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Hello and welcome to the only show where the directors get drunk old men to not only talk about banging everyoens young girlfriend daughter and or wife..but also hyping up a pay per view made with Saudi blood money....
So as always freinds rate in the poll above share your thoughts below, as i recap monday night raw! Or just share your thoughts without reading, a sim sure most of you do that anyway, either way whichever you prefer! because im nice, and will love you regardless of what you desire and do...unlike the very company you watch right now, who thinks we are all idiots.
Thank goodness for watch wrestling and wywtv
Hell In A Cell Recap...Again
The show starts with a recap of Hell In A Cell, more specificly the main event once again, and we get a recap of last week. When seth burned down the fun house, no doubt in Vinces mind Seth is somehow a babyface despite burning down a mans home, and we got the intro to the show.
As the intro plays, i wanna quote Bryan Alvarez "Vince aint getting younger, its only gonna get worse"
Yay Pyro.
Ric Flair Kicks off the show
Ya know, for a second i was wondering, why on earth is Rick Flair starting off Raw? then i remembered Crown Jewel and sighed.
You know the drill Ric is in the ring mic in hand, and ofcourse somethign comes up so i was afk for part of this, TL,DR he talsk about the event and hype sup his team and final member of his team, and he confirms his final team member.
And then Drew Macintyre comes out, returning from injury.
Drew says flair you asked for a favor and its been granted, grab a seat get in the front row, because its gonna get uncomfortable, as hes about to give a example as to whats gonna happen at Crown Jewel, and then here comes Ricochet, so i assume this is the first match of the night.
Jerry seems kinda off tonight, Drews music hit and he said "Whose it gonna be?" he clearly had no idea. then when drew said what what i shown above, jerry said "Wait whats going on?" as if he didnt realise this was obviously gonna be a match...its gonna be one of those nights people, buckle up.
Ricochet VS Drew Macintyre
So yeah the match starts and drew is in control, and stays in control for awhile beating up Ricochet, ricochet tries to fight back but fails horribly drew gets a near fall.
Obviously drew just came back, so him losing here is highly unlikely, but then again this is WWE, so anything is possible. But Drew losing isnt, hes a big man, and vince loves his big men. Take that any way you want.
Drew goes a throwing suplex showing his strength, ric flair happy on the outside, locks in a rest hold.
And as i say that Ricochet makes a comback as we go to commercial.
ya know if it makes you feel better, fi im not giving play by play, then it aint a good or important match lol.
Im really proud of my thingy at the start of this thread, i think iam do that every time now, worst part is its true, Ric Flair is very obviously drunk, and WWEs gotta get that Arabia blood money
Oh look we are back and Drew is already back in control.
Ouch, Ricochet landed upside down against the turn buckle corner and landed on the.....ground.....Okay nwo we are talkin to ric at ringside..hes goin off about hogan, he doesnt even know where smackdown is gonna be..man hes drunk lol. THen again isnt he always drunk?
Ricochet hits a standing shooting star drew kicks out at 1 yet ricochet keeps control, he does some other move i missed it but drew kicked out at 2.
Ah a pringboard moonsault.
Drews in position for Ricochets finisher but ricochet gets out of the he leaps to drew but drew smacks him away and ricochet lands right on the top rope, he dives immediately and gets a glaslow..glasco? the headbut thing drew does for a nearfall.
THis match is picking up into a good match.
Ricochet tries to lift up drew but fails, drew runs into a superkick and ricochet lifts up drew lays him out then gets to the top rope...and hits a shooting star for the nearfall? why didnt he do his finisher? that would be the obvious move...anyway ricochets up again and this time he goes for it drew moves, ricochet goes for recoil but drew catche shim tosses him on the outside, send shim into the ring post, drew is back in the ring ricochet still in the ring, drew sets up for CLaymore.
Drew charges at ricochet and htis the claymore for the pin.
Ya know he just came back from injury and they are talkin about how big of a pick it is, only for him to have a even match with ricochet...i dont think they will ever learn, Drew attacks ricochet after the match, does a alabama slam on the steel stairs.
We come back and get a recap of the OC and street profits confrontation that happened last week.
And now we got OC backstage, anderson says some stuff but AJ had the best line, he said the street profits want the smoke..well unfortunately for them THe Smoke is illegal in cleveland you morons. The crowd laughed and so did i.
