No Smark Zone 17: The State of the WWE, Too Many Titles, Why I Hate The X-D and More!

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Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
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Welcome my friends to anther exciting edition of The No Smark Zone. We have certainly had an interesting week in wrestling. One wrestler found out he has a heart condition, TNA hired some guy who shot a few people (allegedly), and one of the most dominant monster heels in wrestling today, turned face. Well lets get started shall we?

Too Many Titles
There are too many fucking titles in the WWE. 9 to be exact. My problem with this is, if a title is supposed to be special, how is that so when there are EIGHT OTHERS OUT THERE! Yes, I know, the 3 brands need a champion, but really why do BOTH brands need undercard titles and tag team titles? I understand the need to have the Women’s and CW titles, though they are both currently being grossly misused. But you don’t need two tag titles, the IC, and the US Title and here is why. Who is the IC Champion right now? Umaga. And when is the last time he defended his title in something that wasn’t a squash match? At the Bash vs. Jeff Hardy right? Before then and after then its been a series of “lets beat the shit out of that whiny bitch Santino. And don’t get me wrong, I really don’t have a problem with that. I enjoy seeing Mario get his ass kicked WEEKLY because he is fucking annoying. However that should be done by a monster not by the IC Champion. Over on SD we have MVP who is actually conducting himself like a champion which is great. He’s playing the cocky prick heel champion like a lot of us love to see and ever more love to hate.

I think the WWE should merge the two titles because really the IC Title has no value anymore. It’s rarely defended and if it us, in the past few months its usually been in a squash match. The US Title is taking over the old IC Title role of elevating talent. Matt Hardy and MVP are the two best undercard wrestlers the WWE has right now. And it’s due, in part, to their feud over the US Title. So have ONE CHAMP who goes to all three shows. I don’t know if it can be done is this day and age, however back in the day, the best of the best would travel all over the country and take on the best each territory had to offer. Now I could see the WWE doing that with the tag/undercard divisions. Imagine Umaga and The Redneck Wrecking Crew traveling to Smackdown to take on MVP and Jesse/Festus. Not only do you have faces teaming with heels, you have the whole “pride of the brand” issue. Will they be able to coexist to bring the title to “our brand” the “best brand”. I don’t see why they would even go to ECW because lets face it, that roster has the depth of a teaspoon. But if they get it off the ground , it could be even MORE compelling.

Now I know that the word “merge” makes some people cringe. “What about the histories of each title” etc. Sad to say, that doesn’t really matter at this point. And this might make a few of you pissed but what the situation boils down to is this…a title is only as valuable as the man who is CURRENTLY wearing it. So you can take all of the Pat Patterson, Bret Hart, Mr. Perfect, and HBK matches for the IC title and chuck them out the fucking window. They mean squat as of right now. Right now, UMAGA is champion and that is all that matters. Sure, you can bring up the past but that doesn’t mean anything really. The WCW WHC was once held by David Arquette. Everyone thought that was a death nail. Guess what, when HHH came out and ran through everyone put in his path, he restored credibility to the title that hadn’t been seen since the old days of Ric Flair. So while some purists would argue this will demean the history of the titles, I don’t think that at all. That and the WWE undercard is spread really fucking thin right now.



Raw has

Jeff Hardy
Benjamin (maybe)

ECW has

Cor Von

This is not an equal distribution of talent. And I know you could thro some others in there but elevating anyone else to their status is just stupid. Snitsky isn’t there yet. Neither is Dykstra, Viscera, or Eugene. If MVP travels to Raw, imagine the feud he could have with Umaga and Jeff or over on ECW with Thorne, Brurke or Co Von. Or in the same respect, who wouldn’t want to see Umaga take on guys like Finlay, Thorne, or CM Punk? The possibilities are fucking endless! And the same could be said for the tag division…

Raw has

Cade and Murdoch
Cryme Tyme
London and Kendrick
The Highlanders

SD has

Deuce and Domino
The Majors
Jesse and Festus

Once again this is NOT an equal distribution. How can you have a tag team division with just three god damn tag teams? And the WWE doesn’t even find time for THOSE as it is so why the fuck not just merge them and have 7 teams in total as opposed to 3 on one show, 4 on a second, and ZERO on a third? Doesn’t that make a lot more sense?

