Get rid of ECW

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Your examples such as John Cena, Vladmir, ext prove not that they are in need of talent but that we are simply nearing Wrestlemania and WWE is trying to pull out all the stops to make sure that they pull the by rates and guys from ECW only start showing up on other shows when they are nearing a brand change which is smart on the part of WWE.


Scotty Goldman got released because WWE didn't like his look, they wouldn't have pushed him anyway. WWE never had guys on all 3 shows before ECW made it's debut, that isn't a coincidence. Think about the guys we could be seeing on RAW or Smackdown! right now. Swagger could be on RAW, Finlay on Smackdown! Christian on Smackdown! and Mark Henry on RAW, just to name a few. WWE has the roster space, they ran 2 brands for years and they can easily do it again. There just isn't enough depth for 3 brands

Moonlight Drive

You're just not getting it. We aren't talking about established stars like Christian or Henry, they're just on ECW for some star power. We're talking about the low-carders, the jobbers, who need a chance to get over. Jack Swagger would've never got a chance on Raw, neither would've Kofi, Punk or Bourne.


^ This might sound stupid but, if they want to use it as a developmental promotion on TV can't they take the veterans and put them on RAW or Smackdown! where they deserve to be? Then have the young guys fight amongst themselves? Sure, the ratings would dive but they can't get much lower than they already are

Moonlight Drive

ECW gets the same rating, if not higher, than Impact and it would be rather embarrassing to lose to that. They have to have the veterans there; could you imagine a brand Main Evented Ricky Ortiz? When people are just treading water on SD or Raw, they go to ECW and help out the new guys (ie. Matt Hardy, Mark Henry)

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
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ECW gets the same rating, if not higher, than Impact and it would be rather embarrassing to lose to that. They have to have the veterans there; could you imagine a brand Main Evented Ricky Ortiz? When people are just treading water on SD or Raw, they go to ECW and help out the new guys (ie. Matt Hardy, Mark Henry)

That is exactly right, when people head over to ECW, it is to help out the newer stars with their ring work and promo skills. This helps the FUTURE of the WWE and not just the present, we have a great brand over on ECW and I don't get what the hate is about. It helps give us a heads up on the possible future stars and the WWE on who they think is title material. Look it at from WWE's point of view Chessy, they have 3 brands. They have revenue coming in from all 3 brands and they need to have people getting over and building themselves up as the next stars.


Feb 8, 2007
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Bronx, NY
Scotty Goldman got released because WWE didn't like his look, they wouldn't have pushed him anyway. WWE never had guys on all 3 shows before ECW made it's debut, that isn't a coincidence. Think about the guys we could be seeing on RAW or Smackdown! right now. Swagger could be on RAW, Finlay on Smackdown! Christian on Smackdown! and Mark Henry on RAW, just to name a few. WWE has the roster space, they ran 2 brands for years and they can easily do it again. There just isn't enough depth for 3 brands

What I bolded out of your comment has to be the STUPIDEST comment ever made in the history of the internets. Of FUCKING course they couldn't have had guys on all 3 shows when there were only 2 you fucking idiot.

Everyone has proved, with valid reasoning and factual based arguments that ECW does more good for under used and misutilized talent than getting rid of the show altogether would do. There is no need for me to say exactly what everyone else has said but come on dude. You're probably a TNA fan right?????


It's strange for me to say, but I'm actually enjoying having ECW around. I odn't watch every week, but when I do, it's not bad. More importantly, it serves a purpose... Young guys like Punk, Kofi, and Morrison have made their mark there, and moved on, and now it gives other young guys like Swagger, Bourne, Tyson Kidd, and Burchill a chance.
We're always talking about how guys need a shot, right? Well, they can't get one without ECW. They'd just be buried on another show. ECW is fine.


What I bolded out of your comment has to be the STUPIDEST comment ever made in the history of the internets. Of FUCKING course they couldn't have had guys on all 3 shows when there were only 2 you fucking idiot.

Really? So before ECW was around guys were appearing weekly on both RAW and Smackdown!?

Don't be a smart ass


Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bronx, NY
Really? So before ECW was around guys were appearing weekly on both RAW and Smackdown!?

Don't be a smart ass

Not gonna argue with you but if you read your post and what I bolded you see the idiocy in what you typed. If for some reason you still can't or don't get it I'll spell it out for you.

IF there are only 2 of something there is NO WAY POSSIBLE that guys would be on ALL 3 shows until or unless said 3RD show actually debuts. So your statement saying "WWE never had guys on all 3 shows before ECW made it's debut, that isn't a coincidence."
actually makes no sense. Maybe you mistyped, and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt only if you see your error in what you actually typed. Kay? Bye now.


^ I was trying to point out that guys are jumping all over the place and it all started after ECW made it's debut.

Double J

Feb 27, 2009
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OK I'm confussed? What does it matter that guys are jumping around? I'm guessing you're to young to remember when WWF/E was all one brand and Smackdown and Raw were just shows along with Sunday Night Heat and Saturday Morning Livewire/Mania/Superstars.

Trying to get low carders over on Raw and Smackdown wouldn't work because they'd be squashed by the bigger names. Having their own show gives them a chance to be away from Cena, HHH, and the likes. Personally I agree as far as I'd like to see the WWE vets leave ECW to all new comers, but lets be serious, it'd be much harder to get people to watch unless they kept people like Evan Bourne and CM Punk on ECW for a longer period of time instead of promoting them to Raw or Smackdown.

At the same, as people have said, ECW is a good place to get WWE vets who are just 'there' to give them another breath of life in their career.

As far as your comment on FCW and other developmental areas, true that's what it's for but look at the people that came out of there.
Jack Swagger and Evan Bourne were both in FCW and won championships. They get sent to ECW and are still doing very well.

Manu, Sim Snuka, and Goldman were also in FCW/OCW and all had one some sort of gold (I believe), and Manu even was the FCW World Champion at one point. They skip ECW (or in Goldman's case not spend enough time there) and go straight to Smackdown/Raw. Manu was barely used and then released, Snuka did decent in a tag division but has dropped off the map since going to Raw and Goldman was released.

You say Goldman was released because they didn't like his look. While that is true, he still might of had a job with the WWE IF they had left him in ECW. They had to of liked in him in some way or never would of got a developmental contract much less make it to television.

In the long run ECW is better for everyone, besides you of course, and the cross brand jumping is a nice nod back to when everyone was free to fight everyone.

Lord Magnus

New Member
Aug 20, 2008
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Oh can't get rid of ECW. Kofi would of never gotten to where he's gotten without ECW. CM Punk is as over as he is today because of the debut in the Hammerstein arena and the love he was showed by real ECW fans. It's a good spot..this Jack Swagger push is horrible but the rest of the show is pretty good.

Christian 2.0

Feb 20, 2009
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It should stay. Christian vs. Evan Bourne is going to happen. Tyson Kidd and Jack Swagger are all young and on the way up and without ECW they would be on dark matches for years.

Since WWE upped the production values for HD last year, ECW looks more like a big time show. Keep it.