SP's Armageddon 2008 Review

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Greetings, and welcome to the review of Armageddon (Not the shitty movie!). We have Mark Henry and Kozlov on the card, yet no HBK, Taker, Big Show or Kane, proving that it truly is... Armageddon.

Matt Hardy vs Vladimir Kozlov (Non-Title Match)

Good match, easily Kozlov's best in WWE so far. Lots of Headlocks at the start of this one. Kozlov works over Matt's arm, by locking in a Kimura, and hitting a Single-Arm DDT. Matt makes the comeback with his usual offense, then gets a 2 count after a Side Effect. Matt goes for the ToF, but Kozlov counters and runs into a Hardy Big Boot. Matt goes to the top, but is hit by a Throat Chop on the way down. Kozlov hits a Modified Uranage (TM:Michael Cole), for the win.

Winner:Vladimir Kozlov
Match Rating:**

Backstage, Chavo is with Vickie, nothing else happens. Back, backstage and Finlay tells Hornswoggle not to come out for the match.

William Regal (With Layla) makes his way to ringside.

CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio (Finals of the IC Title Tourney)

Some chain wrestling by both men at the start. Rey goes for a 619 early, but Punk counters into an Arm Drag. Punk goes for a GTS, and Rey counters with an Arm Drag of his own. Rey charges towards Punk, but gets flinged to the outside. CM follows with a Crossbody Block to the outside. Back in the ring, Punk hits a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker for 2, then follows up with a Body Scissors. Punk puts Rey in the Tree of Woe, but misses a Running Knee. Rey hits a Moonsault Press from the top for 2. Mysterio comes off the ropes, but runs right into a Snap Powerslam. Punk goes for a Fujiwar Armbar, then converts it into a Crossface as Rey makes the ropes. Punk whips Rey into the ropes, and he hits a Tilt-A-Whirl into an Armbar (Jimmy Rave'd!). Punk escapes, then is thrown out by Rey, who hits a Crossbody from the top, to the outside. Back inside, both men exchange near falls, then exchange kicks, until Punk manages to hit the Running Knee/Bulldog combo in the corner. Shitload of near falls and reversal follow, which come to an end when Punk counters a Hurracanrana attempt into the Go2Sleep (Which seemed to break Rey's nose) for the win.

Winner:CM Punk
Match Rating:***3/4

We get a video package for the JBL/HBK feud. JBL comes out and calls out Shawn. Shawn talks a lot of crap, gets booed, and leaves the ring. Eve interviews The Legacy, we get generic heel promo #2991 from Manu and Cody. Orton just stands there looking like a douche.

Finlay vs Mark Henry (Belfast Brawl)

You know, I didn't see this match (Except for the ending). I flat out did not care for it. Judging by the trash cans in the ring and other areas, I assume some of those were used. Finlay got the win the only way he knows how. Shillelagh to the head, give the assists to Hornswoggle.

Match Rating:** (This will probably change if I ever see the full match)

Backstage, Charlie Haas is dressed as Santa Claus. Beth and Santino interrupt, Goldust and Boogeyman show up and sing, and Kennedy tells people not to drink or do drugs... Funny that he said that, because that whole segment made me feel like I WAS on drugs.

Randy Orton vs Batista

A lot of people will cream over this match. Those people are idiots (Sorry, its true). A lot of Restholds early on (I did not see that coming >_>). The match continues at a slow pace, until Batista hits a couple of Clotheslines which send Orton to the outside. Back inside, and Batista goes up top, but Orton meets him there and hits a Superplex for a near fall. Batista is whipped into the ropes, but ends up hitting a Spinebuster for 2. Batista goes for The Bomb, but Orton counters. Randy goes for an RKO, but Batista counters that and hits a goofy looking Black Hole Slam. Orton boots Batista, and hits a DDT. Orton readies himself for THE PUNT, but Batista charges him into the corner. He hits The Batista Bomb out of nowhere, and this one is over.

WS Match Rating:********* (Due to Batista winning)
Actual Match Rating:**3/4

Santa's Little Helper Match (The fuck?)

Typical divas clusterfuck. The team of McCool, Mickie, Maria and Kelly win when Michelle hits a... *Sigh* Styles Clash on Jillian for the 3 count.