Ok, now that I got that out of my system, I would like to move on to why I don’t like TNA. I really, truly, fucking hate TNA and more specifically the X-Division…

The X-Division
My biggest problem with TNA is the X-Division. I fucking hate it. I see not one good god damn thing about this division. Yeah, they can do high spots, but that’s it. Who gives a rats ass. I can go to a fucking circus and see a guy do HIGHER spots. Guys doing the same shit as the fuckers in the Ultimate X match and guess what, IN THE CIRCUS THE TRAPEEZE DOESN’T COLLAPSE! The guys in the X-Division, for the most part, know fuck all about working a match. They are so worried about going through these matches that are just 10 minutes of spots that they don’t listen to the crowd and they don’t work a logical match. The crowd is cheering, hard rocking, its time for the face to make a comeback and the average X-D wrestler is thinking “ok I’m gonna duck under the clothesline, bounce off the ropes, go for a head scissors, he’s gonna try and dump me out of the ring and then I’m gonna turn it into a DDT” and that’s not what you’re supposed to be doing. React to what’s going on. If you punch one fucker in the mouth and it doesn’t look good, guess what, it doesn’t fucking matter anymore because you cant execute a basic god damn punch. They over-think shit when all they really need to do is start off by punching someone in the mouth and then doing some other cool high spots.
But they don’t do that they choreograph everything and it looks so fake. Yes it is fake but when you watch a movie the shit looks real. When I saw Harry Potter flying on a broom, it actually looked like he was flying over the water. Yes, I know its fake, but that’s no reason to not try and make it look real. That’s the whole god damn point of wrestling, MAKE IT LOOK REAL. They don’t give a shit about making it look real, they care about making the crowd go “Oooooooooo.” Guess what, that doesn’t draw fucking money, which is why no one stands out in the X-Division. Sonjay Dutt, Christopher Daniels, AJ Styles, all of these guys are interchangeable. You could put any guy in the Christian Coalition in AJ Styles’ place and nobody would know the fucking difference. And that’s not only on their ring work, that’s got to do with their lack of personalities. What is Sonjay Dutt’s character? How about Chris Daniels? Jay Lethal? Exactly. They don’t have a character. They may have a GIMMICK, but they have no character!

The State of The WWE
I think it is time for an evaluation of the WWE on my part. I mean I know all I do is evaluate, but this is going to be a full blown analysis of each show and what I think could be done to make it better or what I think is going really well.


Oh my God, where the fuck do I start! CAN WE GET SOME MORE WRESTLERS THERE PLEASE!? I mean the “main event” (which is no better than a mid card on the two big shows) is pretty well set. Punk, Dreamer, Cor Von, Burke, Morrison, and maybe even Thorne. That’s all set. But the undercard is shit. Here is the ECW undercard, Balls Mahoney, Stevie Richards, Viscera, Matt Striker, The Boogeyman, and The Miz. Are you fucking serious? How do you expect a brand to thrive or even fucking SURIVE with that bullshit as the undercard? God damn. I know they are supposed to be a developmental territory but Jesus Christ man, they have no one to develop in the undercard, other than god damn MIZ. It just flat out sucks. Send Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin, London, Kendrick, or even Dykstra and Yang over there. They are legit wrestlers who need to develop and not a bunch of freaks. I like Boogey but he doesn’t need to be paired up with Big Daddy V. The WWE have so much talent, believe it or not, in the WAYYY under card. Why not send them to ECW?

I absolutely love what they are doing with Morrison. The 15 minutes of fame thing was god damned great. It showed Johnny Boy is a true old school heel by picking on these weaker, smaller, slower, dumber guys and saying “I am the shit” after beating them. It’s classic stuff. Now I don’t particularly like CM Punk in the equation right now for the simple reason that they have been feuding the past few months and the fans have completely shit all over the matches. I’m not saying de-push Punk, I’m sayng give someone else a chance. Give it to Dreamer. Turn Burke face Hell bring in fucking Jeff Hardy. AND THEN go back to it later when they have both developed a bit more.

