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(Hassan promo)
We are live from the American Airlines Arena in Miami, Florida where tonight's edition of Thursday Night Honor is emanating. The crowd is cheering in anticipation of what's coming up, when suddenly a theme rings out that changes their mood.
"Coma White" by Marilyn Manson comes blasting over the PA system, pulsating through the arena as the fans begin to boo. As they all rise to their feet, the members of R.E.M.E.D.Y. make their way onto the stage. If one were viewing this on a television screen, R-Truth would be on their right and Eddie Guerrero would be on their left, with Jesse Ventura walking behind both of them. All three men reach the ring as Jesse hands each of them a microphone and keeps one for himself. Their music cuts out as the boos from the crowd are intense and audible. Eddie, dressed in a suit, speaks first.
Eddie Guerrero: You boo us as though you weren't expecting us to be here, even though it was advertised for every fan of this product with a functioning set of eyeballs to behold. In one respect it's comical in its pitifulness, but in another I find myself not in the mood for your stupidity. Now, my bad mood is a bit surprising considering the events of Sunday night, but once you consider the events of last Thursday night, you're more inclined to understand my bitterness, ese'. Last Thursday night on the Supershow, myself and R-Truth took on John Cena and Triple H, two of the biggest names to ever grace this profession and also, two of our biggest targets. And what I mean by that is our mission is to thwart conspiracy, to give guys like ourselves that occupied the bottom echelon of the card for much of our careers due to our size or what have you, a fair chance. John Cena and Triple H are two guys responsible for guys like us being held down. Last Thursday night we had them in our crosshairs, John Cena walked away from the fight so it was just Hunter all by his lonesome. But what happens next?
Eddie looks over at Truth.
You get us disqualified. When it happened in our debut match, that was no big deal holmes because it was just Sheamus, but this was Triple H and Cena! And not only that, but after the match we get our asses kicked with a sledgehammer. Our one embarassment to date and it's because of you! What do you have to say for yourself, pendejo?
Truth goes to answer but Eddie cuts him off.
Ya know what? It doesn't even matter, because I'm going to take the rage I have for you right now and I'm going to channel elsewhere, and hold it in reserve until that Bar Room Brawl, then I'm going to unleash it, vato. Speaking of that match, exactly what was Jim Cornette thinking when he made it? Did he think that he was doing us some kind of disservice? Because Jim, if you honestly think that this is a punishment, you're fooling yourself. Beer Money have proven that they simply can't get the job done. They won the tag titles because of the New Age Outlaws' help, they beat Christian and Brock Lesnar because Brock himself helped. They missed out on Invasion, they lost at Elimination Chamber, and they're going to lose tonight. But not just because of their record in competition, but because of their record with us, ese'. Every time those two get around us, we leave them in a bloody heap. And those were in unsanctioned situations, tonight they're locked in to an actual match where weapons and the like are legal and encouraged, holmes. So Beer Money, as James likes to say, I'm sorry about your damn luck tonight.
While we're on the subject of worthless people we have to defend our titles against, as you know, there was a tag team Chamber match held four nights ago to determine the number one contenders, and who should win but Mr. T and "Rowdy" Roddy Piper. I'm honestly having a hard time not breaking out into laughter, I mean you can't possibly be serious. We have to defend our titles against them? Two men this close to their sixties and one of them isn't even a wrestler? So be it, at Cyber Sunday Truth and I will put these belts up against you but just know that it doesn't matter what stipulation these ignorant people choose, because your chances of beating us are so miniscule you might as well no-show or take the Outlaws' approach and retire.
Eddie lowers his microphone as R-Truth steps forward to say his peace.