We got a shirtless Allister Black...he says id like to think there si a reason to my madness, id like to think that one day this strif eiwll provid eme with a answer as to why? but at the same time thsi sid eof me provides me with this hell fire like rage, and its beyond redemtpion, and its clawing at me as we speak like a madman dancing in the moonlight, is it ready to pick a fight?
The crowd cheers, but he is in action...next
How di i always forget how to spell his dang name? lol
Aleister Black VS .....Jason....Renolds?
Well, hes a jobber and this si a squash match, the jobber doesnt even look happy.
You know how this goes, Aleister wins quickly
Rusev is walking backstage, there si a kings court thingy next...yay...more cuck.
The AOP Akam and Razar cut a fantastic promo, they say the next chapter in tag team wrestling will but written in blood, by the A..O..P.
They spoke in their language aswell which made it even better, im getting more interested in them every week.
The Kings Court with Rusev
We got Rusev and Jerry in the ring. Jerry says this si tought to talk about, everyoen would agree, what goes on inside a marriag eshould stay in that marrigae, but in this case Rusev your a public figure, so is lana and lashley, so they have made everything public. I dont know how you have withstood everythign thus far...so with all that said, they have said they came up with so many excuses for their actions...Jerry asks what si rusevs response
Rusev says its all lashleys fault, lashley has poisoned lanas brain and for that he will be crushed, as far a slana is concerned, i may be a fool, but i still wear my wedding band, i hope and pray every day we will pass through this and end up happily ever after.. he contineus and lashley interupts and says i wish i was there withyou so we can settle our differences but i canrt, my women has needs, i wont make the same mistake you did, my woman has needs.
Lana says RUsev, you probbaly recognize this resuratnt, enevr mind you dont..i asked you to take me here...also ntoe lana has dropped her accent.
Lashley said as the saying goes, out with the old in with the new, stuff happens and the feed cuts out.
Jerry says Rusev youg ot tor espond.
Rusev says ya know what jerry, id like to deliver my message, personally..because i knwo exactly where they are.. he bolts out fo the ring the crowd cheers as he runs after lashley.
These storylines, and history has shown this, allmost always ends with the couple in question legit breaking up, so thansk vince for ruining Rusevs marriage...who knows, maybe hes one fo the few who wont have their relationship ruined.
Andrade VS Sin Cara
Not gonna lie, this match should be great, but i dont care about it lol. But as always i will let you know if its worth a watch.
And it was just a okay match, not good,not bad, just okay, Andrade gets the pin
And now we got more cuck stuff, lashley lana at the resurant thingyy grammer i know...they ignore the warning of Rusev being on his way. And now Rey Mysterio is next.
And we come back from commercial and Rusev gets into the the place and starts beating up lashley, police come in and arrest Rusev,, there is so much yelling i cant even udnerstand what they are saying.
Rey Mysterio Comes Out To Chat
Rey says whats up cleveland crowd cheers, rey says hes been training cain velaskez so he can beat lesnar for the WWE title at crown jewel, Rey said he wanted to take time out of training to come out here to tlel everyone here and on TV, thank you, thank you from me, from my son dominic, from my entire family, the outpouring of love that i and my family has experienced..crowd starts chanting thank you Rey and then You Deserve it.
Rey says your love ha shumbled me, and im honored, the crowd cheers, eh says thats why i wanna tell you here personally, you guys are my family. Which si why we are all gonna celebrate together at crown jewel, when cain velaskez, and puts another scar on the face of that bastard brock lesnar.
heymans on the titantron he says there he is! rey msyterio! rey we have a little bit fo a missunderstanding! would your eally speak these words if brock lesnar wa slive in cleveland? ofcorus eyou wouldnt! because you know lesnar cant be live on raw...hes been drafted to smackdown...Heymans says hes here to deliver a message,
He goe son to say for the last 9 years when lesnar looks in the mirror, eh sees the scar left by cain, and every single day brock has been salivateing like a beast hungry for revenge, and that happens at crown jewel when you surved up cain like dinner on a silver platter, Paul says you better ge thtis through your head and rey says it right back to him....he says something but i cant understand him
Then here comes shelton benjamin, he complains about how Cain gets a title shot but not him, shelton says i got a buddy too, brock lesnar, and he goe son about how he trained lesnar, and besides heyman there is nobody who knwos brock better then me, he says hes got it all figured out. shelton says hes gonna fidn out what happens if he pushes rey around, he shoves rey around and he gets a title shot.
he picks on rey shoves him around, he says where is your buddy now? and then cains new theme hits crowd cheers, he gets in the ring and and stares shelton down, shelton tries to take cain down but he fails, cain takes him down lays in the fists, wrestles him down man handles him, locks in a sleeper hold and benjamin taps and quickly runs away.
interviewer backstage lady then brings in Seth Rollins..oh boy here we go.
