
Now that Smackdown has lost top stars Chris Benoit,London & Kendrick,Booker,Kennedy and William Regal and gained top star Ric Flair. They need to re build smackdown by creating more top stars. I soon reliezed that's what smackdown does they create stars that eventually end up on raw once they have gone big. Which is bull if you ask me but that's another discussion and ill continue with my current one. So despite losing stars smackdown has gained future one's. The Major Brothers are definately an example i think they have the chance to become the next big tag team. Chris Masters has the "IT" factor it's just that RAW failed to make him big just like they do with everyone else. So now that the Masterpiece is on smackdown i wouldn't doubt that he won't become a star. Holly was getting there on ECW but as soon as he got injured they decieded to do nothing with him. Anyone remember when Holly was on smackdown and faced Brock lesnar for the wwe title at the royal rumble? Sure he never got huge but he was a star at that moment. So knowing this it seems that Holly well probably get his final chance on smackdown and with the roster not so stacked he has a better chance. Kenny Dykstra was getting a push on raw for a little while but like raw always does they failed to finish the star creating process and now that Kenny is on smackdown he has a chance to be refreshed and hopefully this time the process can finish. If you think smackdown will fail in creating these stars just look at the history. Johnny Nitro was a huge tag team star with Mercury and it allowed him to receive a push on raw. Carlito proofed he had something when he was on smackdown and he received a chance on raw. Cena was huge on smackdown and look at what happened everyone knows who he is now. Mr.Kennedy was the fastest rising star on smackdown and before he left smackdown he was more than main event level. Booker T was sent to smackdown when he was traded back for HHH. A year or two later he won the king of the ring and was given the name King Booker. Less than 3 months later he won the world title and in doing so finally won the big one in the WWE. He would have never won the title if he stayed on raw because he wouldn't have received the King gimmick which made him a huge star. Chris Benoit was in a great fued with lesnar for the wwe title and he was sent to raw and won the rumble and finally he won the world title at Wrestlemania 20. Would he have gotten that chance if he wasn't on smackdown perviously? Hell no. So i think i made my point so please discuss.