R-Truth: Eddie, I don't know what match you were competin' in dawg, but the one I saw you almost lost. So the way I see it, I did you a favor, so before you go gettin' mad at me maybe you should be mad at yourself for gettin' Pedigreed. But that's in the past, it don't matta' no mo', all that mattas is the present and the future, and since you already addressed Cyber Sundee and tonight's main event, I'm gonna address this big announcement we been hypin' up. Now in the last week or so we've seen a lot a' new alliances bein' formed. Undertaker and Kane, The Rock and Santino, etcetera etcetera. But it's not just tag teams, cuz we saw Christian join up with Mattitude as well. Now somethin' bout that don't sit right with me, maybe cuz we don't like Mattitude, maybe cuz we don't like Christian either. Whatever it is, it's got us ta' thinkin', if we was ta' take on any new recruits into R.E.M.E.D.Y., who would dey be? Well, as Eddie said, our purpose is to thwart conspiracy, so the answer to my previous question is quite simple if ya been payin' attention. The Miz has been goin' 'round talkin' bout conspiracy, Alberto Del Rio's been fightin' management talkin' bout conspiracy, even the new CWF World Champion has been talkin' about conspiracy. Well ya'll, I'm here ta' let ya know that you ain't in this fight by yaselves. Don't think of this as an invitation, just somethin' for ya'll ta' mull over. Next week we gon' come out here again, and when that happens, hopefully ya'll will have an answer for us.
R-Truth lowers his microphone as Jesse Ventura steps forward to say a few words.
Jesse Ventura: It seems with each passing week that I continue to be part of this tandem, my involvement in their affairs becomes more and more physical. Last week I got involved in the scrap with Beer Money and even though I'm still feeling the effects of getting hit with that beer cooler, it was a nice feeling to mix it up again, it reminded me that there's still some fight left in this broken down old body. But with that said, I am a manager and strictly that. If Eddie and Truth are in trouble, I'll get involved and help any way that I can, but beyond that you'll hear me on this microphone and you'll see me standing ringside to support their efforts but that's it. Now tonight's encounter won't be in this ring, but you can rest assured that I'm going to be inside that bar and no one is gonna stop me!
As Jesse says this, the crowd erupts with cheers as the music of the Honor General Manager Jim Cornette begins to play, R.E.M.E.D.Y. looking none too pleased.
Cornette makes his way down the ramp in a flustered and rushed fashion as he makes his way up the steel steps and enters the ring. His music stops playing as he raises the microphone he's holding to his mouth.
Jim Cornette: Now listen here and listen good fellas, I didn't give you this time so you could make a power play for other members of my roster. You told me you had some bullshit announcement to make so I figured I'd turn ya loose, well after what I've heard here tonight and what I saw you do last week, I know better than to do that from here on out. You wanna recruit a bunch of guys because Christian joined up with someone else's faction? Well if Christian took a frog splash into a lake of burning excrement, would you do it? I sure as hell hope so, because then I'd have one whiny little bitch and three anarchists off my hands. You don't need to worry about what they're doin' on WAR, you need to worry about what you're doin' on Honor. Tonight, you're gonna get your asses kicked, there's no way around that. Whether you keep those pretty little titles of yours remains to be seen, but you gettin' your ass kicked is a damn certainty. You say you're gonna be here this week? That's fine and dandy, take your little microphones, come out here next week and say whatever you wanna say and if those guys you extended an offer to wanna show up, that's their prerogative. I'm gonna make it worth my while though.
Eddie and Truth, you got tension between the two of ya, I say you fight it out. Next week on Honor, you're gonna do just that cuz it's gonna be Eddie Guerrero teamin' up with Alberto Del Rio to take on R-Truth and The Miz. And Jesse, since getting physical with Beer Money last week made ya feel so good, you're gonna be in a match next week too. You're just a manager? Who gives a shit, you're brave enough to put your hands on my talent I say you're qualified to get in there. So next week it's gonna be you taking on Honor's newest acquisition, The Undertaker! And as for your little comment about no one bein' able ta' stop ya, I'm gonna put it to ya this way, "Governor". If you get involved in tonight's match in any way shape or form, if you even show up, hell if I see someone in the bar that looks like ya, I'm strippin' R.E.M.E.D.Y. of the tag titles and your ass is fired after your match next week. Now get out of my ring and have a pleasant fuckin' night, gentlemen.
