"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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Active Member
May 23, 2007
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What did you think?

Well all I saw was a mid-card belt at first. Than I was like "Why the hell would they do that!" But yeah.. I love the old ECW title design and it sucks that they replaced it. I for one want to burn it..


Active Member
Jun 10, 2008
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Brooklyn, New York
What do you see WWE doing with Randy Orton when he comes back from his injury?


What do you think is Next for the Miz and John Morrison????

Looks like they are going to fued with each other. I would have liked to see a Hardy/Morrision fued over #1 contender, but it doesnt look like that will happen. Im thinking like most tag teams, they will dissolve, although they are a very good team, so i would probably keep them together longer.

What do you see WWE doing with Randy Orton when he comes back from his injury?

Depending who's champ, he's going to fueding with a top guy. IF batista is champ with the belt, i'd expect to see that fued right off the bat. I wouldnt mind ORton blaming Cena for his injury. I think those two have unfinished business. I can see Cena/Orton being a fued similar to Austin/Rock. Although they already screwed it up. Another less likely fued is Orton/Punk. Orton can say Punk has stolen his spot. I think all three of these would be a good way to bring orton back. I also wouldn't mind a orton faction. I've been saying that for a while. Perhaps to lead some 2nd generation guys.

heels unite!

Jul 22, 2008
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do you think hawkins and ryder will be a great addition as smackdown tag champions?

what do you believe michelle mccool will add to smackdown?

would you like to see a smackdown as the dominant brand currently within wwe?

how well is the current edge and vickie fued going for you?

finally what do you feel is next for chris jericho?

i asked alot of questions. :thumbup:


do you think hawkins and ryder will be a great addition as smackdown tag champions?

I'm not sold on them. They waited too long to put the belts on them. They really havent done anything since becoming edges lackeys, and i think they should have even kept the major brothers name. They may keep the titles for a while, but i doubt they carry the belts as well as miz/morrison. Im not seeing much of a upside with these guys.

what do you believe michelle mccool will add to smackdown?

I think it will basically be the same thing as raw, just on sd with their divas. Some silly contest, bad bothced wrestling, and some weird upsets. I like McCool as champ, due to the fact they built her up so long, but i do think natalia will win the belt soon.

would you like to see a smackdown as the dominant brand currently within wwe?

Maybe, if HHH isn't champ. I like the idea of two "A" shows. I do like the characters on SD a little better, but it seems like they have guys in similar roles, so its a little clustered. I dont think HHH is going to help mvp, kennedy, and jeff hardy over. MAYBE one, but not all three. I think if SD can use those three, and mix it with the top guys (Edge, Taker, HHH) they can put on some good television.

how well is the current edge and vickie fued going for you?

I turned that shit off months ago. Garbage to me. I'd rather watch general hospital. The whole vickie thing was a bad idea from the start. Now we have two heels fueding and its not working at all for me.

finally what do you feel is next for chris jericho?

I'd like to see him very involved with the title picture and main storyline to raw. I think Jericho has finally found the new jericho and fans take him a bit more seriously as a heel. So certainly no mid card stuff anymore.

Beer Money Army

do you remember when Jimmy Jacobs did this?

[yt]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/274VXCh5-ME&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/274VXCh5-ME&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/yt]


do you remember when Jimmy Jacobs did this?

Yes, Jimmie Jacobs has come a long way. Fun Jimmy Jacobs story...i was waiting in line for the ROH show on saturday and next thing i know jacobs comes walking by without a shirt on, for some reason picks up a pack of smokes off the ground. The fans were kinda yellin at Jimmie and he waved and was like i got em and walked back. It was really funny actually. One of those things you had to be there. Jimmie is really small in real life too. Also the bodies and faces of jacobs/aries were tottallly nasty in person. THeir backs had huge welts and scars. I got two really good pics of jacobs/aries fighting on top the ladder, although i can't send it to my computer yet.

Beer Money Army

This is a Claudio question...

Since been watching his time in roh of 2006.. he has been a good wrestler.. But not as good as people talk him up to be....

Do you think Claudio get's overwrapped???


This is a Claudio question...

Since been watching his time in roh of 2006.. he has been a good wrestler.. But not as good as people talk him up to be....

Do you think Claudio get's overwrapped???

Ehhh, im not sure if i'd say he's overrated. He's good, but he's not the greatest. I'm not sure how well the ROH will adopt Cluadio as a champ. The ROH are extremely critical, and gabe generally listens to them. I think if he won the belt the fans would turn on him fairly quick. He's best used in a major tag team, like the kings of wrestling. I'd say he's probably in the 5-8th top wrestler in ROH at the moment. I'd put Danielson, Aries, Nigel, Strong ahread of him for sure.


Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
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Titletown, Mexico

I got some Ka-Questions fo-yo-jizz ass-hairs homie...

,but I only got an hour til my black ass heads to K-Mart...so I'll spin it to you quick...(not as quick as my cum that is...)

Question 1: "Out of a Possible 4 choices, which ROH-DVD's would you suggest for my gangsta-self to purchase...ya-know...like what are the top 4 you would recommend and such?"

Question 2: "Is Billy Ray Cryus hot looking in realz?"

Question 3: "Old School ECW or Current ROH?..which one do you think is BETTER?"

Question 4: "Your Thoughts on WWE having The Batista-CENA match at Summerslam instead of Wrestlemania?"

and that is all fo-today....



(performs a botched spinneroonie)


Question 1: "Out of a Possible 4 choices, which ROH-DVD's would you suggest for my gangsta-self to purchase...ya-know...like what are the top 4 you would recommend and such?"

Well depends if you mean of all time or 2008. Heres the 2008 top picks...

1) Supercard of Honor III
2) 6th Anniversary
3) Another Level
4) Bloodstaind honor (best of their hardcore matches)

All Time:

1) Better than our Best
2) Supercard of HOnor III
3) Bloodstaind Honor
4) Man Up

All the ROH nation release dvds are good (Bloodstaind, best rivialiest, best in the world, stars of honor) All the supercard of Honors are good. And most all of the Final Battles are good.

Is Billy Ray Cryus hot looking in realz?"

shit no

Old School ECW or Current ROH?..which one do you think is BETTER?"

I'd say ROH, i was a big fan of ECW, but ROH learned from ECW's mistakes. They took the product product and improved upon it. ROH has better annual shows, better storylines, and better wrestling. ECW they kinda cater to mostly just the hardcore audience. I think ROH really combines the best aspect of every organization. Look at a top notch ROH show compared to the best ecw show.

Your Thoughts on WWE having The Batista-CENA match at Summerslam instead of Wrestlemania?"

I was very surprised and still am really. I dont have a problem with it, AS LONG as they have a better match planned for WM. I'd hate to see them waste batista/cena for SS, and not have a blockbuster match event.

I think the crowd will be very into it, but the match will...suck.


Who do you think deserves the next shot at Nigel for the title in ROH?

What do you think of the Cena/Batista feuds, and when should have it happened?

Round about when do you think CM Punk will drop the WHC and to who?

Beer Money Army

how long you reckon it will be until beer Money inc is tag champs?

Millzy Pt. 2

Active Member
Nov 15, 2007
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Erie, PA
Q1. How long would you give Taylor Wilde's TNA Knockouts title run before she drops it to hopefully ODB?
Q2. Don't you wish that Ric Flair is still around now that DiBiase Jr/Rhodes have swagger jacked Randy Orton and became heels?
Q3. Who should be the next ROH Wrestler to be brought up to TNA?