
If you were aloud to create a stable for WWE using anyone on the roster and in OVW who would you use...Now in WWE stables are completely wiped out but as you know they make for great entertainment..Look at The Hart Foundation/The Nation Of Domination/DX/Evolution...They were all great and had a chance to enhance wrestlers careers as well as provide great storylines....So the question is:What is your dream stable of the current roster?
My choices would be this:
Name:The Educators
Tag Team:Marcus Cor Von/Matt Striker
Mid Carder:Carlito
Now to back up why I will say this:I think Kennedy/Carlito have GREAT mic skills...Now Striker and Cor Von have teamed before so can work together...Not to mention Striker is pretty good on the mic and the teacher/educator/cocky gimmick is good....
How it would haappen:I think Striker and Cor Von can be shunned by Burke from the new Breed...They blame eachother but eventually decide that its needless to argue...Now they can team but eventually recruit or be recruited by The Cocky Mr.Kennedy who has the idea of teaming up to "teach"Burke and others a lesson....So they can throw Carlito into the mix and then their whole gimmick could be sort of just being cocky but dring the feuds have Striker "educate"their opponents,slamming and insulting them as Kennedy and Carlito do their usual stuff...
So now just post your choices,why you chose them and if you want you can write how it would happen/what would happen....
My choices would be this:
Name:The Educators
Tag Team:Marcus Cor Von/Matt Striker
Mid Carder:Carlito
Now to back up why I will say this:I think Kennedy/Carlito have GREAT mic skills...Now Striker and Cor Von have teamed before so can work together...Not to mention Striker is pretty good on the mic and the teacher/educator/cocky gimmick is good....
How it would haappen:I think Striker and Cor Von can be shunned by Burke from the new Breed...They blame eachother but eventually decide that its needless to argue...Now they can team but eventually recruit or be recruited by The Cocky Mr.Kennedy who has the idea of teaming up to "teach"Burke and others a lesson....So they can throw Carlito into the mix and then their whole gimmick could be sort of just being cocky but dring the feuds have Striker "educate"their opponents,slamming and insulting them as Kennedy and Carlito do their usual stuff...
So now just post your choices,why you chose them and if you want you can write how it would happen/what would happen....