commentary can sometimes feel a bit bloated but we're getting some gems like the "So you're saying he'll face Arn" and I think there's an opportunity to do a bit more with them.
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Sep 14, 2022
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This has been a lot of fun so far Tommy! I hope you are going to keep at it. Obviously pretty tournament heavy (ok Tommy Khan) but I think the booking has been strong and has lead to some interesting match ups. Obviously Sting/Flair is always a good time in this era (most eras really, except like... now. Now would be bad) but also looking forward to Douglas/Pillman and Simmons/Jack.

Obviously I've seen your writing ability so I'm not surprised your first BTB would be quality stuff. Can't wait to see more!