She says seth it seems the fiend ha spushed you to limits we never thought you would go to. Seth says the fiend has gotten inside my head, but maybe ive gotten inside his head, i foudn the firefly fun house didnt i? let me tell you soemthign about the fiend, ehs different, there si a aura about him thats just different, once you step in the ring with him, your changed...forever.
Seth looks off and says hold on...one second...
he goes up to the guy interviewed earlier in the show, who said soemthing about how he wants to be universal champion one day, and he wont play with fire like seth, seth now said he did what he had to do, he may not have made the populer decision, but he made the right decision....and then he gives this guy a match against him, right now...so...yay?
I have a feeling The Fiend is gonna show up..fingers corssed
Seth Rollins VS Humberto Carrillo
So this match starts with some arm drags and a nearfall from humberto, they do soem wrestling...notably the crowd is extremely dead and just doesnt care about this match. We Want Wyatt chants echo throughout the arena, but it slowly fades as the crowd returns to being dead as more wrestling stuff.. Humberto does some awesome moves but the crowd still doesnt care.
Rollins is in control and hits a suple to the outisde as we go to commercial.
ya know..i wonder what luke harper thinks about the fiend...he says his DMs are open...lets find out..
-actually sends luke harper a DM asking his thoughts on The Fiend and The Firefly Fun House-
I'll keep you posted
We come back Rollins and he remains in control, but Humberto gets some offense and despite that the crowd just doesnt care, silence for the most part, which is what you never want.
It doesnt last though, rollins hits the falcon arrow for the nearfall.
We got more We Want Wyatt chants, rollins hits a jumping knee for a nearfall. Rollins does the buckle bomb and a super kick for the nearfall.
Seth does the burn it down thing with his foot, goes for curb stomp humberto dodges and gets a roll up for the nearfall hits a solid DDT and he goes to the top rope, hits a super high top rope moonsault for the nearfall.
He goes up there again and tries again but rollins gets the feet up and hits a kick, hits a kick and hits the curb stomp for the pin.
Seth looks mad a she gets back in the ring, looking at Humberto, he offers his hand out humberto shakes it, and then Seth leaves...no fiend in sight.
And now its time for the main event.
Oh! well WWE isnt completely brain dead afteral! The Firefly Fun House RETURNS on Smackdown this Friday! hurrah!
Okay..NOW time for main event.
The Street Profits VS The O.C.
The street profits come out with a fantastic entrance, crowd loves it, i love it.
The OC comes out, Aj says where is this third person? did you not fidn anybody? wer eyou lieing to us? no wait hes invisible! no wait! hes imaginary!
Aj says you couldnt find anybody to help you after what the OC did to you last week, and ofcourse we get a recap of it once again.
Montez ford and anderson start the match and Street profits have control. Dawkins tags in and so does gallows, dawkins hits a nice shoulder tackle and lays in the hits to gallows in the corner, but gallows returns it with a kick, smacks dawkins in the corner and lays in his own hits, locks in a hold, and ofcourse right about now i had to go AFK to do stuff....yay...
so yeah i missed a bit, all i know is OC have control as we go to commercial break...yay.
We come back luke gallows has a hold on ford, he tries to reach for dawkins but fails, gallows gets him in his corner, he elbows anderson kicks gallows, tries to leap but gallows catches him slams him down, gets him in the corner tags in anderson, who tries to pin ford for a nearfall.
anderson has ford in a rest hold, they keep control as gallwos tags in, he throws ford to the ropes who repsondes with a kick, and then gallows and ford double clothesline eachother.
gallows gets the tag and andersons tops ford, ford is by the ropes anderson charges and ford send shim through the ropes, finally ford tags in dawkins and he starts goin wild, uppercuts punchs dropkicks, shoves anderosn into gallows who si in the corner,, both members of the OC in opposite corners he goes back and forth elbows them both, ford tags in, dawkins takes out gallwos who fight on the outside the ref focuses on them as Aj styels shoves ford off the top rope onto anderson who naisl a spienbuster.
Aj styles goes to do soemthign to ford but the ref see shim and kicks him out. then here comes kevin owens who hits the stunner on AJ Styles.
Dawkins hits the sky high on anderson i believe, dawkins tags in montez ford he hits the frog splash for the pin.
