cm punk *Heat backstage*/ Konnan update

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To follow up on a story that we reported last week, Konnan has not formally filed his discrimination lawsuit against TNA wrestling. Although a lawsuit is definitely in the works, the only thing Konnan's lawyer Cary Ichter has filed so far is a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in Atlanta, Georgia. They have given TNA 30 days to respond to the complaint before moving forward with the $7 million lawsuit.
-- Despite the fact that he is very over with live crowds, C.M. Punk continues to rub people the wrong way backstage. His dry, sarcastic attitude has annoyed several WWE agents. This is not the first time Punk has had heat on him in WWE. Coming off a hot run in ring of Honor, he was said to have a cocky attitude when he first entered the company last summer. His relationshio with WWE Diva Maria also got him some negative attention.

wow Punk's still getting heat and Konana aint going through with his lawsuit.


Having a cocky attitude never hurt anyone as long as you can get over (HBK, Orton).

These reports about Punk come out every month or so.

Also, a source would be nice. Whereever you got this from is desperate for some news if they are still reporting on Punk and Maria. They broke up over a year ago. The negative attention he got (if any) would have worn off by now.


^^^What he said. Punk has been getting "heat" almost every week... The funny thing is I saw this not too long ago.

News: C.M. Punk is scheduled to receive a major push following Wrestlemania. This is mainly due to the WWE begining a major marketing campaign to attract children.

Got it from here...

Word going around is that both Linda and Vince are fans of Punk and they see him as a marketable star due to the whole straight-edge thing. If Vince likes you, you can forget about any "heat" Punk may have with the agents.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2007
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Warren, Ohio
Ehh I don't take much stock into internet reports and the fact that Punk is played off as this clean cut, nice guy it probably pisses internet people off so they have to come out with all this heat he's supposedly getting backstage. I obviously don't know Punk or how he acts backstage, but I guess we'll see how this develops. As said though if Vince likes you, you'll be perfectly fine. Punk is very over, he'll be getting a push sooner rather than later I'd imagine.

Also Small show I know you posted the link later, but it's much easier if you just post the link right away especially concerning internet reports such as this one. It just makes things easier for everyone.

The Rated R CMStar

I read somewhere that Linda and Vince are big fans of Punk, Linda even mentioned his name on a press conference or something like that, so I don't think he is getting heat

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Punk seems to be the McMahon's turn to guy when the drug problems take place. Like when the documentory on Benoit was on, they used Punk. It is a lot smarter then throwing someone like Kennedy out there. And Punk should be good for marketting with kids, so I hope he does get a push


New Member
Jan 18, 2008
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i heard he basically can't keep his mouth shut. thats why it took so long for vince to do much with him. hmm, old is he again? that should explain it.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

^^He is 28 or 29. And that is basiaclly the same age as you. So what are implying? That you are cocky as well?