Jim Cornette's music begins to play again as he exits the ring and heads up the ramp. The members of R.E.M.E.D.Y. all look at each other dumbfounded as they then leave the ring as well. The camera pans over to the commentary table.
Jim Ross: Hello ladies and gentlemen, Good Ol' J.R. here officially welcoming you to Thursday Night Honor. I'm here as always with Matt Striker.
Matt Striker: Good evening, CWF fans. Quite a controversial start to tonight's program, wouldn't you say?
Jim Ross: Those two young men keep digging themselves deeper and deeper with Cornette, and this time Jesse's gotten dragged into it.
Matt Striker: Eddie Guerrero and R-Truth teaming up with two men they're trying to recruit in Miz and Del Rio, respectively, as they'll be forced to wrestle each other.
Jim Ross: Certainly won't be a good night to be R.E.M.E.D.Y. next week, but tonight it's a good night to be here on Honor as we've got a tremendous card lined up.
Matt Striker: That's right, J.R. In the main event, Eddie Guerrero and R-Truth will defend their tag team titles against Beer Money in a Bar Room Brawl, a match made last week.
Jim Ross: And in triple threat action, The Coven's Judas Mesias will do battle with Team Mattitude's Jeff Hardy and the returning Muhammad Hassan.
Matt Striker: Plus in our other tag team bout of the night, Alberto Del Rio and The Miz, opponents last week, will team up this week to take on the team of The Undertaker and Kane known as Bad Meets Evil.
Jim Ross: Speaking of Bad Meets Evil we're to hear from them, the team of Roddy Piper & Mr. T, and any other superstar that may have something to say tonight.
Matt Striker: But as for right now we have an explosive opening contest as the new Intercontinental Champion Alex Riley takes on the "Master of Macabre" Kevin Thorn.
The ring bell sounds as Justin Roberts enters the ring to make the introductions.
Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first...
The CWF Universe burst into cheers as Alex Riley makes his way out from the back with the Intercontinental Championship over his shoulder. Riley emerges with a smile on his face as he stands at the top of the ramp and soaks in the positive atmosphere. Riley looks around at the crowd for a moment before deciding to walk down the ramp and towards the ring.
Justin Roberts: From Washington, D.C. Weighing in at 245 pounds, Alex Riiiiiiiiiley!
Riley high-fives some fans as he rounds the corner and walks up the steel steps. He stands on the ring apron with the smile still on his face, before entering the ring. Riley walks over to the turnbuckle, climbs up it and raises his belt over his head.
Jim Ross: What a warm reception for Alex Riley from the Miami crowd.
Matt Striker: He's got the world on his side right now, J.R.
The CWF Universe cheers for Alex Riley as he gets off of the turnbuckle and stands there, prepared for his match.
Justin Roberts: And the opponent...
The lights suddenly go down inside the arena and the familiar whisperings of The Coven's theme begin to be heard throughout the arena.
'Fangin' n' Bangin' hits the PA system and the crowd begin to stir, in fear and in hatred they boo the immediate entrance of The Coven. A fiery circle forms on the stage, and from the fire emerge Kevin Thorn, Ariel by his side and his minions trailing behind him. They walk out from the fire in that order as the crowd begin to rain down with boo's.
Justin Roberts: From Parts Unknown. Weighing in at 270 pounds. Being accompanied to the ring by The Coven, the "Master of Macabre", Kevin Thorn!
The blood thirsty cult make their ways down the ramp as a unit as the crowd continue to boo. Thorn has not take his eyes off of Riley since he emerged from the fiery pit. Ariel takes the lead and walks round to the side of the ring, she then props herself up and then gets herself into her signature bat pose as Kevin Thorn locks lips with her. Ariel then swings down and sits on the middle rope and allows Thorn to enter.
Jim Ross: Kevin Thorn looking surprisingly as if he's not feeling the effects of that Chamber of Horrors match!
Matt Striker: I know he's tough, but there's no way that can be the case, is there?
The Coven exit the ring and remain ringside as the ring bell is sounded again.

