Evil Austin

Matt Hardy has posted another in-character blog on his WWE Universe account, this time taking a small shot at "internet journalists" and those who initially thought Christian would be the person behind the Jeff Hardy attacks. Hardy writes, "Speaking of Christian, we have a very long and storied history together. Christian was a recipient of my star-making abilities back in the first ever tag team ladder match. Christian was also smart not to stick his nose into my business with Jeff. I could see how he would be tempted to upon resigning with the WWE, but fortunately he was smarter than that. It's also funny how alot (sic) of the "internet journalist" and "internet fans" thought Christian might be somehow associated with me and my master plan. Nope. Never has been. There's never been any changes in my plans, there's never been a "B" plan, and Christian hasn't ever been factored in at any time." To me, this reads as WWE trying to sending an "I told you so" message to the internet wrestling community by suggesting that Christian was never intended to be involved in the Hardy storyline, however, it has been reported many times that WWE did in fact at one time have Christian in mind for the role, however they changed their plans when the angle leaked online.
Very very interesting. So Mike was right about them thinking about it but changing their Christian' plans due to leak over internet.