How do you feel about homosexuals... oops, I mean religious nuts.

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Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON

the dark knight

As for TDK,i repect yyou so Im not going to rant but you say being gay is wrong isnt it?Well you agreed that they cant change it because its who they are,if its who they are then its not wrong.If they were faking it for attention,like everything,that is wrong,but its not wrong if its who they are.
just like blueberries, they're blueberries but they cant help it. you dont wanna be a blueberry do you?

as for the religion shit, i was kinda religious until i hit puberty. i dont give a fuck about anything anymore...i have my own A-Jism (thnx rell).


Feb 7, 2007
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Monk, how can you post this without mentioning Fred Phelps, one of the worst religious nuts?

I must agree with most of what you have said.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2007
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All of you are going to hell....for not following Rellism :p

Now repeat after me, ahem..

"Ade Due Damballa, Give me the power I beg of you!"

Repeat this about 4 times and you'll be on a highway to Rell!


I'm a Catholic, but I don't read the bible literally. I don't think it is meant to be read literally.

The bible is merely a means to aid us in living a better life. Its the lessons that are important not the actual stories.

Otherwise, according to the bible, adulterers should be stoned to death and living with your girlfriend before marriage is an abomination as is eating shell fish.

Times change. The issues they dealt with back then are not the same issues we deal with today. We have refrigerators today and condoms. We don't have to be careful about what we eat and who we sleep with. People need to learn to look for the underlying meaning contained within portions of the bible and not take each and every story so literally.

Same here...I've never read the entire Bible...but I read as much of it as I can and it's a way to help people get through their lives. And Monkey....sorry for having my own religion (I'm Christian)

Monkeystyle said:
People don't just randomly turn gay. Hell, its not even a choice. Its the way they are. Its no different than race.

Okay...I do agree with this. I read somewhere it's not their choice and it's not their fault that they like the same sex. I read somewhere that everyone is a female to start with...we evlove with male body parts...and then grow into a male brain...if you're destined to be a male....homosexual's brains never developed the male part and all they have is the female brain, but the male body parts...I don't remember where I read that, but I read it a couple months ago and found it interesting

This Guy

I'm not looking to start an arguement with you Monkey, I think I've said before that I am a Christian, but I'm a very open minded one and try not to rub my beliefs in others faces and allow people to live there lives the way they choose weather I agree with it or not (though for the record my oldest brother is gay and I have no problem with that and treat him and his bf no different then I treat anyone else), but I was just wondering what you thought about the fact that you basically went on a rant about how all religions are judgemental and its not our place to tell the world how to live, and whats wrong and whats right, and yet you basically just did the same thing? You mention that many christians and other religions would tell a homosexual that they are wrong and try to interfer with there rights as a person to live there life there way, but you basically did the same thing to those religious people by telling them they are wrong to do so, and are interfering with there rights as a person to believe what they want to believe.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not disagreeing that more people need to mind there own buisness so to speak, and I agree too many religious people, leaders, followers whatever tend to beat people over the head with there bibles saying "you need to believe what I believe and if you don't your wrong.", but you have basically just done the same thing here with your whole rant.

Just wanted to point that out. Again, wasn't trying to start an arguement, hope I didn't. But basically going on a rant about your beliefs on how the religions is wrong on how they treat different issues is no different then how they tell the rest of the world they are wrong on those same my opinion.
May 28, 2007
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My Moms Basement
Well I dont completely agree. I think that in life you make choices. Whether they are when you are a baby, child, teenager, or an adult. You make choices that forever set how your life plays out. I do not believe in total pre-set destiny. I believe in God and all that, and there may be some leading, but in the end, that person makes the choice and has to deal with it.

Also, MS, like TG, i dont mean to start anything, but isnt it contradictive to say that people will do what they want to do by the choices they make and then to say gays are gay at birth?...I mean I believe in some of the science and how our brains work, but to an extent...

I guess I just have a lot of weird views, but the main one I believe in is self controlled destiny. And who a man, or women, decides to love is totally their choice. Whether they have known their whole life or made the choice somewhere down the line...I guess its just a touchy subject with everyone.

I guess this is about religious nuts, I really dont care, I just dont pay attention, I believe in God, and I spose that would make me Christian? I have only been to church twice in my life that I know of, and that was with a friend and I didnt pay attention =/...Anyway, I am out of this conversation, I have said all that I need to, I am not going to try and change anyones views...anyway...




