Chuck, you don't have to defend yourself. You never posted a true spoiler. Like you said, it has already been announced on, aswell as numerous news sites. It is still somewhat of a spoiler, but WWE removed that tag when they announced the Title change on their website. Also, you never broke any rules, as you clearly stated in the topic title, that it would include Spoilers from the SD! taping, yet never revealed what the spoiler(s) was, so it was upto the member if they wanted to view the spoilers or not.
And anyway, everyone knows that rules don't apply to Staff

As for the topic itself, I think it is a good move. No, really, I do. Hear me out. WWE obviously want a heel to be the World Champion on the brand, as that is the way they have set up the brand since the draft (expected Edge to be Champion for a long time, where he would feud with a returning Rey and Undertaker). After realising this, look at the current top level heels on the SD! Brand. Yehh, keep looking. There is only Khali/Henry. Out of those two, Khali is the only credible guy to carry the title.
Also, this will draw major heat, as a majority of the fans hate the guy. It also carrys on tradition, where a guy from Raw gets defeated by Cena and then comes over to SD! and wins the belt (Angle, Edge, Khali).
Also, it enables WWE to follow through with the Batista/Khali match *I don't know what happens at SD!, just a possibility*. On top of that, he is a much more worthy Champion that Kane, as he defeated him at Mania and is actually credible, having been defeated only once or twice since his debut, wheras Kane is a jobbing machine.
Obviously, Khali wouldn't be my ideal choice, but if you actually look at the current state of the SD! roster (Henry nowhere to be seen, Batista had too many title shots, Undertaker out, Rey not ready to return, Edge out injured, Flair injured, Matt not yet credible, MVP not ready, etc.), it is quite a logical decision.