Florida Championship Wrestling (FCW) Talk

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According to Pwinsider.com, WWE has released Gavin Spears and Mike Kruel. Spears, who had appeared a few times on ECW on Sci-Fi, saw success in OVW tagging with Cody Rhodes and winning the Southern Tag Team Titles.

Outside of some enhancement work, Kruel never made it out of the WWE developmental system. He had been working down in Florida Championship Wrestling, with Milena Rouka as his manager. Rouka has been called up to the main roster, and is playing Beth Phoenix's stalker, Rosa Mendez.



Who cares about Spears and/or Kruel?

Low-Ki is now there, and that's all that matters.


I'm gonna start checking this out more regularly, the opening segment was alright and quite interesting, I don't like DH Smith though. The main event wasn't to bad either, tag titles on the line and the challenging team was good imo. Next week DH faces the Champ with the title on the line.

Scotty Goldman was awesome on commentary but he still shouldn't be there, he should be wrestling.


I thought it was interesting to see DH Smith with the legacy gimmick going. I actually didnt think it was that bad, wasnt that great either. I didnt like how eric escobar was some cheap scarface rip off. Low Ki made an odd debut. And idk how i feel about The Canadian Bulldogs splitting.

Byron Saxton looked great on the mic. He's the only guy in FCW that it doesn't feel like he's reading off a script. I think thats what i don't like about the show. And the fact these matches are basically practice.

Black Pain had a interesting showing.


Black Pain had a interesting showing.

He's always been pretty good. Since he's from here, I've had a chance to see him grow as a performer, and he has improved a TON from his early days. Dude was probably one of the worst wrestlers over here a couple of years back.


Well...Black pain is now Sweet Papi Sanchez. Not sure how thats going to work for him. But so far its ok.

So is Low Ki vs. Tyson Kidd perhaps the greatest match in OVW/FCW history??? That match has got some crazy internet buzz on it at the moment. The last great match/fued i remember was CM Punk and Brent Albright.



So is Low Ki vs. Tyson Kidd perhaps the greatest match in OVW/FCW history???

Not sure about OVW, but its easily the best match in FCW's history. If this is what we're going to get from Tyson Kidd, then by all means, I want to see more of him on Tuesday nights. Ki just did his thing, and I'm hoping he's called up sooner than later.


I can't imagine Ki staying in FCW very long. His first match he main evented and won. That's gotta tell you something. I think the question is now, which show?


ECW, would be my guess. Unless they go through with was rumored a while back (Ki vs Rey), in which case he would go to RAW (Unless Rey is moved elsewhere during the draft).

Moonlight Drive

I reckon Ki will come up after the draft. There's no room for him in the lead-up to 'Mania and it can't hurt to have him get used to the WWE style a little more. Bourne will probably get moved to Raw or Smackdown (I think he should be returning sometime soon, but I might be wrong) so that leaves a spot for Low Ki to take on ECW.


Tyson Kidd Vs Low Ki was definitely the best FCW match to date, they gave it 17mins which is a huge amount of time for one match on a show that short and Ki winning that should mean WWE are happy with him and think he should go to one of the main rosters soon. I think he should go to ECW sometime after Wrestlemania but then again there main focus at the moment of new talent would be going to Tyson Kidd so maybe Ki to RAW would be good, he's already experienced enough because he has performed live and everything so that may be his best option. The worst thing to do would be to put him on SD, so ECW or RAW would be the best choices depending on what they're looking to do with him.

The Territory

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Apr 14, 2009
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I may be wrong, but i think that it's Kris Logan, not Nick Logan. And he is a very good talent in FCW right now


They might have changed his name...i notice sometimes they do that. It was like his debut match, so it wouldn't surprise me. You are probably right.