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The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
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I'll be checking it out, XBA. In the meantime, Raw is also up at The Commencement so as soon as you guys finish checking out XBA's show, check out mine lol...

CT Styles

Respect is Earned Part 2 is posted.

I think the Elimination Chamber is my best match ever.

Moonlight Drive


Now I have your attention, I have a new BTB. Preview for first show has been posted.



Preview for the first ever show on WWE 2009- Fast Forward to Future is up and dont forget to view Monday Night Raw as well. Chack it out!

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
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Raw preview is up. Check it out and leave your thoughts.

The Rated R CMStar

Preview for Turning Point PPV has been posted. Go and drop your predictions.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
POI Episodes 30 and 31 are still up. Please check them out and I will gurantee you that I will give you a review... eventually. Sorry to thoes who's shows I haven't review yet. Reviewing my show will get you a review faster.

Look for POI Episode 31 to be posted tomorrow.


I posted a quick preview and a show this week if you guys wanna check out IPW and tell me what you think :(


Apr 3, 2008
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In a box.
Advertisement for "TNA iMPACT: Spark of Chaos" BTB.

(The scene opens up in a desert, nothing but sand and the ever intense sunshine. The camera searches the desert until a man is seen, this man is a blur at first, but as he continues walking toward the camera, it is noticeable that he has a large object in his hand. The man gets ever closer, until finally it is revealed that this man is "The King of the Mountain" Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett with guitar in hand walks right up to the camera, staring straight into it.....)

Jeff Jarrett: For over 6 years, TNA has struggled to get to the mountain top. Numerous test have been overcome. But this is the biggest. You'll find out what I'm talking about soon... But for now, I advise you to get ready, because "TNA iMPACT: Spark of Chaos" is coming to the IWF BTB Section. I just hope you're ready for this!

(Jarrett grins evily before swinging the guitar and smashing the camera with it. The scene fuzzes for a moment before it airs "TNA iMPACT: Spark of Chaos... Coming Soon!")


Sep 7, 2007
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The Return of the SWA, The Return of Monday Night Anarchy, and the first show of SWA Revival is posted!


Just when everybody thought it was over, the sparkling event has returned.


The Impact Booking Industry announced the first ever Slammy Awards in March of 2008 and a month later, the ground-breaking event finally took place in Toronto Canada.

The second edition of the outstanding “Grand Slammys” took place in May 2008 as the millions of the IWF Booking fans watched the show on global television. Another month later, we were going to have the third installment of the Slammy Awards. But things had changed as the Awards expanded; the company “Grand Slammy Awards LLC” was established, to organize around 5 events a month including an Awards Ceremony. The Company was shortly renamed to “S.E. INC” which meant Slammy Events International Company; it wasn’t a limited licensed company any longer, as the company was upgraded to being an international organization. The Slammy Events were being hyped rapidly; the company was continuously being promoted through Television and Newspapers worldwide.
But there were major problems that the company faced, the company had spend a lot in their marketing campaigns and advertisements; which meant that there was little to no financial support for their upcoming events.

“Slammin’ the Western Bay” was the very first event held by the newly opened organization in the heart of Miami Florida, it was also the very first non-awards related program presented by the directors and bookers of Impact Booking and S.E. INC.

At the end of the day, the event was one huge financial failure for S.E. INC. The five Bookers from Impact Booking Industry were waiting for their pending money. The Bookers were promised to be handed $ 20,000+ after the event had concluded. Unfortunately the company didn’t even have half of that money in their bank accounts.

Thomas Coven, Edward Lincoln and Russell Jefferson; these three were in control of the company at that atrocious time. Suddenly, yet knowingly the financial divisions of the company collapsed as it went totally bankrupt. Thomas Coven left his job as Managing Director of S.E. and Senior Executive/ Financial Director Russell Jefferson threw out his seat as well. In simple yet shocking words, the company had been shut down, forever!

Three Months later, Russell Jefferson received a call from New York City at 3:00 AM in the night, speaking was Professor Scott Worthington who was said to be a remarkable entrepreneur in the stock market of New York as well as a very famous university lecturer.

