Alexi Arilenko vs. Roger Ruiz

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The Boondocks

Jun 30, 2011
Reaction score
Central Minnesota
The Russian Nightmare: Ep.2

Alexi Arilenko is walking through what seems to be a local mall. He is wearing black athletic shorts, and a plain white t-shirt with the sleeves cut off, and the sides cut down nearly to the bottom. He's walking through the open area connecting the stores when suddenly, he's approached by a young woman...

Umm...Excuse me, sir. Aren't you a professional wrestler?

Yes, but what does it matter to you?

I just thought I've seen you before.

You probably have. Do you happen to know my name?

With this, he gives an awkward, testy look to the woman.

Uh, aren't you...Draven?

Draven? Do I look like a completely idiotic psychopath who has no reason to be wearing the belt he possesses? I didn't think so. Care to swing at it again?

OH! Now I know, you're Roger Ruiz!

Are you senseless? Now I'm some wannabe celebrity? I'm a fraud who claims he's a line of fame? идиот!

Alexi is furious. He is beaming at this woman, and clearly wishes for her to leave.

Excuse me, what?

Didn't you hear me? идиот! You're an idiot! Leave my presence!

Oh, uh, alright.

Suddenly, as he walks away, shaking his head in disappointment and frustration, his phone goes off. He pulls it out of his pocket and answers the call...


Alexi! I'm glad I got a hold of you. What are you up to?

Alexi gives a look of confusion, not recognizing the voice.

Who is this?

It's your new agent, Carl Berg.

Ah, well why are you glad you got a hold of me?

What are you doing at this very moment?

I'm spending quality time with myself at the mall. What does it matter? It's my off day.

You no longer have days off. You've got an autograph signing in and hour, and an interview to follow that.

Frustration fills Arilenko's face.

Are you kidding me? Who hired you and why in the hell haven't they talked to me about this?

It was your friend, Erik Olson. He said you need help keeping your priorities straight. I took it as you like to get distracted. So I've made you plans to take over a new style. Meet me at the Arena near your house, it's where I advertised you. You'll be signing autographs not only for fans, but the local wrestlers who admire you.

Oh...alright. I'll head out to change, and then I'll meet you there.

No need, come straight here. I've begun your transformation, if you will, but getting you some real style.

*Click* Carl hangs up the phone immediately. Alexi stands there, staring off, obviously dazed and confused. He figures, why not, and heads to his car.


We see Alexi, driving to his house. On the ride there, he gives his friend, Erik, a call...


Erik, what have you done? This man took away my day off! He's making me sign autographs! He's making me wear "real style"! What have you done?!

A look of panic strikes Alexi's face, clearly upset with his friend.

Calm down, and look at your record in WKF? It's clearly nothing to be proud of.

I knew what I was doing! And just think, I haven't lost every match.

No, you're right, but you haven't won any.

*Sigh* I guess, but why this corny freak?

Because he knows what he's doing. Now get to the damn arena and do your job, Alexi.

*Click* Erik hangs up on him, and Alexi arrives at the arena soon after.


Alexi pulls up to the arena door where he is met directly by Carl. Carl greets him with a firm handshake...

Where have you been? It took you 20 minutes to drive here. You've got to change and greet the fans before the singing period.

Alright, alright. Where's the suit?

It's waiting in your dressing room.

My dressing room? Hmm...maybe this won't be too bad.

Alexi makes his way to the room labeled by his name. He puts on the suit, which is a casual suit. It's tailored to fit him perfectly. There are plain black loafers, black socks, black pinstripe dress pants of the perfect length and waist size, a white button up shirt to be left open at the top, and a pinstripe black jacket.

Fits well.

He takes a glance at the head to toe mirror across the room.

Not bad at all.

Five minutes to entry time!

Alexi sits on the couch, and thinks to himself for a while. He gets up when he feels five minutes is up, and heads out. He is escorted to his autograph table by Carl, and a mysterious bodyguard-like figure. He chimes in...

Who's this guy?

He's your bodyguard. He has a name, but prefers to just be called N. Enjoy.


They make their way to the table, Alexi having stuck his hand out for the fans to high-five. He sits down, and Carl announces...

Alright everybody, here he is. We have no time limit on the session, but please, if you wish to talk to him, keep it brief. You all were admitted with tickets, so we got just enough posters for every person here. Take one, get it signed, maybe give him a hello, and then make your way to the interview room.

Alexi sits there, signing the posters. The poster consists of his roster picture on the WKF background. It features a few pictures of him in action. he gets simple hello's and thank you's from the fans, until one stops and says something...

Alexi, I've been watching you since your Indy debut. I knew you were a star. I hope I can be just like you one day.

Aw, that's nice. But let me tell you, you can't be just like me. Nobody will. But you can be a superstar too. Keep trying, and have a mind for the game.

The fan smiles and leaves. The session is nearing the end, until another fan stops to say something.

Listen, punk. I may not know you personally, but from watching your show, you're shit! How can you think Russia is better than America? You un-American bastard! I'll do whatever I can to tear you down! You don't deserve to be in--

N, escort him, please.

