-------------WHC Promo---------------
Lillian Garcia: The following contest is for the World Heavyweight championship!.Is a last man standing match!.
(Big show's theme:Heeey is the big show!!) The crowd boos him as he walks slowly to the ring , shouting -Do not boo me you stupid crowd-to the public .
Cole:That's not a nice way to keep calm a giant.
on't mess up with the giant !
Big show asks for a mic.
Big show:Here your new WHC the big show! I'm gonna knock out him (looking at his hand) , till he cannot stand up again in his enti....
Ricardo Rodriguez shows up with a microphone , gets a huge ovation from the crowd for interrupting the Big Show
Ricardo Rodriguez : Desde Méjico , vuestro campeón de pesos pesados,la esencia de la WWE , la leyenda viviente , el gran ALBERTOOOO DEEELL RIOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
A car driven by Alberto appears from the backstage
JBL:Wow ! What an amazing car ! I love this dude! A Mercedes SLS AMG!!
What an awesome car and what a fantastic wrestler! Hope he knows how to beat the giant!
Lawler:It's gonna be a tough match for Alberto ! Gonna be really physical ! And no DQ!
Cole:Everything it's allowed!Chairs!Tables!Ladders!
Alberto del rio hugs Ricardo out and walks slowly to the ring.He gives his scarf to a young fan.Big Show goes out of the ring as Alberto steps in.Then Big Show starts talking again.
Big show:You should be afraid of me Berto,I've brought this.
Big show shows the giant chair ,the one he beat Sheamus with.
Cole:My god !He has brought that chair!
JBL:An awesome weapon !
Alberto and Ricardo look surprised.The big show goes back to the ring.Alberto rises the belt and asks Ricardo to leave.
The referee rings the bell and the match starts , Show rises the chair and Alberto del rio runs out of the ring .
JBL:You don't wanna be in the same ring that a giant with a giant chair!
Alberto grabs another chair and gets in the ring. Big show tries to hit him with the giant chair,Alberto moves to the right and hits Show's leg with the chair,Show drops the giant chair because of the hit.
Cole:Nice counter by Alberto,who's now in control!
Lawler:Everything is legal!
Alberto hits Show's back with the chair.
Show lays into his knees.Alberto hits another three times.Big show cannot stand more the pain and falls .
Alberto: The count !
The referee starts counting . 1.....2.....3
Big show cannot stand up ...4...5 but he's finally able to stand up.
Alberto grabs the giant chair , and stares at the crowd .Everyone starts shouting SI! SI! SI! SI!.
JBL:What a crowd ! What an atmosphere! Go for it Berto!
Lawler:Go for it !
Alberto rises the chair , when suddenly Big show starts begging , asking Alberto not to hit him.Alberto doubts about it when Show suddenly hits a K.O punch to the chair ,which hits Alberto.
JBL:Wow.Smart move by Show.
Alberto has some blood coming out of his nose.
Lawler:Holy shit! Alberto is bleeding. What a freaking punch!
Big show starts laughing at him.Alberto is just K.O on the ring.He is laying in the ring like if he has been hit by an elephant.
Big Show:U stupid referee start the count ! Don't waste my time!
The referee starts the count.1....2....3....4...
JBL:He's gonna win this thing!
...5...6 Alberto is on his knees
....7....8 Ricardo suddenly steps in the ring and helps Alberto to stand up.The crowd cheers both of them.
Lawler:That's called partnership!.
Big show grabs Ricardo and hits him with a K.O punch.
JBL: Oh God !
Cole:Big Show hits way harder than a professional boxer , he has destroyed Ricardo's jaw for sure.
Alberto rolls off the ring and brings Ricardo with him .The big show keeps laughing at both of them.Alberto bring a bat from under the ring , Big show goes out off the ring and Alberto tries to hit him , however , Big show stops the bat from hitting him,kicks Alberto's stomach and throws the bat away . Alberto starts kicking Show's legs , trying to bring him down .
JBL:That's the only way !
Show pushs him to the stairs but Alberto manages himself to skip the stairs.Show iwas going to hit a spear to Alberto but he moves to the left and Show goes trough the barricade.
Cole:Mother of god!Show just went trough the barricade !
JBL:Is this enough for Alberto ?
The referee starts the counting but he only reaches 8 . Big show stands up .
Alberto starts talking with Ricardo , who has already recovered from the K.O punch.