We are live from the American Airlines Arena in Miami, Florida where tonight's edition of Thursday Night Honor is emanating. The crowd is cheering in anticipation of what's coming up, when suddenly a theme rings out that changes their mood.
"Coma White" by Marilyn Manson comes blasting over the PA system, pulsating through the arena as the fans begin to boo. As they all rise to their feet, the members of R.E.M.E.D.Y. make their way onto the stage. If one were viewing this on a television screen, R-Truth would be on their right and Eddie Guerrero would be on their left, with Jesse Ventura walking behind both of them. All three men reach the ring as Jesse hands each of them a microphone and keeps one for himself. Their music cuts out as the boos from the crowd are intense and audible. Eddie, dressed in a suit, speaks first.

Eddie Guerrero: You boo us as though you weren't expecting us to be here, even though it was advertised for every fan of this product with a functioning set of eyeballs to behold. In one respect it's comical in its pitifulness, but in another I find myself not in the mood for your stupidity. Now, my bad mood is a bit surprising considering the events of Sunday night, but once you consider the events of last Thursday night, you're more inclined to understand my bitterness, ese'. Last Thursday night on the Supershow, myself and R-Truth took on John Cena and Triple H, two of the biggest names to ever grace this profession and also, two of our biggest targets. And what I mean by that is our mission is to thwart conspiracy, to give guys like ourselves that occupied the bottom echelon of the card for much of our careers due to our size or what have you, a fair chance. John Cena and Triple H are two guys responsible for guys like us being held down. Last Thursday night we had them in our crosshairs, John Cena walked away from the fight so it was just Hunter all by his lonesome. But what happens next?
Eddie looks over at Truth.
You get us disqualified. When it happened in our debut match, that was no big deal holmes because it was just Sheamus, but this was Triple H and Cena! And not only that, but after the match we get our asses kicked with a sledgehammer. Our one embarassment to date and it's because of you! What do you have to say for yourself, pendejo?
Truth goes to answer but Eddie cuts him off.
Ya know what? It doesn't even matter, because I'm going to take the rage I have for you right now and I'm going to channel elsewhere, and hold it in reserve until that Bar Room Brawl, then I'm going to unleash it, vato. Speaking of that match, exactly what was Jim Cornette thinking when he made it? Did he think that he was doing us some kind of disservice? Because Jim, if you honestly think that this is a punishment, you're fooling yourself. Beer Money have proven that they simply can't get the job done. They won the tag titles because of the New Age Outlaws' help, they beat Christian and Brock Lesnar because Brock himself helped. They missed out on Invasion, they lost at Elimination Chamber, and they're going to lose tonight. But not just because of their record in competition, but because of their record with us, ese'. Every time those two get around us, we leave them in a bloody heap. And those were in unsanctioned situations, tonight they're locked in to an actual match where weapons and the like are legal and encouraged, holmes. So Beer Money, as James likes to say, I'm sorry about your damn luck tonight.
While we're on the subject of worthless people we have to defend our titles against, as you know, there was a tag team Chamber match held four nights ago to determine the number one contenders, and who should win but Mr. T and "Rowdy" Roddy Piper. I'm honestly having a hard time not breaking out into laughter, I mean you can't possibly be serious. We have to defend our titles against them? Two men this close to their sixties and one of them isn't even a wrestler? So be it, at Cyber Sunday Truth and I will put these belts up against you but just know that it doesn't matter what stipulation these ignorant people choose, because your chances of beating us are so miniscule you might as well no-show or take the Outlaws' approach and retire.
Eddie lowers his microphone as R-Truth steps forward to say his peace.

