Recent content by Jazz Wolf

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  1. Jazz Wolf

    Leyla Hirsch leaves AEW

    Darn. Thought she could've really broken out as a midcard heel after that Statlander rivalry, that injury came at the worst time and she never got past the ROH gate again. Hopefully she bounce back somewhere soon.
  2. Jazz Wolf

    Royal Rumble booked by WrestleSmarks

    Neat idea. Jimmy Wang Yang and his equally cowboy partner, Shannon Moore.
  3. Jazz Wolf

    Butters Wrestling Simulation Thread

    I'll stick with one for now, leave space open for a late entry to swoop in. If we have a few days waiting on a last one then I'll take it, but leave it open until then.
  4. Jazz Wolf

    Butters Wrestling Simulation Thread

    Miiiiiight I have- *glances at the roster for three seconds* Pre-Darewolf Justin Gabriel? I'll keep the second option open for others but I assure you the second slot will also go to Justin Gabriel.
  5. Jazz Wolf

    WWE's Annual Firing Spree (2025 Edition)

    Ah, the yearly cleaning is still going on. Alright, what's the damage. Scattered thoughts. Good Brothers absolutely suck but they're well connected so I'm certain they'll pop up elsewhere in due time to continue being channel changers, despite everything. Giovanni Vinci definitely feels like...
  6. Jazz Wolf

    Boulder (Iron Savages) fired after battery arrest

    Yikes. What a piece of garbage. For reference. Boulder was the bigger guy in the team, Bronson is the big-yet-not-quite-as-big guy, currently out on some sort of injury. Hope the victim is doing okay and getting the support they need.
  7. Jazz Wolf

    Butters Wrestling Simulation Thread

    Yeah okay I'll throw a name in the bucket. Might I have Tyler Breeze? I'll get that big alumni pop then be eliminated two minutes later without taking a bump.
  8. Jazz Wolf

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

    Aw, shoot. Well, if Duke says so.
  9. Jazz Wolf

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

    Happy New Year, you lot. Hope 2025 is all you want it to be.
  10. Jazz Wolf

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

    Hey you lot. It's 2025, figured I might as well pop in and say howdy.
  11. Jazz Wolf

    General Chit-Chat Thread: A New Beginning

    Oh Duke, never change.
  12. Jazz Wolf

    Choose My Next Name

    Enthusiastic Lover.
  13. Jazz Wolf

    Juice Robinson injured, replaced in Continental Classic.

    Bummer for Juice, I feel like he just came back too. Hope he recovers well and it's not like a Adam Cole situation where is foot exploded. That said, I'm happy for Komander to get the nod for replacement, dude's worked his ass off and improved a hell of a lot. Plus this could wind up being a...
  14. Jazz Wolf

    Right on, Fooj, glad to hear it, you just popped into my head the other day and I wanted to...

    Right on, Fooj, glad to hear it, you just popped into my head the other day and I wanted to check in on you, y'know, because I'm a sap. Things are going okay more or less over here, all things considered, some medical stuff notwithstanding but hey we got through it. Good to hear from you. Don't...
  15. Jazz Wolf

    Hey Fuji. Been a while. Just wanted to pop by, check in on you, make sure you're doing alright...

    Hey Fuji. Been a while. Just wanted to pop by, check in on you, make sure you're doing alright. Hope things are good with you, man.