Alberto turns back , and hits a flying kick to show's head .
JBL:He's owningthe giant !
Ricardo starts walking slowly to the backstage.
Alberto brings Show to the ramp for going to the backstage and start punching each other .
Lawler:The match is getting way more physical than it should.This is not good for Alberto.
Show pushes Alberto to the barricade .Alberto stands up and Show spears him.
JBL:What a fantastic move!
Ricardo has opened the car's door and started to look for something .
The Big show is now working Alberto's back.Then he holds him with the bear's hug.
Cole: Alberto is running out of air!
Show brings Alberto next to the huge WWE's logo, and he body slams him to the logo.
Lawler:Such as an amazing match! Who's gonna win?
JBL:Go Alberto !
The referee asks Alberto if he can continue in the match . Meanwhile , big show runs to the announce table and gets a mic . He walks back where Alberto is.He starts making fun of Alberto:
Hey amigo ! What's up dude ? Wanna have a burrito?I invite you!What so you say?
Show situates the mic closed to Alberto's mouth .
Alberto with his last breath says :
Hey Amigo ! You should be more careful!
Big show stands up and looks around , Then he suddenly realise that Ricardo is driving Alberto's car , Show screams -No- and hits the referee with a K.O punch , just before Ricardo runs over him.
The crowd goes crazy
JBL:Holy shit ! Holy shit!
Cole:Mother of God! Did-did-did Ricardo just ran over the Big show?
Lawler:That was freaking crazy!
The referee is k.o and he cannot stand up .
Ricardo helps Alberto to stand up. Alberto thanks Ricardo. Then he looks at the referee and realises that he's not gonna be able to start the count so he start talking with Ricardo in Spanish .Big show cannot move at all.
JBL:Alberto has realised that he's not gonna be able to win the match this way ! He needs to think about something that doesnt allow big show to stand up.
The camera focus on the mexicans.
Ricardo:Maybe with a barricade , or chairs ...
Alberto:No,No,No , he's a giant.... We need something bigger
Ricardo:Then the stairs ! Or tables! No se....
Alberto:Wait my friend what if...(he starts speaking Spanish)
Ricardo looks surprised about what Alberto just said to him . Both of them run to the car and open the boot.
JBL:Looks like if they are looking for something! The ultimate weapon!
Lawler:Go Alberto! Looks like if he has a great idea!
Cole:He looks really confident !
The crowd is chanting SI!SI!SI! As both ,mexicans keep looking into the boot.
Then , Alberto takes an object from the boot.
Lawler:What the hell is that?!?!?
Alberto shows it to the crowd .
JBL:Wait what?!? A jack ?! Oh no he's not gonnna do that...No way!
Show keeps unconscious but the referee starts moving his legs and arms .
Ricardo starts using the jack ,elevating the front part of the car. Alberto stares at Big show .
When Ricardo has already elevated enough the car he shouts -ya está-to Alberto , then he looks at Show for the last time and pushes him under the car .
JBL:No fucking way! He's gonna kill him!
Lawler:Keep it PG! What the hell!
Cole : That's amazing,smart,awesome,intelligent .....
Once the Big show is under the car,Ricardo takes off the jack so the whole weight of the car goes to Big show whostarts screaming-I quit! I freaking quit!- ,the referee stands up and starts counting .
Alberto grabs the mic and starts counting in Spanish. The Big show keeps screaming as he cannot move.
All the crowd is counting at the same time as Alberto :
UNO .....
JBL: What the hell! He's gonna do it ! He's gonna retain the title !
JBL, Lawler and Cole join the Crowd , Ricardo and Alberto.
The ring bells and Alberto and Ricardo hug out.The referee asks members from the staff to move the car as Show doesn't stop screaming .
Alberto runs to the ring and takes the belt from Lillian Garcia , then he goes to the turnbuckle and rises it . The whole crowd cheers him and SI!SI!SI! Are all over the arena .
Cole:What an amazing match! Fantastic!
JBL:Woooww! Alberto is a genius !
Lawler:What a way I start a PPV!
--------Highlights of the match-----
The camera focus on the three commentators .
Cole:Up next ,the Tag team Championship match.
The camera focus briefly on Alberto and Ricardo and the in Big show who is being helped by the medical staff .
------------Commercial Break-----------
Winner : ADR Lenght:23 minute 34 seconds