R-Truth: Eddie, I don't know what match you were competin' in dawg, but the one I saw you almost lost. So the way I see it, I did you a favor, so before you go gettin' mad at me maybe you should be mad at yourself for gettin' Pedigreed. But that's in the past, it don't matta' no mo', all that mattas is the present and the future, and since you already addressed Cyber Sundee and tonight's main event, I'm gonna address this big announcement we been hypin' up. Now in the last week or so we've seen a lot a' new alliances bein' formed. Undertaker and Kane, The Rock and Santino, etcetera etcetera. But it's not just tag teams, cuz we saw Christian join up with Mattitude as well. Now somethin' bout that don't sit right with me, maybe cuz we don't like Mattitude, maybe cuz we don't like Christian either. Whatever it is, it's got us ta' thinkin', if we was ta' take on any new recruits into R.E.M.E.D.Y., who would dey be? Well, as Eddie said, our purpose is to thwart conspiracy, so the answer to my previous question is quite simple if ya been payin' attention. The Miz has been goin' 'round talkin' bout conspiracy, Alberto Del Rio's been fightin' management talkin' bout conspiracy, even the new CWF World Champion has been talkin' about conspiracy. Well ya'll, I'm here ta' let ya know that you ain't in this fight by yaselves. Don't think of this as an invitation, just somethin' for ya'll ta' mull over. Next week we gon' come out here again, and when that happens, hopefully ya'll will have an answer for us.
R-Truth lowers his microphone as Jesse Ventura steps forward to say a few words.

Jesse Ventura: It seems with each passing week that I continue to be part of this tandem, my involvement in their affairs becomes more and more physical. Last week I got involved in the scrap with Beer Money and even though I'm still feeling the effects of getting hit with that beer cooler, it was a nice feeling to mix it up again, it reminded me that there's still some fight left in this broken down old body. But with that said, I am a manager and strictly that. If Eddie and Truth are in trouble, I'll get involved and help any way that I can, but beyond that you'll hear me on this microphone and you'll see me standing ringside to support their efforts but that's it. Now tonight's encounter won't be in this ring, but you can rest assured that I'm going to be inside that bar and no one is gonna stop me!
As Jesse says this, the crowd erupts with cheers as the music of the Honor General Manager Jim Cornette begins to play, R.E.M.E.D.Y. looking none too pleased.
Cornette makes his way down the ramp in a flustered and rushed fashion as he makes his way up the steel steps and enters the ring. His music stops playing as he raises the microphone he's holding to his mouth.

Jim Cornette: Now listen here and listen good fellas, I didn't give you this time so you could make a power play for other members of my roster. You told me you had some bullshit announcement to make so I figured I'd turn ya loose, well after what I've heard here tonight and what I saw you do last week, I know better than to do that from here on out. You wanna recruit a bunch of guys because Christian joined up with someone else's faction? Well if Christian took a frog splash into a lake of burning excrement, would you do it? I sure as hell hope so, because then I'd have one whiny little bitch and three anarchists off my hands. You don't need to worry about what they're doin' on WAR, you need to worry about what you're doin' on Honor. Tonight, you're gonna get your asses kicked, there's no way around that. Whether you keep those pretty little titles of yours remains to be seen, but you gettin' your ass kicked is a damn certainty. You say you're gonna be here this week? That's fine and dandy, take your little microphones, come out here next week and say whatever you wanna say and if those guys you extended an offer to wanna show up, that's their prerogative. I'm gonna make it worth my while though.
Eddie and Truth, you got tension between the two of ya, I say you fight it out. Next week on Honor, you're gonna do just that cuz it's gonna be Eddie Guerrero teamin' up with Alberto Del Rio to take on R-Truth and The Miz. And Jesse, since getting physical with Beer Money last week made ya feel so good, you're gonna be in a match next week too. You're just a manager? Who gives a shit, you're brave enough to put your hands on my talent I say you're qualified to get in there. So next week it's gonna be you taking on Honor's newest acquisition, The Undertaker! And as for your little comment about no one bein' able ta' stop ya, I'm gonna put it to ya this way, "Governor". If you get involved in tonight's match in any way shape or form, if you even show up, hell if I see someone in the bar that looks like ya, I'm strippin' R.E.M.E.D.Y. of the tag titles and your ass is fired after your match next week. Now get out of my ring and have a pleasant fuckin' night, gentlemen.