Viva La Luke

Apr 20, 2007
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Newcastle, Australia
Well my parents where both not highly religious despite my mum being catholic and i never ended up getting baptised; so basically iam a nothing. They left it up for me to decide when i get older and i chose Lukeology and the only belief Lukeologist's have is hanging out with our wang out 24/7!

the dark knight

I'm not looking to start an arguement with you Monkey, I think I've said before that I am a Christian, but I'm a very open minded one and try not to rub my beliefs in others faces and allow people to live there lives the way they choose weather I agree with it or not (though for the record my oldest brother is gay and I have no problem with that and treat him and his bf no different then I treat anyone else), but I was just wondering what you thought about the fact that you basically went on a rant about how all religions are judgemental and its not our place to tell the world how to live, and whats wrong and whats right, and yet you basically just did the same thing? You mention that many christians and other religions would tell a homosexual that they are wrong and try to interfer with there rights as a person to live there life there way, but you basically did the same thing to those religious people by telling them they are wrong to do so, and are interfering with there rights as a person to believe what they want to believe.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not disagreeing that more people need to mind there own buisness so to speak, and I agree too many religious people, leaders, followers whatever tend to beat people over the head with there bibles saying "you need to believe what I believe and if you don't your wrong.", but you have basically just done the same thing here with your whole rant.

Just wanted to point that out. Again, wasn't trying to start an arguement, hope I didn't. But basically going on a rant about your beliefs on how the religions is wrong on how they treat different issues is no different then how they tell the rest of the world they are wrong on those same my opinion.

im not replyin on behalf of monkey but, i think he made this thread to piss off angryphill and fatal55. he wanted them to feel the same feeling he feels when he listens to their opinions...


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
im not replyin on behalf of monkey but, i think he made this thread to piss off angryphill and fatal55. he wanted them to feel the same feeling he feels when he listens to their opinions...

Pretty much.

I'm not looking to start an arguement with you Monkey, I think I've said before that I am a Christian, but I'm a very open minded one and try not to rub my beliefs in others faces and allow people to live there lives the way they choose weather I agree with it or not (though for the record my oldest brother is gay and I have no problem with that and treat him and his bf no different then I treat anyone else), but I was just wondering what you thought about the fact that you basically went on a rant about how all religions are judgemental and its not our place to tell the world how to live, and whats wrong and whats right, and yet you basically just did the same thing?

The difference is, their religions teach them to be non judgemental. Mine does not. Mine tells me to use my judgement and trust in it. The real message that I was trying to convey, is that they follow their respective religions, but do not follow all of its tenets. That to me seems mildly hypocriticla, and casts serious doubt on their arguments.

You mention that many christians and other religions would tell a homosexual that they are wrong and try to interfer with there rights as a person to live there life there way, but you basically did the same thing to those religious people by telling them they are wrong to do so, and are interfering with there rights as a person to believe what they want to believe.

I don't believe in true equality, never have and never will. Its just a pipe dream. However, we are all equal at the most basic levels. Organized religions do not acknowledge this. They go as far to say, we are right, you are wrong, and that's fine.Have your beliefs. But if you are infringing on anothers right to believe in what they choose to beleive in, as they do, they cross the line.

Yes, I pass judgement on what they believe in, but I do not judge them for what they are. They are free to make their own choices, and I wouldn't dream of trying to take them away from them. But they can't stop somebody from doing something that doesn't hurt them just because they don't like it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not disagreeing that more people need to mind there own buisness so to speak, and I agree too many religious people, leaders, followers whatever tend to beat people over the head with there bibles saying "you need to believe what I believe and if you don't your wrong.", but you have basically just done the same thing here with your whole rant.

Yeah, I know. But like I said, that's not a bad thing to my types.

Just wanted to point that out. Again, wasn't trying to start an arguement, hope I didn't. But basically going on a rant about your beliefs on how the religions is wrong on how they treat different issues is no different then how they tell the rest of the world they are wrong on those same my opinion.

No, and I agree fully. I did just do that. But they're told not to.


Feb 7, 2007
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Well I don't like Cena in the slightest and think he should be bumped down to mid-card.

This thread is intriguing.


Feb 7, 2007
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^^ This is WWE discussion my friend.


Aug 13, 2007
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Montreal, Quebec, Canada
To me religion is about tradition, I follow the rules that my family follows. It's not about god to me its about spending time with your family and stuff like that.