The midcard (IC Title) division is in trouble. It sucks. Umaga is now a face so he cant face Jeff Hardy when he gets back. So who does Umaga fued with? Santino again? Shit no. Kennedy, Orton, Carlito? Perhaps but Carlito is the only “mid carder” there. The others are main eventers. Why feed Orton or Kennedy to Umaga or vice versa? It wouldn’t make an sense. Have them fight for sure but don’t let them make the other look too weak. Id either elevate Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas to the IC Division or bring in someone else because without some fresh faces, the shit is going to continue to flounder for months to come.
They need to push the tag team division. I cant stress this enough. Why the fuck have 4 pretty good tag teams on a show if you aren’t gonna fucking use them? They are just totally shitting on the tag titles and whats worse is they are letting this great talent go to waste.

The main event scene is the best thing on Raw. Cena, Lashley, Orton, Booker, DX, Kennedy, this is the best main event scene on Raw in a long time, maybe ever. When HHH and HBK get back, yes its gonna get really crowded, however it’s going to be interesting with all o the potential match ups. HBK/Carlito, Kennedy, Lashley. HHH/Kennedy, Lashley, Carlito and everything in between.

The show with the worst ME scene has the best undercard. How does that work? Anyway, SD is great for one reason, the work of everyone who isn’t Batista or Khali. Edge, when he was there, Matt Hardy, MVP, Finlay, Kane, Ric Flair, Chris Masters, ok maybe not Mark Henry and Dykstra, but you get my point. I feel that SDs undercard is like Raw’s overcard. But unlike Raw, it’s a lot easier to give someone a push than it is to simply demote them. I hear people talk about demoting Cena, Lashley, and the like. Are you fucking kidding me? Yeah let’s just demote two of the biggest stars in the business right now. We’ve sacrificed talent and a lot of money but no lets have them open up the show because a very vocal MINORITY don’t like them. It’s fucking Blue. Anyway, I’d push Matt Hardy, Flair, or Kane and turn one of them heel because that’s what the show needs. A WORKING heel, not one who is stiffer than my cock looking at Alexis Laree. Batista is not enough to carry a show by himself, and that’s what they are asking him to do. Before it was mostly Edge and some Batista. But now its all on big Dave who is all of what 5 – 6 years old in WWE years? Come on. With Rey Mysterio and Undertaker coming back, it will defiantely add some much needed life into the show but THEY NEED A WORKING HEEL!! I don’t care who it is. Flair, Kane, hell turn fucking Batista, I don’t give a shit, but do something!

With the CW division, either use it or fucking scrap it. The title is less relevant than any other title that is on TV right now, and that’s a fact, sad but true. And while I do like Hornswaggle and like seeing him on TV, giving him the title really didn’t do much for its cred. It was shocking to be sure, but that’s about it. I mean they might as well have a woman win a title that’s been exclusively held by men…..oh wait…..>_>