N takes the fan by the wrist and pulls him away. He simply motions for the fan to go to the interview room. The fan looks up at the towering man and seems to try to say something, but can't usher words. He simply walks away. Alexi continues signing the posters until the last fan is given theirs. He looks to Carl, who comes to the table...

Good job, Arilenko. A few more sessions down the line and you'll like doing this.

I wouldn't go that far. Maybe tolerate it.

Either way. Interview time. Go prepare in your dressing room, and meet me at the door in five.

Alexi makes his way to the dressing room, and sits down on the couch. He rests up a bit, and gets ready for the interview.


We cut to the door where Alexi is meeting Carl...

So Alexi, we've got a few interviewers in the front row. They'll raise their hands for you to let them speak. I suggest just going down the line. There are only a few.

Sounds good sir. Would N care to accompany me?

N nods, and walks in front of Arilenko. Carl follows. They walk in line to the table. Carl speaks to the crowd to start off the interview...

Alright. I'm sorry, but the fans will not be able to ask questions. We have a limited time, and only the professionals will ask him anything. There are four of you. So just take a turn asking a question, you can ask a follow up after the answer, but please, only one set of questions per person.

Hmm, you, on my left. In the out-dated glasses.

The crowd lets out a collective chuckle. the man prepares the question.

Yes, what do you think of Roger Ruiz, your opponent at WKF Carnage this week?

Roger Ruiz, hmm? He's quite a questionable being. First, he thinks he's the A-List? That's something to be proud of. He's a celebrity. Newsflash. This isn't a popularity contest, this isn't a a movie. This is wrestling. Coming out and saying he's a celebrity, a real man. Those mean nothing in this business. To make it in this business, you have to be a pure athlete like myself. I've been training for this career since I was 10. I run every day. I work like a champ. I will be a champ. Him? He'll be a guy the fans boo. He'll be a guy I beat.

He points at the person next to the first interviewer.

You now, the woman.

Uh, what information can you give me concerning your actions last week?

Actions? Whatever do you mean? Me interfering in the match between Nick and Draven? Draven had it coming. He's so full of himself, it hurts to watch. He thinks he can hold that Rampage Title for as long as he wants? He thinks he can beat anybody? Well let me tell you here, he hasn't and will never beat me. Once I get my hands on a title match with him, I'll get my hands on that Rampage Title. See, he thinks being extreme is what that title is about. It may be what he thinks, but the title is Wrestling Kings property. Meaning, it's for WRESTLING. So he may want me to be extreme, and I figured I'd pander to that and give him an example of how extreme I am. I beat him with a chair, and that was only a chair. I could use many, many more weapons, and he's sure to be soon to know that he has no chance against me.

So you want a shot at him?

Of course I do! He's a punk. He thinks he's better than he is. Honestly, he's going to fall. And I'm going to be the one who pushes him. Maybe at the Champions Showcase on August 5th? Ahem, cough, Ange, make it happen, cough.

The crowd again lets out a laugh, and Alexi points to the next interviewer...

Ah, yes, big man in front.

Ha, thank you Alexi. My question is this: What do you think of the video that aired at the end of Carnage last week? Did you have anything to do with it?

I had nothing to do with it. Honestly, I have no clue. But it's probably just The Reaper trying to get into Syn's head. Nothing big, or important. Just them butting heads...again...and again...

Are you sure it would be something so predictable?

Well obviously Reaper is predictable, he fell easily to Syn at No Turning Back, and left Syn able to compete for and win the title. Then he fell to Syn again the next week. And then, predictably, he won in his own basement. So he gets a title shot. He is predictable. I'm putting it on this, Reaper is the guy hyping this, Syn is the darkness. Blah blah blah. Ends in the same old way, Syn winning for TNT.

The interviewer nods and sits down. Alexi looks over to the last person sitting there...

Well, buddy, isn't it obvious who's next?

The crowd collectively laughs again.

Yes, um, why do you think Russia is superior to America?

The room quickly gets silent, in disbelief that the question was asked.

I'm not sure that question needs to be ans--

No, I've got it. Listen here, kid. Take a look around this room? see how many overweight, obese, and out of shape people there are? I took a trip to visit my grandmother in Russia. Do you want to know haw many people like that I saw? None. Everyone was fit, or at least not as pathetic as the size of some of these people. And another thing. Russians have respect. Russian's embrace respect. When you approach another, you don't just shake their hand and say hello. You shake their hand, embrace them, ask them how they are doing. You care for one another. And on top of that, do you see all the crime in the streets of America? For every one crime in Russia, there must be 100 in America. This country is a disgrace. And to think people call it a superpower. Russia is a true superpower. We have superior technology, military, everything. Russia has proven time and time again that we are the top superpower on this Earth.

I think it's time we be heading off. Alexi, wave goodbye, and lets make our exit. Please, everyone remain seated until my friend N releases you.

Alexi and Carl make their way out. Carl stares at Alexi for a minute and shakes his head. Carl escorts him to his valet delivered car. Before he leaves, Alexi rolls down his window. Carl leans into it...

Nice ride, by the way.

