Thank you Jeff Hardy

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The Rated R CMStar

With your lame reign, you turned Smackdown into the worst wrestling show.

After Survivor Series, SD's product was the hottest. Everyone was buzzing about who would face who, how things would develop.

But since Hardy won the belt, not only with the fact that WWE has to cover his lack of mic skills in segments about him without having him talking, but the ridiculous angles he has been involved now.

You are even making Edge look bad now. You are so bad that Edge, the man who single handedly hyped and carried the main feud into Summerslam, is actually looking bad trying to do the same with you.

Jeff, go and die. You just proved to anyone that you are not championship material, and no, not because you arent 6ft tall and chiseled out of stone. No, it's because you suck and you just can't carry a brand. God be with us if Edge doesn't end his reign at Royal Rumble and they actually keep him as the champion any longer.

★Chuck Zombie★

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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St. Bernard/Cincinnati, Ohio
I wouldn't necessarily blame Jeff. Sure he has mediocre mic skills, but the booking is done by WWE. And it is possible that they could be holding off for something big with his title reign....or at least I hope. They definitely aren't putting enough emphasis on the fact that someone is deliberately setting Hardy up. They pretty much make it look like it is Edge. That doesn't intrigue people considering they are already in a feud. They need to make it clear that Edge isn't physically doing it.

Hometown Kid

I'm sorry but this is Blue. Not that i'm a huge Jeff mark or anything because personally, I think he sucks. But it's not his fault. In terms of actual title reigns Triple H's was TONS shittier and his lasted probably 3 times longer than Jeff's will. It's not Jeff's fault he has a Blue storyline that is the center of his title reign instead of his...actual title reign. Edge has been pretty stale as a character for awhile now anyway. They need a fresh guy up there for Jeff's first title feud not the same Edge we've seen for 3 years. Hopefully Christian's return can save this pile of crap show before it's really too late.

Oh yeah and have a champion (unlike the last 5) who actually wrestles on the show more than once a month and and against the Chavos and Kung Fu Nakis of SD.
Sep 29, 2008
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^Everything. Notably, the lack of wrestling.

Ummm... he's held the belt for 5 weeks now and he has had 3 matches during that time. I didn't see John Cena in a match on Raw yesterday. During Edge's short 3 week run I don't think he had a single match. The only match I can remember the Undertaker having while he was champion earlier this year was against Festus. If you can find me a world champion that had a match every single week, then maybe you have a point.

The Rated R CMStar

I didn't see John Cena in a match on Raw yesterday

No, but you saw him against HBK the week before, and the week before that in a tag match against Orton and Y2J, and before that in the huge 10 man tag match, and before that in the tag match with Trish Stratus. You fail.

During Edge's short 3 week run I don't think he had a single match
Yeah, and the reign sucked. However, I think that lame reign was even better than Hardy's.

The only match I can remember the Undertaker having while he was champion earlier this year was against Festus.

Lol, just lol. Taker wrestled against Kane, then Festus, then Batista and then a rematch against Batista. Hell, the whole point of the build up against Edge for Backlash was the fact that Taker wrestled every week and Edge didn't.

If you can find me a world champion that had a match every single week, then maybe you have a point.
When you get your facts straight, maybe you can come back.

As for Hardy's reign, one half is booking, but the other half is entirely his. The reason WWE has to go to this extremes with hit and runs and pyro exploding on his face is because that's the only way Hardy can build up a reign. Hell, even in his title celebration Edge got mic time. If Hardy had a little more mic skills, I can guarantee the build up would have been different.

In terms of actual title reigns Triple H's was TONS shittier and his lasted probably 3 times longer than Jeff's will.
Yes, but HHH's reign didnt interfere with the quality of Smackdown, mainly because it was overshadowed by Edge vs Taker by the most part of it. Hardy's reign is making SD unwatchable.

Edge has been pretty stale as a character for awhile now anyway
Half true there. The thing with Edge is that he needs his character complemented, and depending on who is the one complementing him, he gets better. Against Cena and Taker we have seen the best Edge, and he has got so hot during those feuds that his character went through a lot of twists. However, with someone like Hardy, there is nothing for Edge to do, so he (and booking), has to keep it simple, pretty basic, therefore, been there done that.


Actually, I think it's time to look at the SD booking.
Edge is greatness, true, but other than his parts, SD's main event has lacked a hell of a lot for the better part of a year.
HHH had an awful reign, Kozlov's push was shit, Undertaker has been on and off tv like 6 times, etc...
And like I said in numeroud other Hardy threads, a problem, at least in my opinion, is how they book him to do the same shit all the time. Get attacked, play underdog, come back.