The “Smart Fans” of NYC

Ok before I go I want to rant a little more about “smart fans”. Anyone who saw Raw last night saw what is wrong with the wrestling industry today, and I’m not talking about the guys in the ring. I’m talking about the idiots in the crowd. No, it wasn’t JUST that they were cheering for Orton and booing Cena. That’s not that big a deal. Cheer for whoever the fuck you want. What made them a “smark” crowd was things like what happened during the Cody Rhodes/Charlie Haas match. But I’ll get to that in a minute. How the fuck can the “smart fans” boo Cena and yet blow their fucking wads when Hogan runs through how many guys in MSG? Are you fucking kidding me? Even today Hogan gets the biggest pops in NYC but a guy in Cena who has a better “workrate” and understands psychology almost as well as Hogan gets boo’d? That’s what makes them smarter? You’re out of your god damn mind if you agree. But anyway back to the Cody thing. The crowd completely shit on the match before it even had a chance to get started. 3 minutes, at the most, into the match the crowd was going BOOOOOOOOOORING. What the fuck is that about? They just got out there! What the fuck do you expect from a guy in Cody who has wrestled a whole what 4 matches on WWE TV? It’s crap and I hate the fact that fans today are so god damned jaded and cynical. I also completely blame the fans for the horrible match that Brock and Goldberg had at WM 20. Because like it or not, Goldberg and Lesnar were one of a kind wrestlers. Goldberg moreso in WCW but still you know and I know that they COULD have had a way better match than that. But you know what, if I came out there and the crowd was completely shitting on everything I was doing BEFORE THE MATCH EVEN STARTS, I would be like “you know what? Fuck all of you people too, I already got your money so I’m gonna really shove it up your ass now.” The fans are so cynical now a days. Munk made a valid point that they may have a right to be that way. And that may very well be the case. But here is the thing, if you are that jaded, what the fuck are you doing paying anywhere from 30-100 dollars for tickets? If you are really that pissed off about the WWE Product, why the fuck go to a show? Watching it on free TV I guess I get because I watch TNA when I get bored on a Thursday night. But not only do you buy the ticket, you gas up the car, get food, beer, and whatever else. And you do all that just to be a cynical prick? Are you fucking kidding me? Its stupid and I will close this column by saying that all of you “smart” fans out there in NYC and everywhere else are FUCKING STUPID. Fans who are actually smart are like people who are actually smart or tough or whatever, they don’t fucking brag about it. And that’s all that shit is. Stupid fucking posturing on the part of the “smart” fans.

Ok so if I haven't lost all of my readers I just wanna say that the guys in the review section work really hard on their stuff so show them some respect and take a look at what they have to say, even if you don't agree. Right Peepshow ;).

This week's quote comes from William Regal "I should change tonights main event to Rowe vs. Wade because THAT WAS AN ABORTION!":rocket:

See ya next time!


You forgot to mention London and Kendrick in the tag teams!!

Also, I don't mind you criticizing the X-Division, but I have to defend Christopher Daniels. If there's someone in the X-Division who can actually wrestle a match without the flippity flips, its Daniels.

Besides, the higher-ups in TNA want them to wrestle like that. Alex Shelley has been in trouble with TNA because he did something terrible!! He tried to chain-wrestle in an X-Divison match (and was told to cut that crap out), so you can't put all the blame on the performers.


New Member
Aug 14, 2007
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Wow! How long did it take you to write all of that? You seem like a very smart writer, nice work!


Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
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I forgot who? >_>

And its not just about flippity flops in TNA, its about those guys not listening to the smart people they have (cornette and Raven) and LEARNING HOW TO WORK A MATCH. People talk about how John Cena's matches are crap, dude at least he knows how to sell. I mean he's not perfect at it yet but he is LIGHT YEARS AHEAD OF TNA's X-DIVISION! imo.


The thing is neither Cornette or Raven work as the bookers. Yet another stupid decision by Dixie Carter. They have probably two of the greatest wrestling minds in the business, and they fail to use either one properly.


Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
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Ahh but it doesnt have to do with booking. Very rarely does booking affect a wrestlers ability to use psychology. The character development thing, yeah Id blame that partially on TNA booking, but the psychology thing is the fault of no one else but the wrestlers. Alex Shelly didnt get busted for selling and using psychology, he got busted for using a few submission holds and having a slower paced match. YOu dont need to have a slow match to have psychology. Look at any given Eddie, Jericho, Malenko, Benoit, and Rey Crusier match in WCW. They had free reign to do whatever they wanted, but they all used psychology because every one of them had good teachers.


