Evil Austin

TNA Star Shiek Abdul Bashir, Shawn Daivari, is getting married this Saturday In Minneapolis. Diavari currently lives in Houston TX, but is orginally from Minnesota.
As has been reported OVW "lost" their weekly TV clearance on WBKI-TV 34 in Louisville where it had aired on Saturdays at 11PM. The time slot cost the company $2000 weekly which became too much for owner Danny Davis, after WWE pulled it's financial support in early 2008.
Historically OVW has contracted with Six Flags for live events each year (summer) at a rate of $50,000, but with Six Flags having it's own financial problems it is unlikely that deal will go forward this year. That's a huge financial hit for OVW.
When Deep South Wrestling was it business, it too had a deal with Six Flags in Georgia.
The tattoo that Samoa Joe now sports on TV is not a real tattoo.
Congrads on Sheik getting married but I laughed at Joe's tatoo not being real.
What do you guys think?