Great One

LOL? You're blaming Jeff for the shittiness of SD? Try the same fucking matches over and over again, little hype (for the repetitive matches), a terrible/stale GM, underutilization of the talent.. like MVP. The only reason I watch SD is of course.. for The Man himself. And Edge/MVP. If Cage really returns and this angle turns out good then SD will definitely be better.

The Rated R CMStar

I blame him mostly because there are lot of things contributing (Vickie's vendettas are getting boring, MVP jobbed, Mr. Kennedy in his new DDP character), all of that was also there when Edge and HHH were champions, and still, they managed to make SD the best show.

With them as champions and with their deliveries as champions, SD at least had a plus, a plus that was big enough to make SD the best.

Now, we have the same bad things AND a bad champion

Great One

Well we agree to disagree then, as I thought it was just as shitty before. =p


I blame him mostly because there are lot of things contributing (Vickie's vendettas are getting boring, MVP jobbed, Mr. Kennedy in his new DDP character), all of that was also there when Edge and HHH were champions, and still, they managed to make SD the best show.

With them as champions and with their deliveries as champions, SD at least had a plus, a plus that was big enough to make SD the best.

Now, we have the same bad things AND a bad champion

I guess it just depends on how you view it then.
SD, like you said, has had the same shitty problems for a year now, we agree on that.
However, you think that when the shitty things were happening and HHH was champ, it wassn't "shit" simply because HHH was champ.
Me? I disagree, because like you said, the same shitty problems have happened during the past year, and simply because HHH was champ doesn't make it non-shitastic.

The Rated R CMStar

It isnt that the bad things got better because HHH was champion and then worse because Hardy is the champion.

Is the fact that you had things that even though there were horribly booked things, you just had to tune in. We have seen Morrison and Miz mock Festus about twenty times now. However, during Edge vs Taker, after a HHH promo, a La Familia segment backstage, surviving through the bad parts was easier.

Now, you have to go through the normally bad pad parts after Hardy being in a hit and run accident.

That's mainly the difference.
Sep 29, 2008
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No, but you saw him against HBK the week before, and the week before that in a tag match against Orton and Y2J, and before that in the huge 10 man tag match, and before that in the tag match with Trish Stratus. You fail.

I failed because Cena has had 4 matches in the last 5 weeks and Hardy has had 3? Right.

Yeah, and the reign sucked. However, I think that lame reign was even better than Hardy's.

No, it wasn't.

Lol, just lol. Taker wrestled against Kane, then Festus, then Batista and then a rematch against Batista. Hell, the whole point of the build up against Edge for Backlash was the fact that Taker wrestled every week and Edge didn't.

If you look at his entire run up until Judgment Day, there was a week where he didn't wrestle, which still proves my point that champions don't wrestle every single week.

Jeff Hardy missing last weeks show and not being able to wrestle was part of the storyline that helped build up to the ppv, just like the Undertaker having a match each week. If he doesn't wrestle this Friday, it will most likely be to sell the injuries he suffered last week, which again is to help build the ppv match.


It isnt that the bad things got better because HHH was champion and then worse because Hardy is the champion.

Is the fact that you had things that even though there were horribly booked things, you just had to tune in. We have seen Morrison and Miz mock Festus about twenty times now. However, during Edge vs Taker, after a HHH promo, a La Familia segment backstage, surviving through the bad parts was easier.

Now, you have to go through the normally bad pad parts after Hardy being in a hit and run accident.

That's mainly the difference.
True, but that's mainly because you're not a Jeff fan.
It's the same situation as before though.
99% shit has happened in Edge's reign, in HHH's reign, and now in Jeff's reign.
However, for you, after the shit, you would enjoy watching an Edge or HHH segment.
Well now, it's the same situation. Still a bunch of shit, and then the champ's promo or segment or match. It just so happens you're not a fan of that particular champ, so when it coems to the champ's part, which is supposed to be good, you don't like it, because you don't like the champ.

I'm sure when HHH or Edge was champ, some people who hated HHH or Edge (yes, unfortunately, some people dislike Edge) thought the whol eshow was crap, because they didn't like the champ, so the main attraction was as shitty as the rest of the show to them, whereas in the eyes of an Edge fan, it was great, and they were willing to put up with the shitty parts.