Jim Cornette's music begins to play again as he exits the ring and heads up the ramp. The members of R.E.M.E.D.Y. all look at each other dumbfounded as they then leave the ring as well. The camera pans over to the commentary table.
Jim Ross: Hello ladies and gentlemen, Good Ol' J.R. here officially welcoming you to Thursday Night Honor. I'm here as always with Matt Striker.
Matt Striker: Good evening, CWF fans. Quite a controversial start to tonight's program, wouldn't you say?
Jim Ross: Those two young men keep digging themselves deeper and deeper with Cornette, and this time Jesse's gotten dragged into it.
Matt Striker: Eddie Guerrero and R-Truth teaming up with two men they're trying to recruit in Miz and Del Rio, respectively, as they'll be forced to wrestle each other.
Jim Ross: Certainly won't be a good night to be R.E.M.E.D.Y. next week, but tonight it's a good night to be here on Honor as we've got a tremendous card lined up.
Matt Striker: That's right, J.R. In the main event, Eddie Guerrero and R-Truth will defend their tag team titles against Beer Money in a Bar Room Brawl, a match made last week.
Jim Ross: And in triple threat action, The Coven's Judas Mesias will do battle with Team Mattitude's Jeff Hardy and the returning Muhammad Hassan.
Matt Striker: Plus in our other tag team bout of the night, Alberto Del Rio and The Miz, opponents last week, will team up this week to take on the team of The Undertaker and Kane known as Bad Meets Evil.
Jim Ross: Speaking of Bad Meets Evil we're to hear from them, the team of Roddy Piper & Mr. T, and any other superstar that may have something to say tonight.
Matt Striker: But as for right now we have an explosive opening contest as the new Intercontinental Champion Alex Riley takes on the "Master of Macabre" Kevin Thorn.
The ring bell sounds as Justin Roberts enters the ring to make the introductions.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first...

The CWF Universe burst into cheers as Alex Riley makes his way out from the back with the Intercontinental Championship over his shoulder. Riley emerges with a smile on his face as he stands at the top of the ramp and soaks in the positive atmosphere. Riley looks around at the crowd for a moment before deciding to walk down the ramp and towards the ring.
Justin Roberts: From Washington, D.C. Weighing in at 245 pounds, Alex Riiiiiiiiiley!
Riley high-fives some fans as he rounds the corner and walks up the steel steps. He stands on the ring apron with the smile still on his face, before entering the ring. Riley walks over to the turnbuckle, climbs up it and raises his belt over his head.
Jim Ross: What a warm reception for Alex Riley from the Miami crowd.
Matt Striker: He's got the world on his side right now, J.R.
The CWF Universe cheers for Alex Riley as he gets off of the turnbuckle and stands there, prepared for his match.
Justin Roberts: And the opponent...
The lights suddenly go down inside the arena and the familiar whisperings of The Coven's theme begin to be heard throughout the arena.
'Fangin' n' Bangin' hits the PA system and the crowd begin to stir, in fear and in hatred they boo the immediate entrance of The Coven. A fiery circle forms on the stage, and from the fire emerge Kevin Thorn, Ariel by his side and his minions trailing behind him. They walk out from the fire in that order as the crowd begin to rain down with boo's.

Justin Roberts: From Parts Unknown. Weighing in at 270 pounds. Being accompanied to the ring by The Coven, the "Master of Macabre", Kevin Thorn!
The blood thirsty cult make their ways down the ramp as a unit as the crowd continue to boo. Thorn has not take his eyes off of Riley since he emerged from the fiery pit. Ariel takes the lead and walks round to the side of the ring, she then props herself up and then gets herself into her signature bat pose as Kevin Thorn locks lips with her. Ariel then swings down and sits on the middle rope and allows Thorn to enter.
Jim Ross: Kevin Thorn looking surprisingly as if he's not feeling the effects of that Chamber of Horrors match!
Matt Striker: I know he's tough, but there's no way that can be the case, is there?
The Coven exit the ring and remain ringside as the ring bell is sounded again.
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