Thanks, it's a custom.

Carl lets out an easy sigh and looks Alexi straight in the eyes.

Don't blow up like that again. We have an image for you to build and keep. Stay professional, it's how we get places. It's how you get that title.

Sorry. He shouldn't have said it.

Alexi looks away, while Carl keeps a steady stare right at him.

I tried to stop you.

I can't let him get away with asking such a controversial question. He had to be put in his place.

So be it. Do it at a gentle level next time.

Sorry. Okay. I figure I'll expect to see you at my gym tomorrow?

Carl points at him and grins.

Now you're getting it.

Alexi rolls up the window and drives off.

Fade to black.


Jul 4, 2011
Reaction score
The Playboy Mansion
A camera pans out from the beach and a mansion is slowly coming into view. A tan, muscular man without a t shirt on and light green swim trunks is basking in the sunlight on a beach chair.

Roger Ruiz: Draven, I have a LONG history with you that will be continued next week, till then, say hi to Alice, she doesn't miss your sorry ass but if it'll make ya feel better she's in the best hands that money could buy. But to my opponent this week, Alex-eye Arki-leno?

This butler carrying a glass of chardonnay whispers something in Roger's ear and hands him the glass.

Oh Alexi Arilenko, anyways away from me Jack

He whistles and Jack leaves and in walk 2 stunningly beautiful women. Roger throws his arms around them and kisses them each on the cheek.

You see Roger Ruiz only asscioates himself with winners, like these two bombshells. World, lemme introduce you to The Hollywood Sisters, Ashley and Brittany. These are my girlfriends, Alexi, is it, sounds like a bitch I kicked to the curb a few years ago. You see Alexi, you are quite simply a loser. I am the epitome of greatness. I got the hottest women on the planet here with me, I got a big ass mansion, I got money, and most importantly now, I get to wipe the floor with a sad excuse for a wrestler like you. Alexi, you claim to hate America, now I have lived in Cuba for a large part of my life and I agree with you this place is a shithole, but my father made a damn good living here. My father you might ask, none other than Zorro himself, Antonio Banderas, now you also may ask yourself, why not be Roger Banderas??? You know why, because Roger Ruiz is going to become more famous than my father ever could wish to be. I already am going to be after I get past you Alexi, I'm coming for Draven. Ladies, how's his whore of a wife, Alice, doing anyways?

Ashley Hollywood: She is fine babe, me and Brit are taking good care of her.

Brittany Hollywood: Yea, my love we are done trying to turn her into one of us, shes too hideous. Me and Ash are the only ones for you.

They both kiss his cheeks and then grab each others hands and skip inside to make dinner.

See Alexi Arilenko, you can never be me, America hates your kind of person, you are an immigrant, you are not from this country. You might have been born here, but we don't want you here. I sure as HELL don't want you stinking up my ring, and after I lay waste to your idiotic, no wrestling ass, I'm going to come back to my mansion, drink my wine, fuck my girls, smoke a joint and pass out, then do it all over next week after I destroy Draven. You know what your going to be doing after I whoop your ass, you can go back to Russia, smoke some Polish Sausage if you catch my drift, and turn Nazi, because it's going to be the only thing your going to be good at by the time I'm done with you.

Jack comes out again and whispers yet again into Roger's ear. Roger smacks Jack in the jaw and Jack falls to the floor then stumbles back in the mansion.

ASHLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BRITTANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET THE FUCK OUT HERE!!!!!!!!!!

The Hollywood Sisters hurry outside and have a terrified look on their faces.

Yes Babe, what happened?

SHUT UP WHORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But Babe, what happened, what did we do????


Roger reaches into his pocket and pulls out a baggie of a little piece of weed, not even enough to smoke. Ashley looks at Brittany and mouths a few words.


The Girls yet again look at each in disbelief.


He points to a doghouse with a little chihuahua in it and a dog tag that says JB with diamonds all around it.

Brittany did it!!!!!!!!

Roger is furious, and grabs Ashley and puts her on his lap.

Get in the doghouse whore, you know you ask me first.

Ashley sticks her tongue out at Brittany and laughs as she sees Brittany crawl in the small doghouse. She stops to kiss Roger.

Go wait for me inside, ok babe? I need to finish this promo, when I beat this chump I get to battle that piece of shit Draven. After that moron, it's STRAIGHT TO THE TOP.

Ashley kisses his cheek and scurries inside.

You see Alexi, I get WHATEVER I WANT, because I am The Overnight Celebrity, The Epitome Of Greatness, Mr. A-List ROGER RUIZ, and as soon as I get the chance I am going to be the World Heavyweight Champion. First I have to beat you, pshhhm piece of cake, your a chump, and nothing to me. So go back to Russia, and leave the wrestling to people with actual talent. Now I gotta go I got a text from Biebs, and my woman is waiting inside, but know one thing Alexi, you will never have felt pain like you do when you step in the ring with me. I am The Overnight Celebrity Roger Ruiz and you, you can NEVER

The camera zooms in to his face

BE ME!!!!!!!

The camera fades and you hear his thick mexican accent laugh in the background.
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