Aug 7, 2007
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Houston, TX
this is a very good thread. i dont agree with everthing said, but i respect you as a writer


Active Member
Feb 22, 2007
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Your obviously not familiar with much Independent Wrestling. Guys like Alex Shelly and Chris Sabin are exactly what TNA wants them to be. It's hard to judge a wrestlers by 3 minute fillers on a hour wrestling show. IMO until you've seen someone in a match that last for an extended amount of time, or watch their independent work, you will not realize or recognize the full potential of that wrestler. If you watch Alex Shelley vs Claudio Castagnoli from This Means War, it will clearly see otherwise. Alex Shelley played the crowd as well as I've seen anyone do, the mat wrestling was great, the chain wrestling was was an overall great match. I can say the same about Sonjay Dutt vs Bryan Danielson as well as and plenty of other matches that will prove your "theory" wrong, hell I can give you links, but you probably wouldn't bother as the matches are from an "EVIL Promotion" not called World Wrestling Entertainment.

btw, Great Column


Apr 9, 2007
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I was at The garden last night.. right next to sandman actually.. that was freaking awesome to be so close. But i totally agree with you i got very mad at the crowd when they started booing the match right away i even got a small cody rhodes chant going to try to drown it out. I however was loving all the cena haters there. We got some great cena sucks chants going. Its fucking time for cena to drop the belt! I hate hogan as well so i do agree with you that the people shouldn't be cheering for hogan and not cena. with that said i love the NYC crowd and hope its just as anti-cena at summerslam! Because ill be there as well. I don't completely agree that they should get rid of the intercontinental title and US title. But they definitely need to unify the tag team titles. Other wise great column as usual.


I usually agree with what you say, sometimes but don't agree with your X division rant but you are good at backing it up but it still wont chant my views. But your Tag Team rant was correct. I remember in early 2002-2003 not that long after the brand split the TT championships were SD! Only, there were some good teams to (Team Angle, Billy & Chuck, Bashams, Guerrero & Benoit etc.) they need to unify the belts and put them on SD, Raw doesn't need any more superstars like D&D, WGTT or L&K.


Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
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Titletown, Mexico
I completely agree with your opinion on That Goldberg/Lesnar match. You could see both men were pumped up to have an all out f'n war,but as soon as the Smark-chants started, instantly both Goldberg and Lesnar got that look, like "Fuck this!"
I mean there was no bigger Goldberg Mark then me,My best friend Was a pretty big Lesnar fan,cause of his feud with Angle. So we both were Hyped up for Lesnar/Goldberg 1. And We all know what we got from that match.
After it, I felt pretty devastated as a fan:doh: . I kinda slowly quit watching,cause I felt like a dumbass:pissed: ,but after a month or 4,my buddy convinced me to come back and start watching again,so now its all good:thumbup:


Aug 10, 2007
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Nottingham, UK
Interesting article, but I have to agree with Rell if you don't think the X-Divisioners can work the crowd then you clearly havn't watched a decent PPV match. Especially Daniels, Daniels is the future of wrestling IMO, however TNA are mis-using him at present.


Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
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Titletown, Mexico
X-division guys,cruiserweight guys wrestle that Mexican Lucha Libre spot Style. Neat atheletism,but I prefer Middleweight to Heavyweight guys.


I agree with most of the things you have said about the MSG Crowd and all. But one thing hits me, dude why is the X-Division yuck? It's the best damn thing in TNA and that's what makes TNA so good in my opinion it's better than the Heavyweight Division of TNA. As for the Championship belts I will agree, WWE Should merge the World Tag Team Championships with the WWE Tag Team Championships and the IC-US Title.
ECW has improved alot in the past few months and they have good work over there, and they don't really need to have Hass, Hardy and some more talent over there, okay I agree that Matt Striker and Boogeyman are annoying but really they don't need more talent on ECW. Mid-Card Talent is just about okay. Cor Van and Thorn?? and the Main Event Punk, Morrison and Burke is well okay.
I'm glad you have become this Sections Mod, you really can write some good Articles and can mark some big points. Good Work, Keep it up Kaedon! :)


Active Member
Aug 13, 2007
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i agree wiv pretty much everything u sed,spesh about the tt belts id like 2 see them only having only the 1 belt,ps nice writing:)