Professor Worthington first introduced himself with some puzzling words,

“You don’t know me Jefferson, but I’ve got my eyes locked on you all the time. I’m that famous entrepreneur in the stock market of New York, a university lecturer and so on…… you must have heard about all of this on Television, right?”

Russell had no idea why this man had called him, he recalled the Television Interviews of Worthington who really was one big man in NYC…. but what did he exactly had to do with Russell at 3:00 AM in the morning?

“I do recognize you Mr. Worthington, but why call me at this hour?” asked Russell.

“You run Wrestling Organizations… those blood-baths and stuff inside the ring, right?” asked Worthington

“Well, that’s true Worthington..….” answered Russell.

“Just sent $ 60,000 to your bank account, establish the same company through my name” ordered Worthington.

Russell couldn’t believe it.

“If it’s true… then…. thanks a LOT Mr. Worthington but why??” asked a confused Russell.

“I was monitoring the movements of your company throughout the month of May; I was pretty much impressed with your marketing campaigns and was getting ready to buy the organization at a fair deal to run the business through my shoulders.

Yes, the financial divisions did collapse but there is always a solution to such problems. Bank loans weren’t affordable and your partners had quit, since I was looking to buy the company at a fair deal around three months ago, I have finally decided to reconstruct this company with someone more knowledgeable of the wrestling business. We’re going to run this by ourselves; I’m going to offer reasonable deals for a lasting partnership for S.E. INC.

The conversation ended around 2 hours later and it was decided, the Slammy Events Organization would be re-constructed with the same foundation as before, five events including an awards Ceremony for Impact Booking Industry which would be the “Mega” event of the month. Russell Jefferson and Professor Scott Worthington were on their way to success…………

From Christiana Young - Your official Slammys reporter
Slammy Awards III - The Tradition continues?

Having left New York City after a meeting, Russell Jefferson and Scott Worthington asked higher authorities of the Impact Booking industry if they were allowed to launch the Slammy Awards III on the first of October. When asked about the situation, he said "CMS and Xtremebadass, two former Slammy Award winners and the current co-chairmen of the Impact Booking industry should recive the Private messages soon enough, we're anxiously waiting for their reply" answered C4, the senior director of the Slammy Awards.

There is no word yet on what's going to happen and when/ where the Slammys will take place. The venue decided was Toronto Canada and the presumed date is the first of October 2008 but as we said, it's not yet confirmed and is yet to be decided.


From Christiana Young - Your official Slammys reporter
Slammy Awards III - The Tradition WILL continue!

"CMS and Xtremebadass, two former Slammy Award winners and the current co-chairmen of the Impact Booking industry should recive the Private messages soon enough, we're anxiously waiting for their reply" answered C4, the senior director of the Slammy Awards.

I'm your official reporter, Christiana Young. And It's now official, the higher authorities have approved the third edition of the Slammys and they will take place the next month. The date is yet to be announced this Monday in a Press Conference where Russell Jefferson, Paul Worthington, CMS, Xtremebadass, C4, Brian Kendricks Biceps and other VIP people will show up. The event will indeed take place in Canada but the location has been changed from Toronto Canada to Vancouver Canada. Reports suggest that the Rogers Centre in Toronto wasn't suitable for the event and so it's going to be Vancouver Canada where the event will place. The BC Place Stadium in Vancouver Canada will be the host to the event. It currently holds a maximum capacity of 59,841 people, and it's just a matter of time before the stadium is jam-packed and the Slammys are sold out.

Voting begins according to the reports and latest news.



Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
POI Wrestling Episode 31 has just been posted.

This weeks card
Match 1: Raven vs. Brent Albright
Match 2: Match 4 of 5: Christopher Daniels vs. Ken Kennedy in a First Blood match
Match 3: Austin Aries vs. Chris Hero
Match 4: AJ Styles vs. Roderick Strong
Match 5: Rob Van Dam vs. Nigel McGuinness for a spot in the Survival of the Fittest match

Review for Review