And thats the show! have a great night! and dont forget to tuen in next week! will luke harper resond to my message? will WWE continue to shoot itself in the foot? will we get more of THE SMOKE?!?!? find out next week! and i'll see all of you this wednesday for AEW DYNAMITE!
The show starts with a recap of Hell In A Cell, more specificly the main event once again, and we get a recap of last week. When seth burned down the fun house, no doubt in Vinces mind Seth is somehow a babyface despite burning down a mans home, and we got the intro to the show.
As the intro plays, i wanna quote Bryan Alvarez "Vince aint getting younger, its only gonna get worse"
Yay Pyro.
Ric Flair Kicks off the show
Ya know, for a second i was wondering, why on earth is Rick Flair starting off Raw? then i remembered Crown Jewel and sighed.
You know the drill Ric is in the ring mic in hand, and ofcourse somethign comes up so i was afk for part of this, TL,DR he talsk about the event and hype sup his team and final member of his team, and he confirms his final team member.
And then Drew Macintyre comes out, returning from injury.
Drew says flair you asked for a favor and its been granted, grab a seat get in the front row, because its gonna get uncomfortable, as hes about to give a example as to whats gonna happen at Crown Jewel, and then here comes Ricochet, so i assume this is the first match of the night.
Jerry seems kinda off tonight, Drews music hit and he said "Whose it gonna be?" he clearly had no idea. then when drew said what what i shown above, jerry said "Wait whats going on?" as if he didnt realise this was obviously gonna be a match...its gonna be one of those nights people, buckle up.
Ricochet VS Drew Macintyre
So yeah the match starts and drew is in control, and stays in control for awhile beating up Ricochet, ricochet tries to fight back but fails horribly drew gets a near fall.
Obviously drew just came back, so him losing here is highly unlikely, but then again this is WWE, so anything is possible. But Drew losing isnt, hes a big man, and vince loves his big men. Take that any way you want.
Drew goes a throwing suplex showing his strength, ric flair happy on the outside, locks in a rest hold.
And as i say that Ricochet makes a comback as we go to commercial.
ya know if it makes you feel better, fi im not giving play by play, then it aint a good or important match lol.
Im really proud of my thingy at the start of this thread, i think iam do that every time now, worst part is its true, Ric Flair is very obviously drunk, and WWEs gotta get that Arabia blood money
Oh look we are back and Drew is already back in control.
Ouch, Ricochet landed upside down against the turn buckle corner and landed on the.....ground.....Okay nwo we are talkin to ric at ringside..hes goin off about hogan, he doesnt even know where smackdown is gonna be..man hes drunk lol. THen again isnt he always drunk?
Ricochet hits a standing shooting star drew kicks out at 1 yet ricochet keeps control, he does some other move i missed it but drew kicked out at 2.
Ah a pringboard moonsault.
Drews in position for Ricochets finisher but ricochet gets out of the he leaps to drew but drew smacks him away and ricochet lands right on the top rope, he dives immediately and gets a glaslow..glasco? the headbut thing drew does for a nearfall.
THis match is picking up into a good match.
Ricochet tries to lift up drew but fails, drew runs into a superkick and ricochet lifts up drew lays him out then gets to the top rope...and hits a shooting star for the nearfall? why didnt he do his finisher? that would be the obvious move...anyway ricochets up again and this time he goes for it drew moves, ricochet goes for recoil but drew catche shim tosses him on the outside, send shim into the ring post, drew is back in the ring ricochet still in the ring, drew sets up for CLaymore.
Drew charges at ricochet and htis the claymore for the pin.
Ya know he just came back from injury and they are talkin about how big of a pick it is, only for him to have a even match with ricochet...i dont think they will ever learn, Drew attacks ricochet after the match, does a alabama slam on the steel stairs.
We come back and get a recap of the OC and street profits confrontation that happened last week.
And now we got OC backstage, anderson says some stuff but AJ had the best line, he said the street profits want the smoke..well unfortunately for them THe Smoke is illegal in cleveland you morons. The crowd laughed and so did i.
We got a shirtless Allister Black...he says id like to think there si a reason to my madness, id like to think that one day this strif eiwll provid eme with a answer as to why? but at the same time thsi sid eof me provides me with this hell fire like rage, and its beyond redemtpion, and its clawing at me as we speak like a madman dancing in the moonlight, is it ready to pick a fight?
The crowd cheers, but he is in action...next
How di i always forget how to spell his dang name? lol
Aleister Black VS .....Jason....Renolds?