Winner:McCool's team
Match Rating:*

Post-match, Khali comes out and somehow he ends up making out with Mae Young. Yup.

John Cena vs Chris Jericho (World Heavyweight Championship) (SPOILERS!!)

Cena wins. It was actually a very good match. But yeah, Cena won after he locked in Jericho into the STFU... For about 1 second.

Winner:John Cena (SURPRISE!!!!)
Match Rating:***1/4

Video package hyping up the WWE Title Match. This match being on last increases the chance of a Jeff Hardy title win, so of course, that won't happen.. OR WILL IT?? (FORESHADOWING!!)

Edge vs HHH vs Jeff Hardy (Triple Threat Match for the WWE Title)

Hardy starts off like a trailer home on fire, as he hits attacks both men. Hardy tosses out Edge, then hits a Slingshot Crossbody. HHH slams Jeff into the barricade, then goes back into the ring. Edge and HHH are now slugging it out in the ring. Edge takes over after hitting a Yakuza Kick (Or Legitimate Business Kick) for 2. Edge Irish Whips HHH, but he hits a High Knee and a Neckbreaker HHH goes for a Pedigree on Edge, but its broken up by Hardy. Pedigree attempt on Jeff, and its broken up, this time by Edge. Jeff attempts a Whisper in the Wind, but gets crotched by Edge. Edge goes for a Super Back Suplex, but HHH sets him up in the Doomsday Device position, and Jeff Hardy HITS A FUCKING WHISPER IN THE WIND ON EDGE! All three men are down. Jeff goes to pin Edge, but HHH breaks it up. Another Pedigree attempt by HHH, but Jeff counters and hits a Mule Kick. Edge hits the Edgecution on Jeff for 2. Edge goes for a Spear on Jeff, but he leapfrogs over it, and Spears HHH instead. Jeff Clotheslines Edge to the outside, then hits the ToF on HHH. Jeff hits the Swanton, but is pulled out of the ring by Edge. A lot of stuff happens, which leads to Edge spearing Jeff through the SD announce table. Back in the ring, Edge hits the Edgecution on HHH for a 2 count. Edge goes for the Spear, but HHH counters into a Spinebuster. HHH hits The Pedigree, but Kozlov comes out and attacks HHH. Matt Hardy comes out and he attacks Vladimir, as all three men are down. Back in the ring, Edge Spears HHH for a near fall. Edge snaps and gets two chairs. Conchairto attempt by Edge, but Jeff hits Edge with a chair first! Hardy goes up top, but gets crotched by HHH. Pedigree on Edge! Jeff Hardy hits The Swanton, 1, 2, 3. AND JEFF HARDY IS YOUR NEW WWE CHAMPION (IT REALLY IS ARMAGEDDON)!!!

Winner:Jeff Hardy
Match Rating:****1/2

Jeff Hardy celebrates post-match. It has to be said... Here's hoping that Jeff doesn't blow it!

Overall thoughts:Great show, with only one truly bad match (I'm looking at you, DIVAS!!). Three great matches with Punk vs Rey, Cena vs Jericho and the Triple Threat, some decent to good match with Batista vs Orton, Kozlov vs Matt Hardy and Henry vs Finlay. Of course, the main event alone is worth the price of admission, REGARDLESS OF HOW YOU MAY FEEL ABOUT JEFF HARDY! It was a great moment, and one that Jeff (And his shitload of fans) will remember for quite a while. Easy thumbs up for Armageddon.

As usual, remember to read Kaedon's SD review, as well as his No Smark Zone column. Until the Royal Rumble, I am out!

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Orton just stands there looking like a douche.


Awesome event. Best thing that's happened all year by far. Jeff winning the title is possibly the best thing I've seen since watching WWE (mtfo).

Good review, and I'd say that you'd probably like the Belfast Brawl if you saw it. Probably get it at least another half star.


WS Match Rating:********* (Due to Batista winning)

Well duh.

