
Yeah, he was out for like a month and didn't do anything with Steiner or related to him for months.
Cause he was X-division champ, and was off TV for a month. Steiner/Petey were still a duo, just they werent tagging as much bc Petey had the X-divison belt.
I read that write up, and that didn't make much sense to me. It was poorly written and confusing.
-Samoa Joe targetting Scott Steiner when he still has a beef with Kevin Nash
- Kevin Nash is injuried.
- AJ Styles not having a PPV match (first time since Victory Road 2004)
Less is more. Does Cena, HBK, HHH, Orton, Jericho wrestle every PPV? So AJ gets to take a PPV off. Why whore him out.
- The Frontline leaders being Rhino and Team 3D.
- No, AJ and Samoa Joe are still leaders. The reason Rhino/3D were in that role is to prolong the fued. You theres only so many combinations of AJ/Joe/Sting/Angle you can do. Rhino/3D did the job. Why would veterns be in the Frontline?? Well, they are from ECW, and know about the struggle the frontline is going through.
- The horrible tension they tried to make between Sting and Kurt Angle
- Actually I like the tension. Why is horrible again? I thought it added a interesting dimension to Angle vs. Sting vs it makes sense BC Sting has pretty much always been a face. They stand for the same ideas, however you can see their difference in how to get respect from the younger wrestlers.
- Shane Sewell & Shane Sewell challenging for THE LEGEND'S CHAMPIONSHIP
- I got nothing. Goes back to my theory of bad storylines are better than no storylines. The storyline makes sense, HOWEVER they shouldn't have put Sewell in that position. What i think the reasoning should/could be...The Legends get a "legend" referee to help them by bullying the refs around. Surely something that isn't PPV worthy, BUT again its a storyline.
- Daivari getting pushed to the moon and then not even appearing on TV
- The reason he hasn't appeared on tv is because he suffered a humiliating defeated to Shane Sewell at the last PPV 4 weeks ago. I think he had been on tv too, but with a reduced role. I want to say it was a 4 way for the X-division title.
- Brutus Magnus
Kozlov? The guy has had two matches...a little early to judge? He doesn't look all that overall. Good size, good mic skills, good technical background, but doesn't fit as well with the american style yet.
- Sting being in a heel stable and never acting as a heel (it makes sense now with his tension with Angle, but not before when they gangbeating Joe and AJ)
- Sting generally didn't take place in those beatdowns, thus where the tension stemed from.
- Jeremy Borash getting more mic time than some midcarders
He's the ring announcer, what do you expect.
- The whoring of Mick Foley (and I thought WWE was the one using him bad)
- He's basically the GM. How are they whoring him..they are using him to bring in ratings. He's only had one match.
- TNA constantly mentioning WWE in its promos
- And? Anyone who watches TNA has heard of WWE, so whats the big deal. People watch TNA because its different.
-Allowing Mike Tenay and Don West to invade our ears on a weekly basis.
Storyline??? So TNA should fire people unjustly?
-Having Booker being the first person to hold the LEGENDS championship
Booker T has been in the business 20 years, and held over 30 championship in the WWE/WCW. Are you trying to tell me he's NOT a legend??? This is the best you can come up with??
-Taking one of their top young stars and cloning him after Scott Steiner
- So helping give Petey Williams a character and a vetern to help get him over is a bad thing? I certainly wouldn't call Petey Williams the "TOP young star" Again...he's good in the ring, but no character.
Jay Lethal is not a storyline....its a character. Again, in an attempt to give some of their wrestlers a personality, he's gave him this one. The fan's reacted positive, so you have the TNA fans to blame for this one.
Again, not a storyline...and not even on the current roster.
- Has wrestled like 2 matches in the past 3 months. Heaven forbid their be a JOBBER on the TNA roster.
- You don't like MANAGERS?
- You don't like FACTIONS?
^^^Those last 5 should be evidence enough.
No, you've proved nothing. Your naming character you don't like, and yet most are JOBBERS. Just about every organization has silly jobbers.
Out of about 20 things mentioned to me, the only storyline that doesnt make sense is the Shane Sewell / Booker T fued, and I posted where i think it may be leading.
To say you don't like something is one thing, but to say it doesn't make sense is another. I think i explained logically what i thought on those issues.