Well, hes a jobber and this si a squash match, the jobber doesnt even look happy.
You know how this goes, Aleister wins quickly
Rusev is walking backstage, there si a kings court thingy next...yay...more cuck.
The AOP Akam and Razar cut a fantastic promo, they say the next chapter in tag team wrestling will but written in blood, by the A..O..P.
They spoke in their language aswell which made it even better, im getting more interested in them every week.
The Kings Court with Rusev
We got Rusev and Jerry in the ring. Jerry says this si tought to talk about, everyoen would agree, what goes on inside a marriag eshould stay in that marrigae, but in this case Rusev your a public figure, so is lana and lashley, so they have made everything public. I dont know how you have withstood everythign thus far...so with all that said, they have said they came up with so many excuses for their actions...Jerry asks what si rusevs response
Rusev says its all lashleys fault, lashley has poisoned lanas brain and for that he will be crushed, as far a slana is concerned, i may be a fool, but i still wear my wedding band, i hope and pray every day we will pass through this and end up happily ever after.. he contineus and lashley interupts and says i wish i was there withyou so we can settle our differences but i canrt, my women has needs, i wont make the same mistake you did, my woman has needs.
Lana says RUsev, you probbaly recognize this resuratnt, enevr mind you dont..i asked you to take me here...also ntoe lana has dropped her accent.
Lashley said as the saying goes, out with the old in with the new, stuff happens and the feed cuts out.
Jerry says Rusev youg ot tor espond.
Rusev says ya know what jerry, id like to deliver my message, personally..because i knwo exactly where they are.. he bolts out fo the ring the crowd cheers as he runs after lashley.
These storylines, and history has shown this, allmost always ends with the couple in question legit breaking up, so thansk vince for ruining Rusevs marriage...who knows, maybe hes one fo the few who wont have their relationship ruined.
Andrade VS Sin Cara
Not gonna lie, this match should be great, but i dont care about it lol. But as always i will let you know if its worth a watch.
And it was just a okay match, not good,not bad, just okay, Andrade gets the pin
And now we got more cuck stuff, lashley lana at the resurant thingyy grammer i know...they ignore the warning of Rusev being on his way. And now Rey Mysterio is next.
And we come back from commercial and Rusev gets into the the place and starts beating up lashley, police come in and arrest Rusev,, there is so much yelling i cant even udnerstand what they are saying.
Rey Mysterio Comes Out To Chat
Rey says whats up cleveland crowd cheers, rey says hes been training cain velaskez so he can beat lesnar for the WWE title at crown jewel, Rey said he wanted to take time out of training to come out here to tlel everyone here and on TV, thank you, thank you from me, from my son dominic, from my entire family, the outpouring of love that i and my family has experienced..crowd starts chanting thank you Rey and then You Deserve it.
Rey says your love ha shumbled me, and im honored, the crowd cheers, eh says thats why i wanna tell you here personally, you guys are my family. Which si why we are all gonna celebrate together at crown jewel, when cain velaskez, and puts another scar on the face of that bastard brock lesnar.
heymans on the titantron he says there he is! rey msyterio! rey we have a little bit fo a missunderstanding! would your eally speak these words if brock lesnar wa slive in cleveland? ofcorus eyou wouldnt! because you know lesnar cant be live on raw...hes been drafted to smackdown...Heymans says hes here to deliver a message,
He goe son to say for the last 9 years when lesnar looks in the mirror, eh sees the scar left by cain, and every single day brock has been salivateing like a beast hungry for revenge, and that happens at crown jewel when you surved up cain like dinner on a silver platter, Paul says you better ge thtis through your head and rey says it right back to him....he says something but i cant understand him
Then here comes shelton benjamin, he complains about how Cain gets a title shot but not him, shelton says i got a buddy too, brock lesnar, and he goe son about how he trained lesnar, and besides heyman there is nobody who knwos brock better then me, he says hes got it all figured out. shelton says hes gonna fidn out what happens if he pushes rey around, he shoves rey around and he gets a title shot.
he picks on rey shoves him around, he says where is your buddy now? and then cains new theme hits crowd cheers, he gets in the ring and and stares shelton down, shelton tries to take cain down but he fails, cain takes him down lays in the fists, wrestles him down man handles him, locks in a sleeper hold and benjamin taps and quickly runs away.
interviewer backstage lady then brings in Seth Rollins..oh boy here we go.