I think your ratings were a little off though. Hardy/Kozlov and Henry/Finlay were both **1/2 imo and Batista/Orton, Punk/Rey and Cena/Jericho were all ***1/2. The main event is probably overrated but I think the emotion brings it up from the **** match it really should be. The divas should have gotten an extra * for including the Styles Clash, I seriously marked when that happenned.

Overall, good review for a good PPV.


I'm still laughing at this one.

The Rated R CMStar

You marked when Michelle "I don't have a finisher so week after week I steal one of a random wrestler" did the Styles Clash". Sigh.

"Once you use the term mark out, you're no longer a wrestling fan" -Kaedon


^ Yes I did. And I don't really care what you think about it.

Colin Gimp

Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
I don't agree with most of your review. The segement with Legacy was really good for their charactars. as Lack of a better word i'll say their 'generic' wrestlers doing a real promo. pretty much highlighted the fact that Batista can't wrestle and every single one of them have been born into wrestling. Their time to shine etc is when it got generic.

The henry/finlay match was actually really good, you would think Finlay would carry most of the match but it was Henry with the assault for the most part. Finlay worked well with Henry.

Cm Punk/Rey
didn't really care at all. Didnt even get to see the GTS because i was on the shoutbox.

Randy landed some good shit. I really like his DDT from the ropes. Batista looked like he was trying to step up his game but im not buying it. I wanted randy to win

Jericho was doing an amazing PPV match. Cena was doing his basic shit. All he really did was shoulderblocks to the sitout powerbomb or whatever it is, Five knuckle shuffle etc. Other then that he did his "blue collar" assault, really glad I get to see him throw sloppy punchs in a PPV. Or his constant going for a FU. That guy's such a dumbass, sure glad he represents the WWE UNIVERSE!~

The ending was ridiculous, I knew Jericho was losing but having him (a known submission artist) doing the walls of jericho to Cena only to have Cena reverse it into his STFU was utterly ridiculous. I'm glad Jericho tapped out right away, It was icing to the stupid as hell cake. If Jericho would of paused before tapping it would only make it worse.

Triple Threat match.
Was really good. Easily match of the night. Edge is seriously a hot player if he wasn't there or replaced that match would of sucked. He brings intensity. All three men looked strong while not losing any steam. It was just the element of triple threat that made Hardy win. They could of ended it so many times in which would of been acceptable but they kept it going keeping us on our seats. Really good match. Wouldn't rate it more then 4 stars though.

Wrestling Station

WS Match Rating:********* (Due to Batista winning)
Actual Match Rating:**3/4
Douche :sad:
9 stars only? :p ....10 would suit it lol.

Anyway, good review but I think most matches get a 3 star except for the christmas thing was not worth the time.

The main event gets a 4 star imo. I never give more than 4 stars to any triple threat match.


Douche :sad:
The main event gets a 4 star imo. I never give more than 4 stars to any triple threat match.

That's silly to set a ceiling to a match solely due to it's stipulation. Have you seen the Styles/Daniels/Joe Triple Threat? Or better yet the match at WrestleMania XX?


^ Thats true. A 3 way isn't a gimmick match in my eyes so it shouldn't have any limitations when it comes to match ratings

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps


He was saying that matches SHOULDN'T have a ceiling due to their stipulation/gimmick.


Jul 24, 2008
Reaction score
Why are you doing play by play, if I wanted to know what happened in a match I'd watch it. It'd be more interesting if you told us your thoughts on the matches. Don't worry, you're obviously new at this. It takes time. Don't be a Scott Keith.


THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Why are you bumping old threads? If I wanted to see an old thread, I'd go back and look at it. It'd be better if you PM'ed the member instead of pointlessly bumping a topic. Don't worry, you're obviously new at this. DOn't be a douche.



Jul 24, 2008
Reaction score
I didn't bump this sparkplug, it was at the top of this forum. Yeah, that's how dead this place is LMAO



Why are you bumping old threads? If I wanted to see an old thread, I'd go back and look at it. It'd be better if you PM'ed the member instead of pointlessly bumping a topic. Don't worry, you're obviously new at this. DOn't be a douche.


It was one of the very first reviews on the forums. The guy wanted to comment on a thread, so he red and selected one of the most convenient. There is nothing wrong wit that, and your attitude to a new poster like this is exactly what is driving people away.