She says seth it seems the fiend ha spushed you to limits we never thought you would go to. Seth says the fiend has gotten inside my head, but maybe ive gotten inside his head, i foudn the firefly fun house didnt i? let me tell you soemthign about the fiend, ehs different, there si a aura about him thats just different, once you step in the ring with him, your changed...forever.
Seth looks off and says hold on...one second...
he goes up to the guy interviewed earlier in the show, who said soemthing about how he wants to be universal champion one day, and he wont play with fire like seth, seth now said he did what he had to do, he may not have made the populer decision, but he made the right decision....and then he gives this guy a match against him, right now...so...yay?
I have a feeling The Fiend is gonna show up..fingers corssed
Seth Rollins VS Humberto Carrillo
So this match starts with some arm drags and a nearfall from humberto, they do soem wrestling...notably the crowd is extremely dead and just doesnt care about this match. We Want Wyatt chants echo throughout the arena, but it slowly fades as the crowd returns to being dead as more wrestling stuff.. Humberto does some awesome moves but the crowd still doesnt care.
Rollins is in control and hits a suple to the outisde as we go to commercial.
ya know..i wonder what luke harper thinks about the fiend...he says his DMs are open...lets find out..
-actually sends luke harper a DM asking his thoughts on The Fiend and The Firefly Fun House-
I'll keep you posted
We come back Rollins and he remains in control, but Humberto gets some offense and despite that the crowd just doesnt care, silence for the most part, which is what you never want.
It doesnt last though, rollins hits the falcon arrow for the nearfall.
We got more We Want Wyatt chants, rollins hits a jumping knee for a nearfall. Rollins does the buckle bomb and a super kick for the nearfall.
Seth does the burn it down thing with his foot, goes for curb stomp humberto dodges and gets a roll up for the nearfall hits a solid DDT and he goes to the top rope, hits a super high top rope moonsault for the nearfall.
He goes up there again and tries again but rollins gets the feet up and hits a kick, hits a kick and hits the curb stomp for the pin.
Seth looks mad a she gets back in the ring, looking at Humberto, he offers his hand out humberto shakes it, and then Seth leaves...no fiend in sight.
And now its time for the main event.
Oh! well WWE isnt completely brain dead afteral! The Firefly Fun House RETURNS on Smackdown this Friday! hurrah!
Okay..NOW time for main event.
The Street Profits VS The O.C.
The street profits come out with a fantastic entrance, crowd loves it, i love it.
The OC comes out, Aj says where is this third person? did you not fidn anybody? wer eyou lieing to us? no wait hes invisible! no wait! hes imaginary!
Aj says you couldnt find anybody to help you after what the OC did to you last week, and ofcourse we get a recap of it once again.
Montez ford and anderson start the match and Street profits have control. Dawkins tags in and so does gallows, dawkins hits a nice shoulder tackle and lays in the hits to gallows in the corner, but gallows returns it with a kick, smacks dawkins in the corner and lays in his own hits, locks in a hold, and ofcourse right about now i had to go AFK to do stuff....yay...
so yeah i missed a bit, all i know is OC have control as we go to commercial break...yay.
We come back luke gallows has a hold on ford, he tries to reach for dawkins but fails, gallows gets him in his corner, he elbows anderson kicks gallows, tries to leap but gallows catches him slams him down, gets him in the corner tags in anderson, who tries to pin ford for a nearfall.
anderson has ford in a rest hold, they keep control as gallwos tags in, he throws ford to the ropes who repsondes with a kick, and then gallows and ford double clothesline eachother.
gallows gets the tag and andersons tops ford, ford is by the ropes anderson charges and ford send shim through the ropes, finally ford tags in dawkins and he starts goin wild, uppercuts punchs dropkicks, shoves anderosn into gallows who si in the corner,, both members of the OC in opposite corners he goes back and forth elbows them both, ford tags in, dawkins takes out gallwos who fight on the outside the ref focuses on them as Aj styels shoves ford off the top rope onto anderson who naisl a spienbuster.
Aj styles goes to do soemthign to ford but the ref see shim and kicks him out. then here comes kevin owens who hits the stunner on AJ Styles.
Dawkins hits the sky high on anderson i believe, dawkins tags in montez ford he hits the frog splash for the pin.
And thats the show! have a great night! and dont forget to tuen in next week! will luke harper resond to my message? will WWE continue to shoot itself in the foot? will we get more of THE SMOKE?!?!? find out next week! and i'll see all of you this wednesday for AEW DYNAMITE!
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